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When I connect my iPhone (3Gs) to my PC (Windows 7) iTunes pops up and connects to the phone.

In the list on the left it details all my playlists which is good.

I want to create a new playlist but the option is not available when right-clicked and is greyed out in the drop down.

I checked the "Manually manage music and videos" but when I click Apply iTunes wants to erase all my music! <deleted>!?

I am able to drag music into iTunes but I cannot drag them off again to make a copy. Is that correct? Only being able to copy onto iTunes and not off?

I previously used a different PC but now I need to use my new PC. I have "Authorised" this PC (4 out of 5!?)

Any idea how to create a new play list without having to erase all my music?



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I have also had similar problems. Apple likes it all their own way 100% so you can only transfer onto i tunes but not off - some type of anti - priaracy reasons no doubt or to keep Apple in control.

What i did was do download one of the free i tunes to computer software and now i store all my music on the computer so when my i pod stuffs up like it will and i have had a few that stuff up and are not feasible to repair, i don't need to go thru and re purchase or reload all my music . It also means u can use different computers and different i pods or i phones. Probably a breach of their user agreement if i bothered to read it tho.

Sorry BBK Mick, it is more of an airing of my frustrations with Apple but download the itune to computer software and it may help your back up problems..

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Thanks xen. So I have to download 3rd party software to get access to my music and pictures. Great. I seem to remember having something similar a couple of years ago.

As soon as an accident happens to this phone that's Apple done for me. What a load of crap. In the past the iPhone was way ahead but nowadays it's just another phone in a list of phones.

Android for me at the next chance.

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bkkmick, not sure if I understand your problem.... you seem confused about some things but maybe I just misunderstood your problem.

First, make sure you have updated to the newest itunes, that is actually really important. Do this NOW.

If you already have or you just did then lets continue:

To create a new playlist, left click on the little + sign at the bottom of itunes on the left to create a playlist.

"I checked the "Manually manage music and videos" but when I click Apply iTunes wants to erase all my music! <deleted>!?" Uhm... when you did this you mean you were changing the setting for music on your IPHONE right? This is not a problem, it will delete your iphone music, then you can click the playlists in the music tab that you DO want on your iphone and they will be reinstalled, it might take 10 minutes if you have a big iphone but thats not a problem is it?

OH! I just saw your problem lol. Ok.... you arent aware that you have 2 sets of playlists in itunes when your iphone is connected. Right under your iphone on the left tab is the lists that are on your iphone, below that is a second set of playlists that is on your computer. When you click the + button at the bottom it adds a playlist to your computer, then you drag that playlist to your iphone playlist area and it will be copied to your iphone, or go to the music tab at the top for your phone and click the lists you want in the phone.

When it says delete your music it means on the phone, it is still on your computer waiting to be re added. okli dokli?!

Itunes is actually easy to use but its not easy unless you understand what I just explained about playlists. Hope this helps.

Oh "I am able to drag music into iTunes but I cannot drag them off again to make a copy. Is that correct? Only being able to copy onto iTunes and not off?" The music is itunes is just a list, the actual music is in your folders where you dragged it from, so I dont understand what you are trying to do when you want to copy it out of itunes? Itunes just shows the playlist organisation that you created, it isnt actually a copy of the music, the music is still in your folders where you first put it and you copy the files from there if you want to make copies. Understand?

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Just one more thing in case this is a problem. You can only have music and apps from one computer. So if your friend installed music from his computer that you dont actually have the files too, then yes when itunes deletes those files you obviously wont be able to re add them. But if you do have the files its like I said, just drag the old lists back on your iphone.

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And... now I think i understand why you are trying to copy music FROM your iphone, you really did get your music from another computer and you dont actually have those music files at all lol. Ok YES in this case if you delete all the music on your iphone then it is GONE since you dont actually have the files and you dont even have the playlists in itunes, just on the phone. In this case then you will definately want to look at http://cybernetnews.com/backup-music-from-iphone/ Its a free program that backsup your files on the iphone to the pc, so you can make a copy of all your phone music you got from your friend.

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