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Cambodia Accuses Thailand Of Declaring War

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Cambodia Accused Thailand of Declaring War

The Cambodian Prime Minister has accused Thailand of declaring war between the two nations after Thailand ordered new tanks, fighter jets, and submarines, and gathered troops.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has accused Thailand of preparing to set attack Cambodia, as Thailand recently ordered 200 new T-84 Oplot tanks from Ukraine, as well as fighter jets and submarines from Sweden and Germany, as well as having deployed troops.

Hun Sen said Cambodia does not own fighter jets, but has anti-air defense missiles and is ready to defend itself if Thai jets enter its air space.

Hun Sen said Cambodia owns old fighter jets used during the cold war, which have been abandoned and are currently broken.

However, he said the country does not need to buy new fighter jets as they own a large number of powerful weapons such as SAM-3 and SAM-7, which have the capacity to shoot down planes at high elevations as well as other fighters at lower levels.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-30



it will be interesting watching the subs going up the Mekong ,, in the dry season they will get bogged in the silt ,, in the wet they will get washed backwards

talk about paranoid


it will be interesting watching the subs going up the Mekong ,, in the dry season they will get bogged in the silt ,, in the wet they will get washed backwards

talk about paranoid

Hahaha. Subs up the Mekhong. :cheesy: That's a good one.

He sure is paranoid and dellusional. And as if those antiquated sam 3, or 9's would be able to suppress a attack from a squadron of Gripen. Sounds alot more like envy or jealousy that he cannot afford the same hardware as the Thai's are currently purchasing. Actually I don't know if the Thais can afford it either but it looks good on the order of battle. Hun Sen :passifier:


Chalerm's tactic of catching attention is the best known.... among Politicians in LOS... but Hun Sen can make it better and more aggressive.......

Preparing to fight? Declaring war ?. .... He's going insane....

The border seal is bad enough though...


There is nothing like having priorities right!

Roads in Thailand need serious improving.

Streets nationwide are in shameful state. Sidewalks (other than those in the Ratchaprasong area and other cities' downtown) are in acute disrepair, if they exist at all.

Police nationwide are untrained and unresponsive to the citizens' needs.

Laws, traffic or otherwise are either not enforced or hardly adhered to by the police!

Absence of public libraries nationwide.

Absence of animal control nationwide.

Universal health care sluggish and inefficient.

But, Thailand needs more submarines, jet fighters and tanks.

Where is that money coming from? Untrustworthy Farangs will provide a great deal of the price tag.



Hun Sen just trying to garner support from other countries or convince China to hand over weapons at no cost "in support". But having watched the footage on destruction of armored vehicles by US air strikes - I would be putting my money into aircraft not tanks - they are "lit up" way too easily and have no defence against sir strikes. As for the subs cheesy.gif


Cambodia can spend their money on other more important things. If Thailand attacks Cambodia with planes China and Viatnam will just come their aid with the necessary weapons and fighters. Hun Sen just stated this for further reference.

But, Thailand needs more submarines, jet fighters and tanks.

Where is that money coming from?

Thailand is not a poor country, but only a very few greedy families control the wealth. The military is being rewarded for the coup and the subsequent junta and campaigns against certain political opponents.

If Thailand attacks Cambodia with planes China and Viatnam will just come their aid with the necessary weapons and fighters. Hun Sen just stated this for further reference.


Hun Sen

Don't understand why he needs to worry. He could just use Veera and Ratree as human shields. :whistling:

And, of course, Thailand has no history of shooting its own.


There is nothing like having priorities right!

Roads in Thailand need serious improving.

Streets nationwide are in shameful state. Sidewalks (other than those in the Ratchaprasong area and other cities' downtown) are in acute disrepair, if they exist at all.

Police nationwide are untrained and unresponsive to the citizens' needs.

Laws, traffic or otherwise are either not enforced or hardly adhered to by the police!

Absence of public libraries nationwide.

Absence of animal control nationwide.

Universal health care sluggish and inefficient.

But, Thailand needs more submarines, jet fighters and tanks.

Where is that money coming from? Untrustworthy Farangs will provide a great deal of the price tag.


Yep...Great , ain`t it..... and its why we live here quite happily....


Cambodia is a shit hole , they outta give it to the Thais they may be able to develop it a bit ...;)

The Thais should have nothing to do with developing Cambodia after they gave Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge refuge after they were ousted by the Vietnamese. A lot of Thais do have a lot of money invested there though, even they know it is going to be the next destination once Thailand has worn out its welcome.

And, of course, Thailand has no history of shooting its own.

Thailand has a long history of abuse and military encursion on the border with Cambodia; the Preah Vihear massacre one of the notable ones and of course the illegal occupation of that temple by the Thai military in the late 1950's but Thailand's military continues to kill Cambodiands along the border with relative impunity. You rarely hear of the opposite happening although it does happen on occasion.


The Thais should have nothing to do with developing Cambodia after they gave Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge refuge after they were ousted by the Vietnamese. A lot of Thais do have a lot of money invested there though, even they know it is going to be the next destination once Thailand has worn out its welcome.

Thailand has a long history of abuse and military encursion on the border with Cambodia; the Preah Vihear massacre one of the notable ones and of course the illegal occupation of that temple by the Thai military in the late 1950's but Thailand's military continues to kill Cambodiands along the border with relative impunity. You rarely hear of the opposite happening although it does happen on occasion.

Another good and true post from you. You are indeed very well informed, even if we don't agree on politics ;)

In fact, I can't think of one report of "the opposite happening", but I have no doubt that there are instances, especially with armed illegal loggers from both sides of the border doing business in the forest. Not that that's an excuse - why not arrest some of them rather than killing all of them? I'm sure they don't all open fire straight away given they surely know the odds of winning against a unit of bloodthirsty RTA Rangers are unfathomably low.


it will be interesting watching the subs going up the Mekong ,, in the dry season they will get bogged in the silt ,, in the wet they will get washed backwards

talk about paranoid



Some time ago I was in discussion with a Pattaya police sergeant and mentioned that I was taking the wife to visit relatives in Lahan Sai, Buriram. He asked me which way I planned to go and I said i would turn off the 33 before Aran and use the good minor roads to skirt Ta Phraya before joining the 348. When I added that I planned to set out about 0300 to avoid traffic and avaricious cops he told me that he thought I was very foolhardy. He insisted that the route was dangerous in the dark as Cambodians regularly crossed the border to steal anything they could get their hands on (kleptomaniacs?) and there was a distinct possibility that I might run into one of their road blocks. When he went that way, he said, he kept his pistol handy on the dashboard.

Another of the myths that the natives give credence to?


He had to say SOMETHING, he has been eclipsed out of the news by Tsunami, Nuclear crisis, Flooding and assorted stupid statements from PTP, PAD and military procurement types... OMG no one is listening about the micro war we just had, how can we negotiate when they aren't even listening.... oh poor baby, he was feeling left out, at least the military procurement gave him a hook to put himself back in the game. Seems Hun Sen has a recurring jones for his 15 minutes of fame fix.


Hun Sen is pissin in to the wind. His 15 minutes of fame expired a long time ago. If he was smart, he would consult those with knowlrdge. If you hnow his history, then you know that will never happen.


There is nothing like having priorities right!

Roads in Thailand need serious improving.

Streets nationwide are in shameful state. Sidewalks (other than those in the Ratchaprasong area and other cities' downtown) are in acute disrepair, if they exist at all.

Police nationwide are untrained and unresponsive to the citizens' needs.

Laws, traffic or otherwise are either not enforced or hardly adhered to by the police!

Absence of public libraries nationwide.

Absence of animal control nationwide.

Universal health care sluggish and inefficient.

But, Thailand needs more submarines, jet fighters and tanks.

Where is that money coming from? Untrustworthy Farangs will provide a great deal of the price tag.


Yep...Great , ain`t it..... and its why we live here quite happily....

Do you mean it's about time they need to clean the big mess up?

Generation after generation............. I am sure Thai will be as it is now.

It is in their head................. (simple lifestyle, too simple...)


Hun Sen doesn't give a rats arse if the international community laughs at his ridiculous statements. All his posturing is for domestic consumption only, with the sole purpose of consolidating his grip on the masses. His favourite whipping post is the neighbour to the west and sadly the Thais play into his hands every time because of the hidden agenda of their own leaders.


Hun Sen doesn't give a rats arse if the international community laughs at his ridiculous statements. All his posturing is for domestic consumption only, with the sole purpose of consolidating his grip on the masses. His favourite whipping post is the neighbour to the west and sadly the Thais play into his hands every time because of the hidden agenda of their own leaders.

Good point. Anybody that thinks Hun wants help from China has a feeble grasp of his rise to power.

He is a thug. When the UN monitered elections he lost after Vietnam split when the USSR cut off aid to vietnam. Hun slaughtered tens of thousands of Vietnamese that lived and worked in Cambodia for generations. Vietnam has a Soviet politburo and current disputes with China over nearby islands. I digress


Hun Sen has ordered a new sub to bring Cambodia more in line with Thailand's recent proposed purchase of ancient German scrap. Photo taken at the builders yard. Actual cost unknown.


Hun Sen has ordered a new sub to bring Cambodia more in line with Thailand's recent proposed purchase of ancient German scrap. Photo taken at the builders yard. Actual cost unknown.

It'll take decades to catch up with this sub technology, might have to get help from Laos

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