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Any Ideas How To Resolve My Electric Supply Problem?

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i (my wife) has a block of land (1/2 rai). it's on a site that was a about a 4 rai chanoht and the land was split into 7 plots and a road about 5 years ago.

one other plot was sold about 3 years ago and there is a house on it now. the house owner had been using temporary electric until now but has recently been disconnected by EGAT and told he needs to get permanent electric supply.

recently, the road connecting the 7 plots to the main road, which has the main electric supply poles, was donated by the owner to the government so our little soi is now a government soi

EGAT will not supply permanent electric to the existing house or temporary electric to my plot until they talk to the original land owner who did the split. there is a sign at the beginning of our soi showing the plots are for sale so EGAT is saying we are a development, and as such, the owner of the development has to provide a transformer, poles, cables, etc. to each plot.

EGAT want's the owner to do something called ขยายเขต kha yaai khaeht - which translates to something like 'expand the boundary or the zone'. practically, i think that means installing necessary infrastructure.

the original owner does not want to do anything about electric; as far as he is concerned, he just bought some land, split it and wants to sell it. he has no plans to make a development, there is no gate, no guard, no common anything except the access soi, and now that is a government soi.

i understand his point but this leaves the new land owners, i.e. my wife and the other guy with the 2 year old house a bit screwed. a transformer for the whole site plus poles, cables, etc will be well over a million baht and the two of us are not willing to pay that. it sounds like the original land owner doesn't want to help even though he will not easily be able to sell the other lots without electric.

i wonder if someone has an idea what we can do? is there any way we can force EGAT to consider each plot individually and we each take care of our own supply? me and the other new owner are not willing to pay to supply electric to the whole site and the original owner doesn't seem to care.


Edited by stevehaigh
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Sorry Steve, absolutely no idea how to sort this.

Seems that PEA (they are who you should be talking to I believe not EGAT) are your sticking point. Perhaps another meeting to explain the situation, possibly with a regional manager would help, but I've no idea how you'd go about arranging that :(

The fact that your soi is now a government road should add weight to your argument since (I believe) the roads within a development are not government roads.

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The owner handing the road over to the government is important. At some point PEA is responsible to install the infrastructure. They are dodging it for the moment. Can't blame them really. Maybe you & the wife go to talk with the head honcho at PEA & ask for a survey. Then you have a response in writing.

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Sorry its a tough one for you.

pea have really tightened up,6 years ago i was able to run my own line 800 meters from there closest pole.

Now in a soi in the village they want a thai guy to pay 70000 baht to put up 2 poles and connection.

What have you got as far as water supply goes??? government???

Out our way if you want power you would have to come up with 10 or so signatures of people wanting it close together.

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Sorry its a tough one for you.

pea have really tightened up,6 years ago i was able to run my own line 800 meters from there closest pole.

Now in a soi in the village they want a thai guy to pay 70000 baht to put up 2 poles and connection.

What have you got as far as water supply goes??? government???

Out our way if you want power you would have to come up with 10 or so signatures of people wanting it close together.

for water we dug a well and its fine, lots of water in there all year.

my wife and the other land owners met with PEA a couple of days ago and now they are talking about a much more reasonable price, about 370,000 baht for transformer and poles to all the plots

also the original owner said he is willing to chip in his share for the unsold plots so it looks like we may have a solution soon, but nothing is done yet

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