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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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The proposal has nothing to recommend it.

My regards to the "author" of this very unoriginal idea.

He's managed to bite the hand that feeds and the beneficiary of that feeding in one master stroke of gratuitous law-making.

I'd never get married in Thailand just so I could manage to keep LESS money in my bank account.

Who could or would?

Stupid. Monumentally stupid, and in bad faith.

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This whole thing stinks of parochial, patriarchal, "traditional" morals of a soon-to-be bygone era. This is really a question of maturity and intent.

Rather than a law aimed at older foreign men, the laws should be inwardly focused. They need a Gravedigger Law.

Flip it around:

Women under the age of 30 would not be allowed to marry men more than 20 years their senior. Rather than putting the burden of financials on the man alone, the woman should be required to show proof of a steady monthly income before having met the man. Women should also be required to list their debts and assets, and that of their families as well. This proposal stems from ethnocentric values and thinly veiled racism. If not, then why does the proposed law apply only to foreigners? It's a scapegoat fix.


I can never understand how we foreigners can be a BURDON on Thai Society.

There is no Social Security we can claim and drain

We cannot get free health care without a Thai ID card, and then only in your registered province

The is NO Thai Pension for us - but spend OUR home pension in the Thai Economy.

(I am on a (Retirement) Visa Extension, having complies Fully with the financial requirements and have BUPA Blue Cross Health Insurance. My Truck have Class one insurance)

Whereas a Thai in the UK (and other European countries) can claim from social fund for support if they are dumped, free healthcare and even BUY a HOUSE in their name.

So, tell me, HOW CAN WE BE A BURDON?

Well done, George. Excellent April Fool.

PS: One Rightous ranting above about how old men with young women make him feel sick, What about old WOMEN with young Thai Guys. Yes, I have seen them. I just think - Go for it, old girl!


Many seem to forget that the law will also prevent the over 50 men to marry any Thai women over 40 years old.

I have met many foreigners that marry older Thai women closer to their age. This will be unlawful also. I think, this have more to do with preventing Thai women in improving their economic statute.

The law makers prefer to have thousand of women working in factories as cheap labour, almost no holiday and forced over time. Even is Bangkok those are the normal condition.

It is normal for the lawmakers ( the businessmen) to protect their investment.

Remember many newspaper article and TV news recently about Issan women marrying a lot of foreigners and complete villages happy about that situation. ! Must be scary for some.

Yes, I think this is the best suggestion of the reason for the new ‘law’ to be enacted exactly one year from today. The hi-so Thais see the ferlang as completion for cheap labour! It removes workers from their sweat shops and the best earners from their gold mine bars!

The second part about prevented inheritance is to ensure that any ‘lost’ workers have to return to the factory ( presume too old for the bar by now) as soon as the detested ferlang dies.


3 Things:

1. "Innocent Thai women"...... innocent, NOT, simple minded, yes.

If they're simple-minded, how would you describe the clever farangs they seem to be able to take to the cleaners so easily? ... if one is to believe the seemingly endless tales of woe & the gnashing of teeth that fill message boards such as this?

There’s no accounting for a naive absent minded mug – anywhere in the world. Really, there’s no elaborate plot or ingenious plan, or conspiracy to “rip off” the poor old farang. A fool and his money are easily parted – it’s as simple as that..... It doesn’t mean the girl is smart, she isn't hiding anything..... it starts with a bar fine after all.....

That does not preclude her potential as a great partner and companion – so long as the dopey farang manages the situation properly, and doesn’t start behaving like an absent minded adolescent love sick teenage fool...... or alternatively like a whore-master......


Reading this and as someone who really loves this country I find it a bit disturbing. I do think there is a problem here with individuals circumventing the law through marriage (but that is not the only way they do so). And I do think there are far too many marriages between individuals of disproportionate age that are exploitative though I do not think that is necessarily so and perhaps even not so in the majority of cases, thatis something I just don't know.

Although I am well past 50, the law really wouldn't affect me at this point. Lesbian marriages are not recognized here or on a federal level in the US yet (though I hope they will be) and there isn't anyone at this point where that seems eminent. Aside from that the primary reason I would think about marriage with same-sex marriage were recognized is to show my commitment and perhaps more importantly to insure they had all the rights a spouse would be entitled to vis-a-vis the US, such as survivorship rights, decision-making rights if I were ill, the right to make decisions in the event of my death (many decades from now), and collect from my social security an any benefits from my pension plan, as well as any other rights federally and locally in the US that would come from that.

That said I would still have an issue with a law saying that people of a particular age cannot marry or even that a certain disparity in age was unacceptable. The only person I have been involved with here in Thailand was substantially younger than me, it was non-sexual (there are other things to love after all than sex), and if I could I would marry her still though it was her decision to put brakes on so I respect that. Lots of reasons behind that. I just think if I am with someone and I love them then age should not be a factor. I yet have a lot of debt in the US so I am not as free as I would like to be economically, but I do have an adequate pension, eventually social security in addition (not sure if I am sad or glad that is a few years away), so I am not a burden on Thailand - I pay my rent and bills here as well as meeting my financial obligations in the US, I often help a friend (just a friend mot more) make her house payment here or with food when she is having difficulties, and I have health insurance - a bit complicated to use here and have yet to get clear answers on many things from my provider, but covers many things 100% out of network (one of the answers I am trying to find is if they have any in-network providers here). But I have something there, and if I get really suck I would take a temporary hiatus back to the US if I needed to because of lower deductibles and out of pocket limits though if I could I think Thai health care is very good. If I were to become a burden on the system here, I would certainly go back to the states. But I would not be happy doing so biggrin.gif - I much prefer living here.

I do hope this law will not pass though from the article it seems likely it will. I would still marry someone if the US ever recognizes same sex marriages and even if Thailand did not, simple to ensure her rights under US laws and policies. But I just think laws like this are not right.. LOL maybe it just irks me because I am past 50, but I think it would bother me even if I was not.


This seems rather strange. I can understand how such a law could be effectiv if the will is a Thai will, but if it is one made in a foreign country, how could this be enforced? For example: a Thai lady married to a US citizen. If the husband has a will that leaves all his US posessions to his wife, how could the Thai authorities have any say? So would this law mean that any Thai posessions of the now dead husband could not be passed on to his wife if the will were written in Thailand, but that they could be given to the Thai wife if the will were written in the USA?

This is no big deal. There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family. What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.

Can you explain that further ? I have never heard of this proposal.

Sure. It will enacted one year from today.


I am married to a young Thai lady, she is 22 years younger than me, she was 32 when we met. We got married we have two lovely girls, Mary is 4 and Nancy is just 1 and a half. I love them all very much, I have given them my all. My wife gave me everything she ever had as she was being taken into labour, a gold chain that she put around my neck. All I can say is don't stand between love especially ours. I told my wife about this proposal by the Thai government she said she will go to goal first, she was so very angry. So tell me why is it you feel that you should have the god given right to decide her fate. Get a life you ...............OK now you can ban me from TV, Mr Happily Married.rolleyes.gif

Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.


A moment I have been waiting for:

Finally the Thai government enacts a law that protects foreigners more than Thais (well, only old, naive guys who think they're still attractive to younger Asian brides and believe it's not just about the money - they might not be worth protecting, but I still think it's a step in the right direction!) and exactly those who potentially profit most from it (and are predominantly concentrated on this and similar boards) complain like hell!

Don't you guys see the irony of it?!?


Rather Orwellian to use a sliding scale to work out the suitability of human relationships don't you think?

Maybe a sliding scale would have been a better idea...

i.e at 50 you can only marry someone over 35

at 51 - 36

at 52 - 37

etc etc...

Never the less, this is a positive move by Thailand's government.

Yes SPIKECM, I was thinking the same,

but then I needed to puke when I read: " this is a positive move by Thailand's government."


Many seem to forget that the law will also prevent the over 50 men to marry any Thai women over 40 years old.

I have met many foreigners that marry older Thai women closer to their age......

Its a good point - I am 32, my Thai wife is 31......

If I were to divorce & remarry, then I would look again for a girl close to my age..... a 22-23yr old bar girl is a contrary creature..... 22-23yr old 'any-kind-of' girl is a contrary creature. I would prefer girls / ladies in the 27-28yrs old+ catagory. At that point that have started to realise that "love based on beauty, soon as beauty, dies" ...... they are more mature and eralistic in their expectations, and better people for it......

Genuinely, I beleive it to be a fools folly for a bloke 50-60 marrying a 22-23yr old girl..... taking money out of the equation, with such a disparity in age, there is a disparity of expecation - one is winding down in life, the other just getting started...... but at the end of the day it simply boils down to the state interfering with the personal business of indivuals, and thats just wrong.

I do however agree that it would be a good move that both parties divulge their full credit and financial history - I believe it would be in the best interest of farang's governements to know their citizens are not be extorted, and in the interest of Thailand to know their citizens are being cared for properly (beause these is always the "risk" that they will go overseas with their husbands, where 400k is not alot of money!).


I am a 57 year old English teacher living in Thailand with my 45 year old partner of 3 years now.My partner is not only my friend but a devoted and loyal wife in all but name.We have a comfortable life style and a nice house and pool,My partner has a daughter of 13 who is not allowed ,by her father to visit us because i am a ferang and obviously a raving pervert,although we have had it intimated to us that we could have her daughter full time if i pay the alcoholic,violent cretin 30,000 baht. I take care of my wifes,blind,83 year old mother and the daughter because the "father" cannot.Am i being told that because of some rediculous (copy cat) law that my partner is to be denied the luxury of being legal. Can someone tell me where the cut off line for this age this is? Its not like i'm 60 and my partner is 23..This is just spur of the moment law making without thought or justification.


This country just gets whakier and wahckier but one things for sure these Thai Hi so's live in there own little bubble as they lay down the law to the pions below them with no clue as to the real situation.

Was readin yesterday how welcoming the Phillipines is yestrday, unlimited stay for 2 years, marry who you want, easy visa extensions without leaving the country cheap beer guess Im gonna take a look.:)


Only 1 more page to go til we hit our target of 20 pages before noon . . . keep it going guys! Ignore all the other posts, just reply back with your thoughts on the original article!


Bloody priceless!, the look on my 24 yr old GF just now, hahaaaa, i hope this isn'tjust an April fools ruse. if it is, well, great job just the same, just have to find another excuse. haha


I live here, and am married to a woman close to my own age. Having said that, I know plenty of older guys married to women a lot younger than they and in some cases it seems to work ok,

While it may not a shining example of a meeting of minds or mutual attraction, it works in a mutually supportive kind of way.

What I don't understand is the older guy (60 plus in a lot of cases) having children. They make various arguments as to why it is not a bad thing, however, at the end of the day you are going to have a child

that is going to be left fatherless at a relatively young age, and that is not fair on the child.

Most thai children are fatherless at a very young age regardless of the age of the father. At least the foreigner has a much better chance of leaving the mother/child with some means


This whole thing stinks of parochial, patriarchal, "traditional" morals of a soon-to-be bygone era. This is really a question of maturity and intent.

Rather than a law aimed at older foreign men, the laws should be inwardly focused. They need a Gravedigger Law.

Flip it around:

Women under the age of 30 would not be allowed to marry men more than 20 years their senior. Rather than putting the burden of financials on the man alone, the woman should be required to show proof of a steady monthly income before having met the man. Women should also be required to list their debts and assets, and that of their families as well.

This proposal stems from ethnocentric values and thinly veiled racism. If not, then why does the proposed law apply only to foreigners? It's a scapegoat fix.

April Fool. :lol:

Aw, you f***ers. I post to this forum about once a year, and you got me good this time. Nice one. Nice ...


The best aspect of this " story" is the amount of people that believed it.... This is in fact showing how wacky many people believe the Thai government is, that such an absurd story could in fact have an element of truth......


So does that mean that a foreigner over 50 cannot marry any Thai national regardless of age?

e.g Foreigner 51 and Thai woman 45 cannot get married?

That would seem ridiculous!

Yes it is ridiculous and doesn't this law also go against basic human rights?

Since when has Thailand been a signatory to any convention on human rights??? whistling.gif

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