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1Yr Extension Type O Visa

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I'm a Thai citizen married to a Costa Rican citizen. We are currently living in Thailand and my husband has a 1 year multiple entry type O visa for visiting family. What are the documents required in order to qualify for a 1-year extension in this case? We are also expecting a child, who'll be born before his visa expires.

Thank you :)

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He will need proof of 40k per month income or 400k in Thai bank account in his name only for 2 months. You both visit immigration for interview and he presents (original and copies) passport/visa/arrival card/above financial proof/marriage certificate/ledger entry of marriage from District Office/photos together in home and outside to show number/map to home/your ID card/your Home Register/TM.7 with 4x6cm photos taken within six months and 1,900 baht fee. He does this during the last 30 days of any entry and will receive a 30 day under review period and returns for the one year extension of stay then. They may require interview with neighbors or home visit.

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Thank you for the quick reply. So we have an option of choosing to show 1) monthly income of 40k or 2) 400k in the bank account? Does the bank account need to be under his name and a Thai bank account? thanks again

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Also Chang Wattana officers told me last week (when I tried to get my one-year) that because we rent at an address different to my spouse's tabiaan baan, they also now require our lease + a copy of landlord's tabiaan baan + a copy of landlord's ID card, in addition to all the above.

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Hello, I'm new to some of this, but here are some ideas. If money in a bank is an issue, Go to lao, to thai embessy, apply for another O visa, based on your mariage, no money in bank needed for a spouse visa. The only drawback is having to cross the border every 90 days. I do this myself and it does add up, money I would rather spend in thailand on my family. Ok well good luck

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