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Can't believe nobody has commented on the two clouds of red lights hovering over the Bangkok area. I'm in Khao Yai at present and I've watched two clouds of small red lights dancing over what seems to be Bangkok. They are like shoals of fish. The mass stays roughly the same, but the shape keeps changing. Earlier a few smaller clouds seemed to be chasing the planes going into Bangkok. They've been there for about 4 hours now.

I suppose from Bangkok they would be in the Eastern sky and one large cloud towards the North. Very strange.



I can see lightening to the north but it doesn't look red from where I am, just normal lightening


Well there's a few over Sukhumvit and Silom!!!!!!

Oh my .... they are coming, but wait.... is it 2012 already?


Last time in Bangkok i was bored so i looked out my hotel window high up in Sukhimvit and counted 56 flashing red lights, they where hovering over the tallest buildings.

Quite mesmerising.....


Last time in Bangkok i was bored so i looked out my hotel window high up in Sukhimvit and counted 56 flashing red lights, they where hovering over the tallest buildings.

Quite mesmerising.....

You must have been staying in the red light district, lots of flashers over there.


Well there's a few over Sukhumvit and Silom!!!!!!

They're everywhere. Thailand is a magnet for unusual and mysterious aerial auras.


Wow that article is hilarious.

My favourite part;

Extraterrestrials first hit the public imagination in a big way in Thailand in 2006, when villagers in the rural northeast found discarded fever-cooling gel packs and mistook them for visitors from outer space. One woman told local newspapers she cooked a gel pack and served it to her children in the hope that it would make them more intelligent.



I want some of what the OP had. badly. :)

Seriously though, you're seeing reflections through cloud patches of those red lights on top of buildings.

Regardless, I still want the stuff you had!


From today's Wall Street Journal:

E.T. Phones Thailand and Picks Up the Tab for the Call

... Debhanom Muangman, a 75-year-old Harvard-educated physician and one of Thailand's leading UFO investigators. "Aliens have been coming to Asia for decades, but now they sense a change. This is where the progressive countries are, so they are coming here much more often now."

After years of trying, Dr. Debhanom says he finally made contact with bona fide aliens one morning at 2 a.m. in 1996. Surprisingly, he recalls, they called him on the phone, using an ordinary land line.

"They said they were from Mars and spoke a strange version of Thai. They also said not to worry about the phone bill," Dr. Debhanom recalls.

Since then, he reports that aliens often have contacted him with warnings about where they will appear, enabling Dr. Debhanom and other researchers to report a series of UFO sightings. Their conclusions: Aliens are typically slightly taller than humans, communicate telepathically and sometimes are accompanied by pets resembling hairless dogs.

Uhm, doc, that was me being followed by my neighbor's dog who has a bad case of mange.


This looks like the same UFO:

Where? Is it behind the clouds?

No it's in front of the clouds and fades as the clouds do which is why it's a shadow of the very plane they're in being projected on the clouds as it's obvious the sun is low and it's moving at the same pace..


I want some of what the OP had. badly. :)

Seriously though, you're seeing reflections through cloud patches of those red lights on top of buildings.

Regardless, I still want the stuff you had!

Well, thank god for that. For a minute there I thought you didn't see the lights and just pulled that answer out of your ass. :)


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