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Obama releases long form birth certificate to end debate


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It's interesting to note the claims that McCain is not a natural-born citizen.  Can't the Americans work out what their electoral laws are?

What is even more interesting is that he is rich, Conservative and white, but it is supposed to be all about "racism" when anyone (Hillary Clinton's campaign brought it up originally) questions Obama's legal status to run for president. 

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It's interesting to note the claims that McCain is not a natural-born citizen. Can't the Americans work out what their electoral laws are?

What is even more interesting is that he is rich, Conservative and white, but it is supposed to be all about "racism" when anyone (Hillary Clinton's campaign brought it up originally) questions Obama's legal status to run for president.

What is interesting is that McCain was actually born in a foreign country so there was some cause for people to wonder. What is interesting is that there was nothing remotely similar as a thing called "Birthers" in regards to McCain's eligibility. What is interesting is that when the matter was looked into, it was immediately dropped (as it should have been).

What is interesting is that for some reason it was, but Obama's birth certificate NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN ISSUE.

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Donald Trump lost my respect! What a grand stander he is. Republicans deserve him.

And in the end he will not run for President because he is only doing the Birther thing for just a little attention.

Also he needs to release Tax income to run and we know Mr. Don doesn't like his finances being looked at.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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McCain was born to a military family on an AMERICAN MILITARY base which is considered to be American territory. That is why is was dropped and nothing to do with "racism". ;) .

Note 60 of the Wikipedia article I just quoted reads:

US Foreign Affairs Manual, 7 FAM §1116.1–4: "Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to U.S. jurisdiction and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."
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I would guess that they are talking about foreign babies - not American citizens born to soldiers - but Wikipedia is open to a lot of abuse as far as the information that is posted by just about anybody who wants to.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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McCain was born to a military family on an AMERICAN MILITARY base which is considered to be American territory. That is why is was dropped and nothing to do with "racism". ;) .

I'm well aware of where he was born -- but it's the fact that it was in the Canal Zone (under U.S. control) and relevant treaties are what matters. Nonetheless, "The children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or outside the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens of the United States."

The fact that McCain's issue was dropped quickly -- as it dam_ well should have been - has zero bearing on whether or not the Birther crap is or isn't about racism. You're logic is faulty. (By the way, I'm pretty sure Hawaii is just as much US territory as a base on the Panama Canal was).

As for Hilary Clinton:

I have no interest in defending her or what she did in an effort to find anything at all that might win her the nomination.

She was not a Birther.

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Can any of you supporters please tell me just why somebody would spend around 3 million dollars keeping this and his school records hidden if there is nothing wrong ? :huh:

Why didn't / doesn't he just show them ? :o

I couldn't care less either way whether he is a naturtally born American or not just can't understand the reason he has spent so much money trying to stop people from seeing his records ? :blink:

Ithought him winning would have been a good thing for America but he seems to be like the rest of them :o

What business is it of yours or anyone elses to see someone's school records? I'd block nosey people from seeing my record too.

What's next a daily report on how many times he goes to the loo?

Last I checked you're not the leader of the most powerful country in the world.....Are you?? Who's also supposed to lead by example and be beyond reproach by playing by the rules accordingly, not being elusive of them..

I have to provide my underwear size (figuratively speaking) to the government just to bring my wife in as an immigrant, why shouldn't the POTUS of all people be required to have his checked? When you choose to run for President one better be prepared to be scrutinized and held under a magnifying glass and rightly so, people have conveniently forgotten that McCain was the first to be vetted and investigated for his being born in Panama..

President Obama did play by the rules. The state of Hawaii had confirmed the validity of his birth certificate years ago and yet people still went on a fishing expedition.

I am no longer surprised by the ignorance that US citizens have of their own government, but it sure is depressing at times. The President of the USA does not make the laws that govern immigration. If you have a complaint take it up with your US Congress delegate(s). When I see the comments in this forum bitching and moaning and always blaming the President of the USAfor the economic mess, I wonder if these people realize that legislation regarding the subject of revenue originates solely and exclusively with the U.S. House of Representatives. A President can submit a budget but it is the House that amends or modifies and ultimately approves the budget.

People get the governments they deserve. And the USA has the government it merits. There is a complete absence of common decency, of basic civility and plain good manners in the USA. Nowhere is this demonstrated better than the political arena where politicians are personally attacked, humiliated, ridiculed and their lives ripped apart. The demand to see someone's academic records is neither required by law, nor justified by common sense. It is the same time of voyeurism that gave people urinal and locker room spycams. None of the people demanding access to the President's academic records can provide a bonafide reason for their demand. Is it because they think he was not qualified as a lawyer? The state bar said he was; he passed the bar exam. Is it because they think he didn't deserve to go to Harvard? Well, the Harvard admissions offfice thought he was qualified. Is it because they think he didn't complete the course work or achieve the GPA required for a Harvard J.D. magna laude? Well, the law school of Harvard said he did and granted him his diploma. Just what exactly are some of these troglodytes trying to achieve?

What is the reason for the academic record to be released? Can anyone anser that question? Can I get an intelligent answer?

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The fact that McCain's issue was dropped quickly -- as it dam_ well should have been - has zero bearing on whether or not the Birther crap is or isn't about racism. You're logic is faulty.

She was not a Birther.

Guess what? I disagree. IMHO it is very applicable to the birther issue. Your logic is faulty. biggrin.gif

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President Obama did play by the rules. The state of Hawaii had confirmed the validity of his birth certificate years ago and yet people still went on a fishing expedition.

I am no longer surprised by the ignorance that US citizens have of their own government, but it sure is depressing at times. The President of the USA does not make the laws that govern immigration. If you have a complaint take it up with your US Congress delegate(s). When I see the comments in this forum bitching and moaning and always blaming the President of the USAfor the economic mess, I wonder if these people realize that legislation regarding the subject of revenue originates solely and exclusively with the U.S. House of Representatives. A President can submit a budget but it is the House that amends or modifies and ultimately approves the budget.

People get the governments they deserve. And the USA has the government it merits. There is a complete absence of common decency, of basic civility and plain good manners in the USA. Nowhere is this demonstrated better than the political arena where politicians are personally attacked, humiliated, ridiculed and their lives ripped apart. The demand to see someone's academic records is neither required by law, nor justified by common sense. It is the same time of voyeurism that gave people urinal and locker room spycams. None of the people demanding access to the President's academic records can provide a bonafide reason for their demand. Is it because they think he was not qualified as a lawyer? The state bar said he was; he passed the bar exam. Is it because they think he didn't deserve to go to Harvard? Well, the Harvard admissions offfice thought he was qualified. Is it because they think he didn't complete the course work or achieve the GPA required for a Harvard J.D. magna laude? Well, the law school of Harvard said he did and granted him his diploma. Just what exactly are some of these troglodytes trying to achieve?

What is the reason for the academic record to be released? Can anyone anser that question? Can I get an intelligent answer?

It is quite simple. Some people don't like him and therefore want to dig deeper and deeper until they find something embarrassing, hence my earlier post stating that maybe he picked his nose when he was in pre school. They wanted his birth certificate, they got it. They want his academic records, if they get it they will find nothing. Then they will want his kindergarten records to find out if one of his teachers wore a hajib. I just wish they would concentrate their energy into something a little more substantial.

Some people seem to think that just because a person refuses to disclose something then they must have something to hide. The thought never enters their mind that they it is just none of their business.

If you consider it appropriate that the leader of a country's personal life is open season then you'll soon find there will be an ever diminishing number of applicants for the job. Sure, some things should be disclosable but please, have some common sense.

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Excuse me.

Somebody somewhere released a piece of paper claiming to be his birth cert.

They have had enough time to cook something up. I don't care where he was born. I care the great harm he is causing.

And notice no one in the MSM has asked why did you spend $800,000 ( or $ 1 million or $2 million or whatever the correct figure is ) of your own money ( or even worse if it was taxpayers money !) and why did you fight this issue in no less than 42 lawsuits when you could have provided this document 2 years ago ?

Edited by midas
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Excuse me.

Somebody somewhere released a piece of paper claiming to be his birth cert.

They have had enough time to cook something up. I don't care where he was born. I care the great harm he is causing.

And notice no one in the MSM has asked why did you spend $800,000 ( or $ 1 million or $2 million or whatever the correct figure is ) of your own money ( or even worse if it was taxpayers money !) and why did you fight this issue in no less than 42 lawsuits when you could have provided this document 2 years ago ?

He likes wasting other people's money. He's a tax and spend Democrat - that's what they do.

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Excuse me.

Somebody somewhere released a piece of paper claiming to be his birth cert.

They have had enough time to cook something up. I don't care where he was born. I care the great harm he is causing.

And notice no one in the MSM has asked why did you spend $800,000 ( or $ 1 million or $2 million or whatever the correct figure is ) of your own money ( or even worse if it was taxpayers money !) and why did you fight this issue in no less than 42 lawsuits when you could have provided this document 2 years ago ?

I just read this article:

Birth Certificate: Where Are the Indignant Questions to Obama?


No reasonable person could trust Obama after this.

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Ok, i can see why from an economical aspect, the man has made billions, but that doesn't mean he can run the economy for the benefit of ordinary people. Also there is a lot more to politics than just the economy

The current "Manger in Office" certainly isn't even doing that job though, on the contrary he's spending like he just won the lottery..And his political skills are tantamount to lip service.. It's often over looked that the current POTUS had NO (read 0) administrative and minimal political experience when he got into office, but that was acceptable..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I just read this article:

Birth Certificate: Where Are the Indignant Questions to Obama?


No reasonable person could trust Obama after this.

Good editorial link. I think this paragraph gets to the meat of the matter.


"And let’s not ignore that Obama did move heaven and earth. This is not just a matter of him thumbing his nose at a fringe collection of nutty “birthers.” There have been several court cases. It is flat out bizarre that one should have to be sued to compel conformance with a routine that millions of Americans comply with every day. Many of these court cases, if not all, could have been short-circuited (indeed, many of the later ones would not have been filed at all) if Obama had just produced the birth certificate. Instead, he not only refused to produce it; he and his campaign paid thousands of dollars in legal fees (in some places it is reported to be well over a million dollars) to fight the lawsuits — and Obama’s lawyers even threatened to seek disciplinary sanctions against lawyers for daring to file the lawsuits. Since Obama has been president, moreover, not just the time of courts and private lawyers has been tied up; government lawyers have had to spend their time — on the public’s dime — on this nonsense."


Here is yet another editorial which seems to put Obama's perspective on things in focus.


"The fact that Mr. Obama did his own dirty laundry reminds that this president has no inkling how to act presidential. Standing at the podium over the seal of the presidency, he claimed, “We don’t have time for this silliness.” He then flew to Chicago with Michelle to tape the Oprah Winfrey show and attend three fundraisers. It’s not as if he didn’t have more important news to discuss such as the appointments of Leon E. Panetta as secretary of defense and Gen. David H. Petraeus as CIA director, Middle East turmoil or America’s multiple wars. Let a flack handle the tabloid fare."

Entire article here... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/apr/27/birth-certificate-isnt-obamas-only-secret/


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Nowhere does it say "Obama released it".

Somebody somewhere released it.

And it doesn't look like a 1961 birth certificate to me, it's clearly done on a current certificate form..

Well I would think that he wouldn't release it because he wouldn't have it. They would be in the possession of the US equivalent of the office of Births, Deaths & Marriages. They are the ones that won't release the documents unless you give them authority. So he gives the authority and they release it.

It may not look like a 1961 Birth Certificate probably because it wouldn't have been printed back then. I had my birth certificate sent to me from Ireland a couple of years ago, printed a couple of years ago of course, not in 1963.

Why don't you ask the other folk why they spent sooo much money trying to get the document. I mean, really, you people should stop with the conspiracy crap and focus on more important things than his birth certificate.

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To be a natural born citizen you do not have to be born on US soil. If one of your parents is a citizen you are a 'natural' born citizen. A non-natural born citizen is one who is 'naturalized'.

It's not quite as simple as that - see Title 8 Section 1401. While he would appear to have been American from birth by 1401(g) even if he had been born in Kenya, I have read that the law was different when he was born, and he would not have qualified under the then equivalent section. I suspect Section 1409 was less liberal when Obama was born - he'd then waltz home if he could establish that he was a bastard!

The Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Born_Citizen_Clause, and even more so its discussion, suggests that a 'natural-born citizen' is not the same as 'someone born a citizen'.

It's interesting to note the claims that McCain is not a natural-born citizen. Can't the Americans work out what their electoral laws are?

Exactly! That's current law he's speaking of that differentiates between "Naturalized" and American born. My boys are born in Thailand but ARE American citizens that can run if they choose, they are not "naturalized" which is a process through immigrating and green cards, etc.... In Obama's time that wasn't the law.

McCain went through an official investigation though, cooperated and was finally judged to be a citizen..

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Better a tax and spend democrat than a let poor people die by the millions republican.

What are you basing this comment on?

Please provide some information about the millions that have died.

I can't be bothered with such foolish questions. Millions are still dying premature deaths due to the barbaric American health care system. A nationalized plan was politically impossible thanks to socialism phobia, and millions will continue to die early, largely poor, and largely black and Latino. If you don't know these basic things, I won't bother wasting my time on it.

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