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Proposing During Vacation


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Travel together to your destination is my suggestion. It's a long drive if going out of bkk. Depending on where in bkk she is, could already take a while to get to express/highway.

Vertigo or sirocco in bkk are both nice, but unless they can make special arrangement both places are very crowded. Vertigo more so with it's tables so close together.

Huahin - a number of hotels on the beach front - some nmes: anantara, centara, Hilton

First 2 are nicer in terms of location

There is also the vimanda (I think, not been there personally but told about it)

Other option might be: oops can't remember name...... Something with '.....if by sea'? Google it. It's one of those places where your rooms leads direct into the pool..... I'm not good with names

Alternatively go a bit further to pranburi - the chiva som

It's a spa resort. But very pricey. They arrange pick up from the main town if u are going by public transport (the hotel is tucked away so can be hard to get to. But once there that means it allows u to be on your own, secluded from the rest of the world

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agore wake up or you will be late for work.

If you mean what I think you mean then that has to be the best ever post on Thaivisa.

dreaming im always dreaming by johnny burnette,agore can have it played walking down the soi.

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late for work?

Ignore it Agore, the comment of relationship losers and cynics :rolleyes: ..

walked from suk.soi2 to brit.emb.cert.to marry,then tuk-tuk to local dist.office,party on top of apt.block total cost 2800bht. [1989] and still happily married.

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Travel together to your destination is my suggestion. It's a long drive if going out of bkk. Depending on where in bkk she is, could already take a while to get to express/highway.

I don't know....I kind of like the idea of it being a mystery where she is heading & what is going on (if you can convince the driver not to tell her anything). :) It would be cool if you (the OP) could be there waiting for her when she arrives. Of course I'm speaking as a western woman, not a Thai, so my perspective could be very different than that of the OP's girlfriend or of Thai women in general. But most of us love surprises! Especially surprises that show a lot of time, thought, and consideration. For most of us, it's not the glamour or the amount of money spent, but the effort that really counts. I know that a lot of guys disagree, but a lot of women feel that the proposal sets the tone for the marriage. I love your original idea, and think that it shows that you put a lot of effort into the proposal and into making her feel special.

Just make sure to tell her what kinds of clothes to pack for the trip! ;) Good luck!

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That might be true, Tonititan, but he doesn't need to tell her where they are going while traveling TOGETHER. The romantic stuff would still be there on arrival.

Obviously it's a personal choice. I'm just saying that I would love for my boyfriend to tell me just to pack a bag, and that a driver will be picking me up at a certain time - destination unknown. I guess I just like a little mystery & suspense - some people don't, and some women could be freaked out by such a big unknown...or scared about traveling alone. And if he will have just arrived from his home country, I think that a reunion at the hotel would be cool, as opposed to a reunion in a taxi. To me it seems like more of a grand gesture that way. And it's not THAT far of a drive - she's a big girl and I bet she could handle a 2-3 hour ride alone, wondering where she's headed, if he'll be there already, and what in the world he has planned. :)

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late for work?

Ignore it Agore, the comment of relationship losers and cynics :rolleyes: ..

walked from suk.soi2 to brit.emb.cert.to marry,then tuk-tuk to local dist.office,party on top of apt.block total cost 2800bht. [1989] and still happily married.

Happy for you, but as other members took it as well as I did you're post implied he was dreaming to have a happy future with a nice Thai lady as you have but there is no such thing..

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Absolutely agree that the surprise and anticipation is great


For me a long car journey of at least 3 hrs could make me very anxious. Especially when most of that might be on an unknown highway

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late for work?

Ignore it Agore, the comment of relationship losers and cynics :rolleyes: ..

walked from suk.soi2 to brit.emb.cert.to marry,then tuk-tuk to local dist.office,party on top of apt.block total cost 2800bht. [1989] and still happily married.

Happy for you, but as other members took it as well as I did you're post implied he was dreaming to have a happy future with a nice Thai lady as you have but there is no such thing..

i just hope everything works out for agore,i have seen the good and the bad and by heck theres a lot of bad.

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best of luck with the proposal

try villa maroc in hua hin its a different class compered to other hotels

they will cater to your needs what ever it is

the pool side villa is the best opition they are stunning and secret

mabye better to pick your girl up in the limo ,that said there are some mecerdez vans like a people carrier that are way more comfortable

or just a regualr van as the driver will stay with you for the weekend and drive you back

buy somer champagne chocs for the trip down they vans around lately are preety cool with dvd players and fridges i just used one for a trip over songkran

pm if you want the dudes number

also mabye a better idea to have some body in bkk arrange this for you

pm me also i have a friend who does this kinda stuff she might be able to help

trust me take her to hua hin ,,,,,,some of the suggestions on here are rubbish ie take her to pattaya .nice

and dont listen to the whiners on here they have had bad luck with thai women its like they want the same for every guy

best of luck

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Ignore it Agore, the comment of relationship losers and cynics :rolleyes: ..

walked from suk.soi2 to brit.emb.cert.to marry,then tuk-tuk to local dist.office,party on top of apt.block total cost 2800bht. [1989] and still happily married.

Happy for you, but as other members took it as well as I did you're post implied he was dreaming to have a happy future with a nice Thai lady as you have but there is no such thing..

i just hope everything works out for agore,i have seen the good and the bad and by heck theres a lot of bad.

Yes me as well, but we all have to find our own way don't we? No risk, no reward.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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To all the whore mongers/cynics, i had a nice witty remark for you guys and I decided not to post it. Sometimes people aren't worth it.

come on agore dont be a spoilsport just when we were enjoying your post,you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i dont--------you,sonny/cher.

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To all the whore mongers/cynics, i had a nice witty remark for you guys and I decided not to post it. Sometimes people aren't worth it.

That's about 95% of the TV'ers off your Christmas card list then! Well done!!

I truly hope it turns out as exciting and wonderful as hoped for the both of you. Do as the heart tells... and next time, post in the Ladies section for more positive input!

As you go through life together, keep watering the same plant that gave you the seeds of this plan.

There... that should charm the Mills & Boon harpies as well.

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