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Got Tot Bill But No Tot Phone?


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I am currently using 3BB imternet. It was Maxnet when I signed up 2 years ago. I believe I have telephone line just for internet. No TTT bills but just received TOT bill for 107 Baht. Did TTT or 3BB sell lines to TOT? Anyone know what is happening?

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It's a TT&T line but you still get the bill from TOT. 3BB can sometimes install their own line, that way you have no expense to the phone line. Ask one of their offices, for example in Carrefour or on Sukhumvit road.

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If it only 107 baht, it's only a phone line bill. 3BB was forced not to use TT&T lines anymore, so you could cancel it if you don't what a phone line.

It is true that 3BB and TT&T are breaking up, but there are still many who use 3BB through TT&T lines. Unless you already have had replaced your TT&T line with a 3BB line you can't just cancel your TT&T line. If you do you'll lose your internet access. Go ask 3BB to put in their own line as I explained earlier. Once that is in place you can then cancel the TT&T line.

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If it only 107 baht, it's only a phone line bill. 3BB was forced not to use TT&T lines anymore, so you could cancel it if you don't what a phone line.

It is true that 3BB and TT&T are breaking up, but there are still many who use 3BB through TT&T lines. Unless you already have had replaced your TT&T line with a 3BB line you can't just cancel your TT&T line. If you do you'll lose your internet access. Go ask 3BB to put in their own line as I explained earlier. Once that is in place you can then cancel the TT&T line.

TOT line and 3BB is a nightmare situation. If internet goes out, 3BB blames TOT or TOT blames 3BB. Luckily I moving to new apartment at end of month and will try Sophon cable internet. I will go over to 3BB and TOT at end of month to cancel both services.

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True... I had a ToT line with TT&T internet in Pattaya while I was there. The phone line was noisy and virtually unusable and the internet would have frequent outages even after upgrading. It was a battle getting the TT&T (later 3BB) techs to do anything until finally they ran a temporary wire from up the street which proved that somewhere between that hookup and my wall jack, the existing cable was crap, probably leakage or such like. My euphoria at their final agreement that there indeed was a line problem was somewhat tempered by their advice that I should call ToT and get them to sort it!

Depending where you live, 3BB are rolling out their own direct ADSL connections and moving subscribers from the phone line to the direct line; they did that for me on the outskirts of Udon. However, I recall reading that in some places, Phuket was mentioned, they are disconnecting phone line ADSL even when their direct ADSL line isn't available. There's still some limitations on what hardware exists in boxes and hanging from poles that dictates whether they actually can roll a subscriber over to 'direct' ADSL. But for the most part, with the possible exception of the darkest bits of the 'Dark Side' or maybe some condominiums, most Pattaya subscribers shouldn't have this problem.

Oh yes... the wife had a shock last week when a CAT bill showed up at the house... the first time in 5 years of separate ToT phone line bills and TT&T/3BB ADSL bills. It was a whopping 7 baht. She was refusing to pay until she noticed the date and realized that she had used the land line phone in an effort to return my call while I was out of the country and both our cellphones were having issues. So, ToT bills for hardware and local calls, 3BB bills for ADSL and CAT bills for IDD calls.

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I had this problem also

Triple B Broadband "stole" the TT&T line to re-establish Internet in my Condo

When I wanted to use the TT&T phone line for faxing using my computer I could not get a dial tone

TT&T were useless in finding the problem, despite three separate technicians visits

Finally got the phone line working when I paid a 400 THB bribe to a Triple T Broadband tech, to re-hook up my phone line

Don't know how the OP got away without paying a TT&T bill since I receive a 107 THB bill every month from TOT, who is TT&T's billing agent, even before the divorce between TT&T and Triple B

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I had this problem also

Triple B Broadband "stole" the TT&T line to re-establish Internet in my Condo

When I wanted to use the TT&T phone line for faxing using my computer I could not get a dial tone

TT&T were useless in finding the problem, despite three separate technicians visits

Finally got the phone line working when I paid a 400 THB bribe to a Triple T Broadband tech, to re-hook up my phone line

Don't know how the OP got away without paying a TT&T bill since I receive a 107 THB bill every month from TOT, who is TT&T's billing agent, even before the divorce between TT&T and Triple B

I am glad to be moving to a new provider. Will visit 3BB and TOT at end of month, pay bill, cancel all service, and say "GOOD-BYE"

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