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Insect Exterminators


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Five months ago I moved into a 20 year old condo (renting) and was happy the place had no ants like many older buidlings do. Within the past month I have bugs (I have never seen them in my other apartments) that seem to hang out around the sink...and they multiply quickly. I do not cook in my small place and keep what food I have in sealed containers. I clean the kitchen sink area but they seem to be in the kitchen area. They seem to be "hanging out" in my wooden cupboards and they seem to be nocturnal- when I turn on the lights the 2-5 critters seem to scatter away quickly. I have used spray but it doesn't seem to work unless I do a direct hit. These "new visitors" are not longer than 5-6 millimeters long. (They are not bed bugs or cockroaches). The hallway is mostly empty so maybe these critters are attracted to my place???? I imagine if I tell my landlord, he'll just say it is my fault, so I will just hire an exterminator to come in and spray the place...are there such places in Pattaya (and I certainly don't want my place to end up like the hotel in Changmai..). Thanks for any info.

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I used to have a problem with ants which no amount of spraying seemed to cure. Also used a pest control company (can't remember the name now but quite expensive) who used to come once a month to spray but the ants were always back within a week or two. Have recently found a liquid pesticide called Sherwood 99 which you mix with water in a spray bottle which seems to have done the trick. No ants seen for a couple of months at least. Don't know what your creatures are but it may work. Cost about 500 Baht for a 1 litre bottle but you only use a capful at a time so it lasts a long time. I got it from one of the Home Mart DIY places on the Sukhumvit. I've attached a photo of the bottle which for some reason I can't fathom has turned sideways- sorry about that!


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Your comment about them , to paraphrase, "coming out of the woodwork" is spot on. It's why when I move , I always look at how the building is made. If there are any cracks for bugs to live in then sooner or later they will. Older building seem more susceptible. In my last place I had two choices: don't eat in apartment or move. I chose the later. And yes spraying etc is always temporary.

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Not sure if I can post links. If you google "pest control pattaya" several will appear. I have tried CCS (local) as well as another one (can't remember name but is foreign owned). Have gotten quotes from 3 or 4 companies and they all claim to be "safe" in varying degrees. Best to be sceptical since we are in Pattaya.

I live in a house so pests are a reality...I get a monthly service so the mosquitos, ants etc don't reach plague proportions. Works for me.

A mate nearby has a higher tolerance level towards pests, so he gets the pest control guys in when problem becomes unbearable for him, which is on average once a year. Works for him.

Currently using CCS. Everything is fine but except one thing; the lack of English means I don't know for sure what chemical they are using. They are quite established, not just in Pattaya so that might mean something. Plus I am careful where they spray, making sure all food stuff and kitchen utensils are covered when they are here and not being around for a couple of hours after they spray.

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sounds like you may have (weevils) (spelling?)

weevils have a long snout (in relation to their body) like an ant eater

They will arrive from the store that you purchased the product (they live in) from

product is usually pasta, rice, etc, etc,


the flours ofthe carb products

the only way to cure is to throw away the host product (or freeze in freezer and keep. Harmless to eat them) and freeze all the other carb based products in the pantry

take a photo of the critter and post

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