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American With Severe Head Wound Found Dead In Pattaya Apartment

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I know Ranjan Sinha, (correct spelling)

He was a graduate of one of the most prestigious graduate schools in the USA, hard working and most probably brilliant by most descriptions, he was a fun guy, a great person and will be sorely missed.

The only light I care to shed on the whole mess is as follows:

The incident happened at his home in Bang Saen, not Pattaya.

IMHO, is wasn't the 5" gash that killed him, it was his constant battle with alcohol, it cost him most of the things that mattered in his life and ultimately life itself. You can argue all you want about who did it, how it was done but the fact is, more than likely without the alcohol he would be with us today.

RIP Ranj

I think the head wound had some affect as well.

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it stinks. so much sh*t happening all the time. i boycotted and quit pattaya a long time ago. i wish everybody else would do so. stop encouraging the low lifes and rat scoundrels to behave as they do.


My ex biz partner died kinda like this. Was found with a broken jaw and huge gash on his head which he got from falling on a coffee table. After an autopsy, it was discovered he had a heart attack and fell...not once, but two times on the glass coffee table. His wife was also interrogated...which was extremely upsetting. He died in his office at 1am and was not found until 8am the next morning...strange things do happen

Damned glad I am not your business partner!!! You play rough.. huh.gif


Could someone actually bleed to death from a 5 inch head wound?

I'm aware someone could die, but actually bleed to death?

From the picture, it may be unlikely this guy bled to death. One needs to lose 40% of its blood to die, which would be a bit more than 2 liters for your average guy.

To check that, throw 2 liters of thick juice on your floor, lie in it, ask someone to take a pic of the result & compare it with the news pic. (and then post ur pic in the forum ;) )

Also one who had lost 2l of blood would then be very very pale. On the 2nd pic, he doesn't seem that white.

From the 1st pic, I'd say there's less than 0.5 liter on the floor (maybe as low as 0.3l). Maybe some dried, or some went under the wooden floor, or maybe flowed under... the PC..!

Which brings my 2nd observation :

The PC the police said the victim walked to, as he produced footsteps, is standing... on the very table he fell to !

We can see :

1- the PC box on the right

2- the router on the top left

3- a part of the keyboard on top

That leads to the question : how does ones produces footsteps walking to a place he's already at..? I'll let Thai police answers that one.

But if you now have noticed there's a PC box, you may have noticed what's near his right hand..!

Which leads me to my 3rd observation:

In center of the blood pool, there's what very looks like a CD..!

So that would tell he fell with that CD in his right hand.

It's hard to tell coz of the pixelization, but it seems it's mainly untouched by blood.

Did our victim flip over when he bent to insert that CD in in the CD-Drive ?

Was the CD just laying on the floor coz he was messy ?

Did he bend to keep that messy CD ?

Was it placed there by someone else after the "accident" happened ?

A bunch of questions that Thai police will hopefully answer soon..! :)

If I were in police, I'd :

1- check finger prints of the CD

2- check if blood would go up a CD, if flooding in big quantity, or if the CD would float on blood

Bonus observation:

You can see the CD box (for 25 CDs, I'd guess) just under the PDN logo, at bottom right of the pic.

thank you inspector morse

This is a time when crash helmets come in handy :whistling: But doesn't it make you wonder what is going on--and who is involved ??


I see we are laughing because what else can we do?

We all know that a Farang in Thailand is lower than a prostitute to the Police.

I remember a bar owner over down the street on Soi Nana. he was found dead sitting in a chair, with his hands tied behind his back with a plastic bag tied tight around his neck.

Yeah--it was suicide said the police.


Do you think they like you? You would treated more fairly by the Police in Africa than here.

Oh well.

Just go home Farangs. It is not safe here for you. You like your woman? Take her back home to your home nations. Do not let your third arm do your thinking for you.

This place is very very Farang unfriendly.


Could someone actually bleed to death from a 5 inch head wound?

I'm aware someone could die, but actually bleed to death?

From the picture, it may be unlikely this guy bled to death. One needs to lose 40% of its blood to die, which would be a bit more than 2 liters for your average guy.

To check that, throw 2 liters of thick juice on your floor, lie in it, ask someone to take a pic of the result & compare it with the news pic. (and then post ur pic in the forum ;) )

Also one who had lost 2l of blood would then be very very pale. On the 2nd pic, he doesn't seem that white.

From the 1st pic, I'd say there's less than 0.5 liter on the floor (maybe as low as 0.3l). Maybe some dried, or some went under the wooden floor, or maybe flowed under... the PC..!

You didn't consider that there could also be internal beeding going on too. And you don't need to lose a minimum of 40% of your blood to die from hemorrhaging.

Elderly patients or those with chronic medical conditions may have less tolerance to blood loss, less ability to compensate, and may take medications such as betablockers that can potentially blunt the cardiovascular response.

Moreover, people have lived after losing a lot more than 40% of their blood. Okay they usually are the hopital when it happens, but just because you lose 40% of your blood doesn't mean instant death. Nor does it mean that you can't die from bleeding less than 40% of your blood supply.



I see we are laughing because what else can we do?

We all know that a Farang in Thailand is lower than a prostitute to the Police.

I remember a bar owner over down the street on Soi Nana. he was found dead sitting in a chair, with his hands tied behind his back with a plastic bag tied tight around his neck.

Yeah--it was suicide said the police.


Do you think they like you? You would treated more fairly by the Police in Africa than here.

Oh well.

Just go home Farangs. It is not safe here for you. You like your woman? Take her back home to your home nations. Do not let your third arm do your thinking for you.

This place is very very Farang unfriendly.

So right MJ,

Couldn't agree more, MJ.....The police actually have an introductoy seminar to teach them how to always keep things looking as peacfull as possible as not to destroy the tourism industry. I.e., suicides rather than forignors mudered. Can you imagine how the truth about how many are murdered. There is no question as to that happening at a rate that would kill a big part of "Amazing Thailand" tourist dollars. Then what wouild happen to thier economy?....so everything is attached to "looks of things" Not to mention,in my opinion, some semblance of actual satisfaction that one of those darn falang's finally got what he had comming.....yep, you know, MJ!.........A falang in los can't go around unaware of this for long because it will blindside him by surprise. years of learning how to extract the dough..99% of the crimes! In other countrys with the same circumstances would be prosecuted and the killers or robbers would be in jail. There is an actual law that people follow rather than laws in los of "how we want it to look law"....caa-ching$...The funny(not funny) part of about it all is, they really think you believe them when they determine suicide....stupid?....or sneeky?.....I vote sneeky and stupid....all bundled neatly to anything they want! No one can make a fuss about thier wrong investigation because they will find themselves in the same situation of what you made the fuss about....you don't mess with thier income or bribes! Who do you complain to? is that person connected to? so no one can question the facts they determine. There is an underworld in los so extensive it is just a maze of untruths and distortions for anything.....saving face, saving cash, saving a thai....it does not matter, a falang is always wrong!!!...even when he is right!


Could someone actually bleed to death from a 5 inch head wound?

I'm aware someone could die, but actually bleed to death?

From the picture, it may be unlikely this guy bled to death. One needs to lose 40% of its blood to die, which would be a bit more than 2 liters for your average guy.

To check that, throw 2 liters of thick juice on your floor, lie in it, ask someone to take a pic of the result & compare it with the news pic. (and then post ur pic in the forum ;) )

Also one who had lost 2l of blood would then be very very pale. On the 2nd pic, he doesn't seem that white.

From the 1st pic, I'd say there's less than 0.5 liter on the floor (maybe as low as 0.3l). Maybe some dried, or some went under the wooden floor, or maybe flowed under... the PC..!

Which brings my 2nd observation :

The PC the police said the victim walked to, as he produced footsteps, is standing... on the very table he fell to !

We can see :

1- the PC box on the right

2- the router on the top left

3- a part of the keyboard on top

That leads to the question : how does ones produces footsteps walking to a place he's already at..? I'll let Thai police answers that one.

But if you now have noticed there's a PC box, you may have noticed what's near his right hand..!

Which leads me to my 3rd observation:

In center of the blood pool, there's what very looks like a CD..!

So that would tell he fell with that CD in his right hand.

It's hard to tell coz of the pixelization, but it seems it's mainly untouched by blood.

Did our victim flip over when he bent to insert that CD in in the CD-Drive ?

Was the CD just laying on the floor coz he was messy ?

Did he bend to keep that messy CD ?

Was it placed there by someone else after the "accident" happened ?

A bunch of questions that Thai police will hopefully answer soon..! :)

If I were in police, I'd :

1- check finger prints of the CD

2- check if blood would go up a CD, if flooding in big quantity, or if the CD would float on blood

Bonus observation:

You can see the CD box (for 25 CDs, I'd guess) just under the PDN logo, at bottom right of the pic.

thank you inspector morse

This is a time when crash helmets come in handy :whistling: But doesn't it make you wonder what is going on--and who is involved ??

in fact , I appreciate it.............. a big hand to him........ ok...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So . . .

When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered the body of Mr. Rankan Singha, 43, soaked in his own blood. The body was estimated to have been dead for at least 24 hours.

But . . .

The victim’s girlfriend, Miss Nantakarn Sudsri, 25 (resides in Dansai, Loei) stated that she stepped outside for a moment after a heated argument with Mr. Singha, who was drunk at the time.

When she came back to the apartment, which they have moved in a few months ago, she found her boyfriend dead, Miss Sudsri reported.

That was a either a very long moment to step outside, or for some reason, the police werent called for 24 hours after she found her bf dead.

Love this line which sums up the investigative process:

The police added that the footprints found were possibly the victim’s when he stepped towards the computer, trying to sending out an email seeking help.

LOL :cheesy:

Sorry, no disrespect to the decedent but are the police serious??? Trying to send an email seeking help as he is dying??? Come on...


Somewhat true..

Another way of looking at it.She pushed him away whilst he was making aggressive drunk advances, he trips, falls and hits the table. She runs away, scared, and goes to ground (family). The family, being good, call the police and they meet up. She tells the whole story and, in the way that things work here, they "simplify" the process.In England the police would take bloods, see he was drunk, understand that she was frightened, account for her missing time, try her for murder, immediately this would be dropped to manslaughter in self-defence. She would get a suspended sentence and a "nominal" criminal record (i.e. one that would only require a tiny bit of explanation for any future employer to understand) and be on with her life.

Here, they just cut out a lot of bureaucracy. Not every Farang is innocent....in fact quite a lot of them abuse their Thai partners. This is why they are here, can't get a girl in their own country because the women can spot them a mile off and don't bother. They come here, bringing their bad traits with them. This is NOT everybody, but we all know AT LEAST 1 of these....even if we don't do the bar thing.

Simply put a 5' girl can't inflict a serious wound to the top of a 6' man's head whilst both are standing up (unless she is holding an unusual weapon and has considerable strength). Particularly when he weighs 80kg and she weighs 40kg.

Please understand, before flaming me to a crisp, that I am just thinking about how this COULD be accurate. I really can't tell what is going on here.


Funny how all of the farang I know who try to obey the law and show a little respect have never had a problem like myself.

I know a few farang who were busted when they were actually breaking the law and were very angry about getting caught. The cops love that and I think that it is pretty certain that when you have an encounter with them carrying the attitude that some of you carry the cop is going to look for ways to ruin your day. Just like in the states.

Some people just need to have someone to blame for their own problems.

but alcoholics do have a higher % of accidents, suicides

Based on what?

alcoholic ----> suicide .........

drinking.... is fun......for me....

If not i won't....

Based on statistics from countries that have reliable reporting mechanisms in place. And also from the medical establishment. I have dear friends in recovery. AA. Not uncommon to hear of members that killed themselves. Self loathing, depression, sadness. I've heard horrific stories.

Why in the world would you doubt the statement? The statement is about alcoholics, so why do you take it so personally? Highly unusual for a grown adult, educated in a developed country, to pose such an argument.

Perhaps a detailed discussion on alcoholism is more appropriate on a different thread.

Hemingway too thought it was fun. Living in a world of denial and rationalizations is quite standard, until the negatives outweigh the perceived positives. Called hitting bottom.


"Hemingway (1899-1961) suffered brain damage, alienated loved ones, and lived dangerously. Alcoholism contrib- uted to everything as part of his machismo philosophy. Some of his risk-taking activities: running with the bulls at Pam- plone; participation in both world wars and the Spanish Civil War, always courting death; ignoring safety precautions and suffering concussions; tavern brawling.

His narcissistic mother treated him as a girl until age six. But as a toddler, he often shouted, “’Fraid ‘o nothing.” He took those words to an extreme while traveling the world as an adventurer, then writing stories based on experience. Yet he often contemplated suicide when feeling estranged from a loved woman. Always competing in everything, he earned a reputation as a bully and also as a compassionate leader (Mellow, 1992).

Finally at 61, poor health and premature senility ended his lifestyle. Constant drinking had combined with concus- sions to produce delusions of persecution. Habits of betraying all who depended on him resulted in four marriages and broken attachments in general. He so abused the last wife, Mary, she would have left him if it weren’t for his pleadings of needing her. Because of his mental decline, she obtained psychiatric help for Hemingway at the Mayo Clinic where he received shock treatments. Loss of his writing ability followed and he became suicidal. Finally, believing Mary wanted to put him away permanently, he shot himself at home in Idaho (Reynolds, 1999)."

but alcoholics do have a higher % of accidents, suicides

So far the only statement that the victim was an alcoholic has come from a person who should be a suspect of foul play. :unsure:

I was waiting for some one to catch that. Can any NON THAI who is not suspected in his murder or her family coo-berate her statement?dry.gif

My original statement; Perhaps not applicable to this case, but alcoholics do have a higher % of accidents, suicides.

I highlighted in blue to assist those who may find it challenging to interpret.


personally i find it quite worrying to think that ur wife or gf could kill you at any moment and get away with it because shes a Thai.

Naw, they hire the suspect in the police general murder. They (police) are attributing over 100 murders over the past few years, to this man (Thai) and he seems to have gotten away pretty good. The modern/westernized thinking involves a hit man.


I see we are laughing because what else can we do?

We all know that a Farang in Thailand is lower than a prostitute to the Police.

I remember a bar owner over down the street on Soi Nana. he was found dead sitting in a chair, with his hands tied behind his back with a plastic bag tied tight around his neck.

Yeah--it was suicide said the police.


Do you think they like you? You would treated more fairly by the Police in Africa than here.

Oh well.

Just go home Farangs. It is not safe here for you. You like your woman? Take her back home to your home nations. Do not let your third arm do your thinking for you.

This place is very very Farang unfriendly.

Many many Thai's have these very same feeling about the police.

If you need their help they can be positive asset however they do this anticipating a tip. Corruption on the whole damages society and progress, but it is available to anyone. (not praising corruption, just being realistic)


personally i find it quite worrying to think that ur wife or gf could kill you at any moment and get away with it because shes a Thai.

Your concern is perfectly understandable Ianbaggie, but you don't need to worry anymore, believe me, as long as your killer is a thai and you are a foreigner, he/she will be ok, there is no requirement for a family relationship, hope this will help also all those locals which are still refraining theirselfes because not yet convinced, all you need to do is look at the facts taking places almost everyday now, once you do that, there is no need for any additional comment, they really are self explanatory....:jap:


personally i find it quite worrying to think that ur wife or gf could kill you at any moment and get away with it because shes a Thai.

And people wonder why I think all you men dating Thai hookers are completely crazy. Russian Roullette.


Simmer down, don't worry. The Thai police will get to the bottom of this. They always do.

All you guys who think they just take the easy way out for something they are not concerned about need to get a grip.

After all, these are highly trained professional law enforcement officers. The fact that they have Police Generals must give you some comfort. And that the Police Generals have multi-million dollar businesses on the side just shows how capable they are of multi-tasking, right?

Just be carefull out there fellas. Avoid all Thai males, and any farangs who deal with them. Be carefull in your choices of the fair sex as well.

All you can do is manage risk, you never eliminate it. Have fun. TIT.:D


"When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered the body of Mr. Rankan Singha, 43, soaked in his own blood. The body was estimated to have been dead for at least 24 hours"

"The victim’s girlfriend, Miss Nantakarn Sudsri, 25 (resides in Dansai, Loei) stated that she stepped outside for a moment after a heated argument with Mr. Singha, who was drunk at the time.

When she came back to the apartment, which they have moved in a few months ago, she found her boyfriend dead, Miss Sudsri reported"

The rest of the story is based on 'if's' 'buts' and 'possibles' - top reporting :blink:

"Dead for at least 24 hours" yet "she stepped outside for a moment" - seems obvious to me really - she thai lady love him sooo much that 24 hours IS just a moment ............ in Thai time ........... :whistling:

and "Mr Singha" drunk!!! - fascinating - the next victim could be "Mr Chang" "Leo" or "Tiger" so be careful chaps if you carry these surnames

Seriously though, whatever really happened he tragically died and I do feel for the poor guy and his family as I'm sure he, like the rest of us came here for some goodtimes

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