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A Songkraan Sight That Made Our Ears Sore Afraid


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Well, we decided to emerge from our hermitage today, combine the usual nightly bicycle hot-fresh-soy-milk run with a quick gander at Pratu Thapae, thence home via Loy Kroh. Parking our four 750 ml. glass bottles at the soy-milk vendor's, to pick up after our reconnaissance, we wondered if we'd get wet, and how wet.

Only a minor sprinkle before turning left onto Moonmuang, but near McDonald's a high-pressure blast, from a farang, naturally, right into our human's left ear (we already had our left hand up protecting our human eyes). We had a nasty high-pressure hit right in our eyes, from close range, in front of McDonald's four days ago, again, naturally from a farang, which almost caused us to lose control of our bicycle, as we threaded through bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Nicely surprised we were not soaked, at all, going down Loy Kroh, past those oases of hope where friendly Thai women volunteer graciously to soothe the loneliness of young and elderly farangs, in those little beer-bars with cute names like "Grandpa's Last Boner," and "Whale Belly's Delights."

We heard what sounded like shouting before we got to Changklan, and when we reached the intersection with Loy Kroh, the shouting materialized in the form of a tall and large farang apparently preaching some form of Christianity, in a language we didn't fully understand, but that vaguely resembled English (perhaps he was 'speaking in tongues' ?), complete with Bible in hand, in a remarkably stentorian voice !

He was sweating, he was thundering: unfortunately he didn't have that wonderful "groove" of American Black street preachers, or the wonderful crescendoes punctuated by outbursts of hysterical whining-crying of American teevee televangelists, like say, Jimmy Swaggert.

We thought for a moment that this could be a hallucinogenic serendipity of "divine retribution" for our digressions on Greenside's photo-thread, an ectoplasmic manifestation of the TV CM poster who, on that same thread, mixed praising/comparing the verbal eloquence of Richard Dawkins (post-Darwinian evolutionary scientist, excellent author, and now, a highly self-promoting media-hound public-flamer of "deists" and "theists") with the (implied verbal abilities) of American actors Al Pacino and Denzel Washington, but then, we decided that was as improbable as a simultaneous order of "bangers and mash" and a "pbj" (American slang for "peanut butter sandwich"). We pinched our human flesh to make sure this was a reality, and it turned red: so it was.

This is a first in our eleven years in Amazing T.: a Christian street-preacher really "raising Hell." And, we wonder if the BIB are going to say hello to him ? Give me cloned Mormon males, in white shirts and ties, silently pedalling their bicycles, any day, compared to tonight's broadcaster of a certain flavor of "epiphany."

If it had been in our garden, we would definitely have killed it.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

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OP, nifty piece. Many chuckles.

Long paragraph perfectly, nah, wonderfully pithy, IMHO.

I fear that our Cobranecktie missed, with his picture, his aim; fellow on the corner is represented. I imagine that the former has read few British 19th century essayists.

However, in this particularly happy season (after 6 miraculous weeks of weather), should I not dust it off and apply pity? Superstition and ignorance abound planet-wide, after all, and spreading them around one of humanity's essential activities, and with boundless energy too.

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in those little beer-bars with cute names like "Grandpa's Last Boner," and "Whale Belly's Delights."

Where are those!! Would like to visit. ;)

The bible-tripe pollution used to be more prevalent in Bangkok. Interesting to see the idiot in Chiang Mai. Best to ignore I suppose.

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He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

Did God get him a work permit. If not call immigration

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He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

Did God get him a work permit. If not call immigration

How quickly we are willing to throw the bible thumper to the lions den while the guitar man is considered a musical martyr.

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There is definitely a few whackos here in town at the moment. I've seen a few. Anybody seen the farang cross-dresser? I think he actually lives here as I've seen him around a few times over the last few months. The Thais really get a kick out of seeing him! He wears a dress and high heels, clown-like make up, ear rings, etc. But he has a full beard and hairy legs and arms. He is really a freak. He has been parading around the moat on foot in the midst of the cars twirling these glittery balls on strings.

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He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

Did God get him a work permit. If not call immigration

How quickly we are willing to throw the bible thumper to the lions den while the guitar man is considered a musical martyr.

As long as they're not being aggressive towards individuals I tend to see all that stuff as kind of like performance art, like a mime or a passing juggler riding a unicycle. Adds a bit to the surreal quality that can often make life so enjoyable and amusing here. I don't always feel this way, but it's such a lovely day today it's hard not to take the magnanimous view.

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As long as they're not being aggressive towards individuals I tend to see all that stuff as kind of like performance art, like a mime or a passing juggler riding a unicycle. Adds a bit to the surreal quality that can often make life so enjoyable and amusing here. I don't always feel this way, but it's such a lovely day today it's hard not to take the magnanimous view.

Yes, to be honest he wasn't hurting anyone at all, though I fear for his vocal chords. He was a bit like an old fashioned sergeant major bellowing out instructions that no one could possibly understand. I stood there for about 10 minutes trying to hear if there was a message that I understood and there wasn't. I picked up a few "Jesus" and "kingdom" here and there, but mainly it was impossible to decipher. I don't know how long he goes for at one time, but he certainly puts everything he's got into it and must shed many calories. I'm not sure of the purpose, if no-one can understand what you are saying, though I guess to him as long as God knows he's doing his bit. He's not there alone, there is a younger chap standing around with an equally big bible in his bag. He looks totally different, quite tall, shaved head and unlike our friend quite lightweight.

Edited by uptheos
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A very clever and insightful post from orang37. I have to admit to having a giggle from the comfort of my balcony at two white shirted, black tied Mormons on their bikes got a REAL soaking from a fairly large gathering of Thai adults and children.

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He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

Did God get him a work permit. If not call immigration

How quickly we are willing to throw the bible thumper to the lions den while the guitar man is considered a musical martyr.

Well one guy is a martyr really trying to reach and enrich the souls of certain individuals. The other guy is spreading his lies and tring to pray on the weak. If he was part of a brainwashing cult would you say any different. To me they are all the same, and I'm not talking about guitarman.

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Just watched a few minutes of the video. Couldn't make out a word he was saying. Perhaps within his own mind he was making sense. It looked really disturbing and not really fair for anyone walking past to have to listen to that noise. Fortunately he seemed to be mainly shouting at the cars. My neighbour has a dog who seems to bark for no reason but again it probably all makes sense to her. At the end of the day, someone, perhaps even a fellow christian, should take a look at him and see if perhaps he needs some kind of help or guidance or maybe just someone to listen to him.

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Just watched a few minutes of the video. Couldn't make out a word he was saying. Perhaps within his own mind he was making sense. It looked really disturbing and not really fair for anyone walking past to have to listen to that noise. Fortunately he seemed to be mainly shouting at the cars. My neighbour has a dog who seems to bark for no reason but again it probably all makes sense to her. At the end of the day, someone, perhaps even a fellow christian, should take a look at him and see if perhaps he needs some kind of help or guidance or maybe just someone to listen to him.

I really think you've hit the nail on the head. It is very disturbing, I don't mean from a noise level, but rather it's disturbing to think that something serious is compelling this poor guy to stand in the night bazaar and shout incomprehensible things.

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I am still thinking about him and I am not trying to be a smartarse, but if I was with my wife and kids and I saw and heard him or anyone else showing that kind of behaviour, anywhere, then I would make sure we kept well clear of them, just to be sure of our own safety. Just my opinion and I am not even trying to be anti-christian. I just get an uneasy feeling about him.

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<br />I am still thinking about him and I am not trying to be a smartarse, but if I was with my wife and kids and I saw and heard him or anyone else showing that kind of behaviour, anywhere, then I would make sure we kept well clear of them, just to be sure of our own safety.  Just my opinion and  I am not even trying to be anti-christian. I just get an uneasy feeling about him.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well I think you could feel safe, apart maybe from your ear drums?!

I got a few random words out of this loud and formal address to the traffic. The words 'Jesus, people, everyone, tomorrow, hell, parents, kingdom, the angels and gospel' were all in there. Plus, the one intelligible phrase I picked up was 'taketh away the sins of the world.'

So all we have now is someone in a white shirt who knows a bit about the King James's Bible, likes shouting at cars, and shows us that Burger King is now on the junction of Changklan and lower Loi Kroh. I'm grateful to know that, as I've always preferred BK to McD. Bit spicier, and slightly better value, yeah?

I'm just curious to know (Very mildly curious, that is) why the patient cameraperson here didn't film him from the front? I mean, he's not going to be exactly shy about this, is he?

If I could see his black tie (and ideally one of those futile little bicycle 'safety' helmets), I'd have assumed he was from that odd church down Rachamankha Road. The one that despatches keen, smiling young male Americans with fluent Thai, riding their bicycles at high speed the wrong way down one way streets and straight across U-turn junctions.

The church of Jesus Christ of the Imminent Fatal Accidents.

And just before you all start to flame me, I am a Believer. But I also believe that in this wonderful Buddhist land, the Buddhists don't shout at traffic. And tend to respect the rules of the road.

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I'm grateful to know that, as I've always preferred BK to McD. Bit spicier, and slightly better value, yeah?

I'm guessing that you have not visited one for a while. I'm not sure about the spicier part, but quite a bit more expensive than Mc D's in Thailand - especially if you want cheese.

The good thing about BK is that you can look out the front window and be entertained by this guy's screaming.

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Sounds like he's Northern irish to me. Not easy to understand most ofthem at the best ofttimes. All I could catch was repent , sinners and A Jesus or 2 in the mix.

Shouting in street is purely for the shouter trying to curry favour with god I've found from every single one I've stopped and tried to talk to. After a few questions or attempt to engage in debate they get frustrated and try to move on and continue their ranting. Like stop wasting my time, shouting to be getting on with. Even though obviously no one listens they would rather shout than talk.

Several of these mutters around London. The one who torments Waterloo and believes the spice girls are the literal spawn of the devil sent to destroy us is classic

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Couldn't make out his accent on the video,after all he is shouting above the traffic noise. Not too sure if he is from Northern Ireland where I believe they actually speak quite well and apparently have very good diction. Put the Rev. Ian Paisley down in the night bazaar and you should be able to make out what he is saying from Sansai. Judging by the guy's clothes, haircut and size, I was thinking he might be an American.

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Couldn't make out his accent on the video,after all he is shouting above the traffic noise. Not too sure if he is from Northern Ireland where I believe they actually speak quite well and apparently have very good diction. Put the Rev. Ian Paisley down in the night bazaar and you should be able to make out what he is saying from Sansai. Judging by the guy's clothes, haircut and size, I was thinking he might be an American.

Paisly , blazing his bliefs over the sound of night bazar traffic is exactly what I was thinking of when I heard him speak

It's not only hankies who take "weight gain"

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