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Email Notifiactions Have Stopped


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As the title says, the email subscriptions to my subscribed (watched) forums and threads ceased a few hours ago.

I have checked my watched threads and forums and all is fine.

Anyone else have this problem?

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Same here.

Just prior to stopping, I was receiving multiple, multiple copies of email notifications for posts. 12 for one, 18 for another, etc.

Opening email found 128 emails :blink:

which turned out to be for about 25 posts.

A notification of a PM generated 23 emails.

This is a recurring problem from several months ago that also had a thread in Forum Support.

Now, they've all stopped. Feast or famine, as it were.

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Email service was resumed again late last night. Must have been a minor glitch.

With regards to multiple notifications - I have been 'suffering' from this for a long time. It is quite erratic as I get days when everything is fine and then there are days when some of the notifications are duplicated as many as a dozen times or more. But there is rarely a day when at least one email notification is not duplicated at least 5 or 6 times on the trot. This has been happening for months, if not years and I just ignore at as part of an imperfect world....

And just in case anyone from Admin is reading this, the email I use for notifications is not Yahoo - it is gmail and I haven't changed it for years.

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