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Local Pervs


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This is all getting a bit much now.

Just a couple of hours ago I was out taking the dog for a midnight walk and about 100m from my house at the edge of an unlit soi was a man, stark naked, facing the wall of a house and playing with himself.

As I approached he finally noticed me and I told him to get lost but this was just met with silence as he picked up his shirt and covered his face(!?) with it. Anyway, he didn't leave but I didn't escalate the situation as I could see he had a bundle of stuff next to his motorbike, but it was in the shadows and I didn't know if maybe he had a weapon there, so I kept walking. I'll speak to the owner of the house first thing tomorrow.

This all brought to mind other perv-related incidents I've encountered over my 4-5 years in CM:

1) Whilst taking a shit in CM Arcade bus terminal, I noticed someone was watching me from the next cubicle. The rhythmic movement of the shadow he was casting on the floor, visible under the cubicle partition, suggested he was jerking off.

2) On Hang Dong road on 2 separate occasions at night I have seen people jacking off on the pavement.

3) My 15-year old daughter has been flashed in full daylight in the morning on her way to taking exams at school.

And those are just the ones that come to mind easily.

One of the reasons I've never fancied returning to my home in London is because I think street crime is so prevalent, but now those cold dark streets in Blighty are starting to look positively welcoming compared to this.

I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM (and I don't even go out that much at all), whereas in over 30 years of living in London nothing of the sort ever happened to me or anyone know (I know it happens everywhere - just speaking of my own experience).

But my question is, have I just been particularly unlucky in the perv department, or have others noticed more of this kind of thing taking place here than where they originally came from?



Edited by hanuman1
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I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

laugh.gif...... i'll let others dissect that one.

although i must say, in Mrs 150's (for those that never twigged 'RoyHarsip''...is not my real name) village in CM we do have a washing line knicker thief. Although admittedly he's been very quiet of late.. (enough panties in his stash to go at ?)

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I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

Do I think encountering the antics of sexual perverts once a year is too much? Errr....let me think...yes?

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I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

Do I think encountering the antics of sexual perverts once a year is too much? Errr....let me think...yes?

thats not what you said/asked/posed with this thread...

..again, you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ? based on 1 encounter a year...

in my book thats not "unusually high numbers" of anything per year... wink.gif

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In all my years in Thailand I have never witnessed anything like the OP has described.

He must live and travel in the wrong part of town or maybe there is something about him that attracts all these jerk offs?

I am fortunate enough to live in quite a well to do village, all large detached houses etc, in Nong Hoi. The incidents happened 1 x at Arcade bus station, 2 x along Hang Dong Rd about 3km out of town and 2 x in my village. On 3 occasions the person involved had a motorbike at the ready.

Maybe I was just unlucky then. Glad to hear it.

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There's a lot of Freudian messaging in the OP.

So, you are out walking your dog at midnight? you see a naked man masturbating in public and you approach him? He then rebuffs you.

You hang out in public toilets that are so dirty I avoid even taking a pee in them but you focus on the movements of the person in the next cubicle?

I think you have been 'unlucky' so far. Try different locations.

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

Let them have their fun.

Thanks for a more serious reply. I was thinking maybe this kind of thing is more perceivable here due to the weather not being as cold as many farang countries (I mean the jerking in the street, not the toilet-peephole viewing and the flashing, which I guess goes on in most countries). The alternative is that there are just more of these kinds of people in CM/Thailand? Surely not true.

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The OP has to be unlucky or a story teller (attention seeker). In 60 years in England and 5 years here I have never seen anyone doing anything like this in public, but I don't hang around in dark places or dirty public toilets. Punch ups and pissing up walls yes, but never jerking off or flashing.

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

Lots of women and no men.

And you have never seen it yourself.

Sounds like it is just rumors we all know that the women do enjoy talking.

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The OP has to be unlucky or a story teller (attention seeker). In 60 years in England and 5 years here I have never seen anyone doing anything like this in public, but I don't hang around in dark places or dirty public toilets. Punch ups and pissing up walls yes, but never jerking off or flashing.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I took a crap after a 12-hour bus ride from Udon 3 years ago and took my dog out for a walk at night and some posters imply that I like hanging around public toilets and dark places.

You guys are funny.

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:clap2:'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar'

There's a lot of Freudian messaging in the OP.

So, you are out walking your dog at midnight? you see a naked man masturbating in public and you approach him? He then rebuffs you.

You hang out in public toilets that are so dirty I avoid even taking a pee in them but you focus on the movements of the person in the next cubicle?

I think you have been 'unlucky' so far. Try different locations.

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There are many people with mental problems of all types... of which public masturbation is just one. Unfortunately, there is no facility to help them. Thais just put up with it as an oddity, and get on with their business.

In Canada we used to treat them, but today Canada just puts them out on the street with a once a month check in by a social worker. They are mostly harmless and more to be pitied than anything.

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As above, the place is loaded with nutters on the street, Thai and farang. A dude was jacking off in the urinal bogs in Carrefour while back (while several were others taking a pee); on visiting the toilet couple weeks later, he was still at it. :blink:

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

Let them have their fun.

Thanks for a more serious reply. I was thinking maybe this kind of thing is more perceivable here due to the weather not being as cold as many farang countries (I mean the jerking in the street, not the toilet-peephole viewing and the flashing, which I guess goes on in most countries). The alternative is that there are just more of these kinds of people in CM/Thailand? Surely not true.

No, its prevalent everywhere there happens to be men. I was flashed as a young teenager in the US more than a few times by white guys. In fact, many girls are flashed at, they are generally the targets, apparently its the fear factor that makes it so exciting for these men.

So hardly a "Thai" thing or even an "Asian thing"

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I think some people are just rod-walloper magnets. My sister has met countless men spanking off in several different countries, over a period of more than a decade, yet the average woman, I would dare say has probably never seen a man thump the lump in public.

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Local Pervs Unusually High Numbers in CM?

Whilst taking a shit in CM Arcade bus terminal, I noticed someone was watching me from the next cubicle. The rhythmic movement of the shadow he was casting on the floor, visible under the cubicle partition, suggested he was jerking off.

It would appear that there are high numbers of uncouth forum members in CM too going by the over-descriptive banter written in numerous threads by some people. I'm not a prude or anything, far from it, but it's perhaps not unreasonable to suggest a little mindfulness when typing one's comments.

There are plenty of ways to say the same things using less vulgar terms than the ones above. After all, just because the forums are dominated by adult males, it doesn't mean they are the only ones to read the posts!

Right, that's my little rant over. It's now time to nip into the bathroom and give birth to a baby rhinoceros of my own!


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In all my years in Thailand I have never witnessed anything like the OP has described.

I'm sorry to hear that, it must be a great disappointed for you :unsure:

I think you have been 'unlucky' so far. Try different locations.

:cheesy: :cheesy:

Not that I know anything about guys playing the old five knuckle shuffle in public of course, but I have heard rumours certain gentlemen's rest rooms in Kad San Kaew often have elderly Farang hogging the urinals, who do take an awfully long time to go, whilst seeming to be scratching a never ending itch. I'd always put it down to prostate problems myself :giggle:

I've also heard some Thai's saying there's a large park on Nimanheminda Rd where strange things lurk after dark. I assumed they meant ghosts but reading this I'm not so sure.

Anyway, the OP should think himself lucky, most of the places I've been to in CM where guys jerk off in public charge admission. He could at least have tipped the guy 20 Bt for his efforts :clap2:

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