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Uefa Throws Weight Behind Blatter


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sepp's got more than enough dirt on bin hammam any which way. it isn't the corruption at fifa that winds me up so much as it being done under a banner of goodwill. fifa is a registered charity which pays no taxes on its gigantic revenues. this cannot be right but i don't really know what anyone is supposed to do about it. they're a genuine law unto themselves.

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sepp's got more than enough dirt on bin hammam any which way. it isn't the corruption at fifa that winds me up so much as it being done under a banner of goodwill. fifa is a registered charity which pays no taxes on its gigantic revenues. this cannot be right but i don't really know what anyone is supposed to do about it. they're a genuine law unto themselves.

Totally agree mate. Panorama done a very good documentary recently showing the hypocracy and corruption within FIFA. They were slated by Cameron and the press because it put the kibosh on Englands 2018 bid. Not a word against FIFA though ! :angry:

Here's a link if anyone interested

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World Soccer:

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has vowed to create a a more open and transparent governing body if he is elected for a fourth term.

Blatter's policies were heavily criticised after the surprise vote to hand Qatar the 2022 World Cup.

The Swiss's bid is being challenged by Mohamad bin Hammam, the president of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) who has pledged to expand FIFA's decision-making process and introduce a "more fair distribution of revenue and increased transparency".

In a letter on insideworldfootball, Blatter conceded that better communication with the outside world is essential.

"The results of communicative ineptitude can be devastating for all those in an organisation who are decent and hard working," he said.

"It is always a few who destroy lives and the image and reputation of many."

FIFA has often been criticised for being immune to criticism, especially over the way its finances are handled.

But Blatter says he is willing to address this by publishing FIFA's annual figures in more detail.

"If we at FIFA have failed to explain our work sufficiently well over a period of time, then that is a reality I am willing to accept and will actively seek to remedy," said Blatter.

"I am proud to state that it was under my leadership as FIFA President that we started to publish our figures for the world to see in 2003 for the first time - and have adhered to that policy ever since, and in ever more detail.

"But that is not enough.

"Which is why, also under my tenure, I proposed to publish FIFA's Annual Activity Report which adds even more detail to the Financial Report, and covers all areas of our corporate affairs, FIFA's corporate social responsibility programmes and the innumerable projects we conduct, administer or have launched around the world."

UEFA backing him unamiously reminds me of the tannoy in MASH in one programme which announced that Joseph Stalin had been unamiously reelected as Chairman of the communist Party. :whistling:

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is beginning to look like the manure is going to hit the fan in FIFA. The gloves are coming off in no uncertain manner. "Saint Sepp" has suddenly realised there is corruption going on at high levels and wants it investigated. The fact that it is only a few days before the election is completley coincidental. :whistling:

Now Bin Hammam has fired a salvo in retaliation. Either way it is going to be difficult for FIFA to put the cork back in the battle.



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i sincerely hope so, but it's probably going to be a case of the one with the least dirt on him, or the one who has the most dirt on the other candidates, who wins it. don't see fifa getting the root and branch reform it needs any time soon. though platini could always stick his oar in and make it interesting.

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i sincerely hope so, but it's probably going to be a case of the one with the least dirt on him, or the one who has the most dirt on the other candidates, who wins it. don't see fifa getting the root and branch reform it needs any time soon. though platini could always stick his oar in and make it interesting.

First Platini would have to be surgically removed from Sepp's arse. Who knows, they might even find Beckenbauer up there too.

Edited by carmine
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Yes he is arrogant

No he is not deluded ...

He is very well aware of the corruption, IMO

He is trying to keep a tight grip on power

for fear if all the truth gets out ,,, he will

spend his final years in a 6x10 cell, IMO

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"Football is not in a crisis, only some difficulties," said the Fifa president.


What an arrogant, deluded muppet.

I think he is genuinely clueless of how much he is despised.

sepp doesn't believe he has done anything wrong or improper. he firmly believes that, is convinced of it. and since in his mind fifa is sepp, fifa hasn't done anything wrong either. he'll toss one or two out of the boat, bin hammam and warner, and blame them as individuals rather than fifa. the biggest problem with sepp and fifa is that they're both accountable to nobody but themselves. sepp will get another four years, i will bet my hat on it.

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He is very well aware of the corruption, IMO

Well yeah.

He's not only aware of the corruption, he's complicit.

I say he's deluded because he seems to think that he IS football. The reality is the beautiful game would be much better of when he and his cronies are all gone.

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sepp will get another four years, i will bet my hat on it.

Well of course.

He suspended his only challenger.

pending investigation of himself. which will amount to nought since he has filing cabinets full of dirt on any potential accusers. sepp's a dictator of his own little banana republic. which is answerable to no international court. he could teach the likes of mugabe how it's really done.

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sepp will get another four years, i will bet my hat on it.

Well of course.

He suspended his only challenger.

pending investigation of himself. which will amount to nought since he has filing cabinets full of dirt on any potential accusers. sepp's a dictator of his own little banana republic. which is answerable to no international court. he could teach the likes of mugabe how it's really done.

Blagger is a horrid little individual, at least the FA have decided not to cast a vote as they didn't want to support either of the two disgusting candidates. It would be better for FIFA to put back the election, and get to the bottom of all of the corruption once and for all, but as Stevie has mentioned, Blatter has got dirt on everyone - the ones who could possibly put an end to Blagger ar Addidas - who have probably got plenty of dirt on Blagger, but then they would have to admit to influencing decisions within FIFA, which is unlikely to happen.

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sepp will get another four years, i will bet my hat on it.

Well of course.

He suspended his only challenger.

pending investigation of himself. which will amount to nought since he has filing cabinets full of dirt on any potential accusers. sepp's a dictator of his own little banana republic. which is answerable to no international court. he could teach the likes of mugabe how it's really done.

Blagger is a horrid little individual, at least the FA have decided not to cast a vote as they didn't want to support either of the two disgusting candidates. It would be better for FIFA to put back the election, and get to the bottom of all of the corruption once and for all, but as Stevie has mentioned, Blatter has got dirt on everyone - the ones who could possibly put an end to Blagger ar Addidas - who have probably got plenty of dirt on Blagger, but then they would have to admit to influencing decisions within FIFA, which is unlikely to happen.

the FA could, if they had any testicles between them whatsoever, have put up their own nominee on an anti-sleaze ticket and asked the FAs of italy, spain, germany, france etc to back them. but the FA is run by a bunch of spineless goons who all want free tickets and hospitality at the next world cup. abstaining in this instance is a coward's protest and barely a protest at all.

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the FA could, if they had any testicles between them whatsoever, have put up their own nominee on an anti-sleaze ticket and asked the FAs of italy, spain, germany, france etc to back them. but the FA is run by a bunch of spineless goons who all want free tickets and hospitality at the next world cup. abstaining in this instance is a coward's protest and barely a protest at all.

The simple reason that the FA could not put up an alternative candidate on an 'anti-sleaze ticket' is because they did not have any moral authority. If things had gone according to plan the England team would in fact be heading out to Thailand this week to reward Thailand's Fifa representative for his 2018 vote for England by a match between Thailand and England in Thailand. The match was cancelled rather unceremoniously several hours after he decided to plonk with Russia instead as part of the collusion to gain Qatar 2022. The FA were very upfront about the whole episode. So when you are part of the problem, you look a bit stupid trying to offer the solution.

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the FA could, if they had any testicles between them whatsoever, have put up their own nominee on an anti-sleaze ticket and asked the FAs of italy, spain, germany, france etc to back them. but the FA is run by a bunch of spineless goons who all want free tickets and hospitality at the next world cup. abstaining in this instance is a coward's protest and barely a protest at all.

The simple reason that the FA could not put up an alternative candidate on an 'anti-sleaze ticket' is because they did not have any moral authority. If things had gone according to plan the England team would in fact be heading out to Thailand this week to reward Thailand's Fifa representative for his 2018 vote for England by a match between Thailand and England in Thailand. The match was cancelled rather unceremoniously several hours after he decided to plonk with Russia instead as part of the collusion to gain Qatar 2022. The FA were very upfront about the whole episode. So when you are part of the problem, you look a bit stupid trying to offer the solution.

yes, i'm aware of what went on during the 2018 bids. but i don't think there's anything 'stupid' about one domestic FA, any domestic FA, taking a stand against fifa now. they wouldn't look stupid, they'd look like they'd perhaps finally come to their collective senses and actually grown a pair. while everyone continues to be a 'part of the problem', the massively over-riding problem, which is fifa itself and its lack of accountability, will continue unchecked.

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the FA's david bernstein has just given a speech at fifa calling for an election postponement. said a 'one horse race should be opposed'. he received applause from about three fifa delegates in the audience. wanke_rs.

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'benin FA: "Why would we want to kill Fifa and create tensions? England should not seek to divide us." *Applause*

f***ing benin! england FA's proposal for a postponement of election voted for now. in favour 17, against 172.

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Well UEFA's backing comes from Platini who is very much Blatter's lapdog.

The natural line of thought is that Blatter has lined up Platini to succeed him at FIFA when he leaves/dies/gets ousted so he will still be in power albeit by proxy.

i don't really agree with this and don't know where platini gets this reputation for being in thrall to blatter. platini's actually done a pretty decent job with uefa and one thing he can't be accused of is being corrupt.

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So which countries supported the FA's move.

I see the despicable Argentinian representative called the English "Pirates" and started to politcise The Falklands again, <deleted>?

A truly rotten organisation - which hopefully has shot itself in the foot, in front of the watching world.

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