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High Noon In Phuket As Police Clash Over Property Sting

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High Noon In Phuket As Police Clash Over Property Sting

Police sent to Phuket to investigate a €1millon property sting against a well known Irish businessman have been forced to withdraw after clashing with local officers protecting their patch.

Investigator sent from the Provincial Regional Headquarters had to withdraw after local police, who are accused with ‘persons of influence’ of using a local housekeeper to rob Irishman Colin Vard of seven properties in Chalong, were blocked and had to withdraw.

Colin Vard, 57, former Secretary General of the All Ireland Leo Club, was robbed of the last of his seven properties, while away in Ireland attending a wedding. His children, aged 9 and 12 were padlocked in a well, he claims.

Now police at a national level have promised transparency in the enquiry in this case which may be a benchmark test for people buying property in Thailand.

Andrew Drummond reports at this link


-- 2011-05-19



The title of this riveting article includes the words POLICE and STING. And then there is allusion to the movie HIGH NOON which did not have STING in it. That was DUNE. This may have caused the local police to have been confused and say to the visitors 'DONT STAND TOO CLOSE TO ME'. Or the sub editor found A MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. You could make this up!


Any Police and Officials mentioned in the sting and in the alleged file should be stood down pending the outcome of the investigation.


The luck of the Irish .............

Transparency well let 's see about that blink.gif

the meaning of transparency is similar way of "Chiang Mai's Coincidence" .

not very enlightened!!!!!!!!!!


Any Police and Officials mentioned in the sting and in the alleged file should be stood down pending the outcome of the investigation.

Thats the way it works in police investigations in most of the world, but then, this isn't anything like most of the world is it?

Any Police and Officials mentioned in the sting and in the alleged file should be stood down pending the outcome of the investigation.

You're thinking that the Thai authorities will adopt Western-style procedures in this investigation. Never gonna happen where money and corruption are involved. The Phuket police have too much to lose. Answer; send the army in to bust a few heads.


A white Irish guy can not own property in Thailand so how can he be cheated ????

He properly bought it the maids name, and then is it hers !

Sum num nar !!!

All these idiots that they think they had sorted it out, inclusive Thaksin, using nominee's !

So just know that all foreigners who think they can buy property in Thailand are stupid, and the realestate agents who is so smart and telling that there is no problems, they are all idiots !

Buy a condo or rent !

And we are tired of reading about these idiots !


"promised transparency" - so they'd admitted that usual... ah' well... won't go into details which bother me in this statement which doesn't raise much hope either!

Here it's so god @*&% easy to scam someone off his property and wealth... if one's on the "right side" of the ah' well.."there is a lesson there somewhere - nuff said."


I think you will find that Mr Colin Vard didn't buy the properties in his cleaners name, he set up a 'legit' company and held the properties in that manner. The deeds were subsequently (allegedly) altered by the 'gang' involved (police, local lawyers etc) and then sold-off at bargain basement prices to relatives of those involved in the sting. However, I would 100% agree with you about the whole idea of setting up a company to purchase a property in Thailand - it is fraught with many dangers that lawyers and real estate agents simply hide from investors...

The ONLY safe bet is to either buy a [leasehold] condo (where you don't own any land) or RENT! Even many condo developments that have exceeded their 'ferrang quota' will try to sell you one in a company name, which although slightly less risque than a house/land is still a less secure ownership option overall.

I have some interesting articles on my website about why you should be very, VERY careful about buying property in Thailand and with the exchange rate/strength of the Thai baht as it is; why on earth would you even bother? When 'you know who' dies, how politically stable do you think things in the land of smiles is going to be??

Why you probably shouldn't buy property in Thailand...

There are also numerous forum comments here on the Thiavisa about property related issues - DO YOUR HOMEWORK or lose your money - "UP TO YOU!"

Any Police and Officials mentioned in the sting and in the alleged file should be stood down pending the outcome of the investigation.

You're thinking that the Thai authorities will adopt Western-style procedures in this investigation. Never gonna happen where money and corruption are involved. The Phuket police have too much to lose. Answer; send the army in to bust a few heads.

A few years back, when drug lords and corruption were threatening the very future of colombia, israeli mercenaries were contracted to fix the unfix-able. Old legitimate money against drug money.


Any Police and Officials mentioned in the sting and in the alleged file should be stood down pending the outcome of the investigation.

I think the Dept of Inactive Posts is already full. :cheesy:


The local police are obviously up to their necks in this sh**.

An emergency task force should take over the law and order in Phuket, and all local police suspended pending an investigation.

Maybe many more " police activities " in Phuket will be uncovered .

The fact the local police made the outside police force withdraw can only mean 2 things

1. The local police are afraid their many other activities will be uncovered.

2. The local police actually bought off the outside police force.

If law and order has broken down there bring in the UN forces until the corruption can be cleaned up. ( Job for life ? )

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