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Are the English so vacuous as to still think club football partisanship has any value beyond an outdated irrational attachment to some tatty ground or a piece of real estate christened in traditional colours and blessed in mawkish sentiment dressed up as tradition?

Bit like taking a piss in your dad's favourite fish n' chip shop doorway now owned by Mehmet Ozal flogging kebabs n' chips and swearing blind the vinegar tastes just as good, in my book.

Let's face it chaps, English football isn't. It's a circus run by others on pitches occupying space in Blighty for the benefit of global interests feeding a gormless world population starved of meaningful entertainment. The standard of football is irredeemably crap but "exciting " in the sense that betting is on the outcome of a cockroach race in a prison yard. It's only when your magnificent lions take the international field that the sheer mediocrity of your game is exposed for all to see.

Germany will probably be no different but somehow next season the denizens of English ghettoes will overlook that fact and still bay moronically at the away crew in their home ground simply because that's what they do. Stands to reason, doesn't it..... I mean, it's bleeding Chelsea aint it, you gotta be there aintcha? It don't matter abaht that Russian crap, and him being a dago and all, and all the lads being not from these parts....we still got Terry and Lampard aint we? Yer, we is better than them Northern scum. aint we?

Gotta laugh, aintcha?


What a load of <deleted>, you talk nothing but it. You don't have the first clue about what a football team or ground means to some people.

And from what you just posted you definatley don't have a clue about football.

BTW, did you know when writting a letter or as is the case posting on a web forum, that you are supposed to write clearly, not use jargon, not be too clever and be clear and to the point. Your stupid words that no one ever uses don't impress anyone. :D

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Are the English so vacuous as to still think club football partisanship has any value beyond an outdated irrational attachment to some tatty ground or a piece of real estate christened in traditional colours and blessed in mawkish sentiment dressed up as tradition?

Bit like taking a piss in your dad's favourite fish n' chip shop doorway now owned by Mehmet Ozal flogging kebabs n' chips and swearing blind the vinegar tastes just as good, in my book.

Let's face it chaps, English football isn't. It's a circus run by others on pitches occupying space in Blighty for the benefit of global interests feeding a gormless world population starved of meaningful entertainment. The standard of football is irredeemably crap but "exciting " in the sense that betting is on the outcome of a cockroach race in a prison yard. It's only when your magnificent lions take the international field that the sheer mediocrity of your game is exposed for all to see.

Germany will probably be no different but somehow next season the denizens of English ghettoes will overlook that fact and still bay moronically at the away crew in their home ground simply because that's what they do. Stands to reason, doesn't it..... I mean, it's bleeding Chelsea aint it, you gotta be there aintcha? It don't matter abaht that Russian crap, and him being a dago and all, and all the lads being not from these parts....we still got Terry and Lampard aint we? Yer, we is better than them Northern scum. aint we?

Gotta laugh, aintcha?

Have a word you bait settin Troll mofo.......!

You're not even from round ere so stick to't road. Oh and get back on your bike from wence it is you came. We don't take to your sort round ere.


Have a word you bait settin Troll mofo.......!

You're not even from round ere so stick to't road. Oh and get back on your bike from wence it is you came. We don't take to your sort round ere.


I said eye cock, I said eye :o

In all my time on TV I can never recall reading such absolute <deleted>

Yeah...........................well that'e Redrus for you.

Actually TP it's quite entertaining. I like a good tactical discussion, and it's much better when the opposing forces hit the self-destuct button. I do agree with a little bit that the Gent has written.Not all of it though. Not a troll; Northern baiting, yes. Although saying that, you must realise what a Troll is.

In fishing: To Troll

Lay a line out and move it through the water so to attract fish to take your bait.

I do like the way he took the piss out of the Londoners in such a way that the Northerners took the bait. Read it again lads, and this time employ your sense of humour.


In all my time on TV I can never recall reading such absolute <deleted>

Yeah...........................well that'e Redrus for you.

Actually TP it's quite entertaining. I like a good tactical discussion, and it's much better when the opposing forces hit the self-destuct button. I do agree with a little bit that the Gent has written.Not all of it though. Not a troll; Northern baiting, yes. Although saying that, you must realise what a Troll is.

In fishing: To Troll

Lay a line out and move it through the water so to attract fish to take your bait.

I do like the way he took the piss out of the Londoners in such a way that the Northerners took the bait. Read it again lads, and this time employ your sense of humour.

Go Lamps Go...................................................... :o

See you next week...Kippis


In all my time on TV I can never recall reading such absolute <deleted>

Yeah...........................well that'e Redrus for you.

Actually TP it's quite entertaining. I like a good tactical discussion, and it's much better when the opposing forces hit the self-destuct button. I do agree with a little bit that the Gent has written.Not all of it though. Not a troll; Northern baiting, yes. Although saying that, you must realise what a Troll is.

In fishing: To Troll

Lay a line out and move it through the water so to attract fish to take your bait.

I do like the way he took the piss out of the Londoners in such a way that the Northerners took the bait. Read it again lads, and this time employ your sense of humour.

Ah a miss-quote, thats funny..... :o

My sense of humour is not in question, I can't get rid of it. It manifests itself in a great big grin whenever I see a reply from you..... :D

You're talkin toot again Lamps, lettin someone else do the talkin too. You were reading this forum for a fookin long time earlier and said nothin in reply to me, till someone else left a reply.

The gent is talkin <deleted> weather you think we noticed his thinly veiled insults or not.

The bait was set for you Lamps, you didn't have the <deleted> to reply till someone else did. Says it all.....................!!!!! :D


Are the English so vacuous as to still think club football partisanship has any value beyond an outdated irrational attachment to some tatty ground or a piece of real estate christened in traditional colours and blessed in mawkish sentiment dressed up as tradition? Fookin toot.....!

Bit like taking a piss in your dad's favourite fish n' chip shop doorway now owned by Mehmet Ozal (EH), plenty of fish and chip shops around, Frankie the the fish man and Mehmet live happily side by side selling their wares in most "plaice's" I go.) (more toot) flogging kebabs n' chips and swearing blind the vinegar tastes just as good, in my book. (hhhhmmmm)

Let's face it chaps, English football isn't. It's a circus run by others on pitches occupying space in Blighty for the benefit of global interests feeding a gormless world population starved of meaningful entertainment. (whatever happens we will still love it, when the global money spinners lose their grip we will be there waiting.!) The standard of football is irredeemably crap (what the <deleted>*k would you know....?) but "exciting "(we agree) in the sense that betting is on the outcome of a cockroach race in a prison yard.(awe no we don't) It's only when your magnificent lions take the international field that the sheer mediocrity of your game is exposed for all to see. (now that I can agree with, the club game is what we're talking about here though)

Germany will probably be no different but somehow next season the denizens of English ghettoes will overlook that fact and still bay moronically at the away crew in their home ground simply because that's what they do. Stands to reason, doesn't it..... I mean, it's bleeding Chelsea aint it, you gotta be there aintcha? It don't matter abaht that Russian crap, and him being a dago and all, and all the lads being not from these parts....we still got Terry and Lampard aint we? Yer, we is better than them Northern scum. aint we?

Gotta laugh, aintcha? (Yes, you have. You really have.....!!!!!)

I don't know where the gent is from. He maybe a septic, he maybe British, he maybe a woman, who knows....! Where-ever it is from, I suggest it gets its-self out and about abit more.

This diatribe, is nothing more than toot, Lamps, you of all people should be able to spot that....! :o

Oh and by the way, The Lions are a Rugby team.


. You were reading this forum for a fookin long time earlier and said nothin in reply to me, till someone else left a reply.

The gent is talkin <deleted> weather you think we noticed his thinly veiled insults or not.

The bait was set for you Lamps, you didn't have the <deleted> to reply till someone else did. Says it all.....................!!!!! :o


Actually, you're wrong there I'm afraid. As you well know I run an internet cafe among other things, so I am logged on 24/7 on one machine. I'm sometimes called away for hours while reading a topic. It's still there when I come back. Still lad 'Sticks and stones' But then again you think anyone who disagrees with you is " Talking <deleted> <deleted>" Don't worry though. It's a common Northern trait, and who am I to say different? After all you are the expert :D


I half expected the various responses but am still a little disappointed at the level of invective which substitutes for argument, nevertheless. The notable exception being Lampy who had the wit to understand the post, the point of which has yet, it seems, to be understood by others less discerning.

I shall await in hope. Incidentally, Redrus, my reference to lions was intentional. Try reading the post again.......... Incidentally, my provenance is irrelevant but such a notion may be alien to those addicted to tribalism, one of the points I was trying to make in my post. The irony is positively delicious.

Apropos the thread, Man U's perceived decline has been caused by Fergie's obssesive belief in that clapped out old warhorse, Keane, who should have been replaced at least two years ago. Sentiment can be a terrible weakness.


Then addicted to tribalism I shall happily remain. You two don't even have an argument, you both seem to be fightin the same good cause but, taliking <deleted> at the same time. Lets get the point accross so I can go on my merry tribalistic way.

Lamps I know and you know how long you were looking in this thread. There are simple ways of seeing the last time you moved in the forum and where you were in it.

Now then, the gent, I have no idea what you're doing in this thread. For a thread disscussing the decline of United, I don't suppose its a pre-requisite to know where you're from or who you support but, sitting in the background and waiting while you think of some side splittingly tasty irony with which tantalise our otherwise mundane lives, is generally the act of someone who does not want to talk about said subject but, instead wishes to upset it. Thats as politly as I can put it. :D

United are not in decline but, as already said in a slump.

Thanks for the laugh though fella's..... :o



Carling Cup final tomorrow

2nd in the Premier League

I don't think we are in decline, just in a ruff patch even with the above stated.

No one team can be the best all the time, but the best teams are always there or there abouts, which being the club we are, we always will be.

As for the gent, I saw his post as being directed as a jibe towards all football fans, not just northerners or fairys. I do actually find his posts quite funny with his sheer audacity.


This is all going way over my head...

I really don't understand what all this "baiting" is about.

North -Soth divide.... thats <deleted> for a start, I have as many mates from the north as the south... yeah banter is fine....but this seems to be going beyond this..

Why don't you all take a break and watch whatever Fottie is on the telly.

Remember lads... IT'S ONLY A GAME

Happy whatever to you all... calm down, calm down for <deleted>'s sake





TP, the voice of reason, sounding and spelling like a Scouser..... :o

I love Fotie me like. :D

Cheers fella.....


Being dragged to watch the egg chucking this afternoon though England V Scotland, I know, I'm a heathen. :D It'll be a laugh though........ I'll be back later tomorrow for my slating after The Latics do us. :D

I don't know where the gent is from. He maybe a septic, he maybe British, he maybe a woman, who knows....! Where-ever it is from, I suggest it gets its-self out and about abit more.

This diatribe, is nothing more than toot, Lamps, you of all people should be able to spot that....! :o

Oh and by the way, The Lions are a Rugby team.


I think he's a football hater, although I've got to admit that some of what he says rings true. Also don't forget the England football teams are knicknamed "The Lions" as well. Just look at their shirts. But what I don't understand is that when you referred to the Lions Rugby team, he changed his story a bit. I think he's a well known member going under another name to wind everybody up. A bit like the World famous " Siam Supershite" I love football and support every English team in Europe. I don't care if it's the "Scum" or the " <deleted>" as you Northern so called football lovers call each other, I still cheer them all on. On the domestic front it's different, I've been a Chelsea fan since I realised Charlie Cooke wasn't a chef. But even then I would not wish any harm on my fellow supporters like you lot up there. OK we've got the same sort ' daan souff' probably more so, but I havn't seen them brag about it on the forum. In fact Chelsea have got a reputation for having some of the worst supporters in the land. Real nutters. They probably can't write though.


I don't know where the gent is from. He maybe a septic, he maybe British, he maybe a woman, who knows....! Where-ever it is from, I suggest it gets its-self out and about abit more.

This diatribe, is nothing more than toot, Lamps, you of all people should be able to spot that....! :o

Oh and by the way, The Lions are a Rugby team.


I think he's a football hater, although I've got to admit that some of what he says rings true. Also don't forget the England football teams are knicknamed "The Lions" as well. Just look at their shirts. But what I don't understand is that when you referred to the Lions Rugby team, he changed his story a bit. I think he's a well known member going under another name to wind everybody up. A bit like the World famous " Siam Supershite" I love football and support every English team in Europe. I don't care if it's the "Scum" or the " <deleted>" as you Northern so called football lovers call each other, I still cheer them all on. On the domestic front it's different, I've been a Chelsea fan since I realised Charlie Cooke wasn't a chef. But even then I would not wish any harm on my fellow supporters like you lot up there. OK we've got the same sort ' daan souff' probably more so, but I havn't seen them brag about it on the forum. In fact Chelsea have got a reputation for having some of the worst supporters in the land. Real nutters. They probably can't write though.

Actually Lamps you do talk a lot of sense most of the time. As you know I am a United supporter, but I would also not want any harm to come to the other fans. We have football violance as well you know back in Finland ( altghough I havn't been back for a white) And Redrus...can you not see it when someone is having a joke with you?


Considering it was the bitter bredblue who started this thred i would like to be the first to offer my congrats.

HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY mr Bitter Blue. Today is the anno of Citys last trophy. 26th February 1976. 10958 days without a trophy. Never mind Bred you might win one in your lifetime.

By the way it would be very fitting if we win another trophy today, don't you think.

Headlines 2 morro in the Manc Evening news.

Utd win another trophy on Citys anno. Got a nice ring to it me thinks. :o

Considering it was the bitter bredblue who started this thred i would like to be the first to offer my congrats.

HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY mr Bitter Blue. Today is the anno of Citys last trophy. 26th February 1976. 10958 days without a trophy. Never mind Bred you might win one in your lifetime.

By the way it would be very fitting if we win another trophy today, don't you think.

Headlines 2 morro in the Manc Evening news.

Utd win another trophy on Citys anno. Got a nice ring to it me thinks. :o

And in 10 years time today it might be the anniversary of Wigan's first major trophey. Don't put the mockers on it jjp, United need this one.


Considering it was the bitter bredblue who started this thred i would like to be the first to offer my congrats.

HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY mr Bitter Blue. Today is the anno of Citys last trophy. 26th February 1976. 10958 days without a trophy. Never mind Bred you might win one in your lifetime.

By the way it would be very fitting if we win another trophy today, don't you think.

Headlines 2 morro in the Manc Evening news.

Utd win another trophy on Citys anno. Got a nice ring to it me thinks. :o

And in 10 years time today it might be the anniversary of Wigan's first major trophey. Don't put the mockers on it jjp, United need this one.

He doesn't have to put the mockers on it...Wigan are a far better all round team at the moment.


I don't know where the gent is from. He maybe a septic, he maybe British, he maybe a woman, who knows....! Where-ever it is from, I suggest it gets its-self out and about abit more.

This diatribe, is nothing more than toot, Lamps, you of all people should be able to spot that....! :D

Oh and by the way, The Lions are a Rugby team.


I think he's a football hater, although I've got to admit that some of what he says rings true. Also don't forget the England football teams are knicknamed "The Lions" as well. Just look at their shirts. But what I don't understand is that when you referred to the Lions Rugby team, he changed his story a bit. I think he's a well known member going under another name to wind everybody up. A bit like the World famous " Siam Supershite" I love football and support every English team in Europe. I don't care if it's the "Scum" or the " <deleted>" as you Northern so called football lovers call each other, I still cheer them all on. On the domestic front it's different, I've been a Chelsea fan since I realised Charlie Cooke wasn't a chef. But even then I would not wish any harm on my fellow supporters like you lot up there. OK we've got the same sort ' daan souff' probably more so, but I havn't seen them brag about it on the forum. In fact Chelsea have got a reputation for having some of the worst supporters in the land. Real nutters. They probably can't write though.


I don't know where the gent is from. He maybe a septic, he maybe British, he maybe a woman, who knows....! Where-ever it is from, I suggest it gets its-self out and about abit more.

This diatribe, is nothing more than toot, Lamps, you of all people should be able to spot that....! :D

Oh and by the way, The Lions are a Rugby team.


I think he's a football hater, although I've got to admit that some of what he says rings true. Also don't forget the England football teams are knicknamed "The Lions" as well. Just look at their shirts. But what I don't understand is that when you referred to the Lions Rugby team, he changed his story a bit. I think he's a well known member going under another name to wind everybody up. A bit like the World famous " Siam Supershite" I love football and support every English team in Europe. I don't care if it's the "Scum" or the " <deleted>" as you Northern so called football lovers call each other, I still cheer them all on. On the domestic front it's different, I've been a Chelsea fan since I realised Charlie Cooke wasn't a chef. But even then I would not wish any harm on my fellow supporters like you lot up there. OK we've got the same sort ' daan souff' probably more so, but I havn't seen them brag about it on the forum. In fact Chelsea have got a reputation for having some of the worst supporters in the land. Real nutters. They probably can't write though.

Actually Lamps you do talk a lot of sense most of the time. As you know I am a United supporter, but I would also not want any harm to come to the other fans. We have football violance as well you know back in Finland ( altghough I havn't been back for a white) And Redrus...can you not see it when someone is having a joke with you?

Yes, I can. I can also see it thrown back. Can you.! :D



That's right, just having a bit of fun my way whilst making serious points.

For the record, I am not someone else, I am me. I am not a football hater at all, I enjoy it immensely for many reasons not least because of the odd chance some skill may be displayed. Finally, it is probably correct that I know " <deleted> all " about the game....I have been a Man U supporter since 1965ish. Bloody h-ell, there's a confession for you!

That's right, just having a bit of fun my way whilst making serious points.

For the record, I am not someone else, I am me. I am not a football hater at all, I enjoy it immensely for many reasons not least because of the odd chance some skill may be displayed. Finally, it is probably correct that I know " <deleted> all " about the game....I have been a Man U supporter since 1965ish. Bloody h-ell, there's a confession for you!

Cheers fella.

I like honesty, and its nice to know somethin about you. Makes it a liccle less one sided. Don't put yourself down though. :o:D


....I have been a Man U supporter since 1965ish. Bloody h-ell, there's a confession for you!

I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew there was something I didn't like about you :o


Have to say that United were pretty awsesome against Wigan yesterday.

Wigan had their moments, but it was a class demolotion by United.

So the first bit of silverware this year is wrested from Chelsea by United!!!

Have to say that United were pretty awsesome against Wigan yesterday.

Wigan had their moments, but it was a class demolotion by United.

So the first bit of silverware this year is wrested from Chelsea by United!!!

Yes.........well played United :o


we just need two new midfielders and we might push chelsea next year a good win well deserved.

all we have to look forward to now is trying to pip the vermin for 2nd.

should go down to the wire,but i think we might just get 2nd.


Have to say that United were pretty awsesome against Wigan yesterday.

Wigan had their moments, but it was a class demolotion by United.

So the first bit of silverware this year is wrested from Chelsea by United!!!

Yes.........well played United :D

Cheese and rice, I'm gonna leave this one hanging in the air for all to see and say no more.

Well done Lamps and thankyou all for your kind words. :o:D


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