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Aussie Disability Pensions Stopped


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There's a bright side for this.. A lot of guys that should not be here(and that we don't want here) are going to be off to Aussie or in jail for being drug mules.

This may be a good thing for Thailand, all the boarder line people who are staying in Thailand just managing to get by. may have to return to the own Country because of there finantual position, really the decision maybe be taken out of there hands.because of lack of money due to money being stopped.

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There's a bright side for this.. A lot of guys that should not be here(and that we don't want here) are going to be off to Aussie or in jail for being drug mules.

This may be a good thing for Thailand, all the boarder line people who are staying in Thailand just managing to get by. may have to return to the own Country because of there finantual position, really the decision maybe be taken out of there hands.because of lack of money due to money being stopped.

I don't know if this is a good thing. They spend money here, don't they? Money in is good, money out is not good. Simple. Every little bit that comes in counts. I do not see how someone who lives in Thailand and spends money here could be a bad thing.

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There's a bright side for this.. A lot of guys that should not be here(and that we don't want here) are going to be off to Aussie or in jail for being drug mules.

This may be a good thing for Thailand, all the boarder line people who are staying in Thailand just managing to get by. may have to return to the own Country because of there finantual position, really the decision maybe be taken out of there hands.because of lack of money due to money being stopped.

I don't know if this is a good thing. They spend money here, don't they? Money in is good, money out is not good. Simple. Every little bit that comes in counts. I do not see how someone who lives in Thailand and spends money here could be a bad thing.

Those people don't spend anything. Health bills/beer/cigs are most of their income's demise. Singha and the cig companies are rich enough.

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Seems from this para (3rd from the bottom of the release in Harrry's post) that it may actually become easier for people to be outside Australia longer than 13 weeks and continue receiving their pension:

"New, more generous rules from 1 July 2012, will allow people receiving DSP who have a permanent disability and no future work capacity, to travel overseas for more than 13 weeks while retaining access to their pension."

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harrry, a bit off topic but as you seem to be a fountain of knowledge on this sibject; how long must one have worked IN Australia, or paid Tax IN Australia to be eligible for an age-pension?

I'm not yet 50, but just wondering as I have been working overseas for pretty much my entire working life.


I stand to be corrected, but it has nothing to do with working time in Australia, nor tax paid. It simply comes down to 'time served' ..ie, how long you've been physically resident in Australia.

Oh dear. Umm, any idea what that number would be? My parents traveled for a living and I spent maybe ten years altogether in Oz, from childhood. :(

here you go


Thank you

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harrry, a bit off topic but as you seem to be a fountain of knowledge on this sibject; how long must one have worked IN Australia, or paid Tax IN Australia to be eligible for an age-pension?

I'm not yet 50, but just wondering as I have been working overseas for pretty much my entire working life.


Resided in Australia, 25 years for a full retirement pension (age) 10 years for a part pension. Must be in Australia to apply 65+ at present.

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harrry, a bit off topic but as you seem to be a fountain of knowledge on this sibject; how long must one have worked IN Australia, or paid Tax IN Australia to be eligible for an age-pension?

I'm not yet 50, but just wondering as I have been working overseas for pretty much my entire working life.


Resided in Australia, 25 years for a full retirement pension (age) 10 years for a part pension. Must be in Australia to apply 65+ at present.

Time in countries which Centrelink has an agree with counts as this too but you must also claim for pension from them. There are really complex formulas.

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harrry, a bit off topic but as you seem to be a fountain of knowledge on this sibject; how long must one have worked IN Australia, or paid Tax IN Australia to be eligible for an age-pension?

I'm not yet 50, but just wondering as I have been working overseas for pretty much my entire working life.


Resided in Australia, 25 years for a full retirement pension (age) 10 years for a part pension. Must be in Australia to apply 65+ at present.

Hmm, leaves me out then. Might slip in for the part pension when the time comes. The superannuation tanked quite nicely with the stock market implosion, will just have to keep plugging away.

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I don't recall the source but I have read somewhere in the past two weeks that the UK is also now ready to stop these payments to overseas residents.

Did the British government EVER paid this kind of payment when people went abroad?

As far as i know, as soon as you set foot outside the UK, (or pretty soon after) your entitlement to befefits of this nature stops


Pick up a current copy of the international Daily Express, there's an article in there on this very subject, seems two British expats took the UK Government to court over this very issue and lost their case just this last week, the result is that all disability payments to expats will now cease. From reading the article it seems there are different classes of disability payments, some of which have hitherto been paid regardless of where the claimant lived and in many cases had been paid for several years.

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I don't recall the source but I have read somewhere in the past two weeks that the UK is also now ready to stop these payments to overseas residents.

Did the British government EVER paid this kind of payment when people went abroad?

As far as i know, as soon as you set foot outside the UK, (or pretty soon after) your entitlement to befefits of this nature stops


Pick up a current copy of the international Daily Express, there's an article in there on this very subject, seems two British expats took the UK Government to court over this very issue and lost their case just this last week, the result is that all disability payments to expats will now cease. From reading the article it seems there are different classes of disability payments, some of which have hitherto been paid regardless of where the claimant lived and in many cases had been paid for several years.

Just read an article in the "normal" Daily Express from last week (if thats what you mean)


Gives me the impression our owners are slowly chipping away more and more at all that has been fought for over the years.

Its certainly something i didnt know.the fact that some benefits were paid in this way. Thanks for the clarification.


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If some people no matter which country they decide to Immigrate or move to, have to rely on Government handouts in order to sustain themselves abroad, then they should remain in their home country`s where they can be evaluated at regular periods and insure that these claimants are receiving the appropriate care for the purposes of maintaining good health care and a complete recovery. Also to keep them under supervision in case of any fraudulent claims of benefits.

Why should these people have the advantage of enjoying a chosen lifestyle abroad at the taxpayer's expense?

If they are assumed to have medical or mental problems then they either should have adequate funds for medical care in the countries they decide to reside in or must remain in the jurisdiction of the authority that provides their welfare payments.

How considerate of you :blink:

Take my case, I was declared +67% permanent invalid after one year illness by social security doctors (there is no cure), results in disability pension until age 65. (it takes +67% to get full disability pension payments)

All I had to do was to inform social security department of my dates living in Thailand.

I travel to home country every 5 months for one month, have medical check ups and replenish medication.

And yes, without disability pension I don't know how I would have lived materially reaching 65 here or there.

And I still pay a lot of income taxes.

Edited by tartempion
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Whilst I am not up to date on current legislation and nor am I a Government benefit recipant,I have just heard on today's talkback radio in Australia that the Disabled pensioner's overseas will have their pension's cut.

Here is an interesting link to a board from I believe Australian expats who are receiving the Disabled pension in Thailand challenging this new legislation.dspoverseas


Edited by actiondell4
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Whilst I am not up to date on current legislation and nor am I a Government benefit recipant,I have just heard on today's talkback radio in Australia that the Disabled pensioner's overseas will have their pension's cut.

Here is an interesting link to a board from I believe Australian expats who are receiving the Disabled pension in Thailand challenging this new legislation.dspoverseas


Yes that forum is a good source of information about Australian pensions.

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