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Gestation And Farrowing Crates

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Hi there folks,

Does anybody know of supplier of gestation and farrowing crates for pigs in the Isaan area?

We have found a supplier in Korat but i was wondering if there were any more a bit closer to home (Kuchinarai)

I need 3 good quality 2nd hand farrowing crates atm,but later i will need new gestation/farrowing (or very good quality 2nd hand).

Also any info about where to buy good quality water drinkers would be really appreciated because the ones in our area are very poor.

Many thanks for any helpful information.


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A man with a steel furniture making background "BUYING" gestation crates? Oh really!!

I am making my own farrowing crates and gestation partitions, and as usual for me, slowly. I have to accelerate that at the moment as we have 9 sows in pig with the first due in May.

Recently a friend in Buriram went through the exercise of getting quotes and the cost was huge. If you arent concerned about cost you could try Big Dutchman in Bangkok who will deliver for you. To find a local source look out for a shop selling concrete base floor feeders with stainless drums, they should be able to get crates for you.

I have bought second hand farrowing crates in the past for around 2500 baht. Good condition ex farm stuff but that was in Suphan Buri. From memory the component panels for gestation pens where around 800 baht a piece or a bank of four assembled at around 4,500.

One thing that occured to me was to take the design to a stainless gate fabricator and get a quote from them. I have a couple near me that should be able to make most things. Feeder bowls in stainless here are 500 baht and in heavy gauge gal steel for 280 baht.

The drinkers are a matter of looking around. Depends if you are running a pressurised or gravity feed system and the weak link is the spring mechanism. I have a supply source for the cast iron elbows and the taps if you want me to check current prices. I bought cast drinking bowls for around 250 baht but the method of fitting the tap is terrible and I will have to rework them.

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Hi Isaanaussie,

Yes very frustrating indeed not being able to make the crates that i need,but as you know i am still based in the Netherlands and i am only in Thailand for 3-4 weeks at a time and really only at the farm for 2-3 weeks of that time.If i was there full time or for longer periods i would be able to make my own.The main idea for this post is to do some research to try and help my little lady out,the poor soul is run off her feet trying to run the farm,take care of her parents,help her father with his little business and also make ready with her sister another piece of land we have to start up the mixed fruit tree orchard idea i had.

I will have had a look at the Big Dutchman site and they have some wonderful equipment,but unfortunately they are out of my price bracket at the moment and i think that by the time i am ready to afford their prices i will be already settled in Thailand and would be able to make my own.

Yes we have the same problem with our drinkers,the springs seem to collapse or rot away within 9-12 months,i think that maybe the best option will be to find some over here and bring them over with me.

My main concern atm is farrowing cages,we only have 1 now and the problem is we will have 4 sows that will get born,maybe a crazy idea to impregnate them with such a short time span between them but i want my wife to gain experience with multiple sows this year seeing as we are hoping to have 24 sows by the end of next year.So i need at least two more farrowing cages for then.We did manage to borrow one last time from one of the farmers here but never again because it was in such poor condition and ended up damaging two of the sows teats.

This is the one we have now.


We are going to Korat in July to check out a supplier which i think is a sister branch of a company in Ratchaburi but any where closer would be a great advantage.

Hope you and your piggies are well :rolleyes:


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My farrowing pen design is 2.5 metres square with the farrowing crate set diagonally across the pen. There are four pens set in banks of two with a metre wide aisle between them. The crate has a fixed side wall which defines the triangular creep area in the outside top corner of each pen. The rear of the crate and the side closest to the side door to the pen are made in one piece and hinged off the fixed side so it can be opened up allowing the sow to move around. I have tried showing sketches to a few fabrication companies and none where able to understand what I wanted. So I will make them myself. I have a concrete pad for the sow and drain gutters built in the floor. Plastic panel flooring for the piglets and down each side and at the rear the sow position.

I have four nursery pens at 1.5 by 5 metres and I can used them for a sow and litter without using a crate. Just a pile of straw and let her build a nest. I may just build a barrier across the pen a metre inside the gate as a creep area. Depends on time available. Have to do something as the first sow is due in three weeks.

I have read a lot about the cruelty of gestation pens. My setup of gestation seperation is working very well, no bickering at all. All four sows sleep beside each other, each in their own feeding alley between the partitions for most of the day. I have yet to fit rear doors but as a test case I am really happy with the setup and will build the same in the remaining three gestation pens and in the gilt pen. If nothing else it is good training for the farrowing crates. Initially a few sows got stuck under the bottom rail of the partitions and I was going to add a lower rail. But they got used to it quickly and the extra space allows them to move around amid the other legs and heads as they sleep.

Now the sows have been in that pen for about 4 months and are completely comfortable in it. When I go in to muck out they all go into their crates and have something to eat and let me get at the wet dunging area. They do tend to dung in the space in the centre of the pen as well as is the rear dunging area which is not as I would like.

So currently I have one pen with partitions and external feeder bowls, one the same except without the partitions and a third which the feeders and partitions are yet to be fitted and the sows use a round floor feeder. Almost no contests in the partitioned pen, contests during feeding frequently in the other external feeder pen. The round feeder is a problem as the pigs are continously bickering at meal times.

Learning a lot. Wish I could learn how to stretch the daylight hours a bit longer.

Hopefully we can catch up in July.

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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Saying that i applaud your pen set up and can see how your pigs will have a much more comfortable existence and much more stress free lives.If i remember correctly you have all Duroc sows which are far more good natured i believe.The sows/gilts that we have are Large whites and Landrace and to tell you the truth i am happy that they are in separate pens at the moment because they can get mighty irritable with each other and have already tried to get at each other over the separating walls.(pretty scary sight seeing two big mamas going at it).

I would love to catch up with you in July and i have already spoke to my missus....to which she said....can i come?,can i come? i want to see Mr Aussie's building :rolleyes:, No doubt i will get my nose rubbed in about your raised roof . (maybe deservedly so :annoyed:)


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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Saying that i applaud your pen set up and can see how your pigs will have a much more comfortable existence and much more stress free lives.If i remember correctly you have all Duroc sows which are far more good natured i believe.The sows/gilts that we have are Large whites and Landrace and to tell you the truth i am happy that they are in separate pens at the moment because they can get mighty irritable with each other and have already tried to get at each other over the separating walls.(pretty scary sight seeing two big mamas going at it).

I would love to catch up with you in July and i have already spoke to my missus....to which she said....can i come?,can i come? i want to see Mr Aussie's building :rolleyes:, No doubt i will get my nose rubbed in about your raised roof . (maybe deservedly so :annoyed:)


Look forward to July, tell your wife she can can if she doesnt give you a hard time.

Last evening I was cleaning up in the pen with the gestation walls and there they were, 4 sows laying one in each "room" all lined up and fast alseep. I wish I had had the camera with me. What also pleased me was it was so hot outside and very humid but they were all cuddled up and breathing slowly. Ventilation seems to be working well.

I have heard many stories about different breeds and temperments. I figure the key is their history. My batches of 4 are sisters and have little left to argue about. Their pecking order was established by the tit they suckled from. They occasionally have a bit of pushing match but, hey, they are women after all. :whistling:


Edited by IsaanAussie
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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Saying that i applaud your pen set up and can see how your pigs will have a much more comfortable existence and much more stress free lives.If i remember correctly you have all Duroc sows which are far more good natured i believe.The sows/gilts that we have are Large whites and Landrace and to tell you the truth i am happy that they are in separate pens at the moment because they can get mighty irritable with each other and have already tried to get at each other over the separating walls.(pretty scary sight seeing two big mamas going at it).

I would love to catch up with you in July and i have already spoke to my missus....to which she said....can i come?,can i come? i want to see Mr Aussie's building :rolleyes:, No doubt i will get my nose rubbed in about your raised roof . (maybe deservedly so :annoyed:)


Look forward to July, tell your wife she can can if she doesnt give you a hard time.

Last evening I was cleaning up in the pen with the gestation walls and there they were, 4 sows laying one in each "room" all lined up and fast alseep. I wish I had had the camera with me. What also pleased me was it was so hot outside and very humid but they were all cuddled up and breathing slowly. Ventilation seems to be working well.

I have heard many stories about different breeds and temperments. I figure the key is their history. My batches of 4 are sisters and have little left to argue about. Their pecking order was established by the tit they suckled from. They occasionally have a bit of pushing match but, hey, they are women after all. :whistling:


Nah,she is an angel really....but i know deep down she will be thinking that.I will be at our farm for sure between 17 - 31 July,will you be at yours then? Let me know and we can arrange something for that time if possible.

it sounds by your description that your pigs are well content and i can imagine that you are feeling pretty much the same :rolleyes:


Organized sleeping


Love this photo

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Yes Shaggy I will be around in July, barring accidents etc...

keep yourself out of mischief then IsaanAussie because we are looking forward to meeting you and looking at your farm :rolleyes:

Too busy to even think about getting into any mischief, Hopefully I will have some farrowing crates to show you by then as I will sure need them. Did you get a price from Korat? The cheapest one I have seen in the style you had was over 10,000 baht. Currently making the last of the front feeder fences. Loads of sandblasting and painting to do. If you can get here earlier it would be good, I;d put you to work for a week or two.

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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Sorry to interupt the love in but looking to acquire sow stalls in this day and age? You've got to be joking. The long overdue European Union ban kicks in begginning 2013 if memory serves right and for good reason. Sow stalls inflict huge suffering on the animal you pretend to care about. You're lucky you're not running a zoo - the space requirements set there would shut you down overnight if the visiting public didn't do you in first. So, be a good fella, stir a few brain cells and wise up. There are many other higher welfare options for raising and breeding from sows that don't include the systematic cruelty and deprivation of sows stalls, or even farrowing crates come to that. If you have no empathy for the animals you are raising you shouldn't be in the business of raising them. So, perhaps you ought to consider your carear options.

I'm sorry if this is all a bit strong, but I raise pigs and feel strongly that they should be treated decently. There is absoutely no sound reason whatsoever for keeping sows immobilised in sow stalls. And the weight of scientific and vetinary knowledge recognises the sheer evil of this. Please rethink.

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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Sorry to interupt the love in but looking to acquire sow stalls in this day and age? You've got to be joking. The long overdue European Union ban kicks in begginning 2013 if memory serves right and for good reason. Sow stalls inflict huge suffering on the animal you pretend to care about. You're lucky you're not running a zoo - the space requirements set there would shut you down overnight if the visiting public didn't do you in first. So, be a good fella, stir a few brain cells and wise up. There are many other higher welfare options for raising and breeding from sows that don't include the systematic cruelty and deprivation of sows stalls, or even farrowing crates come to that. If you have no empathy for the animals you are raising you shouldn't be in the business of raising them. So, perhaps you ought to consider your carear options.

I'm sorry if this is all a bit strong, but I raise pigs and feel strongly that they should be treated decently. There is absoutely no sound reason whatsoever for keeping sows immobilised in sow stalls. And the weight of scientific and vetinary knowledge recognises the sheer evil of this. Please rethink.


Again I get involved by connection.

All I will say is come and have a look. I group house 4 sows together and their individual feeders are seperated by walls which in effect are gestation crates. There are no rear doors yet, but they may well be added soon as my sows can be difficult to handle. The four are housed in a pen that is 3 by 5 metres. They do not argue and usually sleep lined up inside the their own pens out of choice. But I am not factory farming and do not suffer from high labour costs or bleeding heart do-gooders.

As far as the "love in" is concerned , Shaggy and I are yet to meet but share a lot as far as background is concerned. It is my hope that we will both learn more when we do meet up in July. Why dont you come join us?

Isaan Aussie

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I have had my moments also about the cruelty aspect of gestation crate but at the end of the day i came to the conclusion that it is a pig business and not a zoo that i am running.(maybe only to ease my conscience).

Sorry to interupt the love in but looking to acquire sow stalls in this day and age? You've got to be joking. The long overdue European Union ban kicks in begginning 2013 if memory serves right and for good reason. Sow stalls inflict huge suffering on the animal you pretend to care about. You're lucky you're not running a zoo - the space requirements set there would shut you down overnight if the visiting public didn't do you in first. So, be a good fella, stir a few brain cells and wise up. There are many other higher welfare options for raising and breeding from sows that don't include the systematic cruelty and deprivation of sows stalls, or even farrowing crates come to that. If you have no empathy for the animals you are raising you shouldn't be in the business of raising them. So, perhaps you ought to consider your carear options.

I'm sorry if this is all a bit strong, but I raise pigs and feel strongly that they should be treated decently. There is absoutely no sound reason whatsoever for keeping sows immobilised in sow stalls. And the weight of scientific and vetinary knowledge recognises the sheer evil of this. Please rethink.

charlie 10

Thanks for your input and it has been duly noted....if you do not have any information for me about suppliers of gestation/farrowing crates then please be a good chap and 'trot on'

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Yes Shaggy I will be around in July, barring accidents etc...

keep yourself out of mischief then IsaanAussie because we are looking forward to meeting you and looking at your farm :rolleyes:

Too busy to even think about getting into any mischief, Hopefully I will have some farrowing crates to show you by then as I will sure need them. Did you get a price from Korat? The cheapest one I have seen in the style you had was over 10,000 baht. Currently making the last of the front feeder fences. Loads of sandblasting and painting to do. If you can get here earlier it would be good, I;d put you to work for a week or two.

We have hopefully got two lined up at 6000 baht per piece (2nd hand).Korat was also around the 10 k mark but would give a discount if we bought multiple.Regarding the the week or two work....was thinking more along the lines of a leisurely stroll around your farm followed by a cold drink and maybe a bite to eat (probably end up going home two weeks later and totally knackered):annoyed:

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Years ago I was in Oxford and went on a horse carriage ride with my two year old daughter. The driver said "Trot on Hector" and the horse quietly obeyed. The expression stuck with the child and still with the now woman and it is a saying that we use to encourage each other. Similar usage above I presume?

Back on topic, I have referred to 2nd hand crates before that I purchased for 2,500 each. Just the bare crate, no front panel/door or feeder bowl. Also no slated floor panels or raised piglet areas. If you can get the lot for 6,000 it sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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I just dug up an email which Fruity sent me in Feb. I have attached the images to this post. The unit in the photo was priced new at 7,500 and was made in Lop Buri. The double unit was 10,000 is shown and came from SamutPrakarn.







Thanks for the help,do you have perhaps any contact info for the Lop Buri unit ?My condolences with Fruity.

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I just dug up an email which Fruity sent me in Feb. I have attached the images to this post. The unit in the photo was priced new at 7,500 and was made in Lop Buri. The double unit was 10,000 is shown and came from SamutPrakarn.







Thanks for the help,do you have perhaps any contact info for the Lop Buri unit ?My condolences with Fruity.

Sorry I dont have any details, conversation never got that far. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...


I just dug up an email which Fruity sent me in Feb. I have attached the images to this post. The unit in the photo was priced new at 7,500 and was made in Lop Buri. The double unit was 10,000 is shown and came from SamutPrakarn.






Finally managed to track this place down in BKK,but i am afraid that the 10,000 quote you got from Fruity was a bit out-dated.The dealer told us that it was 7,000 for the basic crate frame(hence no floor,feed bowl,housing for the piglets) and if we wanted all the fixtures and fitting it would run up to 13,000.They are sold standard as a 1 piece unit,but were shown as a double unit to give an idea of how they could be joined together.We are going to have a look begin August seeing as were are in BKK then and not too far away.Discount would be given if multiple units were bought.



Rachaburi we have also found this site but are having problems getting in contact with them,can anyone offer any help please?


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