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Testosterone Therapy In Los?


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Long, but good read Karl.....thanks. At first read, It does make some sense and will research more, when I have time and energy.

and jc....will get thyroid tested by blood when I get a chance. Glad to hear that you are a survivor!!

Our hormones work together a comprehensive test for all functions should be part of your therapy. As I said earlier check out LEF.org great site with good info on vitamin and hormone supplamentaion. Please do a lot of reserch believe it or not most MDs know little if nothing about hormone replacement therapy. You will have to look high and low for a good Dr. in Thailand or do your own reserch and become your own Dr. Where are you located I know a Dr in Bangkok who studies in Europe with one of the leading experts on hormone replacement therapy.

Care to give us the contact information for the doctor you mention in Bangkok.



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