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At Least 4 Dead, 100 Missing In Krabi Mudslide


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Add to this all when the ferrys run, trucks with supplies come over again, we get stocked back up. It's not like this will be 3 weeks without food or electricity.

If people just said, 'ok I can sit and watch the big waves and have another drink', they would have been more relaxed I suspect. If the reason for leaving is not wanting to pay for extra nights, in a resort, that is OK if you don't have the cash. But cheaper resorts are a short walk away and flights can always be rebooked. And paniked exits don't make that much sense.

Yes it isn't a dream vacation, but it is still a beautiful place with mostly all places undamaged or minimally, just damp and darkened a bit. I read two books by candle light and cuddled with the Mrs a lot more.

Edited by animatic
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Last 12 months strangest weather I can ever remember - more flooding in more counties - bit like planet is peed off -very sorry for folks in trouble

The Mayan calender predicts that the world will end by 2012 so enjoy what we have left :blink:

i agree with reason, in fact i've had bollokings recently on facebook for sugesting that the shit people are facing maybe is karma because man is acting like a parasite on earth rather than in harmony with it. i do realise that even if you live in harmony, floods tsunamis earthquakes still affect us but we are probably just a bit more mai pen rai, maybe.

but pingman, the mayan calender only ends its cycle in 2012 as its finite and not perpetual, just like a clock hitting midnight, its not the end just another cycle. it is also only a calender, it does not predict anything, let alone doomsday, it is supposed to be a bit like astrology though, good and bad days etc. besides if the shit hits, the world will not end, only most larger life forms, mai pen rai ??:blink:

deepest sympathys to all those affected though, lets hope for a bit more harmony for all


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Sad to see this when I knew it was going to happen. I did not know where but, judging the weather of La Nina effect on the rest of the world (wet-wet-wet-rain and more rain) it was easy to figure out.

I think the worst part of this is that the rains are not done yet, and in fact they really haven't started in full force. I guess we can only hope.

Candles and prayers for those lost and stranded

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