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I received by PM, I guess that the author don't have the courage to put it on board ... so here it is.

I have no clue of why this and what about..?

###### you frog,  your nothing more than Eurotrash which pretty much makes this board up scumbag.  Carry your sorry POOR ass back to France and take your sorry WHORE wife with you she will fit right in with the non-bathing pigs in your country.  Have a good day ######.

as you see the litterature is at it's best :o

this had been sent by rolling stone.

useless to say that I'd better not to see him :D



hey Mr rolling stone, nobody see your face here :o

can't show off? just by PM, easier?

get out of your hole...

let's see what kind of person you are!

any opinion from moderators about this?



Egads, well, I guess it is a sign of the times.

There is a big surge in absurd anti-French propoganda among the IDIOT CLASS in the United States. You know, such absurdities as tossing out French wine (give it to me, please!), calling french fries "freedom fries" (yes, of course, they are Belgian anyway), and such. Also, the right wing Bushies are going so far as to call France an enemy nation, because of their governments thoughtful, rational opposition to the invasion of Iraq.

Please do not take such an email personally. The US is going through a bad time, and is now controlled by neo-fascists. I have no doubt your emailer is one of these Ameri-trash stupidos.

Also, please realize that about half of the people in the US are horrified by this situation, and doing our best to make a change, but the odds are against us.

Viva la France! And Viva America too. Someday, we will swing back to rationality. Hey, if Germany could, so can we. :>

Let the flames begin!


Franco, its me Daveyo, I got your back covered. If you need help, I will tear at him.

Just let me know when ok

oh tiger says hello




I cold use many words for this PM to you. Any single one would be against TOS and against human feelings.

So only one thing, I said before. "It takes many kind of animals to make a zoo..."

Yes, but this zoo does not need such animals.


Easy to say - "not to worry"

But anybody would be worried by such insults

Francois - it is disgusting

But sure to say all other members are with you

I am happy that you shared this with us.

Rolling Stone should be banned


hi' all

thanks for your nice support all of you :o

I was thinking, if we consider a fixed percentage of idiots, red-neck etc ... in every country, some have surely some advance ...just wonderin' how many does it make per km square? B)

I quote some of reply, I did really appreciate ...

Egads, well, I guess it is a sign of the times.

There is a big surge in absurd anti-French propoganda among the IDIOT CLASS in the United States.

sure, and we just have seen a perfect one ...
Franco, its me Daveyo, I got your back covered. If you need help, I will tear at him.

may be don't need ... let's keep ourself on the cool side, can we? B)

but anyway, thanks :D

Francois... first of all dont worry about it, ...second, pretty sure IT or Dr PP will take care of it. .They have their ways........
right, hope that will be soon
Yes, but this zoo does not need such animals.

right, he can be banned, who would care?

But sure to say all other members are with you

I am happy that you shared this with us.

giving a better day in a few words .. thanks

I felt that everybody had to know what some dare to do outboard ...

out of TOS and out of any human rule, wherever from.

Don't let it bother you mate.

I don't, but try to imagine my reaction when I read that this morning ...

I thought, first I didn't bash him, I quite never do, unless it's too rude ...

well, guys know me out here ...

but this was beyond anything I can understand, and even tolerate.

but, it's only words, and not even said, just written, and it's so easy behind a screen, anonymous ...!

with some guys I know, we used to call this kind web-cowards ... on IRC .

anyway, thanks for support B)



Well, francois, you and kwiz seem to be the targets of this sad sick idiot. I must apologize to both of you, I am American and find this kind of disgusting attitude sickening. I believe that this kind of sicko is a minority in my country. It just saddens me that he can't keep his tripe at home but most broadcast it to the rest of the world. Every country has its weirdos, too bad for all of us that he is here instead! It makes me very embarrassed indeed.

Admins?? Please remove this sick sob. I don't think he needs to be misrespresenting expats in Thailand to anyone who might read this forum.


I don't think the guy who sent that PM is a minority in the US but more like a majority today. He is a good representation of what's wrong with the "American people" in this world today. I have seen the exact same arguments in other forums by people saying it with a straight face. The feelings expressed above are actually shared by a lot of Americans thanks to the brainwashing of the US media.

Should that person be banned for expressing something that even some members here think in private ? don't know, but for sure he is not alone and these kind of arguments will surface again


sorry you were subjected to that racial nonsense, i always think its better when people like that express their views, then you know who they are,where they are and what to expect from them. glad you posted the pm for us all to see.

and on a lighter note , to clear up another misunderstanding.

calling french fries "freedom fries" (yes, of course, they are Belgian anyway

the "chip" as it should be known was invented,patented and developed in the uk.

however,a skinny unauthorised second rate fake has been in circulation for some time in france,belgium,holland and mass produced by macdonalds. these are known as fries.

to american ears the chip is a mass produced,chemical impregnated,cholesterol laden slice of reconstituted dehydrate potato powder sold under the brand name of pringle. these chemical weapons should be avoided at all costs.

the british "chip", a mouthful sized slice of potato,fried to perfection in vegetable oil and seasoned with salt and possibly vinegar but never ever tomato "ketchup" and often eaten with fish remains an icon of british gastronomic perfection.

accept no substitute.


butterfly, think you need to study other countries a bit more before all your finger pointing at the US. France, Germany, the UK, Australia etc all have their share of crazies, and some in political power (or political has-beens). The truth of the matter is this kind of disgusting attitude crosses all national boundaries and is usually spouted by some ignorant, uneducated fool threatened by diversity. You help no one by placing all the blame on one country or nationality. We should each try to clean up our own sandbox first.

seasoned with salt and possibly vinegar.


Sad to say there is a another culinary delight in the local chip shop you may be unaware of, non brewed condiment, or acetic acid used instead of vinegar,it even looks like it, a delightful chemical that has no place in a chip shop


wvhooouu, a lot of animation here :D

just to say, I prefer home-fries B)

it is surprising to see so much concern about a s### like this ...

Every country has its weirdos, too bad for all of us that he is here instead! It makes me very embarrassed indeed.

Admins?? Please remove this sick sob. I don't think he needs to be misrespresenting expats in Thailand to anyone who might read this forum.

SBK don't feel too embarrassed for this, you see, if I had to be embarrassed by what some french people do around and the way they behave themselves, I would hide myself manytimes ... I just say to my friends "don't say that I'm french" ...

french people have more than one reason to be blamed about, but in fact it's not the people, it's the french government ... nuclear-tests, european mess, and so on ...

I'm not proud to be french, the people who govern my country made and still make decision that make me shame to be part of them ...

except for once, I don't agree with any kind of war, so the fact that french said no, don't distrub me this much, even if I consider that saddam is a tyran of the worse specy :o

do we have to ban such cretins ... I would say yes!

we can all have arguments, sometimes tough ones, but at least there is always a kind of respect, even if we may read "you silly idiot", we all saw this ... B)

we can go on and talk in another thread without carrying feelings about people from thread to thread ... but what you all have seen is far beyond what we can let happen here, I would like that admins go out of their reserve and tell us.

I have sent a copy of this PM to IT ...

let's wait and see ...

thanks for reacting so positively B)



First and foremost, I for one am mortally tired of reading the American bashing's of the Butterfly. Can we please get some moderation on this guy! Sheesh!

As far as that PM goes, Tt was reprehensible! No matter what Americans think of the french leadership we shouldn't take it out on it's people.

I for one believe that MOST Americans have a disdain for the french but that's not due to the recent french leadership decisions. Most American's have heard the stories of the Parisians mistreating us abroad. It's hard not to form a negative opinion! I don't believe this happens in the outlying areas, Just the Paris area. I know this isn't politically correct but I just wanted to explain some of the feelings of the majority of American folks.

This in NO WAY excuses the writer of that trash and if you'll tell me where he lives I'll teach him what it means to be a true TOLERANT American!!! hehe.


butterfly, think you need to study other countries a bit more before all your finger pointing at the US. France, Germany, the UK, Australia etc all have their share of crazies, and some in political power (or political has-beens). The truth of the matter is this kind of disgusting attitude crosses all national boundaries and is usually spouted by some ignorant, uneducated fool threatened by diversity. You help no one by placing all the blame on one country or nationality. We should each try to clean up our own sandbox first.

oh, I don't deny it and you are absolutely correct. I would have the same language if it was another country or nationality involved in such troubled times.

However, the news is focusing on the US for now with that dumber at the head of the parade

You should know that when Clinton was in power, and doing the right things on the international scene, I was all pro-American

The US has saved this European catastrophe that we called "Kosovo" and if it was not for Clinton (despite strong oppositions by the Republicans) then the European leaders would still have to deal with that catastrophe today.

There are many examples where I think the US presence is necessary, but Iraq and the International War on Terror is not one of them because I know they will fail and it will be a waste of time and resources and still the "bad guys" will keep planning on more attacks.

First and foremost, I for one am mortally tired of reading the American bashing's of the Butterfly. Can we please get some moderation on this guy! Sheesh!

I am not American but you probably didn't bother reading my posts or understanding my arguments. Fine, stay with the other clowns in the corner.

And arguing about News stories is not against the TOS, so why should moderation be used in this case ?


Continued insults to a Group, ANY group is wrong. Regardless of the TOS. You should know better! Care to say what country you actually come from? I bet I can guess.



Although I mentioned my own nationality before, I feel in this forum should leave it off. It's neither in the profile for each member.

If someboy mentioned an opinion about GWB, as example, and the posters nationality is attached, the other side immediately shouts: BIASED.

You get racism raising it's ugly head and the discussion goes down the drain.

What I would like to see is a fair opinion on Saddam, on GWB or on whoever is in one's mind, or in the news, which certainly can include our beloved Prime Minister.

It gets boring, however, if one tries to explain why the King of Timbuktu does not deserve to be a leader and the other one shouting -Timbuktu-hater'. Just forget your nationality and use your brain for better understanding the other side.

Still I suggested to close down now the discussions between butterfly and membrane, at least until boxing day. It became a bit of a personal fight without new arguments and both just trying to out do each other.

Continued insults to a Group, ANY group is wrong. Regardless of the TOS. You should know better! Care to say what country you actually come from? I bet I can guess.


Another fine example that "rules are great but not for me". Thanks for making my point.

When a group or a country is responsible for bad things, I have every right (or anyone) to call on them. You are not above those things, even as an American. I know it hurts but you better get used to it. You don't like it ? move to Canada and becomes another citizen

I don't think the guy who sent that PM is a minority in the US but more like a majority today. He is a good representation of what's wrong with the "American people" in this world today. I have seen the exact same arguments in other forums by people saying it with a straight face. The feelings expressed above are actually shared by a lot of Americans thanks to the brainwashing of the US media.

Should that person be banned for expressing something that even some members here think in private ? don't know, but for sure he is not alone and these kind of arguments will surface again


Ouch Ouch Ouch! You really have a warped view of the American population, I think. That people get caught up momentarily in the tide of popular opinion doesn't mean that they have an innate dislike of a particular country. And being ticked at the French Government doesn't mean you hate all Frenchman. (Nobody hates les femmes francais!)

Oh I've heard nasty things said about France while listening to the chatter in the "smoke shack" down at work. But rarely was it well thought out. It was just the country getting picked on that week in the news. And I would gently remind them of some of the things France has done for the USA.

I find it a bit odd that you feel that an unjustified personal flame shouldn't be dealt with because other people here might hold a view "expressing something that even some members here think in private". Freedom of speech does imply some responsibility. Who ever it was that decided he could unload on Francois should bear the responsibility of their actions, imho.


Still I suggested to close down now the discussions between butterfly and membrane, at least until boxing day. It became a bit of a personal fight without new arguments and both just trying to out do each other.

I agree. I would love to argue with Membrane but unfortunately some people will make it personal saying things like "you are anti-American" as soon as you hit the nail on the head. And again I am not an "American hater", why should I be ? but I am a Bush basher, I don't deny it :o

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