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For my part... I have had many relationships with both farang and foreign (to me that is) women . Every time the foreign woman wins hands down (this includes Turkish, Moroccan and...of course Thai). Farang woman are too competitive and when it comes to income, social status and likablility always end up trying out do me. They can't (or haven't so far). Thai woman are happy to be just that... a woman. They look after thier N0.1 asset.....farang hubby, and I get treated like a king....not like a fashion accessory!

Any hardcore Feminist to challenge this definition of the woman's role ? :o

But, that must have been a joke, right ? B) ... No ? :D

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Come come boys, just because other people have different tastes than yourself doesn't make theirs wrong and yours right.

Some people fall in love with others simply because they love the person they are, not because of the way they look (ie asian or farang). So if you came here looking for something specific and found it, hey great for you. But that does not mean that other people cannot follow their own path and must follow yours. Here's a thought guys, maybe he loves his farang girlfriend. Not all men are butterflies and tempted by the first cute face to walk by.

I have many farang friends with Thai partners and many farang friends with farang partners. And you know the really amazing thing about all of them?? Not one of them cares if their spouse is thai or farang! Amazingly, they just love them! WOW! What a concept to consider this time of year!

Happy New Years guys, maybe your New Years resolution can be empathy for others?



You sure write/post offensive stuff in this forum from time to time and they can very well be seen as 'posts of bigotry'.

(I am a guy by the way) Your posts in this thread are extremely sexist.



You sure write/post offensive stuff in this forum from time to time and they can very well be seen as 'posts of bigotry'.

(I am a guy by the way) Your posts in this thread are extremely sexist.


maerim Posted on Sat 2003-12-27, 19:56:00


May I suggest you read the Bangkok Post as an antidote, nothing there ever to cause any offence.

Guys, keep it up but COOL.

Guess this was a reaction to (munchkin @ Tue 2003-12-23, 18:20:28)

which I did not find 'feminist' but started me to think about changes "lovely shy girl he married, became the nagging, ranting wife".

Hope, it is not the case.

Anyway, an open word should not hurt anybody and I believe Farang with Farang can work out as well or as bad as any other constellation.


At heart, almost all men are dirty, disgusting, horny, rooting pigs, who just want to stick their things into any place that they can get away with - and as many places as possible. The thing that I love about (Western) women, is that, "All You Need is Love, the World Can Be a Better Place, Do the Right Thing" attitude, that comes so naturally to women like sbk.

To me, that attitude is the only thing that makes settling down with a woman worthwhile; The blending of masculine pig-ishness with feminine softness makes the world a more bearable place for men (but to be perfectly honest, I don't see what women get out of the deal).

Anyway, for whatever reason, poverty, tougher lives, I don't feel that Asian women are, in general, as naive about life as farang girls. Although, super soft, giggly and feminine on the outside, they are more like men on the inside, willing to compromise what is right to get what they want. They don't have that starry-eyed innocent sense of right about the future.

So, because I want to spend the rest of my life in Asia, I am afraid that I am destined to continue to stick my thing in as many places as I can without a final resting place. However, it's not a bad life after all, and at least I never get bored of someone who doesn't deserve my boredom.

Sniff, sniff. Grunt, grunt. :o

At heart, almost all men are dirty, disgusting, horny,  rooting pigs, who just want to stick their things into any place that they can get away with - and as many places as possible.

Bulls### Man!!! Pure ######## Speak for yourself--------orgie

Are you serious?


May I suggest you read the Bangkok Post as an antidote, nothing there ever to cause any offence.

Well....with all the things I like and dislike about the Bangkok Post, yes, I think overall it is a good newspaper.

Anyway, that's not the point....yes, I agree that this is not a newspaper here and one can write anything here as long as it is within the forum rules.

Okay...so, I am using my right to express myself here and saying again that what Maerim wrote earlier in this thread is really sexist.

It is really annoying to read about 'generalisations' and then people expressing their narrow-minded views on some matters, using these generalisations.

Maerim thrives on being anti-politically-correct and takes it farther to bigotry at times.



To me, that attitude is the only thing that makes settling down with a woman worthwhile; The blending of masculine pig-ishness with feminine softness makes the world a more bearable place for men (but to be perfectly honest, I don't see what women get out of the deal).

Anyway, for whatever reason, poverty, tougher lives, I don't feel that Asian women are, in general,  as naive about life as farang girls. Although, super soft, giggly and feminine on the outside, they are more like men on the inside, willing to compromise what is right to get what they want. They don't have that starry-eyed innocent sense of right about the future.

Georgie-Porgie, like in ice hockey, I took the top and the bottom out.

The rest? Settling down means what? Sleep for an hour or so?

The rest, any woman is as tough as a man and more of that, forget about feminine softness, talk about a partner for life or as it is called 'part-of-life-time-partner'.

Be careful, once you want to settle down, you might find out (7 years later) that it was the wrong one. Until you find the partner, good hunting!

Bulls### Man!!! Pure ######## Speak for yourself--------orgie

My thoughts exactly.


Some of us have a larger brain above our shoulders than the brain below the belt.

I am extremely careful where I put "my things" :o

At heart, almost all men are dirty, disgusting, horny, rooting pigs, who just want to stick their things into any place that they can get away with - and as many places as possible.
Agree! But most are not brave enough to admit!
At heart, almost all men are dirty, disgusting, horny, rooting pigs, who just want to stick their things into any place that they can get away with - and as many places as possible.

I don't know about that but my Mrs. has some very sharp knives, a couple of balloons, a piece of string and a can of helium knocking around the place.

Whatever does she want with this sort of equipment for? Beats me.

The thing that I love about (Western) women, is that, "All You Need is Love, the World Can Be a Better Place, Do the Right Thing" attitude, that comes so naturally to women like sbk.

Thanks Georgie peorgie (I think :o) Actually, my attitude isn't so pie in the sky as it may seem. I have been happily married for 14 years (sure we have had problems but so does everyone) and my parents married for 35 years. From their example I have learned that most problems can be overcome if the two people love each other and both are willing to work on whatever problems arise. Of course I realize that alot of marriages fail (50% I believe) and feel very grateful that I found the right person for me. Naive? Perhaps, but I am a satisfied, happy person!


sbk, you are simply proving my -rather disjointed- point by being so honest and humble. I didn't articulate it last night. It was time to go. I had to finish. No way to save my post and no time to express myself as I meant to.

What I was really trying to say is, as far as I'm concerned, Farang women are not the enemy.

To a lot of guys here, it seems that women in general are The Enemy, and Western women seem to have a special place in their hearts right up there with Hitler and Bin Laden, but the truth is that some of the rest of us actually like women.

Sure, there is lots of macho talk about how we have no romantic interest in Westerners and how much more attractive the Thais are, but what we really mean is: Britney Spears and Vanesa Mae won't have us!

The truth is that I was reminded while reading your post of how many great Western women there are living over here; Women who put up with our "manly" posturing, pretend romances and silly shenanigans and don't get too jealous or bitter or too judgmental; Women like you.

Anyway, I stand by the horny pigs remark (Come on guys; Even all you sensitive "I just want to date (and dump) Thai girls like they were westerners", phonies: deep inside, we all know why we are here! Sniff. Sniff. Grunt. Grunt). The truth is just too obvious. :o


Opportunity makes thieves and opportunities are by far more in LoS and Asia then in Western countries. If you look for something new every day or week, you came to the right place, regardless what others tell you about the beautiful temples, beaches etc.

For how long one want to do this I really don't know. If it is a business-relationship or something more serious, up to everybody's taste.

If it goes for longer the question about the future comes up rather sooner than later.

I see Britney Spears and Vannesa Mae in one line, one Western one Asian. Great, this proves my point, I make no difference on origin, women is women, both of them lovely although I prefer the violin. No fighting about taste. (Should I send a copy to my son, just asking if he bought all the Vannesa CD's for musical interest)

Your "horny pigs remark" perhaps. Take the pig out and we are talking. Now if I cross the line from talking to doing, up to me and there is no knife at home (Am I sure?) :o

Also if being a bigot means being a second class citizen in ones home country,well all I can say to that is that just about every white U.K. national I know is a bigot.

How much were you paid for the plug for the Bangkok Post? If you think that rag is O.K. allow me to say you must have led a very sheltered life then.

''White'' U.K. National ??!!

I guess this expression speaks for itself...I guess you might now say the ''No, I am not racist....I am only racialist' garbage.

I feel that racists are a shame to humanity.

Bangkok Post a 'rag' ??? The real 'rags' are papers like 'The Sun'. I bet you prefer the Sun to the Bangkok Post.

Regards nevertheless,


Guest IT Manager

FWIW ladies and gentlemen, I personally think the issue is the thing not the person.

To have a view, any view, is what makes us people and as individuals, makes us different. The having of a view, does not make us a "something" eg., racist, etc., it's what makes us human, and thankfully we are all different. In the matter of relationships, there is no law that says this person or that is wrong for you because of this reason.

Have a think about what you are saying. One person holds a view different to yours and all of a sudden they are racist, misogynist, feminist etc... in fact, they and we all, are just people, given the right stuff to use common sense, to use and understand logic and to communicate our values in discussion, then argue our end-games from our individual standpoints... that is being human.

Tell me then, why when we disagree with another's point of view, we are boxed into a "type-script" or "pigeon hole" and never allowed to develop in a holistic way, inclusive of our minds, our thought patterns and our words?

I like thaivisa enough to moderate it. It takes hours, and while I don't automatically agree with things people say, nor by the same token to I disagree. I don't call someone a sexist, or racist or a homophobe because of their view, I moderate because of their words, and how those words sit with me on the "written in cyberspace" page.

On occasion I have let my displeasure or disagreement with someone's view cloud my judgment and have said some negative things about individuals. Instead I should have evaluated and written about the views they expressed.

Let me ask you one thing, why, after 7 years of a relationship with my wife, are we still happy? Why do I love her?

If one of you can answer that question, about me, or your own situation either for that matter, you will likely be the first in history to do so. Love is BLIND ladies and gentlemen. Love has no reason.. it just is. If you have it, you feel empowered, if you don't you wonder why you don't. For me that includes the lonely old man slouching over a bar in Loi Kroh at 2 in the morning, wondering if one of the girls will give him a discount.

Please don't beat each other for having a view, when the reason we are here, is because we have them.


Very well expressed, ######.

I am sorry if my words were seen as 'harsh' but maerim has, on many occasions, expressed, what I think to be, discriminatory (mostly sexist and racist) views so I just wanted to 'counter' those views. I find it very very hard to tolerate discrimination but I DO (ie. freedom of expression in this forum...well freedom to a large extent anyway). So, anyway, I believe what I was doing was countering his views and criticising them. I don't think I have insulted him or anyone else in this forum so far.

Okay...he makes fun of left-wingers...this is fine. I occasionally make fun of right-wingers.... but the thing is some of his discriminatory views are really offensive in my opinion.

And...maerim...I am not a UK citizen so I don't know much about the tax/welfare stuff you were writing about regarding the U.K......but in my lifetime, I have come across many people like you who are using the 'refugee issue' to express their racist views and I don't think I am wrong regarding you being one of those people.



i think it's hilarious how many of you guys have had to flee western shores to get laid and totally fail to realise how repulsive you are. and you assume all western men are as warped as you are. you assume that just because you're incapable of having a monogomous relationship, then everyone is. you fail to realise that it's you who are the freakish ones, living your adolescent years in your 50s and 60s, shagging around with all these girls and thinking you're the dog's <deleted> in the process. you fail to realise that most attractive westerners, who are able to find partners without opening their wallets (or purses) have had all this fun when they were younger and now realise that, as adults, there are better things in life.

scarlett's husband is a lucky guy, not only because he has a smart wife and a baby on the way, but because he's been granted with a brain to work out what's important in life, for him.

it's a shame most of you with your 'beached whale' complexes are probably too old to be able to mature to this point.

This has got to be the best post on this forum ever. Good show.


Gatsby/ munchkin

I know exactly how repulsive I am, and I certainly don't think that I am the "dog's <deleted>" because I can get prostitutes to have sex with me, but why does it bother you so much that a bunch of lonely men are having some fun for the first time in their lives? Is it such a sin in your eyes to be "unattractive"?

You say that, "most attractive westerners, who are able to find partners without opening their wallets (or purses) have had all this fun when they were younger and now realise that, as adults, there are better things in life". Well, that very well may be true, but, if so, give us a chance to find it out for ourselves.

As for me, I could care less if people like you look down on me. I'm having the time of my life in the LOS! :o

Guest IT Manager

I thought Jem was a girl... sorry..


No, ######...I am not a girl :o I wonder why at first you had thought I was a girl.

Anyway, maerim....regarding the tax you have to pay, firstly, I wonder if you DO pay any U.K. taxes from here (I am assuming you live in Thailand so I don't think you pay U.K. taxes) and secondly I don't think the no of refugees (even supposing that number is increasing in the UK., which I doubt it is, due to stricter E.U. regulations as far as I know) would make a significant change in the amount of tax you have to pay. So, quit this 'complaning about taxes due to refugees'.....I think all of us humanists here understand what your real point is.



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