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British Couple Die In Thailand 'After Eating Toxic Seaweed’

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British couple die in Thailand 'after eating toxic seaweed'

A British couple are the latest people to die in mysterious circumstances in a Thai tourist resort, amid claims that the victims may have been poisoned by "toxic seaweed".

The couple died in similar circumstances to a New Zealander and a Thai tour guide in the popular tourist centre of Chiang Mai, in the country's north.

All of the victims were staying at the same hotel and died within 16 days of each other, The Independent newspaper reports.

Police believe they died from food poisoning after eating "toxic seaweed" from a nearby night market, but family members of the victims, and health experts, have questioned the findings.

Full story: http://www.telegraph...ic-seaweed.html


It sounds like this has just reached the UK?

So is that it then. The Uks contribution to trying to find out what happened to these people. The Telegraph should be in a good position to stir up an Hornets nest. We all sadly know that this is going to end up the same, the one on Phi-Phi.

Think I'll just make up a big placard, go to Silom and pay a couple of girls a 1,000bt each, to walk around topless with it?


Just noticed, one thing you can do is recommend it on facebook, twitter etc,etc


Hopefully that's just a re-hash of the old story?

So it would appear, oddly misleading and out of date information in this article


Sounds like the same elderly couple as in the story several weeks ago.

I am still asking why all these deaths occured at the same hotel. There are several other hotels and guesthouses in the same area, whose guests would have had the opportunity to unwittingly gorging themselves at a night bazar food stall selling "toxic seaweed", and yet deaths were only reported from that hotel, the Downtown Inn.

Could the authorities please identify that stall, so we can avoid it?

This whole story stinks.

THIS is tarnishing Thaiand's image, and NOT some inebriated teenagers dancing topless during Songkran celebrations.


it is so obvious it is coming from the Hotel !!!, but as it is well conected the Thai Authorites are just covering it up ! , SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN !!!


Here's one that we may have missed: Mystery Thai illness strikes another tourist Appears that maybe everyone isn't staying at the hotel. This victim never set foot inside the place. Maybe the hotel owner poisoned a non-guest to throw everyone of the track!

We also don't know how many locals may have contracted the same "illness". Thai people are much more likely to accept death. In any case, unless there was obvious foul play, it won't make news. Even then, the news would only be local Thai press.

There definitely seems to be a problem in the hood. Whether it's the hotel, the market, or a transient vendor, we will probably never know. The Thai police will not figure it out. Their total incompetence aside, public health actually isn't their job.

I have read that the WHO is involved. Now, if they suspect a serious threat, it is their job to investigate. Have we heard anything from them?

Unfortunately, most of the "news" is stories bouncing around the internet, from third party sources.


This whole story stinks.

of rotten seaweed? :whistling:

But this all happened two months ago so it beats the hel_l out of me why it has suddenly sprung up in the UK press. Maybe they're getting desperate for stories that are not about the wedding (thank God I'm out of range on that one).


it is so obvious it is coming from the Hotel !!!, but as it is well conected the Thai Authorites are just covering it up ! , SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN !!!

Not really. And no I am not being a contrarian. Some of the deaths may have been related to the night market. In other cases there may have been natural causes associated with people's underlying state of health. It hasn't been ruled out that there are a few "Typhoid Mary" vendors.

The illnesses contracted are apparently related to a common virus family. By common, I mean that is a virus found everywhere in Thailand. I think there were multiple reservoirs of the deadly strain. A person that is asymptomatic can go about spreading it, reintroducing it to locations and places that have been decontaminated and cleaned. There may very well be one or more persons employed at the hotel that were acting as infection vectors.

Unfortunately, the local health authority has not been forthcoming as to what their containment and epidemiology strategy was. This may be due in part because they really were stumped, or it may have been due to political interference. That is why I do't think one can just identify the hotel. Would it surprise you to know that in any given week dozens become ill due to the implicated virus? These illnesses are not tracked, nor are they reported. That is not specific to Thailand as western health authorities don't track such illnesses either. I note that there have been no new cases reported in over 2 months.


it is so obvious it is coming from the Hotel !!!, but as it is well conected the Thai Authorites are just covering it up ! , SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN !!!

Not really. And no I am not being a contrarian. Some of the deaths may have been related to the night market. In other cases there may have been natural causes associated with people's underlying state of health. It hasn't been ruled out that there are a few "Typhoid Mary" vendors.

The illnesses contracted are apparently related to a common virus family. By common, I mean that is a virus found everywhere in Thailand. I think there were multiple reservoirs of the deadly strain. A person that is asymptomatic can go about spreading it, reintroducing it to locations and places that have been decontaminated and cleaned. There may very well be one or more persons employed at the hotel that were acting as infection vectors.

Unfortunately, the local health authority has not been forthcoming as to what their containment and epidemiology strategy was. This may be due in part because they really were stumped, or it may have been due to political interference. That is why I do't think one can just identify the hotel. Would it surprise you to know that in any given week dozens become ill due to the implicated virus? These illnesses are not tracked, nor are they reported. That is not specific to Thailand as western health authorities don't track such illnesses either. I note that there have been no new cases reported in over 2 months.

Wrong! Although not many more have died, people are still being struck with the same illness. April 4th (just two weeks ago) a young American woman in good physical condition and health was struck down with the same type of illness and taken to the hospital. She was flown back to the U.S. where she is currently still being treated. Here is a link


So by my count so far there are 7 people killed by this and another 7 sent to the hospital that almost died who were all connected to this location. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to the future victims that we are sure to be reading about as more is revealed.

Police believe they died from food poisoning after eating “toxic seaweed” from a nearby night market

it stops me from eating my favorite food, seaweed............

I need the answer. not the believe.....


Not really. And no I am not being a contrarian. Some of the deaths may have been related to the night market. In other cases there may have been natural causes associated with people's underlying state of health. It hasn't been ruled out that there are a few "Typhoid Mary" vendors.

The illnesses contracted are apparently related to a common virus family. Although not many more have died, people are still being struck with the same illness. April 4th (just two weeks ago) a young American woman in good physical condition and health was struck down with the same type of illness and taken to the hospital. She was flown back to the U.S. where she is currently still being treated. Here is a link


So by my count so far there are 7 people killed by this and another 7 sent to the hospital that almost died who were all connected to this location. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to the future victims that we are sure to be reading about as more is revealed.

There were 3 illnesses reported in that April 4 occurrence.

GK I disagree there is not a virus named as cause of death . In one illness it was established as being present, and another strain in another death. As in the other thread and we really should merge into one thread poisining type illnesses and deaths I maintain poison and I guess deliberate


I have to agree, it must be a toxin and not a food poisoning. Although all of the victims were reported to have vomiting, none had any form of diarrhea which is what happens when you suffer from food poisoning. So it must be a toxin of some sort, perhaps something like an insecticide or improper mix of cleaning solutions.

Not really. And no I am not being a contrarian. Some of the deaths may have been related to the night market. In other cases there may have been natural causes associated with people's underlying state of health. It hasn't been ruled out that there are a few "Typhoid Mary" vendors.

The illnesses contracted are apparently related to a common virus family. Although not many more have died, people are still being struck with the same illness. April 4th (just two weeks ago) a young American woman in good physical condition and health was struck down with the same type of illness and taken to the hospital. She was flown back to the U.S. where she is currently still being treated. Here is a link


So by my count so far there are 7 people killed by this and another 7 sent to the hospital that almost died who were all connected to this location. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to the future victims that we are sure to be reading about as more is revealed.

There were 3 illnesses reported in that April 4 occurrence.

GK I disagree there is not a virus named as cause of death . In one illness it was established as being present, and another strain in another death. As in the other thread and we really should merge into one thread poisining type illnesses and deaths I maintain poison and I guess deliberate


The female Thai tour guide who died was reported as having a stomach upset.

Yes, we know that five of the seven victims had upset stomachs and the two older couple died without speaking to anyone so we don't know about them. However, none of the victims had diarrhea which is common for food poisoning. Where as poisoning with a toxin rarely gives its victims diarrhea.

.... As in the other thread and we really should merge into one thread poisining type illnesses and deaths I maintain poison and I guess deliberate

And our motive ... ?


Wrong! Although not many more have died, people are still being struck with the same illness. April 4th (just two weeks ago) a young American woman in good physical condition and health was struck down with the same type of illness and taken to the hospital. She was flown back to the U.S. where she is currently still being treated. Here is a link


So by my count so far there are 7 people killed by this and another 7 sent to the hospital that almost died who were all connected to this location. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to the future victims that we are sure to be reading about as more is revealed.

In respect to the case you reference there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the infection is the same. Where's the labwork identification? The only thing wrong is your claim. I will say it again and maybe it will sink in; Every week people die from the suspected virus. Usually it is the elderly or the young. However, it is an RNA virus common to Thailand that is found everywhere. 7 deaths is not an epidemic. Suspicious yes. Mysterious yes, but not an epidemic. The patient you reference has an appointement to see an infectious disease specialist. Now that's hilarious. That physician isn't going to be able to help her since she has already been treated and has recovered.


I have to agree, it must be a toxin and not a food poisoning. Although all of the victims were reported to have vomiting, none had any form of diarrhea which is what happens when you suffer from food poisoning. So it must be a toxin of some sort, perhaps something like an insecticide or improper mix of cleaning solutions.

Not really. And no I am not being a contrarian. Some of the deaths may have been related to the night market. In other cases there may have been natural causes associated with people's underlying state of health. It hasn't been ruled out that there are a few "Typhoid Mary" vendors.

The illnesses contracted are apparently related to a common virus family.

The following was not written by geriatric kid. Due to the inability of someone to master cut and paste, the post is misleading and attributes uncorroborated allegations to me.

Although not many more have died, people are still being struck with the same illness. April 4th (just two weeks ago) a young American woman in good physical condition and health was struck down with the same type of illness and taken to the hospital. She was flown back to the U.S. where she is currently still being treated. Here is a link


So by my count so far there are 7 people killed by this and another 7 sent to the hospital that almost died who were all connected to this location. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to the future victims that we are sure to be reading about as more is revealed.

There were 3 illnesses reported in that April 4 occurrence.

GK I disagree there is not a virus named as cause of death . In one illness it was established as being present, and another strain in another death. As in the other thread and we really should merge into one thread poisining type illnesses and deaths I maintain poison and I guess deliberate


If it was seaweed posioning then where are the deaths outside this Downtown Inn Hotel? Shouldn't there be deaths dispersed within Chiang Mai if it was really the toxic seaweed? Maybe it was mould growing in the walls of the Downtown Inn Hotel?? 3-star hotels in Thailand are not quite the place to be in.


Until the many various tourist nations of people visiting Thailand get involved and actually warn people off from coming here, these incidents will continue to happen. But having said that. When you look at the broader picture and the amount of people that do visit Thailand. The risk is minuscule? I do think that most visitors, do or at least should know the risks of poor food hygiene. Still very scary though.



Chiang Mai tourist deaths may be linked to Organo-phosphate poisoning

In an interview on BBC radio 4 (You and Yours, 22/04/2011) Professor David Mabey, the professor of Communicable Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said that the probable cause of death in these cases was myocarditis: (inflammation of the heart muscle) and food poisoning does not cause this.

The Thai authorities have promised full co-operation with the World Health Organisation who will investigate the deaths

It seems that the deaths were very sudden and professor Mabey said, “there are very few infections that will cause such sudden deaths. To my mind the most likely explanation is some form of poison or toxin”

“The most likely cause of poisoning in Asia are insecticides which they use widely in farming to kill off pests. There are probably a lot of deaths due to these organo-phosphates, as they are called, among the poor rural farmers that never get reported. The investigation [by the W.H.O.] should look for the source of that [poison].

Professor Mabey’s interview can be heard here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b010fd84/


Chiang Mai tourist deaths may be linked to Organo-phosphate poisoning

In an interview on BBC radio 4 (You and Yours, 22/04/2011) Professor David Mabey, the professor of Communicable Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said that the probable cause of death in these cases was myocarditis: (inflammation of the heart muscle) and food poisoning does not cause this.

The Thai authorities have promised full co-operation with the World Health Organisation who will investigate the deaths

It seems that the deaths were very sudden and professor Mabey said, "there are very few infections that will cause such sudden deaths. To my mind the most likely explanation is some form of poison or toxin"

"The most likely cause of poisoning in Asia are insecticides which they use widely in farming to kill off pests. There are probably a lot of deaths due to these organo-phosphates, as they are called, among the poor rural farmers that never get reported. The investigation [by the W.H.O.] should look for the source of that [poison].

Professor Mabey's interview can be heard here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b010fd84/

You can relate to people dying from drunken motor cycle accidents, falls from rocks, fights in dangerous places, alcoholic poisoning, etc......

but you'd like to think nibbling a bit of cabbage won't do you any harm.

Amazing Thailand!


Chiang Mai tourist deaths may be linked to Organo-phosphate poisoning

In an interview on BBC radio 4 (You and Yours, 22/04/2011) Professor David Mabey, the professor of Communicable Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said that the probable cause of death in these cases was myocarditis: (inflammation of the heart muscle) and food poisoning does not cause this.

The Thai authorities have promised full co-operation with the World Health Organisation who will investigate the deaths

It seems that the deaths were very sudden and professor Mabey said, "there are very few infections that will cause such sudden deaths. To my mind the most likely explanation is some form of poison or toxin"

"The most likely cause of poisoning in Asia are insecticides which they use widely in farming to kill off pests. There are probably a lot of deaths due to these organo-phosphates, as they are called, among the poor rural farmers that never get reported. The investigation [by the W.H.O.] should look for the source of that [poison].

Professor Mabey's interview can be heard here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b010fd84/

You can relate to people dying from drunken motor cycle accidents, falls from rocks, fights in dangerous places, alcoholic poisoning, etc......

but you'd like to think nibbling a bit of cabbage won't do you any harm.

Amazing Thailand!

... a nation of people who honor no rules of common decency, much less food safety laws, Thailand is EXACTLY the place where nibbling a bit of cabbage would do you harm.

... as a rule, I buy no food for me or my family that is labeled asn a product of China ... it is unavoidable that most of the food I buy is raised in Thailand ... I am unsure it is any better than the soulless Chinese animals who will poison to death infants in order to honor their god - MONEY.

... and that same god has found a home amongst an increasing number of Thais.


ALL FOODS should be thoroughly washed before putting in the fridge for later consumption , meats , fish etc need to be thoroughly cleansed also , then put in the freezer at a temperature no higher than minus 4 degrees for a period of 24 hours to kill off bacteria .

It is your life/health at stake in regards to what you consume , cleanliness cannot be overly stipulated in the preparation of what you put in your mouth , Thai have a great deal to be educated about in regards to food hygiene , especially leaving it un-refrigerated , even after cooking , for too long a time . Hand washing and thorough cleaning of cutting boards is yet another area , a quick swill in cold water is not sufficient for you healths sake , eating out can be hazardous to your health in more ways than one .

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