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Grieving Father Warns Of Thai Cover Ups And Subversive Criminal Elements

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Grieving father warns of Thai cover ups and subversive criminal elements

Andrew Drummond

The grieving father of a 23-yr-old daughter in one of Chiang Mai's mystery deaths is starting a website warning travellers to Thailand of the inherent dangers and a subversive criminal undercurrent.

Richard Carter, father of Sarah Carter who was taken ill in the city centre Downtown Inn and died in hospital warns of cover-ups in Thailand and says he has uncovered five new cases of fatalities which local authorities tried to keep hidden.

In an interview he highlights the deaths at the Downtown Hotel in Chiang Mai, says he believes there may well have been a toxic element and describes a statement that two British people died at the same time of heart attacks as 'a joke'.

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2011/03/31/grieving-father-starts-thai-travel-tragedy-website/



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Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

Yea, imagine telling your 18-year-old western daughter she can't travel the world alone. You could threaten her with being locked in a little room.

You've been in Thailand too long.

Good luck. Life is not cheap.


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

it's going to be this one though http://www.thailandtraveltragedies.com/


It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

I believe the victim in this case was traveling with friends who also became ill.


Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

Available no longer, hmmm!


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You totally missed the point. this is not about girls travelling alone. One retired couple, for example, met the same fate.

This is about cover-ups, and it is a matter for the Prime Minister to take up with his police force.


Good on him. I wish him every success. I also hope he can get someone involved with the media to assist him so as to keep it high profile.



Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You totally missed the point. this is not about girls travelling alone. One retired couple, for example, met the same fate.

This is about cover-ups, and it is a matter for the Prime Minister to take up with his police force.

But obviously Abhisit is more likely just to ban the web site as he has with so many others probably in the interests of 'National security"

Just last week we had his number 2 saying he doesn't respect or trust Farrangs I wouldn't expect anything to be done by this PM hopefully he wont be PM anymore after the election.:realangry:


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

Just tried your link,has it already been Blocked by the Establishment in Thailand?



Having lost a son in a accident I have a idea of what the Father is going through. I can only hope that he gets satisfaction from this web site.

I am concerned about ANDREW DRUMMOND being involved. He is a shade less than reliable. for instance he claims a man from Canada was swimming in there pool the day before. The truth is he does not know. The Canadian asked a friend of his if he would like to go swimming with him the friend said no. Now I don't know about others but if it was me there is a good chance I would not have gone swimming there. After all the man was not a residence of the hotel. That would rule out legionares disease and some thing in the air conditioning.

What Andrew Drummond also failed to mention that the Downtown Inn is about 200 meters away from a open air food court. With many other restaurants on the same venue.

He also never bothered to check if there had been deaths or strange illness in other near by hotels and guest houses.

I do not in any way mean to infer that we have been told the truth. But we have been fed a line by some one who stands to gain by it.[Drummond]

For sure there is more that we are not being told. My understanding was that The various Embassies had got involved. Could they be a part of the cover up.


Just tried your link,has it already been Blocked by the Establishment in Thailand?


That's usually not an indication of blocking. That's just an indication that the site doesn't exist.

edit: tried it from my VPN into Aus. Same result.


Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

Not believe you my friend;

It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.


from the website:

Its intention is to make all travelers to Thailand more aware of the very real dangers they face in a country which appears a tropical paradise on the surface but in fact has very low health and safety standards and an undercurrent of drug and human rights crimes covered up from exposure to the rest of the world.


Having lost a son in a accident I have a idea of what the Father is going through. I can only hope that he gets satisfaction from this web site.

I am concerned about ANDREW DRUMMOND being involved. He is a shade less than reliable. for instance he claims a man from Canada was swimming in there pool the day before. The truth is he does not know. The Canadian asked a friend of his if he would like to go swimming with him the friend said no. Now I don't know about others but if it was me there is a good chance I would not have gone swimming there. After all the man was not a residence of the hotel. That would rule out legionares disease and some thing in the air conditioning.

What Andrew Drummond also failed to mention that the Downtown Inn is about 200 meters away from a open air food court. With many other restaurants on the same venue.

He also never bothered to check if there had been deaths or strange illness in other near by hotels and guest houses.

I do not in any way mean to infer that we have been told the truth. But we have been fed a line by some one who stands to gain by it.[Drummond]

For sure there is more that we are not being told. My understanding was that The various Embassies had got involved. Could they be a part of the cover up.

Dear Mr Upandaway,

I really wish you would not make such innuendos without the simplest fact at your fingertips. First of all please explain what I have to gain here, because it certainly is not money. Secondly I am just making available an interview which has already been broadcast on Newstalk in NZ. I have of course been the conduit for the views of friends and relatives of the victims. I am happy to have been so. I have also broken the news of deaths which would previously have not come out.

Now whether you would go swimming in at the Downtown Inn is neither here nor there, and actually it is more than 200 yards away. But the best friend of Bill Mah says he did.

(Now why should Andrew Drummond check if other people died in nearby hotels..and do you think the managers will be running to him with their death lists if there have been any)

Your comment about the local food court is not new. It has been suggested many times that the foreigners must have got whatever they did from there. Now what line I am feeding you?

On second thought please don't bother to answer me. I do not wish to get involved with you. :-)

Finally, no the Embassies are not involved in a cover up. Like the friends and relatives they are still waiting for answers.


Does anyone have an idea as to the time frame of events from the point of check in to the time of death ?

Are the deaths on occurring inside the bedrooms ? Is it only the one bedroom that all shared or the same floor ?

Why are no Thais deceased ? Or have there been some but un-reported .


Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

Not believe you my friend;

It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.

I disagree with you. You obviously don't know what you are ytalking about. Pull your head in and open your own eyes there newbie.


I fully understand the Father wishing to alert others as to the dangers when visiting Thailand. May his daughter, and the others who died Rest in Peace with my condolences to him and the families of the others who have tragically died at the 'Downtown' establishment.

There is no doubt that the local authority should have held a Public Enquiry into these Sudden, violent, unexplained and unexpected deaths; however, it appears that there is no adequate legal mechanism for these holiday makers who died, together with that of a Canadian who recently died at the same Downtown Hotel.

Whilst there appears to be no Judicial Authority or even a basic Infrastructure to co-ordinate the various agencies, Thai Police, forensics experts, Post Mortem results from a suitably quailified Medical Examiner in order to ascertain the exact cause of death and any contributory factors.

Foreign Embassy's should also put on Political pressure to ensure that a legitimate and satisfactory conclusion is reached as to the causes of these untimely and definitely linked deaths.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

Ridiculous ... Thailand always have been a safe place for travelers , specially women , this mystery case will be buried like so many others in this country , you shouldn't scare tourists.. that is the official version .... I agree with this father ,he just want to know what happened to his daughter and cannot be blame for looking for the truth.


Just tried your link,has it already been Blocked by the Establishment in Thailand?


That's usually not an indication of blocking. That's just an indication that the site doesn't exist.

edit: tried it from my VPN into Aus. Same result.

Did work, but now its gone.. :/


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

All who live in Thailand know corruption and coverups are the norm. I feel for the victims and their families. You'll never clean this apple up as it is rotten to the core. I believe the body count at the Downtown hotel is seven. Correct me if I'm wrong. One couple died of simultaneous heart attacks. Why just farangs?


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

All who live in Thailand know corruption and coverups are the norm. I feel for the victims and their families. You'll never clean this apple up as it is rotten to the core. I believe the body count at the Downtown hotel is seven. Correct me if I'm wrong. One couple died of simultaneous heart attacks. Why just farangs?

I thought that there was one Thai national, a tour guide, please correct me if I am wrong.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You totally missed the point. this is not about girls travelling alone. One retired couple, for example, met the same fate.

This is about cover-ups, and it is a matter for the Prime Minister to take up with his police force.

They were foreigners, thai authority simply don't care. Cover up and sweep it under the carpet.

Problem solved.

Just so unbelievable how this could be happening at the same hotel and no major investigation or findings.

Had this happened in the west, the whole city would have been locked down.


Does anyone have an idea as to the time frame of events from the point of check in to the time of death ?

Are the deaths on occurring inside the bedrooms ? Is it only the one bedroom that all shared or the same floor ?

Why are no Thais deceased ? Or have there been some but un-reported .

The full report indicates that a Thai tourist guide died in the hotel.

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