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Love Aide Japan


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I know some people who have already paid 1,500 baht to go to the Love Aide Japan concert at the Kata Beach Resort.

It is now public knowledge that the owners of Kata Beach Resort will not let them have the concert there.

The people that have already bought tickets have asked but have not been able to get there money back.

My question is what recourse do these people have to get there money back?

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Fly to Japan, find the nearest Japanese person that looks hungry, recently homeless, or is glowing, and take it from them. (At the current exchange rate you'll need to get about 4200 yen from them)

If you didn't notice, all of the south of Thailand was a disaster zone when the benefit was to take place. Organizers, who by the way are all working tirelessly for free, are working on another venue. Who ever heard of asking for a donation back? Unbelievable, some people.

You know personally the people involved in organizing this, and you know how to contact them. If you had a genuine issue you would do what any normal person would do and go down to Rick's and discuss it with him or the other organizers. But no, you have to post this on an open forum in a futile effort to slander them. This kind of crap is why they closed the other thread. Jesus, it makes me want to give you you're 1500 baht just so I don't have to bump into you at the concert.


Edited by ScubaBuddha
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Milanman..are you sure they have paid for tickets?,as far as i know no tickets or amrbands were ready for sale,and NONE were sold ,before you start posting get your FACTS RIGHT,the organisers have done there best to try and get this event on,and KATA BEACH RESORT,ARE CERTAINLY NOT TO BLAME....they were giving all for free..if you can PROVE they have bought tickets i would personally make sure they had a refund,,BUT I DONT THINK SO...:bah:

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OP claim people have maid a 1500 baht donation to help Japs, and want a refund as an outdoor concert was cancelled due to heavy rain causing some closed airports and closed Highways? Jeez :bah:

Why not make a donation to Thai Southern flood victims too, and claim it back when the sun comes back :rolleyes:

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OP claim people have maid a 1500 baht donation to help Japs, and want a refund as an outdoor concert was cancelled due to heavy rain causing some closed airports and closed Highways? Jeez :bah:

Why not make a donation to Thai Southern flood victims too, and claim it back when the sun comes back :rolleyes:

I think there is a legit question here though, if money was donated to the cause how much is accounted for? Or was it "used" to organize nothing?

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Sorry guys, but the money was spent on a concert, the proceeds of which were to be used charitable. Not the same as donating directly to a charity.

And when the concert is not held and there is no accountabikity for the money, i would also want it back.

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Sorry guys, but the money was spent on a concert, the proceeds of which were to be used charitable. Not the same as donating directly to a charity.

And when the concert is not held and there is no accountabikity for the money, i would also want it back.

That is my point.

The money would like to be returned so it can be given directly to the Rotary Club.

It would be great if Love Aide happens. Whether they raise 10K baht or 10M it would be great.

But until a new venue is found and a date is set a refund should be given.

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Sorry guys, but the money was spent on a concert, the proceeds of which were to be used charitable. Not the same as donating directly to a charity.

And when the concert is not held and there is no accountabikity for the money, i would also want it back.

That is my point.

The money would like to be returned so it can be given directly to the Rotary Club.

It would be great if Love Aide happens. Whether they raise 10K baht or 10M it would be great.

But until a new venue is found and a date is set a refund should be given.

As ScubaBuddha mentions earlier on, best to go and see Rick at Rick n Rolls, ask him about it.

It would be great to see Rick post a bit of transparency as to how much was collected and what happened to the money.

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Sorry guys, but the money was spent on a concert, the proceeds of which were to be used charitable. Not the same as donating directly to a charity.

And when the concert is not held and there is no accountabikity for the money, i would also want it back.

That is my point.

The money would like to be returned so it can be given directly to the Rotary Club.

It would be great if Love Aide happens. Whether they raise 10K baht or 10M it would be great.

But until a new venue is found and a date is set a refund should be given.

No Ticket's were printed!

There were and are no outlets to sell tickets.

NO Tickets were SOLD!

You actually bought a ticket? If you really honestly bought a ticket...Then someone has misrepresented themselves and had no authorization to sell you a counterfeit Ticket!

Someone is a FRAUD!

To prove no Fraud on the part of the person or persons who so called purchased a non existent ticket...Simply post a scanned copy of that ticket and the receipt of purchase here so all members can see the proof.

I remember you Milanman at the TV Party...Thank you for genuine concern.

Edited by ricknroll
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I remember you Milanman at the TV Party...Thank you for genuine concern.

I was not at the TV Party. Because I did not meet the requirements(30 Post) set by You (Rick) to come to the Party.

I missed out meeting all 11 people who showed up!

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I remember you Milanman at the TV Party...Thank you for genuine concern.

I was not at the TV Party. Because I did not meet the requirements(30 Post) set by You (Rick) to come to the Party.

I missed out meeting all 11 people who showed up!

Actually the TV Party was not my personal party. The event was set up by Thai Visa themselves... Why would I care about how many posts a person has?

I had nothing to do with the Thia Visa member requirements... You can confirm with the TV moderators who posted on the TV Party forum with their minimal requirements.

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I remember you Milanman at the TV Party...Thank you for genuine concern.

I was not at the TV Party. Because I did not meet the requirements(30 Post) set by You (Rick) to come to the Party.

I missed out meeting all 11 people who showed up!

Actually the TV Party was not my personal party. The event was set up by Thai Visa themselves... Why would I care about how many posts a person has?

I had nothing to do with the Thia Visa member requirements... You can confirm with the TV moderators who posted on the TV Party forum with their minimal requirements.


I as a Phuket mod invited to the informal ThaiVisa party, and set a minimum requirement for members to join as has been tradition for TV parties. RicknRoll hosted the party in a fantastic way with great live music, delicious food, cold beer and good service, but had nothing to do with member requirements

and as Milanman has framed Ricky Zen for selling concert tickets and not refunding them when concert canselled, we would very much like to see these tickets.

Milanman, we wait for you

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Katabeachbum -

I think it is sweet that you are Ricks Knight in Shining Armor. Always there to protect and defend him.

But, When did I ever mention Rick as selling tickets?

Why dont you ask your organizer over at the Kata Beach Resort about the sale of tickets.

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Katabeachbum -

I think it is sweet that you are Ricks Knight in Shining Armor. Always there to protect and defend him.

But, When did I ever mention Rick as selling tickets?

Why dont you ask your organizer over at the Kata Beach Resort about the sale of tickets.

Milanman, why don't you provide the evidence for the purchase of these tickets, as Rick asked? Vague references about 'someone you know who bought a ticket' just confuses the issue.

Clarification about your original post is needed here.

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Katabeachbum -

I think it is sweet that you are Ricks Knight in Shining Armor. Always there to protect and defend him.

But, When did I ever mention Rick as selling tickets?

Why dont you ask your organizer over at the Kata Beach Resort about the sale of tickets.

Sorry Milanman, as Ricky Zen was the organizer for Love Aid Japan, I assumed the tickets you referred to was purchased from the organizers. This thread makes it appear as Ricky has sold tickets he will not refund, and you have done nothing to clearify this is not the situation. Then I become a "Knight in Shining Armor". For anyone framed like this.

As i have nothing to do with this gig, I will not ask Kata Beach Resort if they have sold any tickets.

But as there obvioulsy havent been printed any tickets by the organizers, it would be interesting to see them and know who sold them. You Milanman have put the light on this ticketsale, you need to display it, or apologize.

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Katabeachbum -

I think it is sweet that you are Ricks Knight in Shining Armor. Always there to protect and defend him.

But, When did I ever mention Rick as selling tickets?

Why dont you ask your organizer over at the Kata Beach Resort about the sale of tickets.

Milanman from your original post:

"I know some people who have already paid 1,500 baht to go to the Love Aide Japan concert at the Kata Beach Resort."

As Rick was one of the organizers, you better step up and show some class here by proving this "fact" or you really are the horse's a**.

Rick I send my apologies to you for anything I posted that misconstrued malfeasance on your part. My bad for taking this posters word.......

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Never did I say Rick collected any money. NOT ONCE!

The person I was referring to is an employee at the Kata Beach Resort.

A friend who was here on holiday told me he bought tickets from him. He had no reason to lie to me.

Edited by katabeachbum
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milanman..I was one of the organisers who was involved with this,who resigned..BUT, I can honestly say. of the comitee and Riky Zen .. NO TIKETS WERE ,,SOLD .you say an employee at resort sold those TICKETS report this as FRAUD and take it up with the local police....its a civill action....EITHER PUT UP OR SHUT UP.......YOU ARE EITHER SPECULATING OR LYING.....:angry:

Edited by katabeachbum
name removed to avoid naming and shaming
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I can hardly believe this.

The OP comes with a remark: a friend of his has bought tickets to a concert, the concert is cancelled, what about a refund?

After that people accusing the OP of everything: why refund it was charity (so in the name of charity it is ok to cheat?), stop accusing Rick (the OP never mentioned nor implied that name), you never bought them (a friend of the OP apparently bought them, not the OP; but this part may be true since the OP can't show them), and in general the tone of the posters towards the OP is ridiculous and very aggressive.

Yes, looking at his other posts about not meeting the requirements the OP is a moaner IMO, but I though this forum was to get things like this solved, ask questions, etc.?

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I do not know Milanman and was not involved at all in this charity event organization but, i do know the guy Milanman is refering to as i use to work for the Kata Group (for fifteen years) and can tell you that he is not the cleanest man on the island... I do believe what Milanman is telling you.

Edited by katabeachbum
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Never did I say Rick collected any money. NOT ONCE!

The person I was referring to is an emplyee at the Kata Beach Resort.

A friend who was here on holiday told me he bought tickets from him. He had no reason to lie to me.

This thread has turned into naming and shaming, which is illegal in Thailand thus against forum rules. Name of the ticket seller Milanman frames has been removed to protect Milanman and TV from legal actions

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