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Australian detention centre set ablaze in riots


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It should be noted that this post is not Thailand related.

It is an Australian problem. The current Gillard government has made a mess of the refugee problem as it has with everything else. Off shore processing is the best way at present.

Australia has legal obligations under international law. Thailand is one of the countries that people transit through to use to get to Australia, along with Malaysia and Indonesia, the last country before voyaging to Christmas Is.

Edited by electau
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An amazing thing here is that no one picked up on the MEDICAL building being set on fire , in a riot , people from BOTH sides get injured , do all of the rioters wear special amulets to prevent injury ? Just goes to show the non-thinking of these wanabee immigrants , who needs that type anywhere other than others of the same ilk .

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

Yes it was. The same as it was a ticket to the U.S (More transported to the US than Aust) and many other places but then they came in legally.

As for Anglo-Australians behaving in Afaganistan I don't know as I haven't been there to see them. I guess they would behave the same as Sudanese-Australians, Vietbamese-Australians, Thai-Australians, Turkish-Australians or Aussies of any other decent. I really don't think there are to many aussie tourists heading overthere anyway. If you are refering to Aussies seeking Asylum in Afaganistan then I don't think there are to many of them either. I will have to do some research on that.

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bangkokeddy, it seems to me that your view is that there should be no borders and people should be free to move about the world whenever they want.

An open border policy for you is it?

I think he believes that Australians are totally against immigration which could not be further from the truth. Australia welcomes thousands of immigrants from every corner of the globe every year. People who go through the normal legal channels with the proper paperwork and identification. Those in detention sneek in who no identification or paperwork they could be John Smith or Osama Bin Laden who is to know. Immigration takes time it took 12 months for my thai wife and it takes longer if authorities have absolutely no idea who you are or what you are. If they are going to act like uncivilized violent monkeys then they stamp thier own application "Not Accepted."

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bangkokeddy, it seems to me that your view is that there should be no borders and people should be free to move about the world whenever they want.

An open border policy for you is it?

Yes that's the policy of the liberal far left, (except if those would be immigrants happen to be Jews), furthermore if your forefathers ever did any colonizing you carry that original sin on your shoulders and should unquestioningly support sundry illegal freeloaders irrespective of whether they have any desire or intention to integrate or have any respect for their desired host society.

Coming to think of it the most potent recruitment aid for far right nationalism is the PC policies of the liberal left.

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I also think you will find that the deemed original inhabitants aren't jut 'one' people. Aborigines have different cultures and languages and history within themselves which makes it very difficult to ascertain just who are the original inhabitants and where did they come from.

Well they sure were not white convicts from England. This is really rich after all your PC posts about other countries! :cheesy:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Read the article closely. Do you see any mention of where the detainees come from? Are they Angry Americans? Silly Swedes? Saucy Spaniards? We'll never know, as political correctness and privacy laws discourage country of origin statements..

The same thing happened in the story about a bomb plot in Germany that was stopped. The article described the man only as a German citizen but later in the article they mentioned the plot was busted because of a tip given to the German embassy in Pakistan. So obviously the culprit wasn't a Hans or Franz.

So what is the name of the culprit and where he comes from?

It was the suspect himself who send some emails to the embassy in Pakistan. That guy was a blackmailer, all what he wanted was money. Not a terrorist, not a hooligan - an extortionist.


The culprit is a German, 25 years old. His grandparents had probably an Aryan certificate and his name is not Iskandar.

Obviously are here only the xenophobes. :bah:

There are loads of those bigoted xenophobes here ,unfortunately .

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

I hear nothing but good things about Australian Defence Force personnel operating in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Australian government is a US proxy. Otherwise these troops would have left Afghanistan long ago.

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

I hear nothing but good things about Australian Defence Force personnel operating in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Australian government is a US proxy. Otherwise these troops would have left Afghanistan long ago.

You just had to find a way to bash the US.

This is your fight with your illegal immigrants. Why not leave us out of it.

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

Why are you only concerned about the Anglo-Australians? Do you have a problem with white people? Australia is not an Anglo Saxon society but consists of people decended or from all corners of globe. There are men and women serving in Afganistan who are decendants of many different races and cultures they even have muslims, catholics, jews etc. Why are you only asking about those of Anglo Saxon decent? Extreemly racist of you I think.

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

I hear nothing but good things about Australian Defence Force personnel operating in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Australian government is a US proxy. Otherwise these troops would have left Afghanistan long ago.

You just had to find a way to bash the US.

This is your fight with your illegal immigrants. Why not leave us out of it.

Can you please tell me how this sentence above aplies to me. My fight ? My illegal immigrants?? How do you figure that ?

Whilst we are on this subject of this sentence " your fight " [being Australia's fight i assume] Vietnam was your fight [ your being the US i am assuming],Iraq x2 was your fight, Afghanistan was your fight. But who is always there backing up the US. The Aussies. B)

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They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

Why are you only concerned about the Anglo-Australians? Do you have a problem with white people? Australia is not an Anglo Saxon society but consists of people decended or from all corners of globe. There are men and women serving in Afganistan who are decendants of many different races and cultures they even have muslims, catholics, jews etc. Why are you only asking about those of Anglo Saxon decent? Extreemly racist of you I think.

I guess Australians are on trial for having their own immigration hostel burnt with a bit of original sin thrown in to justify it. :whistling:

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If I see one more post about Australian immigration from the 1800s I'm going to take away their posting rights. It's a cheap shot, and nothing short of trolling.That goes for the rest of the off topic nonsense as well.

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What a change of tune. :lol:


I did quite well at uni but I'm afraid I must have missed the class on interpreting gibberish as I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.

The Howard govt dealt with illegal immigrants quite well IMHO. Illegal immigrants/assylum seekers used to be allowed into the country and housed etc whilst they were awaiting due process. Many of those illegal immigrants 'disappeared' and it was a large cost to track them down to send them back when it was found they weren't really eligible for assylum. Howard did the right thing to process them offshore.

Why is it that these illegal immigrants come from far and wide, through a number of countries but don't request assylum in any of those ports of call but come all the way to australia. They sure are picky about where they want to go.

Now, instead of posting just a one liner insinuating something and flaming, how about making a post with some proof of what you say.

I'm still waiting on you answering my previous question about how you come to the conclusion that 'Most' australians are politically correct about other countries.

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Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

I hear nothing but good things about Australian Defence Force personnel operating in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Australian government is a US proxy. Otherwise these troops would have left Afghanistan long ago.

You just had to find a way to bash the US.

This is your fight with your illegal immigrants. Why not leave us out of it.

Can you please tell me how this sentence above aplies to me. My fight ? My illegal immigrants?? How do you figure that ?

Whilst we are on this subject of this sentence " your fight " [being Australia's fight i assume] Vietnam was your fight [ your being the US i am assuming],Iraq x2 was your fight, Afghanistan was your fight. But who is always there backing up the US. The Aussies. B)

I was referring to the Australian fight with the immigrants. However, since the US and Australia have a mutual defense pact, I am sure we could send some troops over to help you out.

We've done it before.

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Read the article closely. Do you see any mention of where the detainees come from? Are they Angry Americans? Silly Swedes? Saucy Spaniards? We'll never know, as political correctness and privacy laws discourage country of origin statements..

Actually this PC coyness is both patronising as well as damaging because in the absence of confirmation of nationality people will draw their own conclusions anyway and resent the non-disclosure at the same time.


a quote from from your source:

" Brami Jegan, from the Refugee Action Coalition, told ABC radio she believed the Villawood disturbances were prompted by stress and frustration.

"What's happened is an absolute act of desperation. It's a cry out for help," Jegan said, adding that some people had been in the centre for nearly two years.

"It's so obvious the profound psychological effects that mandatory and prolonged detention is having on these people, these human beings," she said."

Do you think it is their nationality that make these people to start a riot?

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And these are the same people asking to be let loose into the Australian community.

Simple solution, identify the culprits and send them straight back to whence they came, preferably on the same leaky boats they arrived on.

Read the article closely. Do you see any mention of where the detainees come from? Are they Angry Americans? Silly Swedes? Saucy Spaniards? We'll never know, as political correctness and privacy laws discourage country of origin statements..

Last time I tried to walk to Australia, I found out it is in fact still an island laugh.gif If they came by leaky boat, do it Thai style !!!!

Really, doesn't matter if a Yank, Swede, the amount of BS that they make good people jump through who are married to Australians and at a huge cost, why should a yank who turns up saying, F you, I am not going to go down that path get special treatment if they set fire to their desired place of residence. I think everyone know that it is 90% going to be relatives of a Lebanese Pizza shop or a camel herder in this case. ph34r.gif

Maybe they should hold the trail on Bondi Beach laugh.gif

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Simple solution, identify the culprits and send them straight back to whence they came, preferably on the same leaky boats they arrived on.

.. the once Great Britain has become, full of every low life scum you can think of and all in the name of multiculturalism which i and everybody else never had the chance to vote if we wanted it or not....

Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters.

Going to the effort to tow them back out to sea sounds expensive, cap the fookers point blank then send the family an invoice for the bullet.


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If you don't let me live with you in your house at your expense I'm going to vandalise your property until you agree? Is that about it?

That is about it. There is too much of this attitude in the world today.

I have no problem with Australians contolling their own country. I was just amused by the bitter posts from members that habitually condemn other democratic countries for protecting their own interests in similar matters.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I think the day to day running of these facilties should be taken away from the civilian company (SERCO) they have limit authority when it comes to a situation like this and all they can do is lock themselves in a room and call the local police. The Federal Police or the immigration department should be operating these facilities.

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Latest news is that 9 buildings have been set on fire and now the culprits are complaining because guards are refusing to throw food onto the roof for them.

Go figure. :blink:

Catapult some pork scratchings up there and watch the remaining buildings burn. :whistling:

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Latest news is that 9 buildings have been set on fire and now the culprits are complaining because guards are refusing to throw food onto the roof for them.

Go figure. :blink:

Catapult some pork scratchings up there and watch the remaining buildings burn. :whistling:

hahahaha, brilliant. :D

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Latest news is that 9 buildings have been set on fire and now the culprits are complaining because guards are refusing to throw food onto the roof for them.

Go figure. :blink:

Catapult some pork scratchings up there and watch the remaining buildings burn. :whistling:

Be sure to toss the food on the roof of the buildings they have set on fire.

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