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Greedy Starbucks


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A cup of fresh roast coffee is now at a minimum price of 70 Baht(small cup)

A whopping 10 baht increase!

Wait, there's more:

They removed the fresh roast coffee from their display menu above the counter

to make customers buy the higher priced coffees.

However it is still available if you ask.

This at central festival on beach road branch but probably true at all branches.

Edited by BugJackBaron
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Ever tried buying just a burger at MacDonalds or Burger King.....you can but they always push the meals....even if you just ask for a burger they ring up the meal price, you then have to explain...its all a rip off, they hope you wont bother

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What a contrast between rip-off Starbcuks and the closest thing they

have in Cambodia: a national chain called the Blue Pumpkin.

In addition to having quality coffee(almost all coffee in Cambodia is superb)

they also offer tasty baked goods - unlike the sugary processed stuff at S - and indeed

a variety of meals(Cambodian and Western).

They are not overpriced and at the end will often give you an

optional "rate our service/venue" card for feedback.

Couldn't even imagine that happening here.

Forgot to add: they also have free wifi - something that won't happen in S Thailand.

Edited by BugJackBaron
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What a contrast between rip-off Starbcuks and the closest thing they

have in Cambodia: a national chain called the Blue Pumpkin.

Agreed...the Khmers really have that "cafe society" thing down cold...gotta thank the French for that I suppose. I'm just back from Phnom Penh and enjoyed the B-P on Sisowath Quay immensely...the coffee, ice-creams, and cakes are superb and the views for the river from the upper floor just wonderful. The free wi-fi is nice as well.

As for "Charbucks," certainly agree they are the worst coffee around and the most expensive usually...go figure. Same for Micky D's...just goes to show the power of marketing. With so many really good independent shops around town featuring very good coffees for much less money, don't see why any local would patronize them. If anyone is looking for American style brewed coffee, the best I have found is Au Bon Pain's...you can get a small mug for B 50 and a huge mug (takes me like 1 1/2 hours to finish) for B 70.

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I'll take a contrary view here. Starbucks is an American company and before Starbucks there were large parts of the USA where an espresso, cappuccino, or latte was an exotic, rare to to find, thing. Starbucks deserves credit for changing the mass coffee culture there. Now these more European versions of coffee are mainstream and can be found most everywhere in the US (Starbucks has no monopoly). Starbucks also helped spread this coffee culture to other parts of the world as well without an existing European style coffee culture. Not suggesting they are a good value here or anywhere, just think they deserve some credit.

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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but the comfort is what I'm paying for and I'm happy to pay it. There is no competition that even tries to offer all of the above.

Edited by ricklev
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If I have been shopping and just want a quiet, comfortable place to have a cup of coffee and connect to WiFi, I will go to a Starbucks, but it isn't very often because of the price. I noticed in Bangkok the clerks will automatically serve the coffee in paper cups (assuming you are on the go???) so I have to make it a point to say I want it in a coffe mug. Next, Subway Sandwich has special discounts on a sandwich each day, but many of the places hide the chart advertising this. So ask for the "sandwich of the day".

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they also offer tasty baked goods - unlike the sugary processed stuff at S

Different Starbucks use different bakers and many are quite good. I just think that ANY coffee at these prices is a waste of money in ANY type of coffee shop.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I'll take a contrary view here. Starbucks is an American company and before Starbucks there were large parts of the USA where an espresso, cappuccino, or latte was an exotic, rare to to find, thing. Starbucks deserves credit for changing the mass coffee culture there. Now these more European versions of coffee are mainstream and can be found most everywhere in the US (Starbucks has no monopoly). Starbucks also helped spread this coffee culture to other parts of the world as well without an existing European style coffee culture. Not suggesting they are a good value here or anywhere, just think they deserve some credit.


So you're saying we have Charbucks to thank for introducing European style coffee drinks to "fly-over" country and therefore driving up demand for quality beans and thus prices...thanks allot...why couldn't they just continue drinking their percolator drip Folgers and Maxwell House :lol:

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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but the comfort is what I'm paying for and I'm happy to pay it. There is no competition that even tries to offer all of the above.

I could name a half-a-dozen coffee shops in Pattaya that offer all of the above (and usually free wi-fi as well) at at cheaper prices for similar quality coffee.

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So you're saying we have Charbucks to thank for introducing European style coffee drinks to "fly-over" country and therefore driving up demand for quality beans and thus prices...thanks allot...why couldn't they just continue drinking their percolator drip Folgers and Maxwell House :lol:

That's one elitist was of looking at it, I suppose. Also it's no secret that the biggest part of Starbucks marketing is an "experience" rather than the coffee products themselves. I avoid them if there's a better option but some places they are still the best option.

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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but the comfort is what I'm paying for and I'm happy to pay it. There is no competition that even tries to offer all of the above.

I could name a half-a-dozen coffee shops in Pattaya that offer all of the above (and usually free wi-fi as well) at at cheaper prices for similar quality coffee.

It's subjective, of course. But I don't think you can name even one! :) Yeah you can get a cheaper cup of cofee, but the music will be loud and crap, or the chairs will be cheap, or the AC will be lousy etc.....

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they also offer tasty baked goods - unlike the sugary processed stuff at S

Different Starbucks use different bakers and many are quite good. I just think that ANY coffee at these prices is a waste of money in ANY type of coffee shop.

I really doubt that is true of any Starbucks here in Patters but would be happy to be proved

wrong. I did notice the last time(3 years ago) I went to Chiang Mai that the

Starbucks stuff was better there. Well no surprise as there are actually a few good bakeries there and they need to be competitive; here however(and in Bangkok too), they have long stopped trying and just cater to the low MceeDee cultural denominator of Pattaya.

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You don't think you can get decent baked goods (breads, pastries, etc.) at some places in Pattaya? That isn't my impression although its not a big focus for me.

Possible to get ? Yes. Easy to find? No. 99.9% of stuff here is garbage.

There are lone exceptoins - Gaffe cafe by dot com does a good waffle with what tastes like real maple syrup for example. But it is not a chain and not representative,

. It's not a focus for me either but when I do go to a coffee shop and spend

what is the equivelent of 4 thai meals I want value for Baht.

And yes I do like the comfy chairs in Starbucks and the free newspapers. Probably the only things that keeps me checking in.

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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but

I could name a half-a-dozen coffee shops in Pattaya that offer all of the above (and usually free wi-fi as well) at at cheaper prices for similar quality coffee.

It's subjective, of course. But I don't think you can name even one! :) Yeah you can get a cheaper cup of cofee, but the music will be loud and crap, or the chairs will be cheap, or the AC will be lousy etc.....

Bon Cafe


Bake & Brew

Loaf Bakery

Delice Cafe

All of the above have air-conditioning and comfortable seating. They also all have free newspapers and most have free wi-fi (which most Charbucks lack).

As for the chains, they too are all better than Charbucks, including:

Black Canyon

S & P Blue Cup

Au Bon Pain

and even Mc Cafe.

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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but

I could name a half-a-dozen coffee shops in Pattaya that offer all of the above (and usually free wi-fi as well) at at cheaper prices for similar quality coffee.

It's subjective, of course. But I don't think you can name even one! :) Yeah you can get a cheaper cup of cofee, but the music will be loud and crap, or the chairs will be cheap, or the AC will be lousy etc.....

Bon Cafe


Bake & Brew

Loaf Bakery

Delice Cafe

All of the above have air-conditioning and comfortable seating. They also all have free newspapers and most have free wi-fi (which most Charbucks lack).

As for the chains, they too are all better than Charbucks, including:

Black Canyon

S & P Blue Cup

Au Bon Pain

and even Mc Cafe.

Cheers! I've been to a few of those places, although not all. For me, they don't even come close to the comfort of the 2nd floor of the Starbuck's on Soi 13 in Pattaya which is a consistently fine place to relax. I'm sure they are all fine places though.......

Edited by ricklev
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Ever tried buying just a burger at MacDonalds or Burger King.....you can but they always push the meals....even if you just ask for a burger they ring up the meal price, you then have to explain...its all a rip off, they hope you wont bother

I've never had a problem getting just a burger (not the full meal) at MacDonalds or Burger King. I just tell them burger only and that's what I get. You can't blame them for trying to sell a meal package. I don't see anything wrong with that.

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How is the coffee at Benjamit on Pattaya Tai? Anyone been there?


It can't be any good the Charbucks fanboys will say...I mean...the coffee costs less than B 70 per cup :lol:

Also Gaffee just down from Tuk Com...I could go on and on...no reason to pay pay top baht for Charbuck's burnt coffee and weak and watery espresso based drinks. If you want an over-priced coffee slurpee, however, it's passable.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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Usually, but not always, Starbuck's is well air conditioned, plays good music at a reasonable level, has comfortable chairs and has newspapers. The coffee tastes good to me, but the comfort is what I'm paying for and I'm happy to pay it. There is no competition that even tries to offer all of the above.

...and don't you get wifi too? People seem to forget that there's more to a coffee shop than a cup of coffee. It's a place to relax and enjoy some timeout.

Most of the coffee shop franchises in Pattaya charge similar prices. A big cup usually goes for around 100 or so.

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Bon Cafe


Bake & Brew

Loaf Bakery

Delice Cafe

All of the above have air-conditioning and comfortable seating. They also all have free newspapers and most have free wi-fi (which most Charbucks lack).

As for the chains, they too are all better than Charbucks, including:

Black Canyon

S & P Blue Cup

Au Bon Pain

and even Mc Cafe.

...and you forgot to mention these are all Starbuck knockoffs. Surely you're not serious when you say they are all better than Starbucks. I haven't been to them all but to say McCafe, Black Canyon and S&P are better than Starbucks is preposterous.

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Bon Cafe


Bake & Brew

Loaf Bakery

Delice Cafe

All of the above have air-conditioning and comfortable seating. They also all have free newspapers and most have free wi-fi (which most Charbucks lack).

As for the chains, they too are all better than Charbucks, including:

Black Canyon

S & P Blue Cup

Au Bon Pain

and even Mc Cafe.

...and you forgot to mention these are all Starbuck knockoffs. Surely you're not serious when you say they are all better than Starbucks. I haven't been to them all but to say McCafe, Black Canyon and S&P are better than Starbucks is preposterous.

Are you insane...everyone of the places I mentioned is head and shoulders above Charbucks...I don't know anyone in Patters who goes to Charbucks except the tourists, and they can't be blamed as they don't know the local chains and independent shops. In addition, all the places I mention (except some of the Mc Cafes and ABP) don't make you bus your own table. I mean, you people pay the most and then get to stand in line cafeteria style to order your drink and then get to serve yourself...what a bunch of saps.

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Back in California, Starbuck had beagles, cream cheese and smoked

salmon ... That always made it worth going there ... but in this hot climate,

I don't lust for a coffee that much.

Price wise, if I remember correctly, they have always been "overpriced".

But I guess back home nobody really thinks that way ...



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Benjamit's is the best coffee in town, they roast they're own beans, and it taste like real coffee/espresso with real flavor; not that watered down Starbucks crap. 250g bag of coffee only 100 baht. Free wi-fi too!

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