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Britains Stranded In Thailand


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Mattt the guy that on overstay and is teaching without a work permit ?

Should be in jail.

Be fair GM1955,

Many ThaiVisa members can relate to Matt, especially the working without a work permit charge.

I agree with you, he should be in Jail, I have to cross all the t's and dot all the i's to stay here legally, why should poor ole' Matt ( The criminal overstayer and illegal worker ) get any pity ?

Lock him up ! rolleyes.gif

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Mattt the guy that on overstay and is teaching without a work permit ?

Should be in jail.

Be fair GM1955,

Many ThaiVisa members can relate to Matt, especially the working without a work permit charge.

I agree with you, he should be in Jail, I have to cross all the t's and dot all the i's to stay here legally, why should poor ole' Matt ( The criminal overstayer and illegal worker ) get any pity ?

Lock him up ! rolleyes.gif

If the pair of you pricks had botherd to read the start and maybe your one brain cell worked out that he does not want to be there , and the monks have given him a job to teach Thai children to speak english , as away of earning his keep. The criminal overstayer would like to go home maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and pay for the criminal to go home unless you are talking out your arse and are full of shi..

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Mattt the guy that on overstay and is teaching without a work permit ?

Should be in jail.

Be fair GM1955,

Many ThaiVisa members can relate to Matt, especially the working without a work permit charge.

I agree with you, he should be in Jail, I have to cross all the t's and dot all the i's to stay here legally, why should poor ole' Matt ( The criminal overstayer and illegal worker ) get any pity ?

Lock him up ! rolleyes.gif

If the pair of you pricks had botherd to read the start and maybe your one brain cell worked out that he does not want to be there , and the monks have given him a job to teach Thai children to speak english , as away of earning his keep. The criminal overstayer would like to go home maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and pay for the criminal to go home unless you are talking out your arse and are full of shi..

Sure he doesn't wanna be here, he's skint, has no visa and is working illegally, I wouldn't wanna be here either !!

And you expect me to pay for him to go home, aiding and abetting a criminal. a guy that stayed in Thailand knowing full well that he never had the means to stay here, yet stay here he did, yeah right ?

I'll forgive your tirade of abuse and put it down to sheer ( You're probably working illegally too ) ignorance.

Edited by MrsMills
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And you expect me to pay for him to go home, aiding and abetting a criminal. a guy that stayed in Thailand knowing full well that he never had the means to stay here, yet stay here he did, yeah right ?

I'll forgive you're tirade of abuse and put it down to ( You're probably working illegally too ) ignorance.

try reading some of the post, talk about ignorance or maybe your on your rags.

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I am pleased that some one else has verified my post and that kills of all the skeptics. thanks

Same here, it appears that the first hand stories such as ours are not as much bogus and scammers as first thought eh? Well done Norad and also the stranded Brit for struggling out of his circumstances.

Now having said all of that let's put this one on the table.

He is working illegally so this is another aspect of these situations that is often overlooked or dismissed it is necessary in these cases to further breach the law out of desperation to find a resolution and there is something seriously wrong with that IMO. The British Embassy knows that they are forcing his hand and putting him in further discord with the Thai authorities so it is quite a sham on the part of the embassy to force him into that circumstance of being a criminal to gain back his passport. In this case the Brit is doing the honorable thing and working to educate children for his ticket back etc. but there are many who would have to resort to other less desirable criminal methods to achieve their goals..

For the Thai's part it's possible they could have some provision in their laws that allows a temp permit for these types of circumstances and make it a requirement to report and provide proof of progress towards their exit or be arrested immediately. Limit it's use to something along the lines of education which would only serve everyone involved and provide a service to locals who can't afford the education normally..


BTW Myth Busters proved the above dung hitting the fan and flying out isn't possible :P Funny though anyway...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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try reading some of the post, talk about ignorance or maybe your on your rags.

Listen pal, this guy is here legally or illegally ? Answer = ILLEGAL !!

It's an abomination to all of the law abiding Farangs that have to obey the rules, he should be hung drawn and quartered and hung upon spikes at the airport, a warning to the flippant Farang that thinks he can do anything he likes in Thailand.

And as ThaiVisa cannot condone anything Illegal, I suggest you button it !smile.gif

Edited by GM1955
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Mattt the guy that on overstay and is teaching without a work permit ?

Should be in jail.

Be fair GM1955,

Many ThaiVisa members can relate to Matt, especially the working without a work permit charge.

I agree with you, he should be in Jail, I have to cross all the t's and dot all the i's to stay here legally, why should poor ole' Matt ( The criminal overstayer and illegal worker ) get any pity ?

Lock him up ! rolleyes.gif

If the pair of you pricks had botherd to read the start and maybe your one brain cell worked out that he does not want to be there , and the monks have given him a job to teach Thai children to speak english , as away of earning his keep. The criminal overstayer would like to go home maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and pay for the criminal to go home unless you are talking out your arse and are full of shi..

Sure he doesn't wanna be here, he's skint, has no visa and is working illegally, I wouldn't wanna be here either !!

And you expect me to pay for him to go home, aiding and abetting a criminal. a guy that stayed in Thailand knowing full well that he never had the means to stay here, yet stay here he did, yeah right ?

I'll forgive your tirade of abuse and put it down to sheer ( You're probably working illegally too ) ignorance.

Must suck to be you and live such a bitter, cynical life, even worse if you don't see it yourself :( ..

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try reading some of the post, talk about ignorance or maybe your on your rags.

Listen pal, this guy is here legally or illegally ? Answer = ILLEGAL !!

It's an abomination to all of the law abiding Farangs that have to obey the rules, he should be hung drawn and quartered and hung upon spikes at the airport, a warning to the flippant Farang that thinks he can do anything he likes in Thailand.

And as ThaiVisa cannot condone anything Illegal, I suggest you button it !smile.gif

Same post for you as for Missy Mills..

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