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Royal Wedding 2011


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The Olde Bell British Pub invite you to join us on Friday 29th April from 4pm

to witness the wedding of HRH Prince William and Miss Kate Middleton LIVE on TV.

Afternoon tea will be served from 4pm:

Yeoman's Tea a pot of Taylor's of Harrogate, PG Tips, Tetleys, Typhoo or Lipton's tea; Cucumber Sandwiches, Buttered Scones with Strawberry Jam & Digestive Biscuits 150 baht per person

Viscount's Tea a pot of Earl Grey Tea (or tea of choice) Smoked Salmon Sandwiches, Cucumber Sandwiches, Buttered Scones with Strawberry Jam and Digestive Biscuits 250 baht per person

Pimm's & Lemonade, Gordon's & Tonic, Champagne....where else would you want to be for the Royal Wedding but Chiang Mai's British Pub!

From 7pm a Steak and Salad Night will be held in the Royal Couple's honour Beef steak, Chicken Steak, Pork Steak, Gammon Steak, British Chips. Potato Salad, Apple & Peanut Salad, Garden Salad just 150 baht per person

All Welcome!

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to clarify. We believe the service and surrounding jollity will be shown on BBC World. If by any chance it isn't. we'll show it via computer link.

I believe both BBC World and CNN are showing it all live.

On CNN - Piers Morgan, Richard Quest and Anderson Cooper + a woman (whose name escapes me), so I'd stick to BBC.

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Oh no, Pedr, don't turn down the sound. All the TV networks will be showing the same live feed, but the real entertainment will be in listening to each network's commentators. They have to come up with a lot of material to fill in what you're calling the "boring bits".

To keep it fun for the guys, we could come up with some sort of drinking game based on the commentary, like each time they mention Kate's middle class background, comment on how handsome the prince is or refer to Princess Diana.

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We had a bit of "Royal wedding" bad news down here in Australia.

Three major channels were covering the wedding with a straight bat, but one channel was airing "The Chasers Royal Wedding". The Chasers are a bunch of guys that treat such events with a healthy dose of irreverence, but apparantly the Royals got wind of it and have decreed to the BBC that the coverage shall only be used as news or documentary, definintely no satire.Might as well watch the footy :realangry:

Roll on the revolution.

ABC report

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Oh no, Pedr, don't turn down the sound. All the TV networks will be showing the same live feed, but the real entertainment will be in listening to each network's commentators. They have to come up with a lot of material to fill in what you're calling the "boring bits".

To keep it fun for the guys, we could come up with some sort of drinking game based on the commentary, like each time they mention Kate's middle class background, comment on how handsome the prince is or refer to Princess Diana.

I like the cut of your jib Nancy!! We'll see what we can come up with! and don't worry, we'll have full surround sound audio output for anything remotely interesting!!!

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Thank you Pedr, for a wonderful evening. I'm so sorry I arrived late and you weren't able to hold the wedding. I have a friend in the middle of a visa crisis. So, I got to the Olde Belle in time for the big kiss(es), a great meal and to down more drinks than I should. I made it home OK, to Hubby's delight. His American news channels were busy talking about America politics, so it was a nice respite.

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You didn't need BBC or CNN to watch Katie and Williboy getting hitched. Channel 9 dedicated several hours prime time to the live transmission of the event. As far as my Thai knowledge allows me to judge, the commentator showed appropriate reverence and covered a level of detail that had me bored witless in just a few minutes. The Thai members of my family, however, seemed to take in all of this starry-eyed, sitting glued to the TV. Goes to show how much Thai people love pageantry. Even the maids stopped working and stared at the couple cruise out of Buckingsham Ballast, or whatever that old-fashioned building is called. I bet they never saw a Rolls before.

Cheers, CMX

Edited by chiangmaiexpat
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A big thankyou to everyone who came along! The Olde Bell was packed all day and the atmosphere was fantastic! Let'e hope the Royal couple have a long and happy marriage. I was particularly surprised at the number of young people that came along: I guess the monarchy is secure if the youth show that degree of support.

One academic debate that was discussed vigorously by several of our American customers was who was represesting the USA: well after extensive research, it seems President Obama was snubbed for not pursuing the 'Special Relationship' vigorously enough, returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had resided in George W. Bush's Oval Office and the fact that Michelle Obama touched the Queen's back when they met, in breach of Royal protocol!! Thus the United States was represented by The Hon. Louis Susman United States Ambasador to the court of St. James. Just one of those interesting little issues that you talk about on such occasions whilst waiting for something to actually happen!!

A great day and thanks again to everyone who attended

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A big thankyou to everyone who came along! The Olde Bell was packed all day and the atmosphere was fantastic! Let'e hope the Royal couple have a long and happy marriage. I was particularly surprised at the number of young people that came along: I guess the monarchy is secure if the youth show that degree of support.

One academic debate that was discussed vigorously by several of our American customers was who was represesting the USA: well after extensive research, it seems President Obama was snubbed for not pursuing the 'Special Relationship' vigorously enough, returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had resided in George W. Bush's Oval Office and the fact that Michelle Obama touched the Queen's back when they met, in breach of Royal protocol!! Thus the United States was represented by The Hon. Louis Susman United States Ambasador to the court of St. James. Just one of those interesting little issues that you talk about on such occasions whilst waiting for something to actually happen!!

A great day and thanks again to everyone who attended

Sorry Pedr touching the Queens back was done well before Michelle Obama came on the scene. Paul Keating ,past Australian PM,was guilty of the same offence many years ago.It upset the stiff upper lip brigade but not Aussies or it seems the Queen. Australia was moving rapidly.in public opinion, to becoming a republic however since William came on the scene that feeling has now evaporated. Problem is what do we do with Charles ? Australians have made it very clear they don't want him neither do,I gather the British. Our PM Julia Gillard was there with her live-in companion Tim. Rumour is Will and Kate will honeymoon on Lizard Island, in Qld, which should give the comedians some material.

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A big thankyou to everyone who came along! The Olde Bell was packed all day and the atmosphere was fantastic! Let'e hope the Royal couple have a long and happy marriage. I was particularly surprised at the number of young people that came along: I guess the monarchy is secure if the youth show that degree of support.

One academic debate that was discussed vigorously by several of our American customers was who was represesting the USA: well after extensive research, it seems President Obama was snubbed for not pursuing the 'Special Relationship' vigorously enough, returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had resided in George W. Bush's Oval Office and the fact that Michelle Obama touched the Queen's back when they met, in breach of Royal protocol!! Thus the United States was represented by The Hon. Louis Susman United States Ambasador to the court of St. James. Just one of those interesting little issues that you talk about on such occasions whilst waiting for something to actually happen!!

A great day and thanks again to everyone who attended

Sorry Pedr touching the Queens back was done well before Michelle Obama came on the scene. Paul Keating ,past Australian PM,was guilty of the same offence many years ago.It upset the stiff upper lip brigade but not Aussies or it seems the Queen. Australia was moving rapidly.in public opinion, to becoming a republic however since William came on the scene that feeling has now evaporated. Problem is what do we do with Charles ? Australians have made it very clear they don't want him neither do,I gather the British. Our PM Julia Gillard was there with her live-in companion Tim. Rumour is Will and Kate will honeymoon on Lizard Island, in Qld, which should give the comedians some material.

Paul (the lizard of Oz) Keating, wasn't there either, I think that proves Queen touching is still regarded as an offence.:annoyed:

All the best to the young couple, but I hope Australia is a republic long before William becomes king of England.

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A big thankyou to everyone who came along! The Olde Bell was packed all day and the atmosphere was fantastic! Let'e hope the Royal couple have a long and happy marriage. I was particularly surprised at the number of young people that came along: I guess the monarchy is secure if the youth show that degree of support.

One academic debate that was discussed vigorously by several of our American customers was who was represesting the USA: well after extensive research, it seems President Obama was snubbed for not pursuing the 'Special Relationship' vigorously enough, returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had resided in George W. Bush's Oval Office and the fact that Michelle Obama touched the Queen's back when they met, in breach of Royal protocol!! Thus the United States was represented by The Hon. Louis Susman United States Ambasador to the court of St. James. Just one of those interesting little issues that you talk about on such occasions whilst waiting for something to actually happen!!

A great day and thanks again to everyone who attended

Sorry Pedr touching the Queens back was done well before Michelle Obama came on the scene. Paul Keating ,past Australian PM,was guilty of the same offence many years ago.It upset the stiff upper lip brigade but not Aussies or it seems the Queen. Australia was moving rapidly.in public opinion, to becoming a republic however since William came on the scene that feeling has now evaporated. Problem is what do we do with Charles ? Australians have made it very clear they don't want him neither do,I gather the British. Our PM Julia Gillard was there with her live-in companion Tim. Rumour is Will and Kate will honeymoon on Lizard Island, in Qld, which should give the comedians some material.

Paul (the lizard of Oz) Keating, wasn't there either, I think that proves Queen touching is still regarded as an offence.:annoyed:

All the best to the young couple, but I hope Australia is a republic long before William becomes king of England.

Keating wasn't invited neither were any other ex Australian PM's including Whitlam,Fraser, Hawke ,Howard (staunch monarchist)& Rudd. Interestingly neither were Tony Blair or Gordon Brown invited so how could Paul K expect to get a guernsey :)

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Pedr I find it interesting that your customers were asking about why President Obama wasn't invited but weren't asking why French President Sarkozy, etc weren't invited.

What was the nationality of the people asking? I don't think most Americans really worried about it and didn't see it as a personal or dipliomatic affront. I've followed the wedding coverage of America's NBC news and the International Herald Tribune (the international version of the NY Times) and while it was mentioned that neither he nor Michelle weren't invited, it was pointed out political leaders from other countries weren't invited either. End of story. Now let's go onto the really important news of the wedding, like Kate's dress or where the couple will honeymoon. At least that seemed to be the tone of the American news media that I consume.

It seems like it's non-Americans who are over analyzing the non-appearence of the Obamas.

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Pedr I find it interesting that your customers were asking about why President Obama wasn't invited but weren't asking why French President Sarkozy, etc weren't invited.

What was the nationality of the people asking? I don't think most Americans really worried about it and didn't see it as a personal or dipliomatic affront. I've followed the wedding coverage of America's NBC news and the International Herald Tribune (the international version of the NY Times) and while it was mentioned that neither he nor Michelle weren't invited, it was pointed out political leaders from other countries weren't invited either. End of story. Now let's go onto the really important news of the wedding, like Kate's dress or where the couple will honeymoon. At least that seemed to be the tone of the American news media that I consume.

It seems like it's non-Americans who are over analyzing the non-appearence of the Obamas.

Nancy, maybe you don't recall the converstation we all had about the lack of an invitation for Mr. Obama:- there were about 4 or 5 of us sitting at the bar debating the issue - and you made several incisive and intuitive remarks on the issue yourself!!

As for Mr. Sarkozy not being invited:- Britain has never pretended to have a special relationship with our garlic nibbling cousins across the Channel, whereas we have pretended, er, sorry, we have always had a special relationship with the USA!

Sparkles and Basin Boy: I remember Mr Keating touching Her Majesty - rather lower down the back than Michelle did! At the time the British press made much play of him being an Irish Australian, though I think he was just being a fair dinkum Aussie guy keeping a careful lookout for a sheila!! Anyway, most Australians i meet in The Olde Bell are pro-monarchy, lets face it the alternative could be president Julia or President Abbott. I've always thought a head of state that lives 15,000 KMs away is quite a desirable outcome!!!

anyway there were many wonderful discussion points such as these whilst we waited to see if it would just be a peck on the cheek on the Buck House balcony,or whether it would be tongues!! My wife says it was definintely tongues!!

Tonight, Monday 2nd May, there will be a BBQ at The Olde Bell to eat up some of the enormous quantities of food left over after the celebrations. It's our Irish night so there'll be a promotion on a certain Irish stout that we sell on draft (can't mention the name) as well as some other reduced items. 100 baht gets you all the Barbie you can eat! We'll spark up the BBQ soon after 7pm and all are welcome!

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Sure Pedr, I remember the conversation. I hadn't been celebrating too much! Since you brought it up on TV, I figured you'd discussed the topic more than one time with others besides us 4 or 5 wise souls enjoying your hospitality on Friday evening.

Edited by NancyL
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Viewing some US coverage I was not surprised to hear that the commentators main thrust was the condition of Williams hair, or lack of it.To her it seemed of far mor concerm than his well being,intelligence or character.Then again with Donald Trump preening himself for a run at the American Presidency its little wonder that abundant hair should be of concern. :D

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British pomp at its best ....

at least we can still do SOMETHING right!

Or was that pomposity

Both words have the same root so probably yes.

from OFr. pompeux ‘full of grandeur’, from late L. pomposus, from pompa ‘pomp’.


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