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Sunday Market


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So somebody on the forum said if you think the Night Bazar is cool go to the Sunday Market so I did way cool the prices I think were a little better or cheaper I enjoyed the sounds,smell,and all the people walking around there.Had lunch for like 30bht bought some stuff I really did not need and I must say another Great day in Cm .It seems to me that if you do everthing before late afternoon or early evening it's better Know fun riding little scooter in the rain here.LIFE IS GOOD.Lunch today at Pun Pun.Spaghetti and Garlic bread thinking about it for 3 days now LOL :)

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Why not post this stuff on the entertainment forum. Yes, you are in CM. But nothing you post is actually relevant to life it is more of a travel log. So far every post you have is just your summary of your daily life and experiences.. Start a blog if you want to write about mundane experiences.

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Why not post this stuff on the entertainment forum. Yes, you are in CM. But nothing you post is actually relevant to life it is more of a travel log. So far every post you have is just your summary of your daily life and experiences.. Start a blog if you want to write about mundane experiences.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Newbie,

Seems to us that this forum will always have people all-over-the-map in their experience of whatever-the-hell the 'expat' pilgrimage/journey/downfall/redemption/psychodrama/life-crisis/transcendental-rebirth/mundane/second-chance/last-chance experience ... is ... (we use the word "is" here in the same way that Bill Clinton answered a question during his legal deposition about whether or not he had sex with Monica Lewinsky, by saying: "that depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is").

We enjoy reading the casual happy thoughts, as well as the deep-ravings, relish the exchange of useful information as well as trivia. For us, to be reminded of the delights of living here from a fresh pespective, that we often take for granted, is wonderful.

Yeah, sometimes we get tired of reading food-reviews, but that's easily fixed by choosing not to read them !

If this poster doesn't meet your particular interests-of-the-day, why not just use your power to skip reading his/her messages ? You do have that "power:" don't you ?

best, ~o:37;

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Why not post this stuff on the entertainment forum. Yes, you are in CM. But nothing you post is actually relevant to life it is more of a travel log. So far every post you have is just your summary of your daily life and experiences.. Start a blog if you want to write about mundane experiences.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Newbie,

Seems to us that this forum will always have people all-over-the-map in their experience of whatever-the-hell the 'expat' pilgrimage/journey/downfall/redemption/psychodrama/life-crisis/transcendental-rebirth/mundane/second-chance/last-chance experience ... is ... (we use the word "is" here in the same way that Bill Clinton answered a question during his legal deposition about whether or not he had sex with Monica Lewinsky, by saying: "that depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is").

We enjoy reading the casual happy thoughts, as well as the deep-ravings, relish the exchange of useful information as well as trivia. For us, to be reminded of the delights of living here from a fresh pespective, that we often take for granted, is wonderful.

Yeah, sometimes we get tired of reading food-reviews, but that's easily fixed by choosing not to read them !

If this poster doesn't meet your particular interests-of-the-day, why not just use your power to skip reading his/her messages ? You do have that "power:" don't you ?

best, ~o:37;

Well and verbosely put orang :rolleyes:

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You should know that there is also a Saturday Market street that starts from the Southern Chiang Mai gate!!!...

Check it out and give us a posting :)

And yes... Life is Good!!!

Edited by sfokevin
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You should know that there is also a Saturday Market street that starts from the Southern Chiang Mai gate!!!...

Check it out and give us a posting :)

And yes... Life is Good!!!

Well I never knew that! Thanks for the tip. What are the timings?

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You should know that there is also a Saturday Market street that starts from the Southern Chiang Mai gate!!!...

Check it out and give us a posting :)

And yes... Life is Good!!!

Well I never knew that! Thanks for the tip. What are the timings?

It's a night market. Take a songtaew or taxi. There is never anywhere to park anywhere near there on Saturday night. There is also a night walking street market behind Carrefour; Friday and Saturday.

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OP, branch out of the city a bit! Shopping and markets are fun, but if you have a motorbike...see the surrounding areas! My husband and I made a day of the aquarium and Doi Suthep yesterday. I HIGHLY recommend both :)

Also, the surrounding mountains are beautiful. I wish I had a motorbike....there are so many hikes I want to look into!

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Ban Tawai area in Hangdong usually has better deals and less crowds than any of the in town markets. BoSang is ok for fabrics, ceramics and some silver.

I have never found that many great deals at the Sunday market. Night bazaar has to be the worst place for shopping unless you like getting charged triple value for second rate products. One vendor tried selling me a small candle telling that it would burn for 2 hours. At most it would have burned for 15 minutes. I just hate lying cheating sellers.

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Strangely enough, Mrs Millwall Fan and I chose yesterday for one of our irregular rambles down Ratchadamnoen Rd to enjoy the sights and smells of the Sunday Walking Street Market and I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with the Fisherman. Its a grand way to spend a couple of hours around sundown. The tat on sale is at least local and the ambience is wonderfully relaxed in a genuine, Lanna way. you can stop for all manner of food morsals and there a number of beer stops on the way down. When you get bored there are several cut outs where you cn nip down a soi and get a tuk-tuk home.

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I've enjoyed The Fishman's posts. After all, if he hadn't posted about his love of the Night Bazaar, how else would he have learned about the Sunday Walking Market? It's always nice to see Chiang Mai thru fresh eyes. It really is a wonderous place and we long-time residents sometimes forget that.

Fishman did send me a PM in regards to something I posted on the TV Visa forum. Here's my advice -- all this discovery is great, but your visa should be top priority!

OK, Immigration isn't open on Sundays, but remember to keep your eye on the ball, as we Americans say.

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I'm happy for Fishman's excitement as well. I do give the one complaining voice a small nod in that he's got an ok point that maybe The Fishman would enjoy - why not blog your experiences elsewhere on TV and spread your love and experiences. I also suspect he loves having an audience too.

Constructively I also want to throw out an idea so that Fishman doesn't end up starting 100 odd little threads that clutter things up. Why not start a 100 things I've enjoyed about my CM adventure thread ? Then you can add to it as you go, and it can be all inclusive of your wanderings. It also will allow room for all of us to join in with our own tips about what you've seen or plan to see next. Just a thought - really it's all good just the way it is too.

As for 'how can one be so happy about everything ?' When I think back to my first year, or six months, or month, yeah - it was all fun n games, bargains n rose colored glasses back then for old RTD then too. It does lose its luster after awhile, but it's always nice to see CM as you used to thru a 'newbie's' eyes again.

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I'm enjoying our Fisherman Friend's tales. Makes some amends for the miserable drivel that some people repeatedly spout about Thailand and Chiang Mai.

Perhaps a devoted thread would cheer the place up a bit from time to time. Another (unrelated) forum I frequent has threads such as 'What made me smile today', What's annoying me today' and 'Mundane moments'. these three topics seem to fulfill everyone's random everyday experiences, leaving the forum clutter free.

Not that I don't like forum clutter. A forum is what the members make of it, and moderation should be kept to a minimum, imho of course.

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The Sunday market has always had a soft spot for me, as I met my future wife there at one of the massage area set ups, just across from Siam Commercial Bank. I also met a lady there that sold typical trinkets but was willing to show me around to various thais that build teak furniture and doors, among other things. Previous to meeting her, I had asked taxi drivers on two separate occasions to take me to places where teak handicrafts are made by locals. They took me to the gem place, the silverware place, etc., and got their commissions and no tip from me. The lady from the sunday market's family is from Bosang and eventually, I bought a parcel of land from her and built a house out there. I don't buy a great deal at the Sunday market but have bought teak carvings, including the intricate one that wrapped around one of my teak logs/posts in my house and is now a conversation piece. Since someone brought up the subject of blogs about Chiang Mai, can anyone list any blogs in english that deal with life in C.M.?

Edited by Dean1953
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The Sunday Market is Great!!!...

Our favorite stop is the Wat right next to the Wawee coffee...

Inside is a bunch of vendors selling food and you can sit under the trees right next to their Golden Chedi :jap:

There is a young guy in there that recycles your trash who ALWAYS has a smile :D

After diner go over and give the big gong a thump!!!!

Then go just across from the Wawee and for 120 "bath" you get a ring side seat and a 1hr foot massage to boot!!!

Yes you can always find happiness if you are looking for it!!!!

Edited by sfokevin
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I find the Sunday market unbearable, too many people, too much tourist tat.

I guess you haven't been here long.

I guess that I have been going to the Sunday Market for 12 years now, obviously not every week. I also go to the Saturday Market at Sankamphaene and the Sunday Market at Bosang/Tonpao, although they both cater to Thais and I see very few farangs at them.(I live in Bosang, so its easier for me to go to those markets now). I would agree that, if one has a fear of crowds in general, the Sunday Market isn't very appealing.

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