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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

The Thai Rak Thai Party was the first political party in Thailand to have been represented by more than half of the Members of the House of Representatives. In the 2005 legislative election, the party's candidates were elected to occupy 376 seats of the 500 seats in the House of Representatives, defeating the largest opposition party, the Democrat Party. It won 96 seats (WiKi)

Could you please explain Nisa when the hatred and divide actually started?

Edit: Spelling

Edited by 473geo
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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

The Thai Rak Thai Party was the first political party in Thailand to have been represented by more than half of the Members of the House of Representatives. In the 2005 legislative election, the party's candidates were elected to occupy 376 seats of the 500 seats in the House of Representatives, defeating the largest opposition party, the Democrat Party. It won 96 seats (WiKi)

Could you please explain Nisa when the hatred and divide actually started?

Edit: Spelling

It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

The Thai Rak Thai Party was the first political party in Thailand to have been represented by more than half of the Members of the House of Representatives. In the 2005 legislative election, the party's candidates were elected to occupy 376 seats of the 500 seats in the House of Representatives, defeating the largest opposition party, the Democrat Party. It won 96 seats (WiKi)

Could you please explain Nisa when the hatred and divide actually started?

Edit: Spelling

It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

In spite of all the accusations that you make he would still have won the election if Abhisit"s friends hadn't stage a coup. Correct?

Edited by termad
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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

Geriatric, where does it say I 'called for his death'?

Where does it say I 'called someone to do this'?

Or does it say the flight crew should die to further this?

Anywhere? No, it doesn't.

I just said it would be a "better resolution" of the political crisis, than most other possibilities. In reference to another statement you might have been more correct aiming your over heated and over wraught invective at.

While he is alive he is clearly obsessed with getting power back, and his recent past history shows he has no compunctions about how he does this. This weeks announcements show he is no more lucid than he was this time last year, and that is not totally, and as obsessed as ever. So yes, if he goes by Act of God or mechanical accident, it does pull the plug on much of Thailands current problems and political crisis.

Noting this, is not the same as calling for an assassination, is it? Oops. You just fell off your high horse.

Let's look at your statement;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

If his plane goes down at sea and he is never found, are you suggesting he takes up a new identity somewhere in the South Pacific? You know quite well, that your sentiment was that you wanted the man to die in a plane crash. As the plane would have a crew, your sentiment includes the crew. Perhaps justifiable collateral damage in your view.

As I said, one can play with the semantics, but the intent was there. It isn't responsible to call for people's death.

You have every right to criticize Thaksin. Disagree with his politics, disagree with is policies, but don't call for his death. it's wrong. There is just way too much hatred and invective injected into these threads. All I am asking you to do is not to ramp up the violent chatter. Responsible people do not call for deaths in Thai politics. It is particularly irksome since you are not a Thai national and you are not voting in the election.

I doubt the Thaksin haters will undersand my position, but all I can do is ask that the hatred be kept in check as it serves no purpose save to make some Thais hate a segment of the foreign visitors and long term guests in this country, as we all suffer. My concern is that foreigners identified with political meddling in the upcoming election risk bringing down the wrath of a nation. One need only look at the mental deficients that were showing up at the Red rallies. Is it any wonder there was an immigration crackdown following those events?

There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

The Thai Rak Thai Party was the first political party in Thailand to have been represented by more than half of the Members of the House of Representatives. In the 2005 legislative election, the party's candidates were elected to occupy 376 seats of the 500 seats in the House of Representatives, defeating the largest opposition party, the Democrat Party. It won 96 seats (WiKi)

Could you please explain Nisa when the hatred and divide actually started?

Edit: Spelling

It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this was a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years (Wiki)

Edit: added source and changed is to was to reference party as past tense

Edited by 473geo
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''After the first three months, the headache will be gone.''

i hope so Thaksin, you are the headache this country has

i would like to see you come back to Thailand .....................in a box!

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

If he has demi-god status it was given to him by the Thai people and taken away by a Military coup and Amataya money. As a European who are you to criticise them.

I believe it was manufactured, at great effort, by his political machine, very cynically to control the masses.

I admire how well he has done this, but deplore it's results. He's become a man for all philosophies and a believer in none, a peddler of populism and socialism in one hand, and uber-capitalism in the other. Do as a say and not as I do. Ignore that man behind the curtain, but fear the great and powerful Oz. It would be great theater if it wasn't so sad as reality.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

Personally I have no probs with that, however there is clearly a majority of farang TV members who cannot vote in the next elections have.,

Oh yes whats Palin got to do with this?, oops she is a citizen of that country thats trying to bomb Libya into democracy.:ph34r:

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I can hardly wait for the cash card, will it be based on amount of land ownership, number of children, wives, girlfriends, or what? Can I purchase fuel for the production equipment with the card (whiskey), do women qualify as production equipment? The proposed result which Thaksin promises should assure his party being winner of the upcoming election by acclamation, no need to spend the monies for the problems associated with elections in Thailand.

I will wait to see if another party can beat this offer prior to giving guidance to the Thai family on who to vote for. I may offer 100 baht in hand, buy booze, food, etc, set all out on election day, I figure I can incapacitate at least 20 potential voters with a one time investment of about 6 or 7000 baht.

parties will hand out 4 door pick ups to important village heads, giveaways...

With PA systems on top to spread the message better...

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It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this is a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years

Please cite your source :) quoting material without citation is a no-no.

I assume it it Wiki since it is clearly a flawed article "forced Thaksin to stay in exile" is clearly not true, not only did the coup not force him to stay in exile, he returned and then fled again.

You can (fairly accurately I admit) suggest that Thaksin had support of a vast number of the electorate, it frankly doesn't matter when you cheat to get the vote. Other people might suggest that Thaksin was the first person to unite the regional power-families/political machines in 2 sections of the country and as normal those machines told people how to vote. TRT was on the way out and Thaksin knew it. He had YEARS left on his term but he tried what you are trying. He tried to use the ballot box to white-wash his and his party's behavior. All this AFTER having demolished the checks and balances that are required for a democracy to function.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

Personally I have no probs with that, however there is clearly a majority of farang TV members who cannot vote in the next elections have.,

Oh yes whats Palin got to do with this?, oops she is a citizen of that country thats trying to bomb Libya into democracy.:ph34r:

Palin has nothing to do with this. As strange as she is she is still able to legally run for office in the country she is a citizen of. Thaksin has lost that priv. as a result of his conviction with jail time that he did not appeal.

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You guys get so carried away you forget the basis of all of this.

The Reds and their party are demanding democracy. That is a noble goal but they should certainly have questions about their party being run by a dictator. If they believed in a democracy at this point in time they would be having party meetings and the party reps would be choosing a leader. As it stands they have a dictator as their leader and they seem quite happy with that. The problem comes in that this dictator has had them do so many things which have hurt Thailand and yes, even hurt the very people that the said dictator is supposedly trying to help.

This dictator is an elite, the very class of people the Red's are supposed to be against, How many of the Red supporters buy a Hotel to live in and how many have a private jet so as to not mingle with the common folk? Do they have limousines and drivers at their beck and call? Can they even imagine shopping in some of the places their dictator frequents? Can they withdraw 600 Million Baht for spending money? Heck, do they even have 600 Million Baht? Do they ever question how a policeman amassed such wealth, and can they even imagine that some of that money is rightfully their's? If they had some of that money would their life be better? Sure they can blame the Government for their lot in life, but do they ever consider this dictator was the Government and is trying very hard to become it again? Will they really be any better off if this dictator get's his way?

If the Red's want a dictator to make all the decisions for them, are they not admitting they are not capable of running their own affairs? Surprisingly this is what the the Yellow's have been saying. Do they actually agree with the Yellows on the idea that the Northern folk are not capable to make decisions for their own country?

I am for good Government. One that represents the people and keeps law and order and protects a safe working and living environment. How could anyone be against that? How could anyone install a dictator in the name of democracy? How can they allow an elite to be their dictator? So many questions, so little time.

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It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this is a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years

Please cite your source :) quoting material without citation is a no-no.

I assume it it Wiki since it is clearly a flawed article "forced Thaksin to stay in exile" is clearly not true, not only did the coup not force him to stay in exile, he returned and then fled again.

You can (fairly accurately I admit) suggest that Thaksin had support of a vast number of the electorate, it frankly doesn't matter when you cheat to get the vote. Other people might suggest that Thaksin was the first person to unite the regional power-families/political machines in 2 sections of the country and as normal those machines told people how to vote. TRT was on the way out and Thaksin knew it. He had YEARS left on his term but he tried what you are trying. He tried to use the ballot box to white-wash his and his party's behavior. All this AFTER having demolished the checks and balances that are required for a democracy to function.

He cited Wiki, but you never pasted it over....

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

The Thai Rak Thai Party was the first political party in Thailand to have been represented by more than half of the Members of the House of Representatives. In the 2005 legislative election, the party's candidates were elected to occupy 376 seats of the 500 seats in the House of Representatives, defeating the largest opposition party, the Democrat Party. It won 96 seats (WiKi)

Could you please explain Nisa when the hatred and divide actually started?

Edit: Spelling

It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this was a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years (Wiki)

Edit: added source and changed is to was to reference party as past tense

TRT was a collection of parties bought wholesale by Thaksin, Thaksin was popular due to his populist policies and he had the enormous wealth needed to buy parties such as the NAP,(approx 80 MPs), plus other smaller parties who he threatened to leave in the Opposition if they didn't dissolve into TRT.

Only the Democrats could stand to be in the Opposition, the rest feared dry throats from lack of a budget for their constituencies if they were in the Opposition.

Thaksin then proceeded to run the government in an authoritarian manner,installing relatives and cronies in key positions in every government department and organisation.His contempt for any scrutiny of the government's actions led to massive demonstrations by the middle class which led to his overthrow thankfully.

and begaas a one man show, brooking no

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Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections.

Thanks for highlighting the absurdity of the Thaksin regime.

Even in a situation where they were fairly certain to win the election, the TRT still decided to commit electoral fraud and thus snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing so.

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He cited Wiki, but you never pasted it over....

He edited in "wiki" later (wiki requires a link for citations/fair usage), I wasn't (and am still not) going to go google the article to find the rest of the mistakes in it, the history, and the talk. :) He posted 3 (partial?) sentences from it and one had a glaring flaw .. enough for me

oooops and his edit says he changed the article as written ... tsk tsk :)

Edited by jdinasia
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TRT was a collection of parties bought wholesale by Thaksin, Thaksin was popular due to his populist policies and he had the enormous wealth needed to buy parties such as the NAP,(approx 80 MPs), plus other smaller parties who he threatened to leave in the Opposition if they didn't dissolve into TRT.

Only the Democrats could stand to be in the Opposition, the rest feared dry throats from lack of a budget for their constituencies if they were in the Opposition.

Thaksin then proceeded to run the government in an authoritarian manner,installing relatives and cronies in key positions in every government department and organisation.His contempt for any scrutiny of the government's actions led to massive demonstrations by the middle class which led to his overthrow thankfully.

and begaas a one man show, brooking no

Worthy of a starter topic of it's own.

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How is it possible that people are actually still believing this troll when he makes statements like:

"I will revive Thailand within six months. After the first three months, the headache will be gone. The following three months, people will have money to spend, lots of money in everybody's pocket..."

Alas, his "solutions" appear to be rather murky:

"He proposed that farmers should be issued "cash cards" to be used in buying production tools. 'Farmers don't have to be in debt anymore. They can their own creditors...' he said, without elaborating."

A lot of hot air without substance as usual. Too bad so may people put futile hopes in the fairy tales they're being told of Thailand magically transforming into a land of milk and honey by the good graces of this self-styled savior.

It's about time for the man to shut up. But then again, he might know something we don't. After all, he seems very confident that he'll be back in Thailand before long:

"Any district that can win an election will see me spending the night there as a gesture to pay back poliltical debt..."

Thaksin has clearly absorbed some Western habits during his leave abroad as his absurd claims mentioned above are surely an attempt at an April Fool joke, if a little belated.

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Even in a situation where they were fairly certain to win the election, the TRT still decided to commit electoral fraud and thus snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing so.

Then they formed a new party and did it a second time. I'm just curious if they'll engage in vote buying a third time.

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He cited Wiki, but you never pasted it over....

He edited in "wiki" later (wiki requires a link for citations/fair usage), I wasn't (and am still not) going to go google the article to find the rest of the mistakes in it, the history, and the talk. :) He posted 3 (partial?) sentences from it and one had a glaring flaw .. enough for me


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Even in a situation where they were fairly certain to win the election, the TRT still decided to commit electoral fraud and thus snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing so.

Then they formed a new party and did it a second time. I'm just curious if they'll engage in vote buying a third time.

Of course they will, what I want to know is will they get caught on VDO doing it again!?

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It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this is a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years

Please cite your source :) quoting material without citation is a no-no.

I assume it it Wiki since it is clearly a flawed article "forced Thaksin to stay in exile" is clearly not true, not only did the coup not force him to stay in exile, he returned and then fled again.

You can (fairly accurately I admit) suggest that Thaksin had support of a vast number of the electorate, it frankly doesn't matter when you cheat to get the vote. Other people might suggest that Thaksin was the first person to unite the regional power-families/political machines in 2 sections of the country and as normal those machines told people how to vote. TRT was on the way out and Thaksin knew it. He had YEARS left on his term but he tried what you are trying. He tried to use the ballot box to white-wash his and his party's behavior. All this AFTER having demolished the checks and balances that are required for a democracy to function.

We are at odds JD quite simply because I am commenting on the result of actions which I feel caused a division..........

You on the other hand are trying to justify the actions.........

Too late for that JD, the action took place, a coup happened, a popular party elected by the people was disbanded, rightly or wrongly............I believe this could well have been a major trigger to anti government feelings...........................thus playing a major part in the division we see today.........

You are of course entitled to disagree....

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Even in a situation where they were fairly certain to win the election, the TRT still decided to commit electoral fraud and thus snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing so.

Then they formed a new party and did it a second time. I'm just curious if they'll engage in vote buying a third time.

Indeed, they are slow learners as they did go right back and commit electoral fraud again and found another bunch of them banned.

Now they got 200 of the slow learners banned, Thaksin has finally decided to go with a much smaller executive committee. This to limit the number of members getting banned. Of course, by insinuation, he infers they plan to commit electoral fraud a third time... just that the fallout from it won't be as dramatic next time.

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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

In 2001 someone blew up a jet Thaksin was scheduled to travel on at Don Muang.

No they didn't, the compressor in the air con in the plane exploded before Thaksin boarded, but he tried to claim it was a bomb planted by drug gangs out to kill him.

A real shepherd's boy,(Peter and the Wolf), it's a shame he still has a large flock, baaaaaa!

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He cited Wiki, but you never pasted it over....

He edited in "wiki" later (wiki requires a link for citations/fair usage), I wasn't (and am still not) going to go google the article to find the rest of the mistakes in it, the history, and the talk. :) He posted 3 (partial?) sentences from it and one had a glaring flaw .. enough for me

oooops and his edit says he changed the article as written ... tsk tsk :)

Careful JD these could well be dismissed as the ramblings of a desperate man........of course that could not possibly be the case.....:)

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We are at odds JD quite simply because I am commenting on the result of actions which I feel caused a division..........

You on the other hand are trying to justify the actions.........

Too late for that JD, the action took place, a coup happened, a popular party elected by the people was disbanded, rightly or wrongly............I believe this could well have been a major trigger to anti government feelings...........................thus playing a major part in the division we see today.........

You are of course entitled to disagree....

No, we are at odds because we think different actions caused the divisions. I think it was Thaksin that caused the divisions and you think it was his removal as caretaker-pm. The middle-classes actually started lining up against Thaksin who was stealing from them (the tax payers) whilst trickling a tiny amount to the poor and massive amounts to his cronies and the regional political machines that he bought up. You are trying to justify it all with "he was popular" when in a functioning democracy he would have been brought down by the agencies he was instrumental in destroying. The proximal cause of the division in my opinion is and has always been Thaksin. I would equate Thaksin to Boss Tweed and I wouldn't be hurt if he shared a similar fate.

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He cited Wiki, but you never pasted it over....

He edited in "wiki" later (wiki requires a link for citations/fair usage), I wasn't (and am still not) going to go google the article to find the rest of the mistakes in it, the history, and the talk. :) He posted 3 (partial?) sentences from it and one had a glaring flaw .. enough for me

oooops and his edit says he changed the article as written ... tsk tsk :)

Careful JD these could well be dismissed as the ramblings of a desperate man........of course that could not possibly be the case.....:)

No. They are comments on citations required for fair usage and posting. Like I said in just the three partial sentences you posted there was a glaring lie. The fact that you changed the article is another no no :)

edit --- perhaps you are unfamiliar with Wiki and don't realize that ANYONE can change it. Meaning without a link Wiki itself is useless. With a link anyone interested may look at the history of the article and the citations in the article as well as the contributors' comments.

Edited by jdinasia
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Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections.

Thanks for highlighting the absurdity of the Thaksin regime.

Even in a situation where they were fairly certain to win the election, the TRT still decided to commit electoral fraud and thus snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing so.

No problem Buchho.....(incorrect spelling) would you like me to get hold of a Thaksin signed photo and sent it to you? There are a lot about you know........

Edit: source Geo and spelling but not (incorrect spelling) correction

Edited by 473geo
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