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Building Spec To Build A Large Cold Smoker

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Hi there, we at sausage king are looking to build a large cold smoke house in our new location. I need a little help on the best way and spec to build one. I was thinking to build in block bricks ? maybe someone has a building plan for a cold smoker, any advice would be welcome.

many thanks.



Do you want it to be like a walk in cooler also? Do you want to use it to dry cure or just smoke. Would you also like it to double as a hot smoker?

The simple answer is that there are many forums dedicated to smoking meats. deejays smoke pit is one.

The simple solution for a cold smoker is using plywood sheets similar style of a tool shed. Not to complicated. A simple chimney pipe and a vent to regulate airflow. You could build it ontop of a brick firebox but then you would also get heat. The firebox should be built ajacent to the smoke house with some simple metal airducts connecting it to the building.

You might want to do a web search for cowgirl smokehouse. She has an interesting blog about her ranch lifestyle with detailed steps on her smoke house. There are also links to others.

I built a metal box similar to the camp chef.4' tall 2.5'x2'. It does quite a bit. I can smoke about 8 slabs of bacon or about 20 kilos of sausage at a time. You probably want bigger for commercial use. It cost about 8,000 baht to make it at the metal shop. To cold smoke I just add 2 lumps of charcoal and my wood. It cooks at less than 100 degrees and smokes fairly well.

The best local woods that I have found for smoke flavor are tamarind, longan/lynchee, avacado, and jack fruit. There was another that had perfect flavor similar to a walnut but I just don't know the name it has a small orange fruit similar to the lamut but sweeter.

good luck.

If you want specs for a refrigerated and humidity control room I have them but it would cost at least 200,000 baht to build.


Hi and thanks for your info,We would like to cold and hot smoke, we want just a walk in type smoke house that we can smoke our bacon and chicken-cheese-fish-sausage and beef jerky. we are ready to build the smoker but need the spec right. we have a good size piece of land so i am not worried about smoke going into houses of our neighbours. Also we would like to know more on the walk in cool rooms. many thanks. Rob.

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