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Thailand KFC Faces Employee Lawsuit For Unfair Practices

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" If not get another job !!! Go to school !!! learn something !!! This is the way it is in all countries".

What other countries? America? I see a lot of kids with fancy degrees working in resturants these days. Denmark? where education is free? How about Germany where education is also free, unions are strong and they are blowing the doors off everyone with production of quality products that people want to buy. Not everyone want to go to college, some people just want to live a simple comfortable life and they should be able to do it without suffering.

There's no doubt in MY mind that the countries that are doing it right are the ones who have an eye for bringing the entire population along. It shows in the numbers of citizens who want to participate in their systems and contribute their labor for a FAIR wage. America is going down the tubes because most Americans are too stupid to realize that everything of value is being cashed in to fatten the coffers of a handful of people.

It is a basic fact that societies breakdown when the disparity between the rich and the poor reaches critiical mass and people hit the streets. Turn on the news and see it happening. It is morally wrong for a society to allow it to continue. More importantly it is unsustainable and a guaranteed recipe for disaster. It is just plain stupid, but it has happened so many times in history and being repeated over and over.

What I support is the activism to change what these folks have taken it upon themselves to change. I agree that when good people do nothing they are left to what their betters give them.

I got to see a lot during my corporate career and I was fortunate to work for a few very good companies who appreciated their employees and brought them along, but even those companies succumbed to the greed of shareholdes who do nothing, make nothing, produce nothing, sweat never, and deserve less IMO.

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Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

Probably takes 10 lazy thais to do the work of one Westerner. If they want better pay perhaps they should actually work instead of chatting, standing around, texting etc etc etc. Thai workers wouldnt last a day in a western fast food restaurant. They actually work their asses off there

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

Aye says captain Bly, Thank God you don't own a business here or maybe you do which in that case I would feel sorry for your employees.

Yes, i am very sorry for having a business for the purpose of making money.

I suppose running a business with purpose of loosing all the money in the first year to go back with tail between the legs is a much better option.

But to realize that one would actually need to own business or or have any business sense at all

I do and I have. That is why I said what I said. Having a business for the purpose of making money has nothing to do with treating your staff like dog sh*t. In fact without a happy and good staff one looses money in the long term. Your business would not turn a profit if you didn't have people helping you get there which is worth what to you. Just Profit my friend is not the only game in business.


All of these fast-food restaurants in Thailand (Starbucks, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, etc.) charge way too much for their food considering that their supplies and labor are so much cheaper than in the U.S. For example, the drinks at Starbucks cost almost as much as in the U.S. Minimum wage in the U.S. is probably 7 or 8 times the wages the Thailand workers get. The facility rent in the U.S. is probably 10 times here in Thailand. I encourage everyone not to patronize these places until they reduce their prices.


What I don't understand is that these workers have been earning pittance for years while the company makes millions yet the labour officials have done diddly squat about it. It's not as if their third-world salary is a secret. Everyone knows how little they earn - the same as any other fast food chain or restaurant here. What infuriates me more is that when staff have the balls to do something about it, we get comments from farang putting them and their cause down. Do you think that if our grandparents and their parents hadn't stood up to the capitalist pigs in the West years ago that you would be here today with a comfy job, social security, pension plan, holidays? What you gonna say next? You never got travel allowance? Maybe not. You didn't need it because your salary was half decent in the first place. Dim. Where do these people come from? 27 baht/hour is disgusting. Any attempt by staff to increase this rate is a good thing.

Thank you and dead right............


Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

Probably takes 10 lazy thais to do the work of one Westerner. If they want better pay perhaps they should actually work instead of chatting, standing around, texting etc etc etc. Thai workers wouldnt last a day in a western fast food restaurant. They actually work their asses off there

I don't think that is true. The workers in U.S. KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, etc. don't work so hard. On top of that, the U.S. workers have a real bad attitude problem. They very rarely say "thank you" or smile as they wait on you.


Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

Point well-made.

I've always taken notice how I pay the same price for KFC chicken here as in the west. But shocked that employees here make less than 10% of KFC wages in the west.

Some fat cat is pocketing a huge profit margin on the backs of hapless employees who can barely afford the cheapest of BKK's dormitories and transportation beyond the "red bus."

Yes, capitalism at its worst.

I wonder if there is a way of alerting the Media in various Democracies e.g. UK/US ab the price of various items i.e. fast food and the wages these International companies pay their workers.


Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?


All of these fast-food restaurants in Thailand (Starbucks, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, etc.) charge way too much for their food considering that their supplies and labor are so much cheaper than in the U.S. For example, the drinks at Starbucks cost almost as much as in the U.S. Minimum wage in the U.S. is probably 7 or 8 times the wages the Thailand workers get. The facility rent in the U.S. is probably 10 times here in Thailand. I encourage everyone not to patronize these places until they reduce their prices.

And how does reducing the prices help staff get more than 27 baht/hour? The news item isn't about customers wanting a cheaper chicken burger. It's about employees wanting a higher wage.


I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

.. another 'only in Thailand ('This just doesn't add up'!) story.. I knew people back in UK who worked for KFC.. higher salaries (as per UK norm, although no, this doesn't make it right how s**t their salaries are here, but it is the way it is and no Govt ever seems to want their 'lower end' workers and fellow-Thais to do better, as in education - a different debate!) but no free KFC dinners, lifts home or expenses towards such.. they never expected any either.. and yes, you get sacked if you start up hassles amongst the staff, towards your bosses! The Colonel must be choking with laughter on his Family Bucket.. cos, lets face it, by guys like these putting forward any arguments for better provisons and salaries in this ill though out 'made to eat noodles, no money for transport ' missing-the-point manner he certainly ain't gonna be made to pay out more on the basic wage issue!!! :wai:


Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

can't ya still see it?

they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO


Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand 8.96€ hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

Probably takes 10 lazy thais to do the work of one Westerner. If they want better pay perhaps they should actually work instead of chatting, standing around, texting etc etc etc. Thai workers wouldnt last a day in a western fast food restaurant. They actually work their asses off there

I don't think that is true. The workers in U.S. KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, etc. don't work so hard. On top of that, the U.S. workers have a real bad attitude problem. They very rarely say "thank you" or smile as they wait on you.

Not only bad attitudes, but the vile things that happens to peoples food. It has been documented in the US that some workers have urinated, spit, put insects and hair, in peoples food that they were preparing in the kitchen. I say pay the people what they want and deserve! and the less likely hood that your pickle will smell a taint of piss.


please do tell what is the goal of the business ?

And also do tell how paying minimum wage and free meal in your business head translates into treating staff bad??

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

Aye says captain Bly, Thank God you don't own a business here or maybe you do which in that case I would feel sorry for your employees.

Yes, i am very sorry for having a business for the purpose of making money.

I suppose running a business with purpose of loosing all the money in the first year to go back with tail between the legs is a much better option.

But to realize that one would actually need to own business or or have any business sense at all

I do and I have. That is why I said what I said. Having a business for the purpose of making money has nothing to do with treating your staff like dog sh*t. In fact without a happy and good staff one looses money in the long term. Your business would not turn a profit if you didn't have people helping you get there which is worth what to you. Just Profit my friend is not the only game in business.


.. another 'only in Thailand ('This just doesn't add up'!) story.. I knew people back in UK who worked for KFC.. higher salaries (as per UK norm) but no free KFC dinners, lifts home or expenses towards such.. they never expected any either.. and yes, you get sacked if you start up hassles amongst the staff, towards your bosses! The Colonel must be choking with laughter on his Family Bucket!!!

I don't think I would be asking for lunch or travel if my salary was decent enough either. It's funny how some have picked up on free lunch and travel allowance but not 27 baht/hour or 6 billion baht profit.


a college degree get the average salary of 8,000B


Actually 10 000 unless straight out of uni with no experience at all


Standard fare for Asia pay them the lowest possible wage you can get away with. I was in Vietnam a while back and near the place I was staying there was a huge Nike factory manufacturing footwear. Daily wages were US $1. Seen the price of Nike shoes in the shops ?

Interesting that you should mention Vietnam. There is only one hamburger fast food franchise here. A Korean company called Lotteria. The hourly rate for staff there is 7 - 8,000 VND (US$0.34 - 0.39).

Low wages, as you point out, are not exclusive to Thailand. The average wage of an unskilled factory worker is currently around US$100 per month in Vietnam.


"Thai workers wouldnt last a day in a western fast food restaurant. They actually work their asses off there"

You obviously don't know any Thai's working in American Thai resturants. My wife worked in one and they all worked their asses off. She averaged $175 a day in tips in addition to her $6.25/hr salary. There were also a few farang girls working at the same resturant who were lazy and incompitent and constant complainers about "the work being hard" It's a little easier to work your ass off when your being paid a decent wage.

I frequent the KFC at the east Pattaya Lotus and have always recieved excellent, friendly service. The employees are active and doing a good job.

If you want to compare the compitence of Thais and farang working at fast food resturants you might try crawling out from under your rock and learning the truth.


Not only their employees are living on left overs, the customers too. This franchise is ran by a Chinese company and forces its customers to eat french fries that is so old that it tastes like paper, their chicken products are left for ours and are still sold when they are uneatable.KFC is a lousy company. Good that employees take action, we customers should take action too and move on to the next Fast Food chain.


Assuming KFC dose pull in the 6Billion baht a year they mentioned and that on average each of their 10,000 employees make 6000 baht a month then salaries would be approx 12% of their net rev. But surely some folks make a bunch more so probably safe to say 15%, food costs usually 30%, rents? who knows? Franchise fee? Taxes?

I'm not saying that working at KFC ain't a sh*tty job, but, pepole who don't have a business look at the big net numbers and don't think about expenses.

If they want better conditions they will fight for it and unionise. Then I guess I'll be paying more for my egg tarts and 3 piece spicy sets :(


a college degree get the average salary of 8,000B


Starting salary of 15,000 baht for entry level management is the norm. Around 8000-9000 baht monthly 6 days a week for kitchen. Social is paid on every employee according to Thai law. Dont know where your numbers come from but in reality these are the figures.jap.gif


Rents for a prime location will usually be upwards from 1000 baht per square meter per month. In Bangkok and Phuket probably a lot more. So big stores like KFC can easily have rents of several hundred thousand a month. Utility costs will be high as well.

Assuming KFC dose pull in the 6Billion baht a year they mentioned and that on average each of their 10,000 employees make 6000 baht a month then salaries would be approx 12% of their net rev. But surely some folks make a bunch more so probably safe to say 15%, food costs usually 30%, rents? who knows? Franchise fee? Taxes?

I'm not saying that working at KFC ain't a sh*tty job, but, pepole who don't have a business look at the big net numbers and don't think about expenses.

If they want better conditions they will fight for it and unionise. Then I guess I'll be paying more for my egg tarts and 3 piece spicy sets :(


'tcmill' timestamp='1304993810' post='4413124']

'prakhonchai nick' timestamp='1304990336' post='4412947']

Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Fair comment but when all the other options for employment are similiar it aint much of a choice.

This is a very pertinent point you make which it would appear many posters have missed in their excitement to condemn a employer without whom they would have nothing . As has been noted , this type of work in a franchise is not intended to support a family but more to supply pocket money for students , they are only employed on a part time basis which enables all of them to take a second job if they desire more money .

I know many families in the west who have more than one job and both husband and wife work to make a reasonable living , all of my children did part time work after school when they became of the requisite age , not one of them complained , they were only too happy to have gained a certain amount of independence for themselves . They also learned a very good lesson , nothing comes free in this world once you leave home and become dependent on your own effort .


The biggest problem, in my opinion, is the law of supply and demand...of course, it's a low wage, but there are 10 more Thais to fill that position (and probably happy to even find a job) when an open spot is available. I also agree with some of the other posters in voting with their feet...if they don't like it, find another job. However, that is easier said than done during these hard economic times...so many Thais caught between a rock and a hard place...

Just my two cents...er, three cents after inflation...


Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

can't ya still see it?

they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out. Bust your ass and work into a higher postition such as regional director. "Would you like fries with that?" is not a life or death decision maker. Cleaning the freaking tables and carring out the trash is not rocket science, these are low level and entry level positions, work for what you get and make a difference and the large salaries will come, until then shut up and eat your noodles.


sounds more like a profit shakedown.

hey if they don't like working there then vote with your feet.

When I was in high school I worked in a McD's. They had a policy of only giving a small sandwich per employee per shift. We ate like kings though. How can you prevent an employee from sneaking food? making them wear a locked muzzle maybe.

Not the healthiest food though...

Ate like kings? At Mcdonalds? Umm OK. Congrats. And proud to be a thief too. You parents must be so proud


Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

Point well-made.

I've always taken notice how I pay the same price for KFC chicken here as in the west. But shocked that employees here make less than 10% of KFC wages in the west.

Some fat cat is pocketing a huge profit margin on the backs of hapless employees who can barely afford the cheapest of BKK's dormitories and transportation beyond the "red bus."

Yes, capitalism at its worst.

I wonder if there is a way of alerting the Media in various Democracies e.g. UK/US ab the price of various items i.e. fast food and the wages these International companies pay their workers.

Get a life dude


I spent a few years of the last ten in Thailand, and it was always with some sadness that I saw the expansion of KFC and its branches. The growth of food corporations and the subsequent elimination of small private businesses is something the government should take a close look at. Is it really for the best for society?


I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

Boy O boy, I would like to see your comment if it would concern your daughters or sons working there, how would you like to see your daughter catching a TUK TUK at one in the morning, wake up man.


I spent a few years of the last ten in Thailand, and it was always with some sadness that I saw the expansion of KFC and its branches. The growth of food corporations and the subsequent elimination of small private businesses is something the government should take a close look at. Is it really for the best for society?

Unfortunately for me there is no McDonalds in my part of the country to provide my BigMac and employment for youngsters who would have some sort of income. The country is awash with ''every'' kind of take away stuff, whether Thai or otherwise, thats the way they like it. :)

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