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When you live "in the upcountry" as I, for one, do then one cannot help but remark when encountering these farang how enormous they are! Seeing graceful and compact Thai people all the time preludes a shock upon meeting these gigantic expats - one forgets that one too may be a tad on the large size. So it can't be too hard to count 'em. Just a thought!

Yeah, Klonky, and a disproportionate number of them seemed to be clearing out beer stocks in BigC in Khon Kaen yesterday! Having lived in Isaan for a number of years, several of which have been in the general environs of KK, I have to admit I was somewhat taken aback at the sheer numbers of farang specimens (of all shapes and sizes) pacing the aisles with their trollies and wee wives/GFs trotting along beside. I've never seen so many in one place outside of Patpong! :o

Now, what I'm curious about is are they all residents or just over the Xmas for holidays and visting that million baht home thay so kindly built the in-laws ten years ago and never spent more than 3 consecutive nights in? And if one spends say, a couple of months each year in LOS, and the rest back in the West, does that make one a resident or not? I suspect many of George's "residents" are just long term tourists rather than true residents. 2,000 farang expats in Udo thani seems way over the top, but I expect Ken or someone else from up that way is better qualified to comment. Because they're so visible and tend to flock to similar bars and joints, it wouldn't be hard to do a rough head count on any one day in all the provinces represented in this forum. Then add on another 20 % for the country bumpkins who rarely make it to town (apart from it seems, stocking up on beer supplies at Big C) :D Xmas cheers guys! B)

why dont you get your beer from macro plachon ? :o

any particular reason why I should Bronco? Is Macro beer better than BiG C's perchance or cheaper? Tell the truth, I prefer to get my beer by the bottle in my local shop, thereby avoiding bolstering the share prices of Central, CP, Tesco, etc. :D


I've never been to MAKRO, is it cheaper than bigC, Tesco, or Carrefour? I do not drink alcohol, but I drink water, coke, and I eat a lot. Good for me to shop there?

Hey, sorry for this stupid question, but what means exactly the L.O.S letters?



Price, quite simply price. I buy imported beer and it 's cheaper and more readily available, in march you couldn't get heineken stubbies at big c.

I like the access to macro no travelators/escalators to negotiate if you do a big shop.

frenchie we are talking about Khonkaen shops but I guess BKK would be the same so cheaper yes. You have to be a member or have access to a card.

I asked the same question once LOS = Land Of Smiles. thanks doc.


MAKRO works on a whole sale-principle. You must apply for the member card and give a company as member. Officially, they sell only to companies!

You can borrow a friend's card, albeit than the receipt will be issued in the friend's name.

In practise they do sell small packs (6 cokes, or a six-pack of beer a.s.o.

Agree with Bronco, price and access, travelators/escalators. It's good system.

Whereever you are, the layout is the same, once inside you do not know in which city or even in what country you are, except for the language used on displays.

Makro is Dutch-owned, main competitors for sure the French Carrefour and the English Tesco-Lotus.


Never looked at the wine, there is a section to the left of the entrance that might be wine, big c has a wine/spirit shop as well as lotus.

We borrow our nieces card or quote her number, not sure what the criteria is to join. :o


If you go to a Makro in the boonies they don't ask the farang for cards, at least not our makro, mainly because they can't speak english. Usually they will just swipe the cashier card through. Worth a shot, and if someone speaks english just pretend to be ignorant of the membership requirement. They would probably just swipe their card to get rid of the kwai farang.


I know you can't stop "progress" but my better half runs a small shop, she sells mobile phones, booze,cigarettes, dog food and all the rest of the stuff small shops sell and what the big chains are doing here is the same as they have done in the West.

In the U.K. there are more jewellers shops on the high street than butchers shops,because of their buying powers the big chains dictate the price paid rather than the producer.

I have read that the big five chains in the U.K. control over 80% of the food market, where's the competition there?.

The produce they sell is more on the sight of the produce rather than the taste, in fact I believe the biggest selling variety of tomato is called "money maker" because that's what it does, makes money, but tastes of nothing,it just looks good the ones sold in the our local market won't get awards for looks but at least they tastes like tomatoes.

They are squeezing the small shops here out of business, I have done many improvements to her shop but from actually standing outside and throwing customers inside there is not much more I can do.

Any ideas or suggestions would be most welcome, besides use us or lose us.

ok, I'll try in BKK soon, without card, ...

Good luck and keep us informed.

BTW, just checked my card, They spelled me name as 'Auksel'

Seems phonetically from English to Thai and back to English.

MAKRO works on a whole sale-principle.

Makro is Dutch-owned, main competitors for sure the French Carrefour and the English Tesco-Lotus.

As Tesco Lotus & Carrefour are Retail Stores

- I do not see them as direct competitors to Makro Wholesale.

I am aware of the Membership "Rules" but I shop

at Makro near Mall Bangkapi regularly.

When the Cashier asks - "Membership card?"

I just answer "No!" - never had a problem.

Convenience Into Car / Taxi boot

& Wolesale Price is the attraction


24 Pack of Tinned Beer

30 Pack Malee Fruit Juice

Single bottles of Wines are available.

Convenience of Large Car Park out front

rather than 4 floors up


Guest IT Manager

When you go to Makro, ask at the desk for a card. It takes a few days to issue. They mail it to you, and you don't need a card to shop there.

My previous post (2 up)

was made at 20.36 (8.36pm)

but it is logged as 13.36 ???

I don't argue on the competition question. You buy a six-pack here or there. :o

Shopping without the member card or asking for one? Think everything is possible, I never considered as I just put the card there and get a print out in company name with VAT etc. etc.

For your posting time. Looks to me like GMT, if you want to change check this link:



Maerim brings up a good point, all these big stores are pushing alot of small retailers out of business. The problem I have found with alot of small shops is often the food products are past their expiry date but the owner still sells it on and the prices are usually quite high. I think that alot of small shops would do better if the offered something better or different than Makro, but it isn't too tempting to go to one when you know that the products will often be inferior. That said, at least where I live, most of the small shops buy at the Makro as it is a wholesaler. Since it is a full day trip to just go shoppping at the Makro (2 1/2 hour boat ride over, drive for an hour, shop, drive for another hour and then catch the boat back for another 2 1/2 hours) most people here don't bother to go to Makro and do shop locally.




but her stock is not out of date she has a fairly high turnover but the profits are not worth the effort. her prices match the big chains and yes we go shopping there as well.

The problem is that people come to buy stuff and spend very little whereas at the big chains 2 or 3 thousand baht is normal, she does however sell single cigarettes for 2 baht a go, Carrefour take note.


Have to admit the figure of 2000 farangs resident in Udon Thani is much higher than I would have estimated myself.

Even now at the height of the season I would very much doubt that number are here including the tourists. The number of familiar faces that you see in the street, ex-pat bars, and shopping mall do not really bear this sort of figure out.

Difficult to quantify the number who live out in the boonies, but would be surprised if the total number of RESIDENT farangs is more than half the quoted figure.

Could be wrong though.

Have to admit the figure of 2000 farangs resident in Udon Thani is much higher than I would have estimated myself.

Even now at the height of the season I would very much doubt that number are here including the tourists. The number of familiar faces that you see in the street, ex-pat bars, and shopping mall do not really bear this sort of figure out.

Difficult to quantify the number who live out in the boonies, but would be surprised if the total number of RESIDENT farangs is more than half the quoted figure.

Could be wrong though.

I would tend to agree. The amount of farang I've seen so far could be counted on appendages. IF I were to say that I've probably seen 10% then I would guestimate that there are probably 300!!!. Add to that a number living in the sticks.

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