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Help In Determining Location In Udorn Photo

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I'm trying to identify the location of pictures I took in Udorn 40 years ago. If any one can tell me the Thai names of the two business's in the two pictures it would be helpful. One is a Hotel and the other I'm not sure. The hotel might still be there but I'm not sure. Both are located on the main road Highway 2 going through town and has a large round about at the intersection. I have an old travel guide that might list the business so simpoly the name would help. But of course if you already know the intersection that's even better. I can post the original photo latter.




trying to read the hotel sign in 1st photo, it appears to say "bua-cha" ( บัวชา )

which may mean "lotus tea". possibly hotel is still there but under a different

name because i've hiked all over the town and don't recall it. also there are (3)

roundabout intersections now and in addition to the north-south #2 also a major

road running from the east-south-east to north-north-west, might be on this route.


Here's the full picture maybe it'll ring a bell to someone. Yes it was at on of the three round abouts.



trying to read the hotel sign in 1st photo, it appears to say "bua-cha" ( บัวชา )

which may mean "lotus tea". possibly hotel is still there but under a different

name because i've hiked all over the town and don't recall it. also there are (3)

roundabout intersections now and in addition to the north-south #2 also a major

road running from the east-south-east to north-north-west, might be on this route.


The sign on the hotel actually says บัวขาว or bua khaao meaning white lotus.



Here's the other one:



The sign on the second photograph which is the same sign on the right hand side of the third photo says ง่วนง้วนโอสถ, "nguaan nguaan oh soht" or nguaan nguaan 's (thai name) medication.

The sign on the left hand side of the third photograph says xxxx เภสัช, "xxxx phaeh sat" or xxxx pharmacy. (x=characters blocked by palm frond).

So obviously both buildings in the third photo on opposite sides of the road with the similar second floor lattice work are both pharmacies!

Good luck with the rest of the project!



Sanuk wrote: "Hi, The sign on the hotel actually says บัวขาว or bua khaao meaning white lotus."

and right you are? good pair of eyes, that last letter is partially obscured by...a monkey? :lol:

just looking at the general characteristics of the traffic circle (as all (3) are slightly different)

i'd say it was the middle one which now has a fountain. i'll try and go by a snap a quick pic for

comparison. or two. but i'm rather suspecting all these businesses have sinced changed.


Here's the other one:



The sign on the second photograph which is the same sign on the right hand side of the third photo says ง่วนง้วนโอสถ, "nguaan nguaan oh soht" or nguaan nguaan 's (thai name) medication.

The sign on the left hand side of the third photograph says xxxx เภสัช, "xxxx phaeh sat" or xxxx pharmacy. (x=characters blocked by palm frond).

So obviously both buildings in the third photo on opposite sides of the road with the similar second floor lattice work are both pharmacies!

Good luck with the rest of the project!


Thanks for your help. I'll just let them lie in peace. 40 years ago the main roads were not always paved as it is today. The red clay got into everything.


Here's the other one:



The sign on the second photograph which is the same sign on the right hand side of the third photo says ง่วนง้วนโอสถ, "nguaan nguaan oh soht" or nguaan nguaan 's (thai name) medication.

The sign on the left hand side of the third photograph says xxxx เภสัช, "xxxx phaeh sat" or xxxx pharmacy. (x=characters blocked by palm frond).

So obviously both buildings in the third photo on opposite sides of the road with the similar second floor lattice work are both pharmacies!

Good luck with the rest of the project!


Thanks for your help. I'll just let them lie in peace. 40 years ago the main roads were not always paved as it is today. The red clay got into everything.

Great pics, I'd really appreciate seeing more, don't suppose you've any more of Thailand or even a Flickr account?

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