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Hi. I've read through this thread with interest. My friend and I are making our 2nd trip to Thailand in September this year, having previously visited Bangkok, Patong and Samui. This time we're flying straight to CM

Exploring the 'P4P' scene is not top of our agenda whilst in CM, but I would be in denial to say it won't be considered. We'll be there for 5-6 nights

If the overall quality, including BG's, has deteriorated as many of you are here suggesting, what is the alternative to Loi Kroh Road whilst in CM? Or should we save our monies for Patong etc?

Many thanks

No alternatives. Save your money for Patong or somewhere else which is the opposite direction from Chiang Mai..

I am sure some will say otherwise, but will not be able to tell you where all this spectacular and night time extravaganzas are located, unless you like music, ah sorry, I think that was banned last week.

So if you enjoy wine, women and song with your nightly entertainments, in Chiang Mai if you'll really lucky you maybe able to obtain a bottle of wine somewhere.

Unless anyone knows better, then I will swallow my words.

The alternatives are points North. Gorgeous girls from 16 on up. Be aware, if you brag tooo much about your experience, we're all going to calll you a perv.


I've got lots of photos, but some might bring negative replies or be misinterpreted, so I won't post them. Just about every bar on Loi Kroh has a television screen. Many are dedicated to the sports. And, sports on Thailand television seems to be British league football, European league football or for a change...just football.

Nice to hear a Canadian calling the game by it's correct name.

Of course it's all 'football', otherwise the places would be empty - who wants to watch the 'other' kind of football? wink.gif

All is well when I can watch the NFL! B):D

Yeah, but who wants to watch TV and have a drink at six in the morning?

Hey, wait a minute, what time is it anyway?


Strange, I just came back from there too and had a great time. Especially the Dragonfly scene had to be seen to be believed.

I guess I picked a bad night then. :(

Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

Right side when you come from the moat. 5 or so bars down, look for the Danish flag. Note though that there too it's very hit and miss, like everywhere else. But when the whole crew is there and in hunting mode it's really entertaining to just watch them yell and claw at prey. (Prey = any younger men, especially when unattached)

Who needs the Night Safari when you can watch it up close and for the price of a cool beverage. ;)

Seeing some guys respond to it in various levels of appreciation (or non appreciation) is a sight too.

Was a bit of a throw-back to Loi Kroh years and years ago, when there were fewer bars, but perhaps more fired up staff.



re ... Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

as wtk says ... its here : )


ps ... STH bar is now a massage shop and some of the staff were not girls when they were born .... beware : (



I've been outside the country for a few weeks and can't believe this thread is still alive. Surely the number of views now exceeds the number of visitors Loi Kroh has received since the airport reopened!


This thread has amazes me. Nice to see some banter among friends here, but as for condemning the street and its establishments.... alot of getting worked up over nothing. I'd say the place is definitely in hurting for business state, but the place is fairly lively, clean, and there are a few restaurants like Chez Marco n that bring a whole new atmosphere to the place. It's hardly run down or dirty. Just is what it is.

I didn't realize how much I would miss it until I came back to Canada the past few months. Despite having my kids and grand kids, and lots of friends here on Vancouver Island, they all live 50 km away or more. I can't just jump on my bike and pop over to see them. And, I can't phone up my lady friends and say "How about coming over this afternoon."

And, I miss my nightly pool game with Gig, even though she now beats me more than I beat her.

And the drink I have to buy her when she wins...

Sorry IanForbes but that sure is a scary looking girl whose image you posted!



re ... Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

as wtk says ... its here : )


ps ... STH bar is now a massage shop and some of the staff were not girls when they were born .... beware : (

Thanks for the warning dave2. But I can spot the transvestites a mile away and I doubt I'd ever go to Loy Kroh for a massage anyway.


I've been outside the country for a few weeks and can't believe this thread is still alive. Surely the number of views now exceeds the number of visitors Loi Kroh has received since the airport reopened!

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun JustMaybe,

Well, necrophilia and voyeurism are forever popular primate pastimes, don't you think ?

best, ~o:37;


Sorry IanForbes but that sure is a scary looking girl whose image you posted!

Well, if Gig frightens you then you better stay home with mommy. She plays a pretty good game of 8-ball and enjoys a good laugh, so that is all that matters to me. Gig is a bit of a tomboy, but I can assure you that she IS female. I don't go to Loi Kroh looking for true romance, and why would I? I can say that most of the real "Hotties" I"ve met in Pattaya are so shallow that they aren't any fun. I agree with Beetlejuice that there are not a lot of really beautiful women working in the Loi Kroh bars, but why would they? Have you checked out the clientel? Most of us wouldn't win any beauty contests even when we were young. And, now that we are past our best due date, the young women "back home" would not even look sideways at us... even if we were stepping out of a Porche.

I was just pointing out that you can have a lot of fun on Loi Kroh if you are not searching for someone special. There is NOTHING like it in Canada, even for 10 times the cost. Even Las Vegas is a disappointment in comparison.


I agree with Beetlejuice that there are not a lot of really beautiful women working in the Loi Kroh bars, but why would they? Have you checked out the clientel? Most of us wouldn't win any beauty contests even when we were young. And, now that we are past our best due date, the young women "back home" would not even look sideways at us... even if we were stepping out of a Porche.

cheesy.gif Well said Ian.....how true.

Hmm, though looking around you see so many young chicks with old (and young), sweaty farang's and I'm sure they aren't together just because of money......maybe they met in church and have a common interest, or maybe he's just such a lovable person that she simply fell head over heels in love with him?


Thing is though, what is someone who's at least twice their age going to talk about with those kids.

Talk? Stimulating conversation? On Loi Kroh Road? :blink:

Stimulating conversation? Sure. What's wrong with discussing whether the fried squid tastes better than the barbequed water beetles? Or, whether or not the Thai soup needs a few more hot peppers? Or, best out of 5 at 8 ball pays for drinks.

Right again Ian. They don't call your Forbes for nothing! The following is an example of the sort of stimulating conversation I enjoy:

Hello handsome man. Come inside have a look please. Welcome. Sit here OK. What you drink? Carlsberg no have. No have long time. Heineken same OK? Moment please. Have a look, many pretty lady for you.

You want? You want lady sit you tell me. What? OK, I sit with you. You handsome man. Pen knon arai? You speak Thai? Nit noi? I speak English little bit. Where you come from? America? Cannot. I think you look same same Hong Kong. No? Not same? Your face I think no look American. Live America, OK, I know, but your face look—OK, OK, American.

My name Lek.

You stay hotel? Work Thailand? Have condo? How long you stay Thailand? One year, why you no speak Thai? You need Thai teacher? I teach you Thai. You like Thailand? Sanook di mai? Khao jai mai? Oh, you can speak Thai. Geng maak. How old you? I think you look younger. You look – very good, very good. Me? Twenty-two. Work here two year. I no see you here before, you not come? I used to dancing dancing but now just welcome. Dancing too much talk talk okay better.

Can you buy me drink?

I come Buri Ram. You know? Isaan. North-east Thailand. Very beautiful. Many girl work here come Isaan, you know? You go Isaan? No? Very hot. Bangkok better, have friend here. Live with my sister. Father mother me have farm in Buri Ram, rambutan. You know rambutan? Only summer, aloi maak. Very good but money no good. You have brother sister? No? stay alone? Have wife? No? Girlfriend? I think you have many many. No?


Have no boyfriend. Have boyfriend before but no boyfriend now. Have Thai boyfriend Buri Ram but no good. Thai man no good, drink too much no work. I have farang boyfriend in Bangkok but he go back Israel. I no see him long time but he call me. He want me to stop work bar but he no give me money. I work bar send money to father mother Buri Ram, have no boyfriend. Have to take care sister me.

You buy drink for my friend? My sister, name Noi. Not same sister me live together, this my sister work bar. You have friend, can go with Noi. No? You like other lady, you tell me I bring. Me? You like me? You want I go with you. Can pay bar fine 500 baht OK? You like me I happy can go with you. OK mai?

Where you go?

You no like me? Where you go? I go with you. We go dancing OK? Have disco open late, I know can go. You pay bar I go with you. What? Meet you? I meet you? Cannot. Work here. You pay bar I go. You no pay bar I no go. Pay bar OK? Work late. After? After work go home? Can go dancing, but go now. You pay bar I go now. Why you no pay bar? Where you go?

OK, check. You give tip for me? No? You no like me? Where you go? Go home now? OK, I go with you! Just joking. Next time. You come back I go with you.

Puffin, that was outstanding and an accurate portrayal of the bar chat.

I usually cut them off at about "I sit with you?"...which usually turns what appeared to be a charming Thai girl into a devil woman spouting obscenities in Thai and telling me to get out of their bar, which my recessive gene finds quite amusing actually.

I'll occasionally play a game of pool or 2 on the old snooker tables with an uneven concrete base and ripped felt, just to watch the zoo that is Loi Kroh.


I usually cut them off at about "I sit with you?"...which usually turns what appeared to be a charming Thai girl into a devil woman spouting obscenities in Thai and telling me to get out of their bar, which my recessive gene finds quite amusing actually.

Isn't that the truth too and as you say, quite amusing.


Sorry IanForbes but that sure is a scary looking girl whose image you posted!

Well, if Gig frightens you then you better stay home with mommy. She plays a pretty good game of 8-ball and enjoys a good laugh, so that is all that matters to me. Gig is a bit of a tomboy, but I can assure you that she IS female. I don't go to Loi Kroh looking for true romance, and why would I? I can say that most of the real "Hotties" I"ve met in Pattaya are so shallow that they aren't any fun. I agree with Beetlejuice that there are not a lot of really beautiful women working in the Loi Kroh bars, but why would they? Have you checked out the clientel? Most of us wouldn't win any beauty contests even when we were young. And, now that we are past our best due date, the young women "back home" would not even look sideways at us... even if we were stepping out of a Porche.

I was just pointing out that you can have a lot of fun on Loi Kroh if you are not searching for someone special. There is NOTHING like it in Canada, even for 10 times the cost. Even Las Vegas is a disappointment in comparison.

Oh dear god, "but I can assure you that she IS female" what does that mean? I hope it doesn't mean what I think it means.

Even if that girl had the most comfortable motorbike seat in Chiang Mai, I wouldn't..

...........A soft leather seat, premium sponge, hand-sewn leather... oh go on then.

  • Like 1

Oh dear god, "but I can assure you that she IS female" what does that mean? I hope it doesn't mean what I think it means.

Even if that girl had the most comfortable motorbike seat in Chiang Mai, I wouldn't..

...........A soft leather seat, premium sponge, hand-sewn leather... oh go on then.

Not one to turn down a ride eh? wink.gif



re ... Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

as wtk says ... its here : )


ps ... STH bar is now a massage shop and some of the staff were not girls when they were born .... beware : (

Thanks for the warning dave2. But I can spot the transvestites a mile away and I doubt I'd ever go to Loy Kroh for a massage anyway.

Thats impressive. I am sometimes clueless when it comes to that.

Some of them are really quite stunning



re ... Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

as wtk says ... its here : )


ps ... STH bar is now a massage shop and some of the staff were not girls when they were born .... beware : (

Thanks for the warning dave2. But I can spot the transvestites a mile away and I doubt I'd ever go to Loy Kroh for a massage anyway.

Thats impressive. I am sometimes clueless when it comes to that.

Some of them are really quite stunning

Yes, after decades in Chiang Mai I am still sometimes fooled. Not in 99.57% of cases, but it does happen.

(0.43% of cases I am disappointed and end up with a fake ladyboy who's actually a woman. Doh! ;) )



re ... Where is the Dragonfly? L or R side? How far down?

as wtk says ... its here : )


ps ... STH bar is now a massage shop and some of the staff were not girls when they were born .... beware : (

Thanks for the warning dave2. But I can spot the transvestites a mile away and I doubt I'd ever go to Loy Kroh for a massage anyway.

Thats impressive. I am sometimes clueless when it comes to that.

Some of them are really quite stunning

Yes, after decades in Chiang Mai I am still sometimes fooled. Not in 99.57% of cases, but it does happen.

(0.43% of cases I am disappointed and end up with a fake ladyboy who's actually a woman. Doh! ;) )

Its dead easy to spot the ladyboys.....they are the attractive ones! ph34r.gif


I spent the afternoon with a lady from Chiang Mai. Young, nice with a gorgeous body with a larger than normal upper deck. Actually a bit thin for my taste but I made do. Bar ladies from Chiang Mai don't work in Chiang Mai. She hasn't been home in two years. I gave her a lecture about going to see her mother. There must be something about the general morality of Chiang Mai women that prevents then from working in their home town. This is not the case in Korat, Udon or other Issan cities. Nor is it the case in BKK. There are many bar girls that are from Chiang Mai but it has been my experience they almost never work there. In the couple of years I lived in Chiang Mai and one of the reasons I left was the lack of easy availability of women who like everybody. If you want a stunner in Chiang Mai you have to work at it.


If you see a really attractive streetwalker, you can be sure that it is not a true she. In the regular bars the odds are slightly higher. :(

Actually, if you see ANY streetwalker along Loi Kroh it is a 99.999% chance of being a ladyboy. I can't recall ever seeing a female hooker freelancing Loi Kroh street.


If you want a stunner in Chiang Mai you have to work at it.

Work at it or for it........................like 40 years and hand it all over?


I spent the afternoon with a lady from Chiang Mai. Young, nice with a gorgeous body with a larger than normal upper deck. Actually a bit thin for my taste but I made do. Bar ladies from Chiang Mai don't work in Chiang Mai. She hasn't been home in two years. I gave her a lecture about going to see her mother. There must be something about the general morality of Chiang Mai women that prevents then from working in their home town. This is not the case in Korat, Udon or other Issan cities. Nor is it the case in BKK. There are many bar girls that are from Chiang Mai but it has been my experience they almost never work there. In the couple of years I lived in Chiang Mai and one of the reasons I left was the lack of easy availability of women who like everybody. If you want a stunner in Chiang Mai you have to work at it.

That is true of many places in Thailand, Kerry. Because of local stigma, the women travel to different locations to work their trade. I can't recall any local girl working the Chiang Mai bar scene.

If they do they are not for hire and only working there as a waitress.

However, if you get AWAY from the bar scene and learn one of the many communities so that you become a "regular", then there are a few pretty ladies to be found. It just takes time. Women have always liked hooking their girl friends up with some unattached bachelor. It happens in every country. It is like women everywhere can't stand to see a single man wandering around without a ball and chain..:D


That is true of many places in Thailand, Kerry. Because of local stigma, the women travel to different locations to work their trade. I can't recall any local girl working the Chiang Mai bar scene.

If they do they are not for hire and only working there as a waitress.

Not strictly true, but certainly the 'deal' is done in a much more subtle manner.

  • 4 months later...

If I am correct, this is a hotel in Bangkok near Sukumvit and Nana Plaza. It is (or used to be) quite cheap for that area, so could get away with the Brownshirt policies.


the oldest profession in the world they come from all walks of life.my friend met a lady in bkk,in nana .she had finished uni with a degree.she did it for the money.so how are you going to stop this it will never die


yeah, i dont see anything wrong with an adult offering sexual services. Legalize it and focus resources on human trafficing, forced prostitution, child exploitation etc


yeah, i dont see anything wrong with an adult offering sexual services.

Absolutely not!

I've lost count of the times I've offered them to women for free, many times. biggrin.gif

  • Like 1

yeah, i dont see anything wrong with an adult offering sexual services.

Absolutely not!

I've lost count of the times I've offered them to women for free, many times. biggrin.gif

From what i understand Ups, they don't like Big men ;):D

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