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Court Rejects Jatuporn's Plea Against Red-Shirt Leaders' Bail Withdrawal

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Court Rejects Plea against Red-shirt Leaders' Bail Withdrawal

The court turns down a request by red-shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan to have the petition filed by state attorneys to have bail granted for nine red-shirt leaders revoked.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Thawal Mangkhang of the Department of Special Investigation, or DSI, took the witness stand to testify before the Criminal Court today.

The Attorney General Office's Special Litigation Department has petitioned the Criminal Court to revoke bail granted for nine red-shirt leaders, including Pheu Thai party-list MP Jatuporn Prompan.

They were charged with terrorism over the political riots last year but were recently released on bail.

The DSI recommended public prosecutors seek removal of bail for the nine defendants.

Ivestigators alleged that they had violated bail conditions by participating in a red-shirt rally in April this year.

Thawal testified that the stage addresses made by the nine defendants included inappropriate references to the Monarchy and the court.

Red-shirt MP Jatuporn responded by pleading with the court to dismiss the petition by the prosecutors seeking withdrawal of bail for the eight other red-shirt leaders.

He claimed he is the main target of the attempt to have the bail revoked.

The court dismissed Jatuporn's complaint and will hear prosecutors' petition to have bail revoked the nine red-shirt leaders.


-- Tan Network 2011-05-09


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Criminial Court To Hand Down Verdict on Red Shirt Bail on Thurs

The Criminal Court, after having heard testimony from four witnesses, will hand down its verdict on whether or not to revoke bail for red shirt leaders on Thursday, May 12.


-- Tan Network 2011-05-09



This is interesting. If the bail is withdrawn this time around and the red shirts do go on another arson/bombing rampage, it will no doubt reflect negatively on Phua Thai.

On the other hand, the reds can then cry "silencing the opposition" to the international media to maximum effect (local media is unlikely to give a toss), thus tarnishing the outcome of the election.


Smart move - motor mouth Jutaporn has no grounds as they were all warned. Now with elections due - I just love to see this sad sack squirm as he has been baited, hook line and sinker and is caught. Love it.


This is interesting. If the bail is withdrawn this time around and the red shirts do go on another arson/bombing rampage, it will no doubt reflect negatively on Phua Thai.

On the other hand, the reds can then cry "silencing the opposition" to the international media to maximum effect (local media is unlikely to give a toss), thus tarnishing the outcome of the election.

I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.


Yes, this just might keep the Reddened hardcores occupied during the election, or set them off round the twist and piss everyone else off... He brought this on himself with his own words, always pushing the envelope and publics tolerances.

It would be lovely to cut down his rants by, oh say, 98% for the duration.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

Please share some specific examples of the ".......dems insipid silencing of any opposition......."

And perhaps you would like to comment on the incidents / actions of thaksin to silence dissent, buy massive numbers of votes, intimdate the press big time, sue anybody who attempted to criticize him, intimate and silence the election commission, etc...


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)

They are 100% to blame. The reason being is that they organised the occupation/protest and their leaders urged violence even before the protests started. It was a 'come-on' and part of Thaksin's strategy.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)

They are 100% to blame. The reason being is that they organised the occupation/protest and their leaders urged violence even before the protests started. It was a 'come-on' and part of Thaksin's strategy.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)

They are 100% to blame. The reason being is that they organised the occupation/protest and their leaders urged violence even before the protests started. It was a 'come-on' and part of Thaksin's strategy.

It's good that some people get it. Unfortunately there's little help of this perpetuating when the likes of the BBC is still on about "reds versus yellows".


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

They've always been behind in the polls. BUT, they have the support of enough other parties to get into government. That is all that is relevant.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

They've always been behind in the polls. BUT, they have the support of enough other parties to get into government. That is all that is relevant.

I haven't seen Hammered around for awhile ... but he would rightly point out that the only polls that have been fairly accurate have been those done by the military, when it comes to political polling.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

They've always been behind in the polls. BUT, they have the support of enough other parties to get into government. That is all that is relevant.

I haven't seen Hammered around for awhile ... but he would rightly point out that the only polls that have been fairly accurate have been those done by the military, when it comes to political polling.

why do people like you want a corrupt evil dictator to ruin Thailand. Only Asking ??


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

They've always been behind in the polls. BUT, they have the support of enough other parties to get into government. That is all that is relevant.

I haven't seen Hammered around for awhile ... but he would rightly point out that the only polls that have been fairly accurate have been those done by the military, when it comes to political polling.

why do people like you want a corrupt evil dictator to ruin Thailand. Only Asking ??

You mean why maewrocks want Thaksin back? No idea. Too much Koolaid perhaps.


Ruling on red shirts Thursday



The Criminal Court will deliver a verdict on Thursday morning on whether to withdraw bail for nine red-shirt leaders charged with terrorism in connection with last year's unrest and riots.

The court yesterday heard witnesses from the prosecution and the defence.

Among the defence witnesses were red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan, and Yoswalit Chooklom, a former comedian known as Jeng Dokjik, who is one of the nine red shirts charged with terrorism. Jatuporn who is an MP from the opposition Pheu Thai Party.

The prosecution was represented by Thawan Mangkang, a senior official from the Department of Special Investigation. He told the court that Jatuporn made remarks deemed offensive to the monarchy during a red-shirt rally on April 10 while the eight other red-shirt leaders were also present and offered support to the MP.

The court will decide if there is sufficient ground to withdraw the nine men's bail.

Jatuporn told the court the DSI was biased against him and that the prosecution transcript of his speech made during the April 10 rally was not a complete version.

He also claimed certain public prosecutors who sought his bail to be withdrawn were biased against him.

Hundreds of red shirt supporters gathered at the court yesterday to offer moral support to their leaders. More than 30 police commandos were present to keep law and order.

Meanwhile, a top election official warned senior bureaucrats yesterday against helping certain politicians or political parties to woo votes ahead of the general election.

Somchai Juengprasert, a member of the Election Commission (EC), said such lack of neutrality could result in permanent officials facing criminal and disciplinary action and the politicians involved being disqualified by the EC.

Their political party could also face the threat of being dissolved by a court.

Somchai expressed concern also over reports of vote-buying while no election date was set and the electoral laws were yet to come into effect.

"There have been reports that senior officials and local administrators such as kamnan and village heads called meetings of local residents to help certain election candidates campaign," he said.

He warned that EC officials were gathering information in regard to the alleged offences for further action in the future against those involved.

"The EC will disqualify the politicians involved [if they manage to win a seat in the election] to prevent offenders having any chance to elect the government head," Somchai said, referring to the constitutional provision that empowers elected MPs to take part in a parliamentary vote on the next prime minister.

"Although the electoral law is not in effect now, the EC can use the evidence we collect in case there is any complaint against the candidates involved. If the offence has anything to do with their political party, it could lead to the party's dissolution," he said.

In a related development, former interior minister Purachai Pium-somboon, who is a co-founder of the new Rak Santi Party, led an election campaign yesterday in Bangkok's Bang Khen district.

He said the party would field candidates in all regions of the country, particularly the 33 constituencies in the capital.


-- The Nation 2011-05-10


Put Jatuporn away during the election and he will still be voted in (perhaps on party list system) as a martyr, keep him out and he makes a mockery of the law with his motor mouth. One way or another he wins, that's Thailand for you. Such a farce.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

Who's polls - lol. I wonder how long you will last here mae. People who join, only post in News Clippings, on the "I love Thaksin" side, tend to flame out in short order. Will you be different? :rolleyes:


Yes, this just might keep the Reddened hardcores occupied during the election, or set them off round the twist and piss everyone else off... He brought this on himself with his own words, always pushing the envelope and publics tolerances.

It would be lovely to cut down his rants by, oh say, 98% for the duration.

Mr Animatic thai reads his rants. Interesting. Perhaps buried in your subconscience somewhere is the thought that things are not quite as they should be here in LOS.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

Please share some specific examples of the ".......dems insipid silencing of any opposition......."

And perhaps you would like to comment on the incidents / actions of thaksin to silence dissent, buy massive numbers of votes, intimdate the press big time, sue anybody who attempted to criticize him, intimate and silence the election commission, etc...

Insipid silencing.... oh it rolls off the tongue, but what does it mean????


[/url][in-sip-id] dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif –adjective1.without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities;vapid: an insipid personality.2.without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as or drink;bland: a rather insipid soup.


–verb (used with object)6.to put or bring to silence; still.7.to put (doubts, fears, etc.) to rest; quiet.8.Military . to still (enemy guns), as by more effective fire.

Nice word in the right place...this was NOT that place.


Yes, this just might keep the Reddened hardcores occupied during the election, or set them off round the twist and piss everyone else off... He brought this on himself with his own words, always pushing the envelope and publics tolerances.

It would be lovely to cut down his rants by, oh say, 98% for the duration.

Mr Animatic thai reads his rants. Interesting. Perhaps buried in your subconscience somewhere is the thought that things are not quite as they should be here in LOS.

Certainly Jatuporn's bloviating presence as anything resembling a political player puts paid any assumption that there is nothing amiss in Thailands politics.


One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.


Definition of INSIPID

1 : lacking taste or savor : tasteless <insipid food> 2 : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull, flat <insipid prose> — in·si·pid·i·ty \ˌin-sə-ˈpi-də-tē\ nounin·sip·id·ly \in-ˈsi-pəd-lē\ adverb

The other inaccuracies don't require comment.


This is interesting. If the bail is withdrawn this time around and the red shirts do go on another arson/bombing rampage, it will no doubt reflect negatively on Phua Thai.

On the other hand, the reds can then cry "silencing the opposition" to the international media to maximum effect (local media is unlikely to give a toss), thus tarnishing the outcome of the election.

I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:


This is interesting. If the bail is withdrawn this time around and the red shirts do go on another arson/bombing rampage, it will no doubt reflect negatively on Phua Thai.

On the other hand, the reds can then cry "silencing the opposition" to the international media to maximum effect (local media is unlikely to give a toss), thus tarnishing the outcome of the election.

I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:

My dear phiphidon, the topic is 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail'. The UDD leaders were bailed from the charge of 'terrorism', 'instigating violence', etc. The HRW report clearly states some of those issues.

Revocation of bail relates to April 2011 indeed, BUT you seem to forget they were out on bail regarding charges for March - May 2010 activities.

So, on topic, really on topic. No red-shirt (supporter) getting further than 'see, government to blame'. So what is it with you and this pathological case of denial ?


I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:

My dear phiphidon, the topic is 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail'. The UDD leaders were bailed from the charge of 'terrorism', 'instigating violence', etc. The HRW report clearly states some of those issues.

Revocation of bail relates to April 2011 indeed, BUT you seem to forget they were out on bail regarding charges for March - May 2010 activities.

So, on topic, really on topic. No red-shirt (supporter) getting further than 'see, government to blame'. So what is it with you and this pathological case of denial ?

How has your post

I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves

got anything to do with the topic? Where has it been mentioned that the redshirt leaders bail revocation has anything to do with handing out thai translations of the HRW let alone your blanket accusation of all red shirt (supporters) blaming the government? The only link the HRW could possibly have with this topic was if either the government or the redshirt leaders quoted it as evidence - otherwise zilch.

There is a thread on the HRW report, why not post your thoughts there or do you not think you're getting enough coverage for your "see, government to blame" platform?


let alone your blanket accusation of all red shirt (supporters) blaming the government?

You mean there are Red Shirts that don't blame the government? :blink:

Where? :huh:


let alone your blanket accusation of all red shirt (supporters) blaming the government?

You mean there are Red Shirts that don't blame the government? :blink:

Where? :huh:

A good point.


why do people like you want a corrupt evil dictator to ruin Thailand. Only Asking ??

HUH? I think you need to go back and read

1) what I posted


2) some of my posting history.


I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:

My dear phiphidon, the topic is 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail'. The UDD leaders were bailed from the charge of 'terrorism', 'instigating violence', etc. The HRW report clearly states some of those issues.

Revocation of bail relates to April 2011 indeed, BUT you seem to forget they were out on bail regarding charges for March - May 2010 activities.

So, on topic, really on topic. No red-shirt (supporter) getting further than 'see, government to blame'. So what is it with you and this pathological case of denial ?

How has your post

I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves

got anything to do with the topic? Where has it been mentioned that the redshirt leaders bail revocation has anything to do with handing out thai translations of the HRW let alone your blanket accusation of all red shirt (supporters) blaming the government? The only link the HRW could possibly have with this topic was if either the government or the redshirt leaders quoted it as evidence - otherwise zilch.

There is a thread on the HRW report, why not post your thoughts there or do you not think you're getting enough coverage for your "see, government to blame" platform?

You are obtuse, my dear chap. Bail has nothing to do with a Thai translation of the HRW report, nor did I say so. My post was a reaction on Insights post, you reacted on mine. By now you try to accuse me of being off topic, completely ignoring the context in which posts were made.

So again: 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail withdrawal'. Reading the HRW report some very valid suggestions are made why the UDD leaders were charged in the first place. It may even be used as 'fresh' evidence and influence how bail in these cases is looked upon. The total silence of red-shirt supporters on this report suggest that there are people who still believe or ignore the complicity of UDD leaders in the violence, terrorist attacks and killings March - May 2010.

BTW I have no platform, I'm a lone voice in an ocean of (some expletives deleted). I'm not looking for coverage, nor do I appreciate the suggestion. Are you participating here only to get attention?

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