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Everywhere I look in Bangkok i see only monitors without height, swivel or pivot functions.

Does anyone know any specific shops in Bangkok (not online sites) that stock what I suppose you would call business or professional monitors?

What I am looking for is a 23" or maybe even a 22" or 24" monitor with height and pivot adjustment, preferably matt black or gray rather than the piano black fingerprint & dust magnets that are fashionable at the moment.

Monitors I have seen on the internet that look promising are from Viewsonic, NEC, Benq and the Samsung BL series. EIZO are not in my budget and Dell seem only to want to sell to corporate customers.

I was interested in the NEC EA232WMi-BK but NEC tell me that it needs to be ordered and takes 45-60 days for delivery, and at 16,000 baht you're paying a premium of 75% over the US price...

I was hoping there might be something available for less than 10,000 baht other than the Samsung F2380...


In Feb I stumbled across the BenQ XL2410T

a review (28 October 2010) here ...


expected release date Dec 2010

I'm not a gamer, was researching refresh ratese of LED units.

What caught my eye about this unit was

- split screen mode

the capacity to display video from two sources at the same time

- ability to physically swivel rotate the monitor

and have real portrait view

- 120Hz refresh rate

- 2ms response time

- LED backlighting

- ability to change screen resolution on the fly

- senseye image enhancement technology,

claims optimises contrast and sharpness, giving better clarity and depth

I was impressed,

and was surprised this was coming from BenQ.

Perhaps this will be the norm in the next few years.

As to cost, they mentioned 700 dollars (aussie).

Let us know what you find.


You're right, BenQ have had some new innovative monitors recently.

Most of the monitors I've seen on the internet with pivot etc. are for business or professional use so they don't have a fast response rate like the one you linked to but like you I'm not a gamer so it's not so terrible if it is10ms or higher. I had a good look around recently and most monitors i saw were piano black with tilt only.

Surely there must be some shops out there, maybe not in the big malls, with some business orientated monitors.


Most monitors have 4 screw holes on the back just like a TV set. You only need to find the stand for desk top or wall mount that works for you. Check the back of the monitor of your choice and i think you will find the same standard located mount points. The stands should run maybe 1k or 2k in Thailand - Sorry I don't have source handy but it might be easier to look for the stand rather then a monitor that already comes that way.


I think most decent monitors have a VESA mount these days, seems to be standard for the monitors I've looked at.

I hadn't thought about a separate mount. I'd need a desk mount rather than a wall mount so if anyone knows where they sell them in Bangkok let me know although finding a shop with decent monitors would still be my preferred option.

A quick look at the American site linked to by Tywais shows lots of different mounting set ups and it seems a desk mount can be as expensive as a monitor... and that's at US prices so I don't know about being any cheaper in Thailand i.e.1k or 2k... that's baht I presume?


Samsung in Thailand is mostly limited to their inexpensive LED series, which don't perform badly, but they also don't have what you're looking for.

Viewsonic stopped selling in Thailand over 5 years ago, but they still have a repair facility.

NEC will order in anything you want at the full retail price you'll find in the US.. but no discounts. It took them 60 days to order in (2) LCD2690uxi2's for me..

Dell WILL sell to anyone and is probably your best bet. The U2410 is probably what you want. Make sure you're calling the right number, some here have had them in less than a few days.

Bangkok Images is a Thai Visa advertiser. Please click on my Avatar for URL and Email contact information.


The U2410 is probably what you want.

That's the monitor I'm trying to get. Plan on going to a Dell rep in Chiang Mai and see if they can order it.


NEC will order in anything you want at the full retail price you'll find in the US.. but no discounts. It took them 60 days to order in (2) LCD2690uxi2's for me..

Dell WILL sell to anyone and is probably your best bet. The U2410 is probably what you want. Make sure you're calling the right number, some here have had them in less than a few days.


The price on this NEC page is $299. It says at the bottom of the page Prices listed are US minimum advertised pricing so I guess that's not full retail but the price I was quoted by NEC Thailand was 15,000 baht +VAT which is a lot more than $299 (9000 baht). If the full retail price is $500 then that's a big difference. Newegg and other sites I looked at were all around the $300 mark.

If anyone has the right number to ring Dell for a non corporate order handy then please post it. The Dell U2311 was on my shortlist despite not having a pivot function. I've seen plenty of Dell notebooks about and even looked in a shop with Dell signs plastered absolutely everywhere but that's all they sold, nothing else...


NEC will order in anything you want at the full retail price you'll find in the US.. but no discounts. It took them 60 days to order in (2) LCD2690uxi2's for me..

Dell WILL sell to anyone and is probably your best bet. The U2410 is probably what you want. Make sure you're calling the right number, some here have had them in less than a few days.


The price on this NEC page is $299. It says at the bottom of the page Prices listed are US minimum advertised pricing so I guess that's not full retail but the price I was quoted by NEC Thailand was 15,000 baht +VAT which is a lot more than $299 (9000 baht). If the full retail price is $500 then that's a big difference. Newegg and other sites I looked at were all around the $300 mark.

If anyone has the right number to ring Dell for a non corporate order handy then please post it. The Dell U2311 was on my shortlist despite not having a pivot function. I've seen plenty of Dell notebooks about and even looked in a shop with Dell signs plastered absolutely everywhere but that's all they sold, nothing else...

NEC USA has their own store and they run specials and sales, which makes it hard to find actual retail price. Do a google for reviews on that model and you'll probably find it listed somewhere.

My guess is it retails for $499 which would make the baht 15000 a correct 'retail' price.

Retail pricing is one of the major irritants here in Thailand, especially if you're used to shopping in the USA which is the biggest market in the world with the cheapest prices and further online discounts.. you'll rarely if ever match USA prices to Thai prices on the same item. Thailand normally stocks less choice, uses full retail prices, discourages/bans returns, and is a much less consumer friendly country.

I'll often usethis shipping service, actually twice a month, to bring things in at discounts and that I just can't get here..

The clients I know who bought Dell, said they just went to the Dell Thailand website page and found a number there. Many of my clients buy the U series here because they don't want to spend for the Lacie, NEC, or Eizo's...

Bangkok Images is a Thai Visa advertiser. Please click on my Avatar for URL and Email contact information.


I use full HD 22" LCD TVs with a wall mount that is adjustable. They were 8k each over a year ago and would be less now. Added benefit is that my cable TV is run into them and it makes them not only useful but economical.

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