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DSI Wants Red-Shirt Leaders Back In Jail For Violating Bail Conditions


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19 UDD leaders summoned to hear lèse majesté charges on June 2

Police Put Off Red-shirt Leaders' Reporting Date

The Red Shirts are receiving parliamentary immunity-like benefits without even being elected to parliament yet. :blink:

Thida isn't even running for parliament, but still gets the same delay.

Could just be a ruse by the DSI.

Best way to really piss off creatures with these character traits is to let them think they have won and got away with it

There certainly may be something to that.

The DSI pointed out this afternoon in the other paper that parliamentary immunity only begins after Parliament has opened its first session, which will be sometime after their court appearance, with possible jailing at that time, on July 7th.

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DSI postpones summons date for 19 Red Shirt leaders

BANGKOK, June 2 - The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) agreed Thursday to postpone the appearance date for 19 top members of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), the Red Shirt movement, for lese majeste charges to July 7, according to DSI Director-General Tharit Pengdit.

Mr Tharit said DSI earlier summoned 19 leading UDD members to hear lese majeste charges today, but the Red Shirt activists asked for a postponement, saying they must take part in political activities related to the July 3 general election considered crucial for them under their practice of democratic principles.

The DSI chief said all 19 submitted letters requesting to delay the date of their required appearance to July 7 reasoning that 10 are candidates for parliament on party-list and constituency-based systems and are busy for their campaign.

Seven are Pheu Thai party key leaders and leading UDD members who must participate in the political campaign.

The last two -- Jatupon Prompan and Nisit Sintuprai -- are detained at Bangkok Remand Prison and demanded equal treatment in the postponement. They argued that as they were in prison and as impossible for them to escape or reject the summons.

Mr Jatuporn and Mr Nisit, both former members of parliament, were sent to Bangkok Remand Prison immediately after the Criminal Court revoked their bail on May 12.

The court dismissed their bail requests later that day, citing concerns that they might cause disorder after any temporary release.

The 19 UDD who were summoned comprise both leaders and supporting figures whose speeches and actions at the April 10 rally were considered lese majeste and as inciting others to disobey the law.

Being charged are Thida Thavornseth, Jatuporn, Natthawut Saikua, Weng Tojirakarn, Yoswarit Chuklom, Korkaew Pikulthong,Veerakan (formerly known as Veera) Musikhapong, Nisit, Wiputhalaeng Pattanaphumthai, Kwanchai Praipana, Laddawan Wongsriwong, Suporn Atthawong, Prasit Chaisrisa, Karoon Hosakul, Wichian Khaokam, Pipatchai Paiboon, Chinnawat Hanboonpat, Worawut Wichaidit and Payap Panket.


-- TNA 2011-06-02

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19 UDD leaders summoned to hear lèse majesté charges on June 2

Police Put Off Red-shirt Leaders' Reporting Date

The Red Shirts are receiving parliamentary immunity-like benefits without even being elected to parliament yet. :blink:

Thida isn't even running for parliament, but still gets the same delay.

Could just be a ruse by the DSI.

Best way to really piss off creatures with these character traits is to let them think they have won and got away with it

There certainly may be something to that.

The DSI pointed out this afternoon in the other paper that parliamentary immunity only begins after Parliament has opened its first session, which will be sometime after their court appearance, with possible jailing at that time, on July 7th.

now that sounds like a plan.........

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Ms. Thida and the others are called in for June, 2nd, to hear the charges. This probably means that only at that time the court has to decide on 'accepting the charges', 'bail', 'bail conditions' and 'bail revocation' as applicable. With Ms. Thida not out on bail, or formally charged, she can travel as she likes. IMHO and certainly not being a legal expert :ermm:

You're probably right.

I certainly wouldn't expect her to openly report going to Hong Kong in the news if she was barred from doing so.

Red Shirts don't make such public statements regarding criminal acts..

With a group of 19 UDD leaders of whom 16 are out on bail, two in jail with bail revoked, it is only human to assume the last one (i.e. Ms. Thida) is also out on bail. One of those things

Well I appreciate, but do not understand, your continuing defence of the baseball player whatever he's called, I don't think it was human error - more a deliberate attempt to find ANY thing wrong with ANY one remotely or directly linked to Thaksin/Red Shirts/UDD/DAAD , basically anyone but the outgoing democrats and their backers. No, I lie, I don't appreciate it. If he states something that is wrong let him be responsible for it. You may decry the tag team remark but it this kind of post that reinforces that belief. Bring back Sriracha John.

More attempted mind-reading? :rolleyes:

And what's with slighting a member's nick? Is Buchholz all that difficult for you to grasp? It needn't be as I've corrected you enough times for it to sink in.

As for Thida, she's been charged with LM and without scrutinizing the finer details of each article to elicit which Red Leader is in remand, which was in on conditional release, which was refused bail, which one is awaiting jail, which one is charged with which crime, one needs a whiteboard to keep track of all their shenanigans.

To assign unsaid motivations and top it with personal slights so recklessly detracts from the forum. Might as well have mazeltov brought back.


''Might as well have mazeltov brought back''

i susexpect he is back already.........

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  • 2 months later...

DSI postpones summons date for 19 Red Shirt leaders

Being charged are Thida Thavornseth, Jatuporn, Natthawut Saikua, Weng Tojirakarn, Yoswarit Chuklom, Korkaew Pikulthong,Veerakan (formerly known as Veera) Musikhapong, Nisit, Wiputhalaeng Pattanaphumthai, Kwanchai Praipana, Laddawan Wongsriwong, Suporn Atthawong, Prasit Chaisrisa, Karoon Hosakul, Wichian Khaokam, Pipatchai Paiboon, Chinnawat Hanboonpat, Worawut Wichaidit and Payap Panket.

Court postpones lese majeste case hearing against red-shirt leader to next Monday

The Criminal Court Monday postponed a hearing in a lese majeste case against red-shirt leader Yoswarit Chuklom to next Monday after Yoswarit had his lawyer tell the court that he was not well.

Yoswarit was charged with violating the King and expressing his hatred toward the King while speaking during a red-shirt rally on 29 March 2010.

He was accused of violating Article 10 of the Criminal Code.

On August 3, Yoswarit pled guilty so the court asked him to submit his written guilty plea within 15 days. However, Yoswarit retracted his guilty plea on August 8 last year, so the court scheduled the first hearing Monday, but Yoswarit sent his lawyer to tell the court that he was suffering from intestinal bleeding and could not attend the hearing.


-- The Nation 2011-08-29

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DSI postpones summons date for 19 Red Shirt leaders

Being charged are Thida Thavornseth, Jatuporn, Natthawut Saikua, Weng Tojirakarn, Yoswarit Chuklom, Korkaew Pikulthong,Veerakan (formerly known as Veera) Musikhapong, Nisit, Wiputhalaeng Pattanaphumthai, Kwanchai Praipana, Laddawan Wongsriwong, Suporn Atthawong, Prasit Chaisrisa, Karoon Hosakul, Wichian Khaokam, Pipatchai Paiboon, Chinnawat Hanboonpat, Worawut Wichaidit and Payap Panket.

Court postpones lese majeste case hearing against red-shirt leader to next Monday

The Criminal Court Monday postponed a hearing in a lese majeste case against red-shirt leader Yoswarit Chuklom to next Monday after Yoswarit had his lawyer tell the court that he was not well.

Yoswarit was charged with violating the King and expressing his hatred toward the King while speaking during a red-shirt rally on 29 March 2010.

Yosawaris vows to separate his state service from role in UDD

BANGKOK, 30 August 2011 (NNT) – Core leader of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) Yosawaris Chuklom has pledged that his new title as Secretary to the Deputy Interior Minister will be unrelated to his role in the UDD.

Following the Cabinet’s resolution to name him the Secretary to Deputy Minister of Interior Thanit Thienthong, Mr Yosawaris insisted that he would clearly differentiate between his responsibilities within the Government and his participation in the UDD.

He then expressed no worries over criticisms against his appointment, saying he believed his upcoming achievements would prove his suitability for the job, while the Government’s reconciliation plan should not be affected.

Regarding the UDD’s alleged intervention in the media, Mr Yosawaris claimed that the case might have stemmed from the behaviors of certain groups of supporters without any acknowledgement by core leaders. He affirmed that from now on he would assist UDD Chairperson Thida Thawornset in the control of future movements in order to avoid tarnishing the Government’s image.


-- NNT 2011-08-30 footer_n.gif

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DSI postpones summons date for 19 Red Shirt leaders

Being charged are

Yoswarit Chuklom

- Red Shirt roster trimmed -

Court postpones lese majeste case hearing against red-shirt leader to next Monday

The Criminal Court Monday postponed a hearing in a lese majeste case against red-shirt leader Yoswarit Chuklom to next Monday after Yoswarit had his lawyer tell the court that he was not well.

Yoswarit was charged with violating the King and expressing his hatred toward the King while speaking during a red-shirt rally on 29 March 2010.

Yosawaris vows to separate his state service from role in UDD

He then expressed no worries over criticisms against his appointment, saying he believed his upcoming achievements would prove his suitability for the job, while the Government’s reconciliation plan should not be affected.

One might presume the new Secretary to Deputy Minister of Interior lists defeating the multiple charges he faces while out on bail as an "upcoming achievement."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Red-shirt MPs will be summoned in lese majeste case by the end of the parliamentary session

BANGKOK, 13 September 2011 (NNT) - The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will wait until the parliamentary session ends before summoning 19 red-shirt leaders, nine of whom are also MPs, to hear the charge on lèse majesté.

Last week, the House of Representatives turned down a request by nine red-shirt leaders to relinquish their MP immunity in an attempt to fight the lèse majesté case against them in court. After a voting session, the House resolved to reject the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) leaders’ request with a majority vote of 252-106.

After receiving the letter from the House on the issue, DSI Director-General Tharit Pengdit said he would have to wait three more months until the parliamentary session ends before calling the nine MPs and 10 other red shirt associates in to hear the charge.

The nine consist of Jatuporn Prompan, Natthawut Saikua, Weng Tojirakarn, Wiphuthalaeng Pattanaphumthai, Korkaew Pikulthong, Payap Panket, Wichien Khaokham, Karun Hosakul and Prasit Chaisrisa.

Ten other associates include mostly red-shirt core leaders as well as acting UDD Chairperson Thida Thawornset.


-- NNT 2011-09-13 footer_n.gif

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