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Tak Governor Dimisses Possibility Of Bhumibol Dam Collapse

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Tak Governor Dimisses Possibility of Dam Collapse

Tak Province officials have given their assurances that an evacuation plan has been drawn up in case of a disaster, after locals voiced concern about the possibility of the the Bhumibol Dam collapsing because of an earthquake.

In response to locals' concerns about the collapse of the Bhumibol Dam, the provincial governor of Tak province has assured them that the largest concrete dam in Asia is inspected regularly and that the dam is strong enough to sustain a magnitude 7 quake.

He explained that the tremor from last week's Myanmar quake only registered 3.3 in Tak province, making the potential for damage in Tak very low.

However, he said he will assign local authorities and those responsible for the dam to hold an evacuation drill in an effort to help raise public confidence.

Bhumibol Dam contains 13 billion cubic meters of water and there are three districts directly downstream from it, Sam Ngao, Ban Tak, and Wang Chao.

It is also situated near the Mei-Uthai Thani fault.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-29



Its a might concrete dam, been there twice. its a tourist spot, you can turn into the access road its about 8Km from the Highway 1.

They have everything for the tourists, like food and beer and souvenirs. Also all kinds of preserved fish.

the largest concrete dam in Asia

Another myth? :rolleyes:

Bhumibol Dam = 154m tall, 486m long and 8m wide.

Bhakra Dam (India) = 225.55m tall, 518.25m long and 9.1m wide.



With the demonstrated unfailing knowledge the man has, I am sure we all feel relieved that he has given us these reassuring words. Wonder who is responsible for his appointment?

the largest concrete dam in Asia

Another myth? :rolleyes:

Bhumibol Dam = 154m tall, 486m long and 8m wide.

Bhakra Dam (India) = 225.55m tall, 518.25m long and 9.1m wide.


I think India moved to Europe :bah:

the largest concrete dam in Asia

Another myth? :rolleyes:

Bhumibol Dam = 154m tall, 486m long and 8m wide.

Bhakra Dam (India) = 225.55m tall, 518.25m long and 9.1m wide.


I think India moved to Europe :bah:

When a dam is sure the Bhumiphon Dam is sure.

International work, internationall companies, the highest standard, other dams in Thailand will crack before.


When a dam is sure the Bhumiphon Dam is sure.

International work, internationall companies, the highest standard, other dams in Thailand will crack before.

Now, that's what I call re-assuring!

"Don't worry folks, all the other dams will break before this one."

Oh, great.


With the demonstrated unfailing knowledge the man has, I am sure we all feel relieved that he has given us these reassuring words. Wonder who is responsible for his appointment?

Dont forget the evacuation drills----"to instil confidence"------F>>>>ing idiot !!!

the largest concrete dam in Asia

Another myth? :rolleyes:

Bhumibol Dam = 154m tall, 486m long and 8m wide.

Bhakra Dam (India) = 225.55m tall, 518.25m long and 9.1m wide.


China Water And Electric had built this monster dam in Laos.... One of the 31 proposed (Chinese) and / or operational dams on the (soon to be dry) Mehkong River. Scary stuff!

With concerted efforts of the all project team members, CWE ‘s first BOOT project in Laos-Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Project had completed filling to the crest on August 14, 2009 to the elevation of 308.2 m, 1 month in advance of the scheduled time.

Completing the dam embankment ahead of schedule saved time for the phaseⅡconcrete face construction and reservoir impounding, laying foundation for the project first unit power generation, an important mile-stone falls on May 31, 2010. All project team and involved parties at site will as always continue hardworking and maintain construction excellence superiority, with an view to fulfill the target ahead of schedule for CWE‘s better future.


Are the people giving this reassurance the same to not recognise at first that the recent earhquake tremors felt recently also had epicentres within Thailand itself ??????

<br />Don't worry he said. When you hear the whistle blow, it's time to run. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whistling:' /> <br />jb1<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I'll get on to my tee-shirt printer right away.

"I'm a dam safety inspector. If you see me running, wearing a snorkel, try to keep up!"


They keep avoiding the issue - engineering and only a 7? Any earthquake (even a 3) - depending on how the plates twist - and how close to the surface the movement, can send this structure into a pile of rubble. Living down stream of any dam - get the hell outta there! blink.gif


Just how long does this guy think people will have to reach a place of safety? Emergency drills might have something to recommend them 20 miles away. Shouldn't people be thinking of an inland tsunami?


Its a might concrete dam, been there twice. its a tourist spot, you can turn into the access road its about 8Km from the Highway 1.

They have everything for the tourists, like food and beer and souvenirs. Also all kinds of preserved fish.


SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE; He was sincere and truthful with the statement;

"In response to locals' concerns about the collapse of the Bhumibol Dam, the provincial governor of Tak province has assured them that the largest concrete dam in Asia is inspected regularly and that the dam is strong enough to sustain a magnitude 7 quake."

The largest dam in Asia is in China, and we can all rest assure that THAT dam is inspected regularly.

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