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Muslim Women, Children Shield Marine Killers


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It's just lost on some people eh moog !!

Thank you Totster. At last a voice of Middle Class sanity.

So many folk here advocating - crushing the southerners, - having a contract taken out on those that want to whack you

Then you point out what death actually looks like (like this poor guy Ken Bigley in Iraq) and they vomit over their Eccles Cakes.

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Have you ever seen an actual be-heading? Not one of those sanctioned by the state...but one carried out in a secret location, with a dull blade?

Have you seen one live? Can you tell us about it.

I've seen lots on Ogrish.com. The most explicit are the Chechen ones. In the Iraqi ones the victim is kneeling and usually falls over out of camera shot.

I have the Chechen one on file but couldn't watch it. Too gross. I don't mind the Japanese Fecal Porn (Tub Girls, Goatse etc...) but this I know I can't watch. I was told the sound of the guy when screaming was horrible. The Iraqi video could be fakes with the final kill being done later, a setup by the Mossad or the CIA to piss off the American public. Orange suits ? please give me a break :D

Japanese fecal porn??? :D

No I have not seen one personally. I have seen all of the ones on the net...and a few that never make it that far. Personally...I cant watch any more, they are just too disturbing. What I have seen in person is bad enough. There are soo many innocent people getting killed over here, it is really difficult to comprehend. Most of which are Iraqi muslims. The radicals just dont seem to care who...or how many they kill. I keep waiting for the people here to stand up and say enough is enough, but the dynamics of the situation are obviously beyond me. :o

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"If I could, I would drop napalm bombs all over that village,"

Thats the end of your military career, mate. Hope you weren't planning on Senior Command.

yeah - or better - like Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! :o - for the sake of stiping further violence and speed up victory ! (or something like that - or how whas that justified ?)

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"It was stated that the villagers attacked the 2 soldiers because they where seen earlier participating in a "drive by" shooting and although I cannot assume that that is the case, there may well be some credence in that account which would explain why the villagers, men and women, would take the law into their own hands."

And we are so quick to convict the dead guys, eh? :o

I also read in both a thai and non-thai paper online that one of the survivors of the teahouse shooting stated a truck was used in the shooting. The two marines were driving a sedan.

Torching schools and brutally murdering monks is no way to further your cause IMO. It defies reason to assume all those crimes are just a "conspiracy" to paint the muslims in the South as criminals. I have no sympathy for such animals.


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"If I could, I would drop napalm bombs all over that village,"

Thats the end of your military career, mate. Hope you weren't planning on Senior Command.

yeah - or better - like Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! :o - for the sake of stiping further violence and speed up victory ! (or something like that - or how whas that justified ?)

OMG, that again. I wish the Brits came up with the Bomb. They would have used it on Germany and then everyone would've pointed fingers at them for the next few hundred years.

BTW-South Thailand, WWII, two different events, two different solutions. :D

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OMG, that again. I wish the Brits came up with the Bomb. They would have used it on Germany and then everyone would've pointed fingers at them for the next few hundred years.

The War in Europe was already over by the time the US atomic bomb was ready for deployment.

Had it been ready a year earlier, there's no reason to think it wouldn't have been used sometime after D Day.

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OMG, that again. I wish the Brits came up with the Bomb. They would have used it on Germany and then everyone would've pointed fingers at them for the next few hundred years.

The War in Europe was already over by the time the US atomic bomb was ready for deployment.

Had it been ready a year earlier, there's no reason to think it wouldn't have been used sometime after D Day.

Right. I just don't think drawing parallels between the violence in Thailand to WWII is such a good idea.

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