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Pizzas From The Pie Lady


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Khun Fon (the pie lady on soi 5/1 Theppasit) now also makes great 7" pizzas - many toppings all at B80. Fantastic value and very filling too. Tart rhubarb crumbles (and others) as desserts. Lubbly jubbly. The choice keeps improving.

BTW she also supplies pappadoms to compliment her curries and naans.

Her shop is now known as Fon's Food.

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I think Fon was married to one of the partners in 'Big Joe's English Food Co' which apparently collapsed a year or two ago. I haven't seen her for a few years but if I'm correct, that is where she learnt how to create western food. I wish her success.

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I took a ride out to Theppasit 5/1 when fueling up today and did not notice this place can you give more precise directions?


soi 5 theppasit, if you come from suk, turn left 4-5 shops in, if you get to honda dealership gone to far, Joe helped set it up, trained her for 6 months. great food but i put order in for 2k baht over a week ago she keeps saying not finish tomorrow. great food the best for me but 4 trips from darkside now i give up, had to pay half to buy raw materials, not a good sign. think she needs some admin stafff, pies when available best ever but never have them in.

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Fon has just called me (as promised) at 0900 telling me my naans are ready. yesterday she told me she had had 2 big orders and was so busy, Please dont give up on her if she missess some deadlines. She really is working very hard and seserves success. Call her for ordering or checking availability. Her mobile is 038424324. Thanks

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to be truthful Nawtier she sometimes give me a new product to taste (yesterday it was 4 small sausages) and yes for free despite my protestations.

I really want this hard working, pleasant single mum to succeed, and exposure on TV might help her, that's all.

Hope you're not getting free pie for this ??

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Went to see her yesterday and came away with a bag of her assorted products. She is who I thought she was. Had her prawn vindaloo last night with pullao rice and a nan. Very good, though a little too hot for me, I'm suffering this morning. Will be chicken korma this evening!

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http://www.worldmapf...hailand/Pattaya just inside soi 5/1 on the left ABC, good food but, after 4 trips day s apart over a course of a week for a 1700 baht order i gave up. i did say look take your time put in feezer i will come in 2-3 days no tomorrow 100%, even when i left it 3 day still not one item of the remaining order. thing she needs a bit of farang management, had a curry tonight. Joe was one of my best friends so wanted to support the shop but. give up after 4 visits in a week, the pies are great as are the curries, just not worth all the toing and frowing from Mabprachan, to get the same tomorrow.

Latitude, Longitude


Edited by NALAK
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I took a ride out to Theppasit 5/1 when fueling up today and did not notice this place can you give more precise directions?


soi 5 theppasit, if you come from suk, turn left 4-5 shops in, if you get to honda dealership gone to far, Joe helped set it up, trained her for 6 months. great food but i put order in for 2k baht over a week ago she keeps saying not finish tomorrow. great food the best for me but 4 trips from darkside now i give up, had to pay half to buy raw materials, not a good sign. think she needs some admin stafff, pies when available best ever but never have them in.

Fon has just called me (as promised) at 0900 telling me my naans are ready. yesterday she told me she had had 2 big orders and was so busy, Please dont give up on her if she missess some deadlines. She really is working very hard and seserves success. Call her for ordering or checking availability. Her mobile is 038424324. Thanks

http://www.worldmapf...hailand/Pattaya just inside soi 5/1 on the left ABC, good food but, after 4 trips day s apart over a course of a week for a 1700 baht order i gave up. i did say look take your time put in feezer i will come in 2-3 days no tomorrow 100%, even when i left it 3 day still not one item of the remaining order. thing she needs a bit of farang management, had a curry tonight. Joe was one of my best friends so wanted to support the shop but. give up after 4 visits in a week, the pies are great as are the curries, just not worth all the toing and frowing from Mabprachan, to get the same tomorrow.

Latitude, Longitude


Just a friendly question PRK.

Are you the NEW Joe?Seems a waste of time imho.

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I took a ride out to Theppasit 5/1 when fueling up today and did not notice this place can you give more precise directions?


soi 5 theppasit, if you come from suk, turn left 4-5 shops in, if you get to honda dealership gone to far, Joe helped set it up, trained her for 6 months. great food but i put order in for 2k baht over a week ago she keeps saying not finish tomorrow. great food the best for me but 4 trips from darkside now i give up, had to pay half to buy raw materials, not a good sign. think she needs some admin stafff, pies when available best ever but never have them in.

Latitude, Longitude


Just a friendly question PRK.

Are you the NEW Joe?Seems a waste of time imho.

never be a new Joe they broke the mould after him, Joe set it up, trained her, kept coming back to train fun, but partnership did not work out and Joe stopped dealing but her food i s exellent, her management skills are 0. she needs a farang input to help her organise her self, the steak and kidny pies are a dream. she deserves to succed, just wished she would make it ,freeze it and call me when its ready. will give her another try as she is nice lady, will, see if my pork pikes vindaloo pizza bacon etc has come in, i even paid for some of it up front. even though about setting her up in bussiness elsewhere where he would do well. best for me is she does 1 litre of sauce for 160 baht add meat of your choice. balti,madras,vindaloo,korma, tikka. might be wrong prity sure no farang involved at the moment.

p.s nan breads perfect 15 baht i think.

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