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Israel Urges Un To Cancel Goldstone Report On Gaza


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As for any ostracisation experienced by Goldstone after the report was published let me remind you yet again the fate he would no doubt have suffered had he been Muslim and made damaging allegations against a Muslim nation.


The report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict aka Goldstone report, still valid according to Goldstone himself and his co-authors, accused both sides of war crimes.

One side accepted the report and the other side not.

Can you imagine the reaction of the Zionists if the head of the mission would have been a Muslim?

Because 1 side could not care less about reports, laws, rules, agreements or anything else for that matter-thats the reason that side is recognized by the entire world as terrorists.



Almost the entire world had endorsed the report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict aka Goldstone report, which is still valid according to Goldstone himself and his co-authors.

Only one isolated maverick Nation protest against it and can still not accept it. How comes?

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As for any ostracisation experienced by Goldstone after the report was published let me remind you yet again the fate he would no doubt have suffered had he been Muslim and made damaging allegations against a Muslim nation.


The report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict aka Goldstone report, still valid according to Goldstone himself and his co-authors, accused both sides of war crimes.

One side accepted the report and the other side not.

Can you imagine the reaction of the Zionists if the head of the mission would have been a Muslim?

Because 1 side could not care less about reports, laws, rules, agreements or anything else for that matter-thats the reason that side is recognized by the entire world as terrorists.



Almost the entire world had endorsed the report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict aka Goldstone report, which is still valid according to Goldstone himself and his co-authors.

Only one isolated maverick Nation protest against it and can still not accept it. How comes?

Might be because the report is untrue, factually incorrect and biasedwhistling.gif

The author now has openly admitted so but even thats not good enough for some maverickscool.gif

Isolated?????? back with nonsense i seeblink.gif

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Hiding behind the carefully spun arguments of the liberal appologists the Muslim world (yes, the same Muslim world that kills people at random over Quran burning or Cartoon drawing) vents it's spleen. The truth is out there and the truth is indeed ugly, but it won't stop lying hypocrites from indulging such hate.


JEW-HATING cartoons have emerged all over the Arab world after Justice Richard Goldstones retraction in which he reversed the most serious accusation against Israel in the libelous Goldstone Report (the UN Human Rights Council-mandated investigation into Israels 2009 military operation in Gaza) that Israel intentionally targeted civilians.


Edited by Steely Dan
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One side accepted the report and the other side not.

Hamas targets women and children and makes no bones about it.

Israel does not, so they rejected the report which its author has since admitted was nonsense.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Goldstone won't seek Gaza report nullification

WASHINGTON – South African jurist Richard Goldstone said Tuesday that he did not plan to seek nullification of his highly critical U.N. report on Israel's 2008-2009 offensive in the Gaza Strip and asserted that claims to the contrary by Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai were false.


In the Post article, Goldstone lauded Israel for conducting dozens of investigations into alleged wrongdoing. In particular, he sighted evidence that a deadly strike that killed more than 20 members of a Palestinian family resulted from faulty intelligence and was not an intentional attack.

Nevertheless, Goldstone said, he did not intend to seek the report's nullification.

"As appears from the Washington Post article, information subsequent to publication of the report did meet with the view that one correction should be made with regard to intentionality on the part of Israel," the judge said. "Further information as a result of domestic investigations could lead to further reconsideration, but as presently advised I have no reason to believe any part of the report needs to be reconsidered at this time."


You sure?


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I find it very interesting that the pro Israel people on here seem to continually say how much worse it would have been if muslim or arab countries had been treated the same.

Why they think it is a good thing to continually compare Israel to terrorist countries and then praise them for being better is not exactly a high standard, and also a standard which it struggles to maintain.

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One side accepted the report and the other side not.

Hamas targets women and children and makes no bones about it.

Israel does not, so they rejected the report which its author has since admitted was nonsense.

He doesn't say the report is a nonsense, he talks of one aspect of it only. If you go back and re read the posts you will see that he is not calling for it to be nullified. I'm sure you will draw your own conclusion why he considers the whole document should not be nullified simply because Israel refused to cooperate.

However, as you insist on calling the report a nonsence you must also agree that any finding detrimental against Hamas in that report is also a nonsense.

Nice one.

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The terrorist countries are the ones attacking Israel, so it is perfectly normal to make the comparison. :rolleyes:

I've always considered better to compare with the best but if you are happy to compare with the worst then I'm happy for you.

Edited by Wallaby
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However, as you insist on calling the report a nonsence you must also agree that any finding detrimental against Hamas in that report is also a nonsense.

Hamas did not dispute it as they are guilty and make no bones about it. :rolleyes:

It does not matter one iota whether Hamas disputes it. YOU dismiss it as a nonsense, therefore it follows that anything in it is nonsense, that just happens to include Hamas.


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If the Goldstone report has not been severely damaged, why are the liberal appologists and much of the Arab press having such a hissy fit about it? :passifier:


It is the Zionist propaganda that makes the big noise.

The report hasn't been damaged and is valid as ever, the man said it himself.

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What is your point? Hamas has admitted plenty of terrorist acts against civilians

Missile From Gaza Hits School Bus


JERUSALEM — A 16-year-old Israeli boy was critically wounded on Thursday when an antitank missile fired out of Gaza struck a school bus in southern Israel, according to military officials, setting off a new round of hostilities along the Israel-Gaza border.

The military wing of Hamas the Islamic militant group that controls Gaza, claimed responsibility for the attack on the bus...


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What is your point? Hamas has admitted plenty of terrorist acts against civilians

Missile From Gaza Hits School Bus


JERUSALEM — A 16-year-old Israeli boy was critically wounded on Thursday when an antitank missile fired out of Gaza struck a school bus in southern Israel, according to military officials, setting off a new round of hostilities along the Israel-Gaza border.

The military wing of Hamas the Islamic militant group that controls Gaza, claimed responsibility for the attack on the bus...


My point is that whilst Hamas has at lease done one right thing by admitting it's attrocities, Israel won't even do that.

My point is that you said the report was a nonsense but it is obvious you only meant anything detrimental to Israel was a nonsense, everything else is ok. If that is not what you meant then I apologise. You accept everything Israel tells you without question but dam_n a report based on the facts it had at the time.

My point is that Israel refuses to cooperate with the UN then spits the dummy when the findings are against them. In my view, because of the non cooperation, they got what they deserved in that report. It is a bit rich to refuse to cooperate and then do your own report and lay all the blame on the UN. Any normal person would also consider a report conducted by an accused country to be just a tad on the biased side.

Perhaps they could have cooperated and ALSO done their own investigation, at least it would have been seen to be cooperating. But not Israel, it will just do what it wants to do against growing condemnation from the world.

But hey, thats just my humble opinion.

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My point is that whilst Hamas has at lease done one right thing by admitting it's attrocities,

Now THAT is some bizarre thinking.

However, Israel was accused of targeting civilians which Goldstone has since admitted was not true, so why would they admit to something that they did not do? :blink: :blink: :blink:

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What is your point? Hamas has admitted plenty of terrorist acts against civilians

Missile From Gaza Hits School Bus


JERUSALEM — A 16-year-old Israeli boy was critically wounded on Thursday when an antitank missile fired out of Gaza struck a school bus in southern Israel, according to military officials, setting off a new round of hostilities along the Israel-Gaza border.

The military wing of Hamas the Islamic militant group that controls Gaza, claimed responsibility for the attack on the bus...


My point is that whilst Hamas has at lease done one right thing by admitting it's attrocities, Israel won't even do that.

My point is that you said the report was a nonsense but it is obvious you only meant anything detrimental to Israel was a nonsense, everything else is ok. If that is not what you meant then I apologise. You accept everything Israel tells you without question but dam_n a report based on the facts it had at the time.

My point is that Israel refuses to cooperate with the UN then spits the dummy when the findings are against them. In my view, because of the non cooperation, they got what they deserved in that report. It is a bit rich to refuse to cooperate and then do your own report and lay all the blame on the UN. Any normal person would also consider a report conducted by an accused country to be just a tad on the biased side.

Perhaps they could have cooperated and ALSO done their own investigation, at least it would have been seen to be cooperating. But not Israel, it will just do what it wants to do against growing condemnation from the world.

But hey, thats just my humble opinion.

Wallaby, Hamas does not care- full stop.

Hamas does not care how many of its own people die and thats the reason why they use civilians as human shields and fire rockets from schools or hospitals.

Hamas does not care how many israeli kids or civilians they kill or/and how many crimes been committed by its soldiers or members.

Hamas does not investigate school bus targeting-beng accidental or not.

Hamas does not punish those who kill kids, they rather reward them.

Israel on the other hand prosecutes its soldiers, runs investigations and looks into every report.

Why do you keep proposing that the report should be accepted when it is factually incorrect???? Why should Israel agree with it???

Israel never denied that civilians were killed but did all it can to avoid that, Israel never targeted civilians.

While human loss of life is r regrettable,Israel should also be applauded for all the warnings, sms, phone calls and leaflets they dropped to warn people.

How many nations can you name that warn their enemy of the attack way in advance????????

That part of the report is based on eye witness reports who also so happened to be Hamas-how do you call that an independent report?

How many other things in the report are incorrect to which the author will admit(perhaps) later.

Israel did its own investigations and yes i know you will not be satisfied that it was Israel's own, but already one part of the report been proven to be incorrect.

Hamas does not care what resolutions, agreements or reports are in place.

How do you propose for Israel to deal with an enemy? which does not respect any rules, laws or anything really.

You want Israel to be better, but every time Israel tries to even open mouth on any matter you slam it or do not accept it.

Now back to UN, Un has not been a fair organisation for a very long time. UN is in no place to criticize Human Rights, as not only UN has the worst violators as its members but also picks and chooses .

I am sure i have already addressed that for you, which you either missed or ignored.

What was UN's response to Sri Lankan conflict when over 6000 civilians were killed? UN praised country's efforts to deal with terrorism(rebels)

What was UN's response or reports on Darfour when hundred of thousands civilians were slaughtered.

So if you want to be impartial, why do not we call spade a spade rather then mudding the water.

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Wallaby, Hamas does not care- full stop.

Hamas does not care how many of its own people die and thats the reason why they use civilians as human shields and fire rockets from schools or hospitals.

Hamas does not care how many israeli kids or civilians they kill or/and how many crimes been committed by its soldiers or members.

Hamas does not investigate school bus targeting-beng accidental or not.

Hamas does not punish those who kill kids, they rather reward them.

Israel on the other hand prosecutes its soldiers, runs investigations and looks into every report.

Why do you keep proposing that the report should be accepted when it is factually incorrect???? Why should Israel agree with it???

Israel never denied that civilians were killed but did all it can to avoid that, Israel never targeted civilians.

While human loss of life is r regrettable,Israel should also be applauded for all the warnings, sms, phone calls and leaflets they dropped to warn people.

How many nations can you name that warn their enemy of the attack way in advance????????

That part of the report is based on eye witness reports who also so happened to be Hamas-how do you call that an independent report?

How many other things in the report are incorrect to which the author will admit(perhaps) later.

Israel did its own investigations and yes i know you will not be satisfied that it was Israel's own, but already one part of the report been proven to be incorrect.

Hamas does not care what resolutions, agreements or reports are in place.

How do you propose for Israel to deal with an enemy? which does not respect any rules, laws or anything really.

You want Israel to be better, but every time Israel tries to even open mouth on any matter you slam it or do not accept it.

Now back to UN, Un has not been a fair organisation for a very long time. UN is in no place to criticize Human Rights, as not only UN has the worst violators as its members but also picks and chooses .

I am sure i have already addressed that for you, which you either missed or ignored.

What was UN's response to Sri Lankan conflict when over 6000 civilians were killed? UN praised country's efforts to deal with terrorism(rebels)

What was UN's response or reports on Darfour when hundred of thousands civilians were slaughtered.

So if you want to be impartial, why do not we call spade a spade rather then mudding the water.

Kuffki, Hamas are terrorists, you get no argument from me and I've never said different. But there are some on this forum that believe everything Israel says or does as the gospel truth and should never be questioned.

I hate to state the obvious but why should the Israeli govt be any different to govts from all over the world, they lie as much as possible to cover their ass.

Israel investigated and if you wish to unquestionably accept what they found as the ultimate truth then thats a matter for you. I would prefer not to put so much weight of truth on a report that is quite reasonably expected to be self serving. Why didn't Israel cooperate with the UN and do its own investigations as well, what did they have to hide?

I never said the UN report was factually correct. I was merely correcting a poster who considered the WHOLE document to be a nonsense, if that be the case then anything reported about crimes by Hamas must therefore be a nonsense.

I'm not so easily convinced that the report of Israel is correct because it is a self investigation. I take it with a grain of salt, just as you would if Hamas had investigated and done it's own report, I doubt you would so readily accept it.

Israel states it does not target civilians, you accept that, I am not so sure. But that's neither here nor there because Israel does kill civilians. Saying they don't target civilians is quite easy.

Other nations giving warnings before attacking? Well I know the IRA does. NATO did before going into Libya, the US did before going into Iraq. It's easy to give a warning when the people you are attacking are not exactly in the same league as you.

You say most witnesses were Hamas a wonder how I can consider it independent. Well Israel refused to cooperate, they got what they deserved. How can you consider Israel's report independent?

Hamas does not care about the report or resolutions? Does Israel care?

You obviously have little time for the UN so why do you mention that Hamas will take no notice of any resolutions? Surely Hamas has the same right to ignore or dislike the UN just as much as Israel does.

My point is that Israel refused to cooperate then jumped up and down and spat the dummy out when the report wasn't very nice to them. They then did their own report and some are treating it like bathed in truth.

I'm sure if I did a self appraisal I could make it all glowing, not a lot of truth to it, but hey, I'm writing it so I can say what I want and people will believe. How about just stepping back and considering that maybe not all of the Israeli report is correct. Also consider that not all of the UN report is false.

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My point is that whilst Hamas has at lease done one right thing by admitting it's attrocities,

Now THAT is some bizarre thinking.

However, Israel was accused of targeting civilians which Goldstone has since admitted was not true, so why would they admit to something that they did not do? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Why is it bizarre. Did they admit to it? We'll never know with Israel because it refused to cooperate.

How do you know they didn't do it? Because Israel says so?

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Why? You don't seem to have trouble posting without reading.

He gave an honest report with the information available to him. It isn't his fault that one side refused to cooperate, then sooked and cried about it.

So now that he agrees with Israel, what is he, still anti Israel? If so then I guess we shouldn't believe him when he says Israel is correct. If you say the man has no credibility then he has non whatsoever, not just half hearted and only agree with his report when you it suits you.

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You said his report was nonsense. You also said he is anti Israel. So does that mean he has credibility does he?

Does he or doesn't he?

You still haven't answered me about his report though. If his report is nonsense then you must agree that the part about Hamas committing war crimes is also nonsense.

Or is his report not nonsense anymore.

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He is not being helped much by the Israelis who blacklisted him from entering Israel based upon the original report.

Who could blame them. They knew that the report was not true and now he has admitted it himself. ;)

No you didn't.

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One side accepted the report and the other side not.

Hamas targets women and children and makes no bones about it.

Israel does not, so they rejected the report which its author has since admitted was nonsense.

And again. He did NOT admit it was nonsense. He accepted Israel's word on a part of it. So again, it is YOU that calls the report a nonsense.

But why don't you just answer my questions? Would you rather just resort to taking pot shots or add something substantive and actually answer.

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Wallaby, Hamas does not care- full stop.

Hamas does not care how many of its own people die and thats the reason why they use civilians as human shields and fire rockets from schools or hospitals.

Hamas does not care how many israeli kids or civilians they kill or/and how many crimes been committed by its soldiers or members.

Hamas does not investigate school bus targeting-beng accidental or not.

Hamas does not punish those who kill kids, they rather reward them.

Israel on the other hand prosecutes its soldiers, runs investigations and looks into every report.

Why do you keep proposing that the report should be accepted when it is factually incorrect???? Why should Israel agree with it???

Israel never denied that civilians were killed but did all it can to avoid that, Israel never targeted civilians.

While human loss of life is r regrettable,Israel should also be applauded for all the warnings, sms, phone calls and leaflets they dropped to warn people.

How many nations can you name that warn their enemy of the attack way in advance????????

That part of the report is based on eye witness reports who also so happened to be Hamas-how do you call that an independent report?

How many other things in the report are incorrect to which the author will admit(perhaps) later.

Israel did its own investigations and yes i know you will not be satisfied that it was Israel's own, but already one part of the report been proven to be incorrect.

Hamas does not care what resolutions, agreements or reports are in place.

How do you propose for Israel to deal with an enemy? which does not respect any rules, laws or anything really.

You want Israel to be better, but every time Israel tries to even open mouth on any matter you slam it or do not accept it.

Now back to UN, Un has not been a fair organisation for a very long time. UN is in no place to criticize Human Rights, as not only UN has the worst violators as its members but also picks and chooses .

I am sure i have already addressed that for you, which you either missed or ignored.

What was UN's response to Sri Lankan conflict when over 6000 civilians were killed? UN praised country's efforts to deal with terrorism(rebels)

What was UN's response or reports on Darfour when hundred of thousands civilians were slaughtered.

So if you want to be impartial, why do not we call spade a spade rather then mudding the water.

Kuffki, Hamas are terrorists, you get no argument from me and I've never said different. But there are some on this forum that believe everything Israel says or does as the gospel truth and should never be questioned.

I hate to state the obvious but why should the Israeli govt be any different to govts from all over the world, they lie as much as possible to cover their ass.

Israel investigated and if you wish to unquestionably accept what they found as the ultimate truth then thats a matter for you. I would prefer not to put so much weight of truth on a report that is quite reasonably expected to be self serving. Why didn't Israel cooperate with the UN and do its own investigations as well, what did they have to hide?

I never said the UN report was factually correct. I was merely correcting a poster who considered the WHOLE document to be a nonsense, if that be the case then anything reported about crimes by Hamas must therefore be a nonsense.

I'm not so easily convinced that the report of Israel is correct because it is a self investigation. I take it with a grain of salt, just as you would if Hamas had investigated and done it's own report, I doubt you would so readily accept it.

Israel states it does not target civilians, you accept that, I am not so sure. But that's neither here nor there because Israel does kill civilians. Saying they don't target civilians is quite easy.

Other nations giving warnings before attacking? Well I know the IRA does. NATO did before going into Libya, the US did before going into Iraq. It's easy to give a warning when the people you are attacking are not exactly in the same league as you.

You say most witnesses were Hamas a wonder how I can consider it independent. Well Israel refused to cooperate, they got what they deserved. How can you consider Israel's report independent?

Hamas does not care about the report or resolutions? Does Israel care?

You obviously have little time for the UN so why do you mention that Hamas will take no notice of any resolutions? Surely Hamas has the same right to ignore or dislike the UN just as much as Israel does.

My point is that Israel refused to cooperate then jumped up and down and spat the dummy out when the report wasn't very nice to them. They then did their own report and some are treating it like bathed in truth.

I'm sure if I did a self appraisal I could make it all glowing, not a lot of truth to it, but hey, I'm writing it so I can say what I want and people will believe. How about just stepping back and considering that maybe not all of the Israeli report is correct. Also consider that not all of the UN report is false.

Israel did cooperate with the mission initially, however Goldstone went "HIS" way and violated a number of rules.

To start with the report violates International standard for inquiries, which included UN rules on facts-finding, It simply replicated earlier biased statements rather then looking into any current or new evidence

Goldstone systematically favored witnesses and evidence put forward by the anti-israel advocates which included Hamas operatives .

Goldstone thus justified an appointment that militates against basic rules of fairness, due process and natural justice. His untenable reasoning, which would have failed a first-year law student, casts grave doubts about the justice himself.

Moreover, Goldstone's claim that he was leading "a fact-finding mission" is refuted by the report, which is highly judicial, replete with purported legal analysis of international law, detailed legal findings and reaching judicial determinations on "war crimes."

The inescapable conclusion is that the whole report is invalid and cannot form a basis for any decision or action.

It is also not surprising that Goldstone's report became what it is - a complete aberration.

The mission's general approach

The report makes every effort to downplay Hamas crimes. Hamas and other terrorist entities are described by the benign term "Palestinian armed groups." In some cases, the mission simply declines to examine Hamas misdeeds. One example of this inaction regards Shifa Hospital in Gaza. Despite ample grounds indicating that a Hamas command center was located in the hospital, the report states that it did "not investigate the case of Al-Shifa hospital and is not in a position to make any finding with regard to these allegations" (p. 466).

Clear evidence unfavorable to Hamas is either discarded or "reinterpreted." For instance, during the operation, Islam Shahwan, spokesman for the Hamas police force, stated that "police officers received clear orders from the leadership to face the [israeli] enemy." However, this clear admission as to the role of the Hamas police takes on new meaning when the mission uncritically accepts Shahwan's explanation that his intention was that in the event of an invasion, the police would continue to uphold public order and ensure the movement of essential supplies (p. 414). A statement by the commander of Hamas's Executive Force (p. 410) that his group acted as "resistance fighters" received similar benign interpretation (p. 416).

Reliable evidence supporting the Israeli position received completely different treatment.

In an effort to explain its targeting of sensitive locations, Israel submitted to the mission photographic evidence showing the launching of rockets from within or near residential buildings, schools, mosques and hospitals. However, the mission had no qualms in discounting them on the grounds that it could not determine whether the photos showed what is alleged, and that many photos related to firing of rockets from Gaza before the operation (p. 449).

The mission even denied requests to invite witnesses such as Col. Kemp, who was likely to support the Israeli position. The explanations offered by Goldstone for this unbalanced treatment are not much stronger than those he provided for keeping Chinkin on the mission.

Much of the evidence gathered by the mission was most likely tainted. Members of the mission were accompanied during their visit to Gaza by Hamas officials, a group which deliberately and consistently pursues a policy of disinformation. It is highly improbable that the mission could get a true picture of Hamas's misdeeds and of what really happened. Indeed, the report admits that the witnesses interviewed appeared "reluctant to speak about the presence or conduct of hostilities by the Palestinian armed groups" - a reluctance which "may have stemmed from a fear of reprisals" (p. 4M38).

This behavior by the Islamic group has been aptly described by Kemp:

"Hamas, like Hizbullah, are expert at driving the media agenda. Both will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents."

Furthermore,Goldstone's behavior in the judging the NATO bombing of Kosovo contradicts in style and substance his treatment of Israel in his Gaza Fact-Finding Mission. Emet m'Tsiyon goes over the material, in particular, the legitimation of a NATO bombing of a TV station that killed at least a dozen civilians with no visible military goal.

So all in all Mr Goldstone, hardly has a good track record of fairness or ability to do what he is asked to do.

I do not know if its the case of pure laziness or being anti country or simply inability to do a job

PS. You say USA warned civilians in Iraq, is that why over 100 000 have been killed?

I doubt there were any warning to civilians in Libya as no reports have confirmed so and yet over 100 have been killed.

How many have been killed in Pakistan and Afganistan by mistake or drone? In Afgan close to 3000 and again no reports of prior wanring being issued to civilians.

Yes, USA and NATO warned that they were about to start military action, they certainly did not issue hourly and daily warnings of specific area to be attacked each and every time.

Edited by kuffki
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