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UN report says Palestinian Authority ready for statehood


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and then there are people like steely dan that keep insisting, like he just did on page 1 that "Israel doesn't discriminate" the notion that an aphartied state isn't discriminating is ridiculous.. and it was proved false in other threads were many examples of israeli discrimination , jewish only housing, not renting to arabs, demolishons of arab houses..discrimination in employment, etc. even alot of democracies still have issues of discrimination, israel is an extreme example of discrimination, which is termed aphartied.

Edited by pkspeaker
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I was here a few months ago i was posting on one of these palestine threads.. ulysses always makes the same defunct arguments again and again.

There was never a state called Palestine..

The country was called British Palestine before 1948, before the British ruled it, it was called Palestine under the Ottoman empire, specifically the Governorship of Palestine,

Horse dooey. There was a geographical area called a Palestine, not a country - other than the ancient Jewish state.

1.If Palestine is a country, what is its capital?

2.What language did the inhabitants of Palestine speak?

3.What was its currency?

4.When was Palestine first mentioned in history and in connection with what people?


Edited by Ulysses G.
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and then there are people like steely dan that keep insisting, like he just did on page 1 that "Israel doesn't discriminate" the notion that an aphartied state isn't discriminating is ridiculous.. and it was proved false in other threads were many examples of israeli discrimination , jewish only housing, not renting to arabs, demolishons of arab houses..discrimination in employment, etc. even alot of democracies still have issues of discrimination, israel is an extreme example of discrimination, which is termed aphartied.


The ridiculous thing is that a clear double standard applies when it comes to Israeli treatment of Palestinians and that dished out to Palestinians by the likes of Jordan. On demolitions, more illegal Jewish properties were demolished last year than Palestinian ones.

We can draw a veil too over the Sharia law based discrimination against all non-Muslims throughout the middle east and the 850,000 Jews expelled from Arab lands when Israel defeated the Arab aggressors in 1967. Perhaps you can come back in another couple of months after doing some basic research. :rolleyes:

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..also constantly posting websites or youtube links from zionist extremist sites, like the claim that israel demolishes more jewish houses than palestinians, and i guess they issue just as many building permits to palestinians..such a thing you hear no where else but on a site sorry will not watch your videos i don't have all day:



There is no aphartied in any other country, only israel. mentioning sharia law or that jews were kicked of arab countries 50 years ago doesn't change that.. the aphartied is clearly evident, when israel has an election the palestinians in the WB don't vote, jewish settlers do,the governemt is alwas right wing jewish which conducts more racist practices, 'arab israelis' are represented but that makes the Palestinian or arab representation always a minority and always in opposition , , that and the actual confinement in which palestinians are forced to live and cannot get out of these segregated areas w/o a permit..if it's going to be ONE state than everyone should be able to go,live ,and work anywhere in that 1 country..every other state in the world is like that, there is no other country where these things are so restricted

jordan-there are refugee camps there but movement is less restricted..of cource the refugees are people that were expelled from israel in the first place.

Ulysses asking what a people is? well judism is a religion not a people we can start making the argument that there is no israeli or we can just show some respect to the 5 million people there that identify themselves as israeli;, respect is something ulyses refuses to give regarding the 5 million Palestinians + millions more nearby.. maybe theres no such thing as an American because we don't speak American.

Edited by cdnvic
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