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Non Imm B-2 Visa To America

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This post is actually for any Americans who have tried to bring a spouse over to America.....I'm in the process of trying to obtain a B-2 Non Imm visa for my Thai wife...I have already completed and submitted online, all the required forms as well as have obtained a PIN number...The problem that I'm having is trying to make an appointment for the interview...Was wondering if anyone has gone through this process before as I am having a very bad time at trying to set this interview...It's literally been impossible to secure a date and time...I'm on the computer everyday and log in several times throughout the day and night and am having no luck at all....I have tried calling and emailing the embassy and of course you can't speak to anyone and no one responds to the countless emails i've sent.

I also am very confused about the PIN number I have as it is very unclear how this works...I'm not sure but it appears that if you don't book an appoinmentwithin 30 days a\of activating the PIN..it will cancel out and you have to get a new one and start over????...My point is..its impossible to book an appointment...and now my PIN will expire...a vicious cycle??

Anyway if anyone is familiar with what I'm talking about and the frustrations i'm having, please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to set an appointment...I'd appreciate it...Thanks

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Yeah, going through the same thing. This system sucks! I believe there is a bug in the software. Today, a number of green days appeared in late June and disappeared in about one minute. Find it hard to believe all of those appointments were filled that quickly. No one listens, no one replies, no one cares. All they say is keep trying. They say not to buy a return ticket before the appointment, yet they want proof of return. I seem to recall the pin being available for longer than that, but whatever, if you don't get the appointment in that time frame, sure, you have to buy another one. This system needs a serious overall!

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The scheduling software truly sucks and considering you PAY for both a PIN and a visa, applicants deserve better.

I was able to obtain, perhaps out of sheer luck an appointment within 36 hours of completing the app and setting up the account in the scheduler. Here might be some tips:

Basically camp out on the computer.

I am uncertain if refreshing will actually refresh as the site asks you not to refresh the page. Its hard not to. So, refresh as the impulse cannot be controlled and log in and go thru the entire stupid process as the system both logs you out / you feel lucky / have a moment.

I'm out on a limb here but I would be on top of the scheduler 830-11am. 1-2 and 4-6pm. My thoughts are that new dates may be added end of day but the other times might be when people realize they need to change their appointment and have a moment in their work day to do so. Thai's will make their changes at work - stands to reason.

Please note and this SO sucks. You cannot hold two appts at once so if you want to change, you must drop your first appt. Things move so fast that it is possible that by the time you claim the new time, you've lost it. Now you have NO appointment.

I won't say be patient. Be pedantic.

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