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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

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Thaksin kicks off election campaign in new phone-in


Thaksin Shinawatra, in his lengthy phone-in to the red-shirts in Udon Thani last night effectively kicked off his election campaign with his series of populist planks.

He said "all polls" say Pheau Thai Party will win more than half of the seats. He declared that he will make his election platform public on April 24.

"I will revive Thailand within six months. After the first three months, the headache will be gone. The following three months, people will have money to spend, lots of money in everybody's pocket..." he said.

He proposed that farmers should be issued "cash cards" to be used in buying production tools. "Farmers don't have to be in debt anymore. They can their own creditors..." he said, without elaborating.

He specifically told Udon candidates: "Any district that can win an election will see me spending the night there as a gesture to pay back poliltical debt. Make sure, Udon, that you don't miss even one seat. Next time, make a clean sweep," he instructed.

Thaksin said he was frustrated at some Pheau Thai MPs trying to put pressure on him to come up with the name of the party's candidate to be the next prime minister.

"I am sick and tired of these people. We are in the opposition. What's the hurry about naming our candidate as prime minister? Wait until the House is dissolved...and I will let you know the name," he said.

There is no doubt things are heating up and Thaksin wants to make sure he is up front. But first, he has to put his own house in order. Second, he has to be able to answer the questions posed by his party members over issues he finds "quite frustrating..."

Posted by suthichaiyoon at 8:47 AM

http://suthichaiyoon.blogspot.com/2011/04/thaksin-kicks-off-election-campaign-in.html --2011--04--03

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''After the first three months, the headache will be gone.''

i hope so Thaksin, you are the headache this country has

i would like to see you come back to Thailand .....................in a box!

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I can hardly wait for the cash card, will it be based on amount of land ownership, number of children, wives, girlfriends, or what? Can I purchase fuel for the production equipment with the card (whiskey), do women qualify as production equipment? The proposed result which Thaksin promises should assure his party being winner of the upcoming election by acclamation, no need to spend the monies for the problems associated with elections in Thailand.

I will wait to see if another party can beat this offer prior to giving guidance to the Thai family on who to vote for. I may offer 100 baht in hand, buy booze, food, etc, set all out on election day, I figure I can incapacitate at least 20 potential voters with a one time investment of about 6 or 7000 baht.

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...effectively kicked off his election campaign...

Since when does a legally banned, and on the run from the law, self-exiled, former politician have the right to run in any election? Oh yes when he has no morals and more money than Crocious. The longer you look at this person the more dangerous he seems.

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his lengthy phone-in to the red-shirts in Udon Thani last night effectively kicked off his election campaign

Wait until the House is dissolved...and I will let you know the name," he said.

^ I'm waiting for some "it's not about Taksin" posts. :whistling:

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...effectively kicked off his election campaign...

Since when does a legally banned, and on the run from the law, self-exiled, former politician have the right to run in any election? Oh yes when he has no morals and more money than Crocious. The longer you look at this person the more dangerous he seems.

Since when does a party that failed to win a general election have the right to do deals with a legally banned politician to form a government?

Oh yes, when they have no morals.

The longer you look at this government the more dangerous it seems.

Edited by Oberkommando
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...effectively kicked off his election campaign...

Since when does a legally banned, and on the run from the law, self-exiled, former politician have the right to run in any election? Oh yes when he has no morals and more money than Crocious. The longer you look at this person the more dangerous he seems.

Since when does a party that failed to win a general election have the right to do deals with a legally banned politician to form a government?

Oh yes, when they have no morals.

The longer you look at this government the more dangerous it seems.

Are you talking about PPP when they formed a coalition with said banned politician after not winning the 2007 general election?

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''After the first three months, the headache will be gone.''

i hope so Thaksin, you are the headache this country has

i would like to see you come back to Thailand .....................in a box!

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

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...effectively kicked off his election campaign...

Since when does a legally banned, and on the run from the law, self-exiled, former politician have the right to run in any election? Oh yes when he has no morals and more money than Crocious. The longer you look at this person the more dangerous he seems.

WHY ??? in question to your last sentence.

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"I will revive Thailand within six months. After the first three months, the headache will be gone. The following three months, people will have money to spend, lots of money in everybody's pocket..." he said.

As accurate as his earlier announcement that drugs had been completely eradicated from Thailand.

As well as the one where he promised to solved Bangkok's traffic problems and also that poverty would be eliminated in Thailand.

What a lying blowhard.

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As accurate as his earlier announcement that drugs had been completely eradicated from Thailand.

As well as the one where he promised to solved Bangkok's traffic problems and also that poverty would be eliminated in Thailand.

What a lying blowhard.

He's done better on both counts than the current incumbent.

Are you talking about PPP when they formed a coalition with said banned politician after not winning the 2007 general election?

Highlighting the hypocrisy which the Thaksin obsessives will never admit as it is not conducive to their agenda.

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It still amazes me that to this day some still have blinkers on, that blind them to the reality of Thaksins mindset. Regardless if the majority of Thai political players good, bad and indifferent still work within the existing system, the fact remain Thaksin is an exception to the rule of HOW a politician can and should act in and out of office. He sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. I love democracy, but there may be times it can not adequately stand up to onslaught, 'clear and present danger', and must be augmented for the safety of those very people Democracy would ostensibly represent.

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As accurate as his earlier announcement that drugs had been completely eradicated from Thailand.

As well as the one where he promised to solved Bangkok's traffic problems and also that poverty would be eliminated in Thailand.

What a lying blowhard.

He's done better on both counts than the current incumbent.

There are 3 lies. Which 2 are "both?"

Point being, he blatantly lied about all 3.

Has anyone else made his bold (and lying) statements?


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...effectively kicked off his election campaign...

Since when does a legally banned, and on the run from the law, self-exiled, former politician have the right to run in any election? Oh yes when he has no morals and more money than Crocious. The longer you look at this person the more dangerous he seems.

WHY ??? in question to your last sentence.

You make my point.

If you can't see his hubris; what an amoral, compulsive obsessive he is, and that this is an extraordinarily bad combination in a national leader, I can't help you.

This has nothing to do with wanting or not wanting a better life for the Issan people or any pro/anti red shirt creed.

It has to do with Thaksin not being stable as a national leader and his past proven vindictive traits.

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Are you talking about PPP when they formed a coalition with said banned politician after not winning the 2007 general election?

Highlighting the hypocrisy which the Thaksin obsessives will never admit as it is not conducive to their agenda.

No. Just pointing out that one of the things that pro-Thaksin posters complain about the current government was also done by the previous government.

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It still amazes me that to this day some still have blinkers on, that blind them to the reality of Thaksins mindset. Regardless if the majority of Thai political players good, bad and indifferent still work within the existing system, the fact remain Thaksin is an exception to the rule of HOW a politician can and should act in and out of office. He sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. I love democracy, but there may be times it can not adequately stand up to onslaught, 'clear and present danger', and must be augmented for the safety of those very people Democracy would ostensibly represent.

Augmented with military coups and martial law?

There's always an 'enemy' that the military has to remove for the benefit of others as we can see throughout Thai history.

If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

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And there is the greater danger.

History tells us otherwise. 19 coups. 17 constitutions.

The military has a proven history of overthrowing elected governments and installing dictators and juntas.

And you're worried about Thaksin?

Good grief.

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History tells us otherwise. 19 coups. 17 constitutions.

The military has a proven history of overthrowing elected governments and installing dictators and juntas.

And your worried about Thaksin?

Good grief.

Yes. With promises like his, wouldn't you be worried? Do you actually believe him?

"I will revive Thailand within six months. After the first three months, the headache will be gone. The following three months, people will have money to spend, lots of money in my everybody's pocket..." he said.
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What's the hurry about naming our candidate as prime minister? Wait until the House is dissolved...and I will let you know the name," he said.

The man is a pathological liar. Throughout the illegal and violent redshirt protests, he claimed he did not lead them or the PT.

Not to mention his frequent 'no more politics for me, I'm just a guy looking for work' statements to the press.

How can anyone with a brain take this man seriously?

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And there is the greater danger.

History tells us otherwise. 19 coups. 17 constitutions.

The military has a proven history of overthrowing elected governments and installing dictators and juntas.

And you're worried about Thaksin?

Good grief.

There were 17 coups in the first 60 years after the end of the absolute monarchy - about one every 3 - 4 years. Since then there have been 2 coups in 20 years. Elections were held within a year or so after those coups.

It looks to me as though the era of governments that were installed and dominated by the military is fading away.

Now if we could just get ex-policemen to stay out of politics...:whistling:

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What's the hurry about naming our candidate as prime minister? Wait until the House is dissolved...and I will let you know the name," he said.

The man is a pathological liar. Throughout the illegal and violent redshirt protests, he claimed he did not lead them or the PT.

Not to mention his frequent 'no more politics for me, I'm just a guy looking for work' statements to the press.

How can anyone with a brain take this man seriously?

Don't hate the playa, hate the game. :D

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And there is the greater danger.

History tells us otherwise. 19 coups. 17 constitutions.

The military has a proven history of overthrowing elected governments and installing dictators and juntas.

And you're worried about Thaksin?

Good grief.

I am worried about the grief Thaksin will bring us all.

If it were only the game I would be less worried.

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Why are political phone-ins allowed from people who are blocked from politics for another few years?

Typo corrected

Probably for the same reasons under the table deals can be done with banned politicians to form governments.

Do you mean the Friends of Newin that joined PPP? (Then decided to NOT join PTP?)

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It looks to me as though the era of governments that were installed and dominated by the military is fading away.

It looks to me that it is set to continue for many years to come. The last coup and Junta coming in 2006.

We see the military regularly acting on its own accord by receiving unprecedented funding since the coup and countermanding and denouncing government decisions when it suits, being completely immune to any sort of reprehensibility for its actions.

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