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UBC - No More Red Screens! Yippee!

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UBC Red Screen of Death Gone!

Irritating Red-screen Gone

RDN: -- I thought the "red-screen" button-pusher had fallen asleep yesterday, or gone on strike. (Oops, no such thing in Thailand). But no, today there was a long announcement on UBC saying that even though they get no revenue from the adverts (ahem), they will pass them through so that subscribers can benefit from them. :o

Yes, and they don't have to pay the red-button pusher any more.

Anyway, at last a good move by UBC and no more of those irritating red-screen announcements.

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<snip>But no, today there was a long announcement on UBC saying that even though they get no revenue from the adverts (ahem), they will pass them through so that subscribers can benefit from them.  :D

I assume the savings will published in their Audited Accounting statements ? :o


It's about time. I've been complaining to them for eons about the idiotic music and red screens. I'd much rather see the advertisements. At least they're intertaining and keep you informed on what's happening in the real world.


What is this serious? No more red screens when I watch any channel? Or this is effective on only a select few channels? I like watching the CNN and BBC and the red screens get really really annoying with that depressing background music. I'd be very glad if they removed it all.

But..I haveto admit some of the background music I actually liked and wish I could download them :o


I went to the States last month to visit family and one of the things I was actually looking forward to was seeing some of the adverts. Sure, after a while they get annoying, but it is interesting to see what's new in the marketing of Western culture.

But, it was not to be. Everyone I visited either muted out the ads or did some sort of fancy "picture in picture" switching to avoid them.

So, I had actually had a smile on my face when I saw an add on CNN yesterday.

Should be good fun.

For a while....


Do they still try to mask out anyone with a smoke in their mouth? :D

Quite an infantile attempt at censorship. Never seen it anywhere else. :o


I thaught that the reason for the red screens was to comply with the law that only permits free to air stations to show advertising.

Also UBC were paying more for this programming because they could not show the adds. So the savings will not only come from not having staff to push the buttons but also they should be able to buy the programmes at a cheaper price.

Do they still try to mask out anyone with a smoke in their mouth? :D

Quite an infantile attempt at censorship. Never seen it anywhere else.  :o

Don't be SILLY , when they find out that that ad dumber is asleep it will start again !


I agree the ads will be more amusing... for a while.

But what I really want to know is if UBC will now be generating revenue from showing these ads... Wasn't there something when they were set up that prohibited showing them and that justified the high price they charge?

I'd certainly be delighted to hear that they will now be dropping the price... but I've been here long enough to not hold my breath awaiting the announcement.

Probably if generate more revenue will just sink it all back into improving the programing, right? :o


No, no extra revenue for UBC. They just don't need to wake up that sleeeeeeeeeeping guy....

This is an improvement for UBC! Cheers!

Hope 1,570 Baht a month will suffice. &lt;deleted&gt;.

UBC Red Screen of Death Gone!

Irritating Red-screen Gone

RDN: -- I thought the "red-screen" button-pusher had fallen asleep yesterday, or gone on strike. (Oops, no such thing in Thailand). But no, today there was a long announcement on UBC saying that even though they get no revenue from the adverts (ahem), they will pass them through so that subscribers can benefit from them.  :o

Yes, and they don't have to pay the red-button pusher any more.

Anyway, at last a good move by UBC and no more of those irritating red-screen announcements.

serious??? not kidding i hope?

im gettin UBC tomorrow!

I thaught that the reason for the red screens was  to comply with the law that only permits free to air stations to show advertising.

That is my understanding as well, AFAIK they weren't allowed to show the commercials if they were charging people to watch the channels.

I'm glad it's changed.... and a little worried that we may see commercial breaks on UBC Series soon.


I have to wonder if the Thai government will approve of some of the sexual content and/or innuendo in so many of the western ads. I mean, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Victoria Secret, Tampax, etc. Not to mention the many ads for non sex related items that use gratuitous sexual images to get our attention. (Those last are the ones I'd miss most!) :o



I was of the impression that UBC had to pay a premium to the owners of the channels they show, because of the fact of the ads being blocked.

The channel owners charges the advertisers a fee, calculated on how many viewers can be reached.

With UBC now showing these ads, the channel owners can probably recalculate advertising fees with more viewers being reached, especially for products readily available in Thailand.(Coke, Pepsi,...)


Well, let's hope they don't swing the other way and start adding advertising - I couldn't believe my eyes when watching England v Wales on a Thai channel and they would play full screen adverts every time the ball went out of play. Came close to ruining the match...

Maybe the red-screen button pusher was caught moonlighting as the "ball's off the pitch - play a commercial QUICK!" button pusher... :o




Someone relaised that people associate RED with ANGER.

When will they stop commercial breaks only having information about what is on TV next week. What is the point of that??? Interrupt a movie to tell me what movie is on next week.....Im already a subscriber right? You have my business? I have a TV guide too! So f*** off!

I the philipino satallite system is way better. 6000 baht for a set up and 300 baht to re-chip the pirate card every few months is a much better option imho

Also UBC have a nasty habit of double billing you, always keep your receipts.

Its a bloody scam!

Oh, and how long does it take to get your 4000 baht deposit back? Did you really want the free crappy samsung TV? So why do they force you to pay 4000 deposit and get the &lt;deleted&gt; TV?

If you dont require Thai subtitles ditch UBC and get the pirate philippenes set up, much better deal!!!!

UBC Red Screen of Death Gone!

Irritating Red-screen Gone

RDN: -- I thought the "red-screen" button-pusher had fallen asleep yesterday, or gone on strike. (Oops, no such thing in Thailand). But no, today there was a long announcement on UBC saying that even though they get no revenue from the adverts (ahem), they will pass them through so that subscribers can benefit from them.  :o

Yes, and they don't have to pay the red-button pusher any more.

Anyway, at last a good move by UBC and no more of those irritating red-screen announcements.

Do they still try to mask out anyone with a smoke in their mouth? :D

Quite an infantile attempt at censorship. Never seen it anywhere else.  :o

I think so. Also pointing a gun at someone's head is not allowed. But showing dead bodies on the Thai news channels is OK. :D

I thought that the reason for the red screens was  to comply with the law that only permits free to air stations to show advertising.

Also  UBC were paying more for this programming because they could not show the adds. So the savings will not only come from not having staff to push the buttons but also they should be able to buy the programmes at a cheaper price.

The announcement (with English subtitles) is quite long. To see it, try tuning in at 3 or 4 minutes to the hour. The announcer does say at least three times that UBC gets no revenue from the adverts. But perhaps they don't have to pay extra for the programmes so, either way, they make more money.

I went to the States last month to visit family and one of the things I was actually looking forward to was seeing some of the adverts. Sure, after a while they get annoying, but it is interesting to see what's new in the marketing of Western culture....

Agreed - there's loads of new products - techy things, plus cars, etc - that I know little about. It'll be good to catch up on what's been going on in the last 3 years :D

...and my apologies to "midas" who started a similar thread yesterday, but I missed it: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=46394

UBC Red Screen of Death Gone!

Irritating Red-screen Gone

RDN: -- I thought the "red-screen" button-pusher had fallen asleep yesterday, or gone on strike. (Oops, no such thing in Thailand). But no, today there was a long announcement on UBC saying that even though they get no revenue from the adverts (ahem), they will pass them through so that subscribers can benefit from them.  :o

Yes, and they don't have to pay the red-button pusher any more.

Anyway, at last a good move by UBC and no more of those irritating red-screen announcements.

But now we will not be able to know when and where those remote agricultural fairs will be held.


OFF TOPIC but since the thread is about UBC......

I still haven't gotten my UBC magazine. Anyone knows where i can get one? I just have UBC for two months so - not much experience.

Also why are people complaining about "no service when it rains"? I have sharp picture and crystal clear sound regardess what weather, even thru that horrible rainstorm yesterday evening. I am using the satellite system, not cable.

Kind regards.....


OFF TOPIC but since the thread is about UBC......

I still haven't gotten my UBC magazine. Anyone knows where i can get one? I just have UBC for two months so - not much experience.

Also why are people complaining about "no service when it rains"? I have sharp picture and crystal clear sound regardess what weather, even thru that horrible rainstorm yesterday evening. I am using the satellite system, not cable.

Kind regards.....


You can get the programming lineup from www.ubctv.com and contact their support their about your magazine.

Everywhere I have seen ubc sat tv both public and private, I have noted them all becoming useless blank screens during rain. And because rains tend to happen in the early evening, they have a tendency to black out the biggest and most watched events. How is yours able to survive it while others cannot? Maybe tell them and see if they come running to investigate.

I have to wonder if the Thai government will approve of some of the sexual content and/or innuendo in so many of the western ads. I mean, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Victoria Secret, Tampax, etc. Not to mention the many ads for non sex related items that use gratuitous sexual images to get our attention. (Those last are the ones I'd miss most!)  :o


Come on, U.S. TV is _at least_ as prudish as Thai TV. No difference there.

Unless you are talking about German TV where there's porn running all night on free TV courtesy of sexhotlines... and where seeing the odd boob any time during the day is not unusual... :D


I m with the posters that question the factual basis of this thread.

It is a Thai government regulation that charge cable channels cannot show advertising, a consumer protection regulation.

Until I see a change in the government regulation forbidding advertising on pay channel T.V., I won't believe it, although I join all others with fond hopes that it will happen for whatever reason.


I flipped through the channels yesterday eve - plenty of red screens...


edit; watching CNBC now and see all the commercials! Great! (I NEED that new phone - he,he!)


Here in my apartment block, all the cable feed is from Astra (Malaysia) and every time it Rains (even proy proy) we lose the signal. useless, rather have the red screen and very LOUD music from UBC


("....even though they get no revenue from the adverts" )

Why don't they get revenue from adverts? Then they could lower their monthly fee (yea, right) :o

we used to get Conan on CNBC on weekend nights, now he's gone. ...same for America's Most Wanted (Fridays). Where's David Letterman?

OFF TOPIC but since the thread is about UBC......

I still haven't gotten my UBC magazine. ....

Strangely, I got my magazine delivered on the 1st of the month for the very time time this month. Normally it arrives on the 10th - but I think that's just the lazy post office in Phuket. It probably gets sent to me on the 20th of the previous month. :o


Thank you all for reply :o

When i got to Tesco Lotus yesterday, there waqs a UBC stand, so i just stopped and asked nicely for a magazine - and got one. The last month one arrived by mail exactly on the first, and the month before i got fromthe technicians since i just had gotten UBC.

I am not watching TV a lot, but so far the only "outage" that i experienced was a couple of weeks ago at around 14.50 on saturday afternoon, and it wasn't even raining then.... there was no signal for almost 10 minutes, then it came back.

Else, even in heavy rain, no problems at all. But i have to say - i already got the second receiver, since the first one broke down after only three days :D

Kind regards....




UBC insists on showing ads, saying MCOT did not object

BANGKOK: -- United Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) said yesterday that it would continue to allow pass-through advertising on foreign TV programmes broadcast on its channels. The country's biggest pay-television operator said it earned nothing from such commercials since it had not sold advertising space on the channels. It also believes it has not violated any of the terms under its cable-TV concession from the partially privatised state broadcaster MCOT Plc.

''More importantly, we consulted MCOT before making the decision and MCOT agreed with it,'' said Kantima Kunjara, UBC's director of corporate communications.

So far, UBC says it has not received an official letter from MCOT telling it to stop broadcasting the commercials.

MCOT on Monday ordered UBC to drop the pass-through advertising on international channels, saying it had not yet made a final decision on whether to allow the practice or not.

UBC last Friday informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand that it had decided to allow the ads on international channels such as CNN and ESPN as of Oct 1 after talks with its concession partners.

Previously, the channel blocked the advertisements by inserting information slides while the commercials played.

Vasili Sgourdos, UBC's deputy chief financial officer, said in a letter that company management had decided to stop blocking the ads after a review of the practices of other cable operators with its concession partners. They include MCOT, the Public Relations Department and various government bodies.

Tongthong Chandrangsu, an MCOT board member, could not be contacted for comment yesterday.

Shares of UBC closed yesterday on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at 22.70 baht yesterday, up 50 satang, in trade worth 25.03 million baht while shares of MCOT closed at 28.75 baht down 25 satang.

-Bangkok Post 2005-10-05

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