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Self Administered Colonic Irrigation


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I've been on longterm medication for some time now and I'm going to try to clean myself out.

My girlfriend tells me that you can by a special colonics bag in good pharmacy.

I haven't looked yet but what I also need is the herbs and pro biotic product.

there are all sorts of things available in the west like inner cleaning products,

stuff to mix with the water for the colinics and pro biotics for afterwards.

Anyone know if these products are available in Thailand.

"theung detox is the colonics bag and "dee ghleua falang" is Epsom salts,which I'm also trying to locate.

I'm way up north so I don't expect anyone to know what shop to go to but general information about

whether or not they are for sale in Thailand and

what kinds of shops to go to would be great.

Boots pharmacy for example.

Thanks in advance

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There is an online health food store selling enema bag, kids and also probiotics


They ship all over Thailand and have many other health food products. You might them useful.

Alternatively you could try one of the many detox centers in Thailand.

In Phuket there is Wellness House Asia run by a chiropractor naturopath www.wellnesshouse.asia and also Atmanjani which is right on the beach www.atmanjai.com

Not sure about the other ones but know there are many.

Good luck with your detox.

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Thanks oljkt,

I found the website and the detox products so that's that part solved.

I couldn't find the enema bags but me missus sais that good pharmacts have them.

I wan't to learn how to do colonic irrigations at home to save money,basically.

I plan to do a ful detox until the rubber like substance comes out.

Any body have any experience of this.

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Are you looking for DIY colonics, or merely enemas? There is a lot of info on the internet about DIY colonics. I vaguely recall some of the instructions with lots of special toilet seats with suspended cans/bags for the incoming colonics stream. I had briefly researched it because I thought that Thai clinics were charging too much for colonic irrigation. Decided not to get involved with all the physical inventory and gymnastics involved, and simply continued to the Thai clinic. :whistling:

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A "colonic" is an expensive word for "enema". Most pharmacies have enema bags, and it could not be easier. Just like the rest of us, at least one person has told you to "stick it up your a$$!", and it's that easy.

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I would be very wary of do it yourself kits and such.

You can cause serious damage if you make an error doing a colonic irrigation, perforation of the colon, infection etc

You can clean yourself out slowly by diet, supplements and exercise...raw juice therapy, without having to take unecessary risks with this uncomfortable procedure.

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A "colonic" is an expensive word for "enema". Most pharmacies have enema bags, and it could not be easier. Just like the rest of us, at least one person has told you to "stick it up your a$$!", and it's that easy.

Oh. I thought an enema was a flush where you insert the enema, fill (partially or not) the colon, remove the enema and let expel the results, whereas colonic irrigation was a continuous flow of liquid into the colon with periodic pauses to expel what's in there. (Gosh, it's hard to describe what I want to.) Let me try again: I thought an enema was a single short-time insertion of the fluid followed by expulsion, whereas colonic irrigation was a longer process with alternating input/expulsion while the tube remains inserted.

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