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5-year-old Boy Electrocuted At Hospital


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In Thailand I see the wiring system was so messy , it follows American wiring system which require 2 pins plug unlike British standard which have 3 pins plug addition 1 earth wiring which link out unnessary current and the safety jumper not require in most.

Edited by Kido
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I don't suppose people would walk into a jungle and start complaining about the lack of taxi services in it?

Exactly what is the point you are trying to make with this comparison? :o

My point is will this incident still be an issue if it had occured in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Or in places even less developped? Or say 100 yrs ago in the US? Different places have different capabilities towards keeping safety standards. In the US, you probably have a sign in front of your house saying "this door is hard, don't bump into it, you might hurt yourself", or the government have to put a sign in front of a cliff saying "don't jump, you might kill yourself!", but in Thailand it's different. One is responsible for oneself's safety. And when this happen, it's called accident.

I'm quite sure that sensible people anywhere in the world, (including Iraq & Afghanistan) would object to a child's death caused by gross negligence. Most posters here are upset with this incident because they are sensible people. So there's no point to your comment about taxi service in a jungle, or is there?

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Start with this:

1st Accountability

2nd Enforcement

Without these two everything else fails.

First sue the hospital for 10 million baht, then the electrician for another 10 million, and if they don't pay, bangkok hilton it is. But i know TIT.

As a parent myself i learned very quick never ever to let children out of your sight, not for a second. If something happens at least you can act quick.

But in this case, who can expect a child to die from getting some water. It would have caught me off guard too.

Sue the hospital & electrician (electrical engineer) for 20,000,000 baht (500,000$) means the plaintiff has to cough up 500,000 Baht (12,500$) plus the lawyer. Now since this is Thailand and there is *no* discovery...and experts, well...not easy.

Even more so when you consider that there are no juries in Thailand and NO TRANSCRIPTS.

After all, TiT so accountability means someone else does it and fails and everyone else goes...nice try but we tried to tell you...


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In Thailand I see the wiring system was so messy , it follows American wiring system which require 2 pins plug unlike British standard which have 3 pins plug addition 1 earth wiring which link out unnessary current and the safety jumper not require in most.

Wrong. The US also uses three wire system and for older two pole plugs uses a polarization system. The third wire does not "link out unnessary current" but provides a path to ground other than the appliance/person path in case of a short circuit.

But regardless of ground wire a water fountain should be on a GFI/RCCB protected circuit (and for me everything should be so protected - especially here in Thailand where bare feet and grounded floors are the norm).

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Well put Khun Lop. And as for the guy with the warm cables he should seek advice from a decent spark and make sure that the breaker on the end of that circuit has a current rating lower than that of the cable being used for that circuit. Thus ensuring that if the cable is being overloaded the breaker will trip before the cable starts to overheat/burn.

The trouble with the wiring in most peopls houses is that they are on the wrong side of 1 large fuse instead of being split in to various circuits with their own circuit breaker which will trip a lot faster than a fuse in the event of overloading. which is possibly the cause of most electrical fires. I would advise anyone who is interested to upgrade their old double pole lever switch that that isolates their supply to a small circuit breaker box. you can probably do this for 1200-1500 baht inc. labour

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A good place to start with things like this is by having water coolers in schools, hospitals and office be grounded.  This can be done by regulations through the appropriate ministry--Education and health.

As for suing the electrician--get a grip.  You go buy one of these things and you plug it in.  Maybe go after the company that makes them without a grounding plug in the first place.

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Electrically earthing electrical devices in Thailand will alone not solve the problem. The earthing problem in this country must first be dealt with by the energy authority by ensuring that the "star point" on all distribution transformers is correctly & effectively earthed. Then, in all primary distribution boards, an MEN link is made (the neutral conductor is mechanically & electrically bonded to the main earth). Then, all consumers have their premises correctly & effectively earthed. Then, all non double insulated appliances used must have an earth wire mechanically attached, which can be connected to the buildings earth via the correct power outlets & wiring.

Unfortunately, not many houses here have a main earth or an MEN link. Without these 2 essential things, you earthed appliance is still a death trap.

I have recently surveyed a large manufacturers processing plants' electrical system to provide them with a report about possible electrical harmonics within their electrical network. Whilst doing this, I asked questions about the earthing system as the level of harmonics can be greatly decreased by an adequate earthing system. The Thai Electrical Manager was happy to show me the distribution transformers & associated main switchboards. I nearly dropped dead when I noticed that the star point on the transformer was not earthed & that an MEN link was non existant in the main switchboard. I mentioned these things to him but he didn't seem to really understand what I was on about. I don't think he's ever seen or heard of these things before...& he is a manager?

My advice? Even if you provide an earth for an appliance, use rubber gloves & boots because your earth wire will be as good as glass door on a toilet.

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this story is very sad.

to think that foreignors actually fly to bangkok to have elective surgery.


and don't try and tell me that these 5 star luxury hospitals are any better - they are not - they just look nicer and have a nice paint job - the quacks are the same.

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